I would like to introduce myself in this post by commenting on what I have conveyed in different ways about the reasons that led me to share this system. The main one was the importance of reading, writing and drawing while we walk, however, there are other reasons and one of them was the one that was spurring me on for years about what this walk produced when I read, wrote or drew. I felt that something new was being generated in my organism and more in the brain than in the rest of my body. There was a time when I solved the enigma by considering that the brain responded differently when I read or wrote, because ideas appeared in my mind that hardly came close to my SATORI (castalia, numen), when I was at rest. The intellectual capacity, imagination, memory and creativity are increased, and the potentialities to learn and process the data and information that we read and write are potentialized. The answer – I sensed – was that the brain was producing substances in greater proportions when carrying out these 4 activities, either simultaneously or separately, but always walking. I also commented – about 2 years ago – I just started to transmit these experiences, that “It’s difficult to scientifically demonstrate these possibilities that walking leads us to better levels of our mind. Nevertheless, the experience has been enough to consider it. Mental capacities increase when we walk, so it is advisable that we do the activities of reading and writing, plus drawing, during these walks. We must experience it ourselves and draw our own conclusions and also evaluate the results through these practices.”
Now, I have been able to increase the field of visualization of the WALK component towards other spheres of research and I am more motivated because everything I sensed was much more incontrovertible and with a greater impact on other parts of our organism.
By keeping us walking in a recurrent way, just by doing this activity -without incorporating any other-, we promote that our body, generates by itself, certain substances in our organism that are fundamental for its proper functioning. We should not refuse to walk, but periodically do so throughout our lives, as this propels and nourishes all our vital systems and organs.
I have already commented on the production of organic substances in posts THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM ENCOURAGES CREATIVE THINKING. PART I, and something else in post (future) THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE. I have expressed the following: “The coordinated movement that is generated in the walk causes the brain to produce several substances (ENDOCRINE SYSTEM) such as Endorphins, Catecholamines, Adrenaline, Enzymes, Pheromones, Glycogen, Immunoglobin, Interferons, Lymphocytes, Myoglobin, Neurotrophins, etc., which in turn stimulate the development and full functioning of the neurons, considerably increasing the number of connections between them (synapses) and the functional areas of the brain itself”.
Regarding enzyme production, it will be presented especially in the future Post ENZYMES AND THE WALK, as well as the analysis and importance of tears in future Post WALKING AND TEARS.
Indeed, these are the endocrine substances of the brain plus others, which together number almost a hundred (see table below), and are fundamental to the operation of the remaining systems of the body. The great thing is that we manufacture them ourselves and supply them to their different destinations, according to their needs and the messages from the brain and each of the other systems and organs, in perfect coordination.

We have called them substances but in other specialized documents they are called fluids, liquids, hormones, glandular products, chemical mediators, etc., and they all have different densities, as some are thick, condensed, dense, heavy or viscous; others are sticky, pasty, greasy, solidified or concentrated; while still others are diluted, fluid, liquid or light. Regardless of their viscosity, all of them are indispensable for the functioning of our entire organism.
In general, they are substances of the protein type – although not all of them – which allow various types of neurons to function better and to increase their lifespan. Protein and other materials that are generated by our own body are transported by the blood and the cells (the glands) achieve the required transformation, to generate other substances in turn, to feed other systems and groups of cells (neurons) so that they develop properly and support them in staying alive. However, some substances produced by our glands are beneficial but some are also de-stimulating. The gland is a collection of cells that, through the tissue fluid, produces replacement substances using materials obtained from the blood and from there they pass into the tissue fluid itself. The glands are classified, according to their type of secretion, into endocrines which secrete the substances into the same tissue fluid or into the blood; and exocrines which secrete externally. They are also divided, according to their structure, into epithelials and lymphoids.
In short, the blood and lymph ducts (tissue fluid) carry the substances produced in all systems, organs and glands throughout the body.
It is certain that some glands, in addition to producing certain specific substances, also have the function of having a certain influence – stimulating or not – on other glands (and organs), that of assisting or discouraging, that of controlling or disrupting, either directly or by means of their own substances, by having direct contact with the other glands’ own hormones. The specific levels and effects are not known for certain. The fundamental cases are those of the Pineal, Thymus, Thyroid, Pituitary and Adrenal glands.

