We could say that this post is an applied theoretical-practical continuation of Post LISTENING TO OUR BODY WHILE WALKING.

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For harmony and health to flow throughout the body, it is necessary that it is in perfect condition, and for this we must take care of it permanently, at the same time that we are listening to it.

The more we know our body, the better we can take care of it.

To know it and take care of it we need to observe it, listen to it, attend to its needs, respect its exhaustion, pay attention to its limitations and insufficiencies, rest it, love it, keep it away from dangers, and exercise it by walking. Although I remember that someone said that commenting on this in this way was an unhealthy view, since it was a dissociation between the self and the body, a view with which I do not agree.

In order to concentrate on what interests us about the care of our organism, we have proceeded to differentiate the different Bodies that make up Human Nature. For the purposes of its care, in my opinion, there are 4 “bodies” that constitute it:

a.            Physical body itself: trunk, arms, hands, legs, spine, muscles, bones, etc.

b.            Functional or systemic body: Organs, glands and the systems of the being itself.

c.            Cerebral body: Brain and mind.

d.            Spiritual and almathic body.

Some of the systems, such as the sexual, endocrine, lymphatic, nervous, and others, are constituted in such a way that they form part of the 4 body categories indicated, or of some of them.

For each of these “bodies”, we will have to proceed in a different way to give them their specific care.

Likewise, there are several different circumstances, environments and levels of functioning in which the human body requires attention and care:

1. While walking.

2. While performing any other exercise, other than walking.

3. While we are in motion.

4. When we are resting, at rest or in partial or absolute immobility.

5. While we are asleep, lying down or in any other position.

6. When we are seated.

7. While we are upright.

8. When we are in a balanced position.

9. While we are in an unbalanced position.

10. When we have suffered any discomfort, damage, or fracture in any of its parts or limbs.

11. When we suffer any illness.

12. When we are tired.

We will have to focus mainly on condition number 1, however, we should never neglect the other scenarios, whether the body is in motion or at rest. And as for the levels of care, it will depend on the aspect that we have to observe to keep it in acceptable shape and health.

In general terms, when we talk about the care of our physical body, in this condition number 1, we usually refer to a single body, but that completely involves the previous classification, that is, the being in an integral way; and so we will continue to refer in the future unless we make some differentiation.

We are sure that in order to exercise our body physically we will achieve it with the only fact of walking (Post WALKING: KING OF EXERCISES); that is to say, an activity healthy and practically out of dangers and accidents, by its own dynamism, labor, realization and functional reward. A natural practice of the human being. However, if we also wish to include in it the mental and spiritual part, we can do so by carrying out the 3 structured activities within the WALK-RWD system, which are closely linked to the c and d bodies.

We have already mentioned that we must know our body well and listen to it. We have also pointed out that in order to have a better knowledge of it, we must know that the human being is composed of several functional systems that we will have to take care of so that they work in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual harmony. (Post LISTENING TO OUR BODY WHILE WALKING, and Future Posts WALKING AS A SOURCE OF KNOWLEDGE, BY YOUR FOOTPRINTS YOU WILL RECOGNIZE THEM, and THE SILENT SOUND OF OUR FOOTPRINTS HEALS US). In addition, there are many books and sources that explain each of these systems and we can resort to them for their theoretical study and knowledge.

Thus, the knowledge of how our body is formed, using the defined categorization, will allow us to better perform all kinds of activities, because ultimately, what we seek is to achieve greater efficiency of it, and its full health, both physical and mental. Such knowledge will allow us to take better care of him. The customary phrase that manifests this, is: Listen to your body to know how it works, improve its health and raise its efficiency, avoiding injuring it.

In Post ADDITIONAL BENEFITS IN THE CONDITIONING OF THE BODY AND MIND, we expressed that our body records in its essence what it learns, for a certain time: “That learning achieved by our organism begins to bear fruit even before we begin to exercise walking.

“On our part, we have to comply with the complete routine, in such a way that the functions of all the organs will have to perform 100% satisfactorily.

The only thing that is recommended, being aware of this existential phenomenal process, of functional learning on the part of our organism, with our own experience, is not to betray that effort that has been made – our body – to learn physically and behaviorally (mentally), and that it is being taken care of properly, as it deserves.

