We have described and analyzed emotions in two different categories; one of them divides emotions into positive and negative, the other classification allows us to face them from the perspective of their psychic power, separating them into slight and powerful (Posts EMOTIONS AND THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM, and THE POWER OF EMOTIONS).
This Post explains the personal method of self-control and self-liberation of negative emotions, using self-suggestibility.
We will use 2 activities only for the self-liberation of negative emotions: the walk and the use of suggestion by ourselves.
The objective of walking and practicing the WALK-RWD System is to feel good about ourselves, by providing us with moments of relaxation and sometimes achieving euphoria by feeling happy and cheerful. The substances that are generated by walking, such as serotonin, dopamine, endorphin and oxytocin (Future Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE HORMONES OF HAPPINESS) cause a sense of well-being and that counteracts negative emotions. Walking is the release of those emotions that affect the human being in general.
When we can authentically say to ourselves: I pamper myself, I manage to please myself, I accept myself, etc., it allows us to make ourselves feel good and thus we can manage to eliminate negative emotions, or at least we reduce their destructive force. By improving the state of mind, we can counteract the negative emotions and feelings that overwhelm the psyche (parasympathetic system); lowering the level of frustration and other negative feelings, by the mere fact of taking care of ourselves with appreciation, with true esteem. If we are not able to transmit to our individual unconscious with authenticity this affection for ourselves, we will not achieve the self-liberation of the negative emotion that affects us.
Just as we have commented on the importance of performing catharsis by walking, that is to say, an oral and reliable confession, out loud, while walking (Posts WALK AND READ IN LOUD VOICE, THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM ENCOURAGES CREATIVE THINKING. PART I; and future Post PSYCHOANALYSIS AND THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM), in the same way self-suggestibility works best as a liberator of negative emotions, when we repeat aloud, a certain appropriate phrase, an adequate number of times, while walking.
All the methods we propose, including the one presented in this post, take into account the concept of “Pyramidal Increase” in relation to emotions. This means that the way emotions act, both positive and negative, is with ascending and descending effects in their development and concomitant evolution. A marginal amount of negative emotion -which are the ones we are most interested in confronting- can fall in this pyramidal process of increase -or decrease- until reaching uncontrollable and therefore very destructive levels. Each procedure has its participation in this pyramidal process, according to its own characteristics; however, in all of them that we will expose in the future -including the present method of autosuggestionality- a mechanism of embedding some attenuating or eliminating element or factor of the harmful, uncontrolled emotions is used, with the purpose of counteracting their ascent or descent in their evolution and growth.
The method contains 4 phases or steps that are indicated below.
1.- THE EMOTION. We will have to analyze and clearly define the negative emotion that invades us. If there are several of them, we will have to separate them for their independent attention.
The procedure works in a generalized way for any type of pathogenic emotion. We have to dedicate some time to analyze the type of emotion we are suffering, its harmful characteristics, the effect it causes us, detect -if possible- its cause, because this will give us more information for the construction of the phrase, the adequate and beneficial phrase, getting ready to walk, repeating it out loud, during the time we are walking.
2.-CONSTRUCTION OF A PHRASE. In this phase, we will proceed to build a liberating phrase. Each emotion detected and analyzed by ourselves should be addressed with a healing phrase.
The phrase must be carefully analyzed according to what you want to solve. The way to correctly construct the type of phrase and define the appropriate number of times it should be repeated is defined and presented below.
First of all, we must take into account that the Phrase we use must be simple and positive. Never use the word NO, nor negative formats, so that it does not force us to any reasoning and thus does not obstruct the participation of the unconscious and it can flow freely, which is the mental function that will seek to assimilate the phrase and generate the affirmative and healing process. The less we use reasoning the better.
We will have to use the EROS factor to lead our minds towards thoughts that guarantee adequate and convenient behaviors for the achievement of constructive and healing purposes. There is a tendency in human beings to observe or perceive the negative aspects of their own being (Thanatos) that obscures the positive vision of their own abilities and capacities, which will have to be confronted in a timely manner.
