
We can ask why and what to read? In the majority of human communities that historically have had access to reading, there has always been a percentage of people who love to read and want to read, which incidentally, has been a low level; as well as another percentage who can not or do not like reading; this has been much higher.

The purposes pursued by those individuals who read are varied, however, there is a group that does know how to think or what other people think. This activity can be performed without the need to generate a discussion or confrontation of ideas without the obligation to go to an enclosure to hear them. It’s really simple bear the thought of an individual anywhere and be able to listen whenever they wish; taking with us the book where that person poured his thoughts; we can open and close on the occasions when we want to hear; those ideas, speeches, experiences, poems, finally, any thought that the author was exposed, described or referenced in his work.

There are a number of benefits to be achieved in these cases to obtain information, which can include:

1.-Know the thought of other individuals, whether past, very remote or contemporaneous to the reader.

2.-Know the developments that have taken an idea or concept in time.

3.-Move to distant places visited and described by the author of the book.

4.-Know frames different from those experienced by the reader itself circumstantial events, allowing you to live different lives to his.

And dozens of satisfactions.

But why a sector of a population needs this kind of information? There is a fundamental reason is that people require these experiences, of that information. Whether consciously or unconsciously man seeks answers to your inner self; that is, the work chosen is part of the answer they’re looking for, but really want their interiority answer them. In a group of people belonging to the same culture and with a similar socioeconomic status, we find individuals who are inclined to reading and others do not, and the main reason is that the former have the need to know themselves better and reluctant reading prefer to live life without question.

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