“To achieve the habit (virtuous circle) there must be certain commitment and precision in the realization of this teaching-learning, transmitting that we are taking care of him under the order of certain parameters; that is, there should not be much variation in the periods or intervals of duration, in the quality, effort and frequency of the walks. Let us be aware that we are giving ourselves an opportunity to teach our being and learn from it.

“The ‘memory of our organism’ must not be lied to, for its response is always painful to itself.”

We are certainly not proposing to have an intense and deep knowledge of the human body, but only the most revealing, explanatory and meaningful of its functioning.

The concept of functioning of the body implies its constitution, its structure, how it moves and can move without problem, how it keeps its stability and balance (Future Posts WALKING AND THE 206 BONES OF OUR BODY, and WALKING AND THE 660 MUSCLES OF OUR BODY). That is to say, as for the physical part, to know the mechanical work that can be performed normally and healthily, without reaching levels of invalidation; and likewise in the mental part: the intellectual work that can be performed efficiently without reaching limits of major effort, which places it in a state of prostration or disease.

This physical functioning is based fundamentally on 2 aspects that must be observed in the human body: its stability or balance and its movement (Posts THE BODY’S SYMMETRY, ITS BALANCE AND WALKING; future Posts EXERCISES ON THE SENSE OF BALANCE, WHEN WALKING, and THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND DYNAMIC BALANCE).

In Post THE BODY’S SYMMETRY, ITS BALANCE AND WALKING we point out, as conclusion 2 principles of the WALK-RWD system, that we will have to observe and take care of, to maintain the body healthy and in harmony:

1st Fundamental Principle or Principle of Symmetry:

All the exercises to be performed must be carried out with respect to the vertical axis of anatomical symmetry of the human body, either simultaneously or alternating the 2 respective symmetrical members, always in a harmonic way, in both options”.

2nd Fundamental Principle or Principle of Dynamic Balance:

“Keeping the body in physical movement through walking generates a vibration of the brain, which causes it to enter into an imbalance and normal functions are carried out, generating dynamic effects on the different systems, organs and glands of the body“.

In this same post, we express: “All exercises should be carried out with respect to the vertical axis of anatomical symmetry of the human body, either simultaneously or alternating the 2 respective symmetrical members, always in a harmonic way, in both options”.

“Walking is an example of the application of this principle, with respect to the second option of alternating the respective symmetrical limbs, in this case, the legs, knees, ankles and feet. Bipedalism – walking on two legs and feet – is an activity that should be deeply analyzed to better understand its functionality and the benefits it generates on the whole human body, physical and mental.”

Indeed, we know that walking, on the one hand, is an excellent example of the application of the 1st principle since it is performed alternating the lower limbs (bipedalism) and this principle is fundamental in its unrestricted application for the efficient care of the body and its full development. Secondly, the practice of walking is a dynamic balance that rests on the 2nd principle, this being essential for the achievement of what are the displacements in disequilibrium and the “unbalanced” states in movement, which as we know, walking generates very important effects on our brain and body (stable unbalanced movement).

About the normal parameters of efficiency to which we can resort to put into practice the WALK-RWD System, we have pointed them out specifically in 2 posts, namely: RECOMMENDED DISTANCES, and READING INDICATORS WHILE WALKING.

We can also turn to the small Manual, which gave rise to this Blog, and which we mentioned in Post A SMALL MANUAL THAT EXPLAINS THE SYSTEM:

Loya Lopategui, Carlos, Manual for walking, reading, writing and drawing, EMULISA, Mexico, 2009. This book is available at AMAZON.COM.

So, as we have already mentioned, there is no doubt that our organism has a great memory, it is not necessary to put it to the test, let us just start walking every day, “and we will observe, in the respective times that it is instructed, adjusted and able to respond, that its manifestations are gifts of our own being, body and mind”, and of course let us make a conscious effort to take care of it in every step we take.

Let’s revive our limbs, muscles and joints of the body with walking, taking into account these 2 principles of the WALK-RWD System. Let us take care of our body by fulfilling and respecting the 7 conditions of the following summary:


1.            Let’s walk daily.

2.            Let us observe and listen to our bodies.

3.            Let’s get to know how it works.

4.            Let’s not expose our body to abnormal or extreme activities; let’s abide by the defined parameters.

5.            Let’s perform the 3 structured activities within the WALK-RWD System.

6.            Let’s cultivate the great memory that our body has.

7.            Adhere to the 2 principles defined in the WALK-RWD System.

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