In this step we will also have to become aware of what we are prepared physically, mentally, intellectually, professionally, at work, etc., to deal with our emotional problem. We must know for ourselves our aptitudes, our true desires and accept our incapacities. Authenticity with ourselves and objectivity are healthy weapons that always lead us to healing. We must understand that in oneself lies the solution to the issues we have to solve in the future; however, we should not burden ourselves with guilt, mistakes or imperfections, before embarking on the realization of a concrete goal. Let us always think that everything will turn out well.
3.-WALKING. The third step is to walk choosing a pleasant environment and path. You should walk in a safe, accessible and comfortable place that allows you to be relaxed, preferably in the middle of nature.
We have expressed in a previous post that “The WALK-RWD System is a recurrent, daily form that combines this walking -sometimes wandering and sometimes very defined- with 3 other activities (reading, writing and drawing) that also organize it -consciously and unconsciously- and lead it towards several concrete objectives: 1) Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, 2) Creativity and artistic creation, 3) Concentration, relaxation, meditation and contemplation, 4) Mind-body harmony, 5) Understanding and acceptance of oneself, 6) Perception and knowledge of reality. In an integral way it is achieved: the taste of and for living”. It is clear that the system leads us to the liberation of negative emotions and allows us to value the capabilities of our own self-esteem.
We have also mentioned that “Keeping ourselves walking in a recurrent way, we arouse mental and emotional negations (insecurities, prejudices, distrust, hesitations, indecisions, negative ideas, fears, doubts, phobias, manias, hatreds, etc. ), in any degree of development, that have been stored -furtive and silent- within our interiority, begin to become positive affirmations, by the mere fact of us moving forward as we walk, physically and symbolically, in space and time.” (Posts THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM ENCOURAGES CREATIVE THINKING. PART I, THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE SELF-PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES; future Posts A GOOD WALK AND A GOOD BREAKFAST, THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE, DIALOGUE WITH OURSELVES. THE BIG IDEAS). A symbolic aspect that we have internalized and engraved in our individual and collective unconscious, since the human being walked on Earth: Every time we set out to walk, we are subliminally signaling that we are going to advance in any of the ways we wish to do it, in the emotional, physical, intellectual, etc. and in any other of the attitudes in which we wish to strengthen ourselves, and of course, to evolve. The walking of the human being, the physical movement from one place to another, contains the symbolism of the metamorphosis of the being as he moves from one circumstance to another, as if he were transforming himself, by moving on his own feet, from one physical-sensitive stage to another, with different sensitivities and bodily manifestations; moving from one emotional state to another.
4.-PARTICIPATION OF THE UNCONSCIOUS. In this phase we will incorporate the participation of the unconscious. As we have already pointed out, the Phrase must be carefully analyzed according to what we wish to solve, in such a way that it contains conceptions, thoughts and meanings that counteract what we wish to combat and eliminate. For example, if you are afraid of the interview you will have to get a job, the Phrase should contain a full certainty that you will be able to get the job: “I will get this job because I have the necessary experience and knowledge, and they will hire me”, or something like that. It should be repeated aloud (Post WALK AND READ IN LOUD VOICE). The frequency and number of times to repeat the phrase will depend on the personal situation: if you have little, medium or great insecurity, then we must define these two factors according to our personal case, as we feel. We could define as periodicity: every day, from here until you have the appointment; and the reiteration could be: repeat it out loud as many times as you can, during the time that the walk lasts, for example 30 minutes, depending on the availability of time.
We already pointed out in the Post EMOTIONS AND THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM and I would like to repeat it: “This functional unitary relationship between the physical and the mental, besides strengthening biunivocally, brings along a mechanism of emotional psychological effect, that combines several emotions: in first level, love, joy and happiness, and in second instance: enthusiasm, hope and satisfaction, that in most of the cases reaches euphoria. This last level is recognized because from the awareness that starts from the second emotional level towards the first one, it reaches the direct and liberated (expressive) transmission towards the unconscious as an expressive (liberated) or unperturbed and ignited desire or impulse, which generally always remains reduced, subdued and sometimes paralyzed, and from all this emanates its importance and its level of effectiveness in our mental and physical health, because it is exclusively directed towards ourselves. That conscience that is taken as we go through the emotions patentized by its effects in the state of mind of the person that executes the WALK-RWD system and that walks through that state of mind-emotional directly towards its individual unconscious. The challenge is to achieve to patentize that feeling, that ‘help’, that love and care for ourselves, because if we achieve it, we will be able to face any disturbing emotion”.
