Some opening words about the concept of symbolism.
We understand the concept of symbolism as a system of symbols (figures, images, forms) by means of which physical, mental and spiritual sensations, beliefs, convictions, ideas, concepts are manifested or revealed -in which the unconscious and consciousness participate directly- and that are manifested through written, oral, corporal languages, etc.
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Every symbol is cataloged as a subjective compendium of forms and images, conscious and unconscious, whose interpretation can hardly be scientifically proven.
Without pretending to be exhaustive or categorical, we can point out a tentative classification of the types of symbolism that have stood out in human manifestations, within the field of the physical-corporal (soma), psychological (soul) and the mystical (spiritual):
• Symbolism in the arts
• Symbology in psychology
• Fantastic symbolism
• Linguistic symbolism
• Body symbolism
• Spiritual symbolism
• Symbolism of oral myth
• Mythological symbolism
Some of them are essentially interrelated.
The human being uses to communicate with the rest of the world symbolic forms, such as the body (body language), art, language (oral and written), myth, religion, and others, in such a way that the Universal symbolic system is composed of that total range of languages used by the human being. Ernst Cassirer tells us that each of them contains its own set of symbols, and to a greater or lesser extent, participates with a characteristic symbolic part.
Each language contains its own allegorical structure and therefore its own cryptography and symbology, written and/or spoken and/or bodily systems that use enigmatic (secret) “keys” or combined forms that their understanding embodies a hermeticism. All the impressions that the human being receives from the outside configures and transforms them into the type of languages, which, voluntarily or not, consciously or unconsciously, he uses to comprehend, apprehend and process them in his inner personal source, and once translated, he communicates them towards his external circumstance.
On the other hand, the human being uses an internal symbology to communicate with himself, between his unconscious and his conscious.
The individual unconscious tries to communicate unfailingly and permanently with consciousness by means of symbols that it has structured.

We must bear in mind that the enormous force of consciousness hinders the fluidity of the symbols emanating from the unconscious, as well as, by its very structure and essence, it avoids or evades its understanding. This is where we must emphasize that the task of translating the language of the unconscious is difficult for the generality of human beings.
However, the tacit translation can be achieved by transcribing that symbology that the unconscious uses, instructing itself for it.
Now, every time we are ready to walk, unconsciously (subliminally) we are indicating that we are going to move forward.

It is generally acceptable that symbolism, that mechanism of symbolic structuring, be oriented in time and space, to construct signs, which represent different categories and concepts. All the images meant are exclusive of the individual and collective unconscious, that is, of the subliminal chamber where they originate and are processed.
The symbols that are generated in the collective unconscious are representations that allow the connection between the unconscious and consciousness. We can hardly rationally and voluntarily achieve this connection by designing new signs, although its use for long periods could make it possible, making them inherent in the collective unconscious; so, it is not an impossible activity.
The symbolism of bodily psychic activity is universal, although each individual psyche manages the symbols in a particular way, assigning different contents and scope, depending on the circumstances that each individual had to live and the context in which they manifest.
Now, walking can be considered as containing two forms of symbolism by which the human being communicates. The part of physically moving from one place to another, represents a symbolism that involves the metamorphosis of being to move bodily from one circumstance to another, as if it were transforming, by moving on its own feet, from a physical-sensitive stage to another, with different sensitivities and corporal manifestations.
The other symbolic form is the language of one’s own body. Being in motion allows you, through your body language, to communicate what our physical being (corporal catharsis or mechanistic method) aims to achieve through this movement of walking; on the one hand, to help the mental part to free it from its emotional state, by sending messages to all parts of the body and functional organs, to improve the mood and health; and on the other, by means of this mechanical practice (behavior) that allows the physical catharsis of the subjection and immobility, which chains it, suffocates and makes it impossible to unravel its needs for exercises. Walking is the symbolic mechanism that has the meaning of reshaping and integrating the character and personality of the individual. (Future Post LISTENING TO OUR BODY WHILE WALKING-BODY LANGUAGE).
An analogue extrapolation of this is traveling, which is nothing other than the search for a renewing experience, the beginning of a change that seeks to reach somewhere; initiator of a metamorphosis for transcendence. Thus, walking, as an analogy of traveling, symbolically means the intrinsic need to be free, seeking an initiating experience, of change. It is a symbol of transcendence. Try to break with the social status that surrounds you: friends, colleagues, family, work, studies, etc. The case of Paracelso who traveled 13 years is an example. The trip is the symbolic representation of a search to face new experiences and discoveries, liberation, renunciation, atonement. It is generated by a natural state of discontent with oneself and with the environment that surrounds us. Search for a change, exploration of knowledge of the nature of life and death, to know what to do with one’s existence. Depending on the individual, it can be a trip around the world, leave your town, change your home, or just take walks aimlessly. All this, to transcend internally towards a new way of living. (Future Posts DROMOMANIA and THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE TRAVEL MANIA).
Walking as a representation of colors will be analyzed later in Future Post WALKING WITH THE COLORS, where we relate the symbolism of colors to walking.
In short, the symbolism of walking is the abstraction of external conditioning, is to let the thoughts flow to the inner self, is to find itself.
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