This post has a double purpose. One, to support this important sector of society that in some way has suffered some mishap, and therefore, people who are unable to walk or perform this practice with difficulty. Two, to present indispensable elements so that in the near future it will be easier for them to perform this natural exercise, either by the use of electronic and mechanical devices that can be used or by new regulatory and legal provisions -to be designed and issued- to regulate urban, architectural, engineering and other disciplines projects -to be incorporated- to define a New Paradigm in the future regarding this fundamental activity of the human being.

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It is very considerable this social sector that is somehow unable to walk in a regular way; it has been mentioned -at present- that about 1/5 of the people suffer from some kind of disability that prevents them from walking; that is to say, 2 out of 10 people do not do this practice due to restrictions in their physical mobility.

In general, we could refer to this social sector as the group of people who have limited mobility (reduced or restricted) for the practice of walking.

In order to smooth these 2 purposes I have defined two series of posts that I will be presenting in the future.

The first scenario will be addressed with the technical and regulatory mechanisms that we have at the present time. I will comment on all of them to the best of my ability. The legal dispositions vary from one country to another, from one city to another, from one town to another; so each person should investigate this information in their place of residence (technical and legal), as well as the services, support and assistance that can be obtained for this social sector, in order to better carry out this fundamental practice. It will depend on each person according to their physical-social position and where they are located.

In the second scenario, we will achieve it (in a plural way) through an invitation that I have already made through several posts that belong to a series of them that will lead us to define a NEW PARADIGM IN THE WALK (Posts THE 9TH GENERATION OF MODERN AGE CREATIVITY AND WALKING. PART I of IX; THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE INTERDISCIPLINARY FLOW OF IDEAS. PART II of IX; WALKING: A NECESSARY DISCIPLINARY HYBRIDIZATION.PART III of IX; HOMO SOCIABILIS OR SOCIALIS? HUMAN AGGRESSION WALKING IN CROWDED PLACES. PART IV of IX). The incorporation of this social sector in the integration of this New Paradigm has a relevance of the first order, and for that reason, its great problem must be incorporated in the legal dispositions, as well as in the urban and architectural engineering projects, forever and continuously.

With respect to the efforts that have been made, I have been able to detect very significant results, both in propositional documents and in practical programs, which I will present throughout the development of these 2 series of Posts, according to the relevant importance they have in each one of them.

The post PEOPLE WITH RESTRICTED MOBILITY IN THE NEW WALKING PARADIGM. PART V of IX, to be presented in the month of June 2023, belongs to the second scenario.

This part 1, which we develop below, belongs to the first scenario, and the number of posts that will make up the series will be defined as we carry out our research to obtain the largest amount of information to support this social sector, according to the present availability, both technical (physical, mechanical and electronic devices), legal and public and private assistance.

Let us keep in mind that the WALK-RWD System is not only oriented to people who can walk without any problem, but also to those who have suffered an accident and cannot walk for a certain period of time or permanently. That is to say, it has also been designed for those individuals who cannot walk because both lower limbs are in bad condition, as well as for that group of people who can walk but one of their lower limbs does not work properly and needs a crutch or cane for support (diseases such as poliomyelitis). It has also been designed for those who have their 2 lower limbs in good condition, who of course can use their 2 legs properly but have some mobility restriction that prevents them from walking regularly, such as loss of sight in one or both eyes, problems in the hips, spine, etc.

Although it is true that the WALK-RWD system works considering walking as the fundamental activity, it is also true that the other 3 activities – reading, writing and drawing – are an essential part within its functional structure; in addition to others that are incorporated for its full development, such as meditation, contemplation, abstraction, motivation, passion, relaxation, concentration, playing, free time, leisure, solitude, emotional relief, etc., which are concomitant effects of those or can be incorporated to complement and enhance them.

I have been able to design some exercises that although they do not completely substitute the practice of walking, do lead us to exercise a high percentage of the impressions and beneficial impacts on our whole body, on the organs, systems, and glands. The future Post EXERCISES THAT ARE PARTLY A SUBSTITUTE OF THE PRACTICE OF WALKING -could this be post # 2 of the 1st scenario- is the series of exercises that can support these people who can not fully exercise the practice of walking. There are several diseases that can subtract a full walking, however, yes it can be done although less complete way, and failing that, we can use the exercises that are exposed in the previous post mentioned.

On the fundamental activity, I would like to emphasize that even for those people who are physically unable to walk perfectly, they can rely on various mechanical devices, depending on their discomfort, difficulty or impossibility, including by means of artificial limbs or parts, including robotic equipment that are already on the market, and if you can not get them in some stores, they are already working in some research centers; which would allow them, by means of one or the other, to perform all functions similar to as if they were doing it by themselves. The important thing for human beings is to walk, even if it is limited or partially, aided by electronic or robotic devices or instruments.

Now, considering a person who is unable to walk, he/she will be able to move in a wheelchair or in any other means that allows him/her to develop the other 3 activities, because let’s remember that these are fundamental for the WALK-RWD System; that is, to think that by putting this system into practice we could become a “dynamic reader”, an “authentic writer” or an “expressive drawer”. As we said in a previous post (OTHER DEVICES FOR READING AND WRITING, WHILE WE WALK): “To claim more of this would be an exaggeration on our part. Dynamism in the reader means being frequent, enduring, enthusiastic, practical, but not intense; the authentic in the writer represents a confident, positive, serious, certain, practical and firm individual; the expressive in the draftsman comprises both of the above. Drawing involves the 2 activities of reading and writing, in a graphic way; that is, being a “dynamic reader” leads to being an “authentic writer”, but being an “expressive drawer” involves the two previous personalities, in a graphic way”. Specifically, by developing these 3 activities, very important achievements can be reached in the personal development of each individual.