As we already know, our unconscious is working 24 hours a day. It does not rest for a second, it is always awake. It works throughout the day and night.
There is no doubt that through dreams the unconscious transmits to us knowledge of ourselves, and surely a part of that communication functions as an effective catharsis. However, for both benefits, additional work is required to really obtain an effective result.
It is different to act and use the unconscious during wakefulness. To resort to the method of one’s own suggestibility, while the vigil is in progress, it is highly recommended, first of all, that we feel calm, walking alone, on a safe and pleasant path, so that we can transmit the phrase (or several, and all of them positive), repeating it aloud to our unconscious in an effective way and so it can assimilate it better and faster, achieving sure success, because the result contained in the designed phrase will be obtained. The unconscious transforms the phrase into a reality, and this is done more safely when we are walking (Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM ENCOURAGES CREATIVE THINKING. PART I; and Future Posts THE CONSCIOUS AND THE UNCONSCIOUS IN THE APPLICATION OF THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM; WALKING THE 4 PATHS OF THE UNCONSCIOUS; THE CONSCIOUS AND THE UNCONSCIOUS IN UNITY, FOR THE ACHIEVEMENT OF OBJECTIVES; THE FUNCTION OF THE UNCONSCIOUS, A FICTITIOUS OR REAL PATH? WORTHY OR DANGEROUS?).
Every positive thought that the unconscious makes its own, is an inescapable and unpostponable SENTENCE, which becomes a real fact in the future.
The desire to improve in future scenarios – near or far – embraces innumerable aspects of the existence of the human being (health, work, happiness, family, and a very long etcetera) and all of them can always be transformed into real facts, into positive achievements: It only requires two activities: walking and repeating a Phrase out loud. The time dedicated to these two is variable, but in my experience, only ½ hour a day is required, during a peremptory period of days. The periodicity will be of one day, two days, or more, according to the time needed until we have abolished and destroyed that unhealthy emotion.

Lastly, and repeatedly, I would like to warn that we should avoid negative thoughts, because the unconscious can make them its own and turn them into reality. I am a staunch believer in the strength and power of both the individual and the collective unconscious, so I recommend that we should be very careful with self-critical, malignant and destructive ideas. THE INDIVIDUAL UNCONSCIOUS IS THE GENIE IN ALADDIN’S LAMP.

The aforementioned fear is a typical case of negative emotions: unhealthy, harmful, pathogenic. Let us not say or think anything negative, because the unconscious makes it its own. Let’s be positive, optimistic, upbeat, convinced and hopeful, while we walk.
A case of negative format, would be the following: I will not allow anyone to make me feel bad emotionally. We could say the same thing, but affirming: I feel good emotionally… I am good emotionally… and everything is going to be perfect for me.
If we subtly analyze the negative format, we will see that the mind enters into a process of denial, and this is not behaviorally favorable to give the message to the unconscious, because it drags this confused state and we also invite the reasoning mind to participate, precisely because of its flow of denial. This other aspect is the one that is built with the THANATOS factor -contrary to EROS- which is constituted by negative thoughts. Suggestion is achieved in the same way but with harmful, noxious, destructive and damaging ideas for the individual who bends to this instinct. In this scenario the THANATOS factor participates to lead the conditioned minds, towards thoughts that guarantee purely negative behaviors that prevent the achievement of positive and healing purposes. Negative emotions start to dance in an uncontrolled way.
1.-The knowledge of emotion is the psychological element that allows us to liberate ourselves.
2.- The phrase is the most powerful rational verbal resource of the method.
3.- Walking is the most effective and direct structural mechanism to send to the unconscious the verbal message for the achievement of self-control and liberation from negative emotion.
4.- The unconscious is the agent to perform the healing sublimation.
Let us always be affirmative and positive; in this way, we will forever break insecurity and negativity in our behavior and attitudes, and above all, we will drive away powerful and negative emotions. With the realization of these 4 steps, let us prepare ourselves to control and free ourselves from negative emotions, using our own soul auto-suggestion.
Let’s free our being from those negative emotions that hurt us so much, by walking and applying the preceding method.