Physical exercise (WALKING) keeps the brain active.
Physical exercise (WALKING) and mental exercise (READING, WRITING AND DRAWING) stimulate the brain in an intense way that in turn produces positive impulses towards other parts of one’s own brain and other physiological systems of the body.
We have already commented that the core issue is not only the harmonic development of the brain, but the creation of new ways in its functioning, which involves the use of brain areas that have been left unused (Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM ENCOURAGES CREATIVE THINKING. PART I); but they also impact the rest of the systems and organs of the whole human body.

The external environment generates stimuli that provoke actions and reactions in all orders of behavior and in the physical, mental and emotional functioning. Our reactions respond in a positive but also negative way. In other words, external stimuli generate in our organism the production of substances to activate certain physiological processes but also discourage the production of other chemical mediators.
We can affirm that through the system of walking and the development of the activities structured within it, it allows the stimulating and dis-stimulating generation of all these substances, according to the following schematic sequence. I want to make it clear that the dis stimulation (inhibition) is not a negative action, but also a “toning up” towards certain glands to balance some processes and counteract the effects of contraction (breathing, vasoconstrictor, cardiac pulse, etc.), discomfort due to some scratch or blow, bad footfall, or some emotional upset or disorder, etc.

As we said, an important part of the distribution of substances in the body is carried out through the circulation of blood (blood vascular system) and tissue fluid (lymphatic vascular system), along the systemic set of blood and tissue vessels, whose driving force is received from the heart by its contraction-dilation mechanism, as the main organ of the vascular system.
In general, the external environment has a determining influence, day by day, on our physical, mental and emotional responses and on the functioning of our whole body.
By incorporating the WALK-RWD system into our lives, as a necessary activity, we can ensure that our organic systems, both physical and mental, respond in a harmonious and balanced way. To better illustrate this way of incorporating it we must break with some behavioral processes that generate wrong responses in our organism, when it responds to our physiological needs, (Posts THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE HABITS, NEGATIVE HABITS AND HOW TO COMBAT THEM-GENERAL CASES, COMBATING SOME ENEMIES WITH THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM: OBESITY).
Human behavioral processes are chains of activities and negative habits are vicious circles that fortunately can be broken by incorporating the WALK-RWD system. “To eliminate a bad habit it is necessary to break with the respective chain in any of its activities; for which it will be necessary to look for the weakest and most accessible point or points to achieve a break with the chain of those activities, behaviors and needs”.
Let’s keep in mind that there is a very big variability in the generation of the organic type substances, because although all of them have their own process of production, regeneration and physiological administration, there are some that remain more stable than others, in terms of volume and quality. We mention them because all of them are supporting the good performance of the functioning of the different systems and organs, and in different ways they are interrelated.
Let’s talk about some substances. Of course, we will do so to better understand how each one is generated by a different gland or organ and also has totally different functions. We will do it in a very succinct way and each one of us will be able to investigate the one or the ones that we think we should know better because they may be related to some specific behavior, that we want to understand better or because we consider that they are not responding adequately in our organism.

The following paragraph is a quote from Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM STIMULATES CREATIVE THINKING. PART I, in which we talk about the convolutions of the brain, expressing: “In this whole period of walking, the brain seeks to ‘stabilize’ itself, giving instructions both to its own organic unit (brain gyros and neurotransmitters), and to other systems, glands and organs; […] and also other important parts of the brain (brain circles or neurotransmitters) which are vicariant and come into operation (new and different functions, not the traditional known ones) to reactivate and re-establish the parts that intervene in the search and achievement of a stabilization to be able to replace them. […]Catharsis can be improved by applying the WALK-RWD system by causing the brain to constantly seek to preserve and restore its balance – during the period of walking – by rebalancing itself mechanically, psychically and neurologically with the well-known propagation of nerve-neuronal impulses to the other functional (dormant or lethargic) areas of the brain itself (gyrating and neuro-mechanisms of the brain) and other organs, systems and glands of the whole organism”.
I have decided to quote this text for the sole purpose of underlining the brain’s convolutions which are linked to the Ridges and Furrows and which make up the cerebral cortex; Perhaps the grey and white substances, which make up these three brain elements, are one of the most important, and because these areas when stimulated by the Walk-RWD system, since as we specified in previous paragraphs – I repeat – “the central issue is not only the harmonious development of the brain, but the creation of new ways in its functioning, which involve the use of brain areas that have become unusable”. The practice of the walking system and the development of its structured activities (reading, writing and drawing), allows us to stimulate the production and regeneration of these two substances – grey and white – by the brain itself.
Of course, apart from the substances we are analyzing, the WALK-RWD system also stimulates the neuronal production of brain cells, but we detail this in a future post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE NEURONAL SELF-GENERATION OF THE BRAIN.
One more thing, the cerebellum, made up of both white and grey substances, also has the function of maintaining the body’s posture and balance. The cerebrospinal fluid is generated by the vascular epithelium (gland) and is located inside the ventricles of the brain and in the meningeal spaces of the medulla and the brain; it has a buffer function but mainly as a reconstituting, repairing and nourishing element for the neurons.
From this first group of substances produced in the brain itself, we can deduce that these are the main ones that promote the optimal functioning of the brain, and beyond. However, from this moment I would like to point out that there are probably other substances that directly impact on neurons and “sleeping” areas of the brain that we do not really know their impact or what they are. I mention this because I have had such experiences and perhaps in addition to this previous group, some others are involved in this task of stimulating and invigorating the mind.
Thyroxine or Thyroid Hormone: balances the metabolism and normal growth of the human being. It also works as a catalyst that increases the oxidation of the cells.
Deoxicorticosterone Acetate (Adrenal Glands, Adrenal Cortex): regulates fluid balance.
Cortisone (Adrenal Glands, Adrenal Cortex): regulates the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Stimulates glycogen production. It also partly helps in stress management.
Dermcidin: it is a protein-based substance that is generated in the sweat glands located throughout the epidermal surface of the human body, and the generation of sweat is the means we use to distribute it over the skin. It is a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic that works as an antimicrobial on the skin, defending it from the attacks of certain bacteria and fighting epidermal infections.
Epinephrine or Adrenaline generates the so-called “emergency situations” or stress: it regulates emotional situations and creates favorable states that allow immediate emergency or stress situations to be dealt with.
Estrin or Follicle Hormone: regulates the changes generated in the menstrual cycle in women.
Progesterone or Progestin: stimulates and controls the uterus for egg implantation in a woman. Promotes the growth of her mammary glands.
Somatotropic Hormone (STH): Stimulates and regulates the growth of bones, muscles and viscera. It participates in the regulation of protein metabolism.
Aqueous humor and vitreous humor: they partly support the Crystalline and the Retina.
AdrenocorticTropic Hormone (ACTH): regulates the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It also participates in the regulation of the absorption of some substances by the kidney.
Thyrotrophic Hormone (HTT): stimulates and regulates the metabolism and the Thyroid gland itself, in terms of maintaining its structure and secretory activity.
Parathyroid hormones (HPTT): regulates the metabolism in general.
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH): stimulates and regulates the follicle, the maturation of the gland. Controls seminiferous secretion. Regulates sexual activity in general. It is responsible for the immune system.
Lactogenic Hormone (LH): Normalizes the activity of the secretory cells of the testicles and ovaries. It controls lactogenic secretion.
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH): controls the absorption of water by the kidney. It regulates the water and electrolyte balance of the liquid volumes of the whole body.
Prolactin or Lactogenic Hormone (LH): Normalizes the activity of the secretory cells of the testicles and ovaries. It controls lactogenic secretion.
Adrenotropic Hormone (ATH): stimulates and regulates the activities of the Adrenal Glands
Anti-Hueretic Hormone regulates the absorption of water from the kidney; it maintains the water and electrolyte balance of the whole body.
Oxytocin or Oxytocic Hormone: controls and regulates the contractions of the uterus during childbirth.
Pituitary stimulates and regulates the movements of certain muscles in the body. It increases blood pressure and as a reflex it slows down the heart rate. It dilates the cerebral and renal vessels, it also contracts the pulmonary and coronary vessels.
Intermediate Hormone: restricts the evacuation or elimination of water.
As you can see in this reduced selection, the functions entrusted to the various glands and organs, with their respective substances, are sufficient to make us realize the importance they have in their organic and physiological participation, and essentially mental and cerebral.
I would like to point out that some of the substances that I have mentioned are produced by glands that I have dedicated a specific publication to them, because of the importance that I consider them to have within our WALK-RWD system; so we can refer to the corresponding (future) post, this with the aim of not being repetitive; namely
Now, what happens with the WALK-RWD system in relation to the production and regeneration of organic substances.
The practice of the walking system and the development of its structured activities (reading, writing and drawing), allows us to stimulate the production and regeneration of these substances. As far as possible, we will be able to communicate and explain, in separate posts, about each of the substances that our own body produces and that have a close relationship with walking.
For now, what we have to do is to start walking and take a book and a notebook, to enjoy a magical journey, which will also put us in a healthy position, because our whole body will work to harmonize – as only he knows – all their organic systems.
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