Walking is so important for the effects it has on the whole human body, on all its systems and organs, that we must make the best effort to carry it out and we should not think of diminishing this activity and much less leave it forgotten: We must reinforce our attitudes of philanthropic (humanitarian) help and look towards these social sectors to perform, with any of these mechanical, orthopedic and robotic devices of support, the activity of walking (Future Post MODEL SIMULATOR OF THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM), and of course, performing the exercises that I expose in the indicated Post EXERCISES THAT ARE PARTLY A SUBSTITUTE OF THE PRACTICE OF WALKING, together with the 3 structured activities of reading, writing and drawing.

I must comment that the types of problems that each future walker has must be clearly defined, because there is a great variety of those difficulties that do not restrict, limit or completely prevent them from walking, and for those who definitely cannot do it, there are some real and effective possibilities to support them to use this WALK-RWD System, such as the exercises contained in the aforementioned Post.
Finally, it is advisable to review the legal provisions that exist in the region or locality where we live, regarding the activity of walking for people with limitations or restrictions in their mobility; and likewise, about those services, support, and assistance that can be obtained for this social sector. In the same way, we should study this social aspect better, in order to advance towards the near future in the incorporation of all these experiences in the New Paradigm of Walking.

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As we have already mentioned in several of the Posts published to date, the exercise of walking puts into action all our senses, both external (Taste, Smell, Sight, Hearing, and Touch) and internal (Orientation, Spatial, Common Sense, Intuition, Memory, Perception, Cognitive, Imagination, Fantasy, Muscular, Movement, Temporal, Proportions, Aesthetic). For this, it is not necessary that we do it with some style or special forms, but simply, with walking in a natural way.

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In the Future Post THE WALKING AND CARDINAL POINTS I’ll explain how both categories of the senses work to guide us; all of them act and deploy their functions with different degrees of participation, according to the different solicitations and inclinations that our organism develops when we are walking.

In relation to the sense of sight, the examples we can use are endless. In the Post WALKING WITH COLORS. PART I, we expressed: “When our eyes observe the colors, there is a transmission of impressions to the brain, which in turn retransmits them to the external and internal senses, transforming them into knowledge, understanding, feelings, sensations and emotions”. We could affirm that most of these perceptions are not conscious, and in the same way, what we capture with the sense of sight, working permanently, we do not rationalize it in its greater time of operation, nor do we become aware of its functions at all times. Each person receives in a different way and intensity these impressions that we send to the brain, through the senses, and specifically through sight. “Each color represents for our physical-mental perception a different vibration for our senses, both external and internal. Although there is a biunivocal relationship between colors and feelings (emotions, perceptions and impressions of the soul type), the effects they generate – as already mentioned – may vary from one person to another.”

Surely the external sense that works the most, while we walk, is the sense of sight, and on a second level is the sense of hearing. We can affirm that it is through both perceptive faculties that the most important information is transmitted to the brain when we are walking. The brain is in charge of transmitting the sensations and stimuli from the outside to the rest of the systems, organs and glands of the body, and also to the rest of the senses, including the internal ones, and perhaps the most stimulated are the sense of balance and the sense of orientation, while we are walking.


Now, the sense of sight is biunivocally related to the WALK-RWD System, due to the fact that it is based on the second principle of the WALK-RWD system:

2nd Fundamental Principle or Principle of Dynamic Balance:

“Keeping the body in physical movement through walking, generates by itself a vibration of the brain, which causes it to enter into an imbalance and normal functions are carried out and effects are generated, of the dynamic type, on the different systems, organs and glands of the body”.

Let’s perform some exercises in order to demonstrate this.

During the pre-heating exercises or some others that we develop inside a room, we can always turn on a lamp to observe directly its incandescent light, which we usually reject because it irritates our eyes. A shock effect should be created by opening and closing the eyes, and observing the luminosity of the lamp, while we perform the pre-warming exercises.

Also, while we walk outdoors we can see indirectly the sunlight (Caution: Never observe the sunlight directly) by opening and closing our eyes, permanently and spaced, during some lapses that prolong the walk, in order to create a state of shock on the eyes, with the effects of the luminosity of the sun’s rays, taking care not to hurt the eyes.


In both cases, by stimulating the sense of sight we will provoke in the brain a considerable increase (enlargement) in its functions.

Let us develop this process in the same way but without walking, standing in a static state. Let’s do the same, but sitting down.

We will observe that the type of information that is generated towards the brain and towards other parts of our body are different in the 3 options mentioned.

We have explained that the coordinated movement that is generated in walking causes the brain to produce several substances (Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE SELF-PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES), same that stimulate in turn, the development and full functioning of neurons, increasing considerably the number of connections between them and the functional areas of the brain itself (Future Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE NEURONAL SELF-GENERATION OF THE BRAIN). We also said that the same walking in a coordinated way generates that the brain seeks to “COMPENSATE” the physical imbalance or state of alertness, which in turn causes an “unleveling” in its chemical elements and neurotransmitters (Future Post BE MOVING TO MOVE THE NEURONS).

By adding one more source of imbalance and alertness to the brain, such as indirect and unexpected light in the eyes (different luminosity), during all this period of exercise, the brain will seek to “stabilize” itself, giving instructions to its own organic unit (brain convolutions and neurotransmitters), as well as to other systems, glands and organs, to reestablish “its balance” again. Some vicarious parts of the brain will try to make up for the insufficiency of some others that are affected by the loss of that “balanced and harmonious state” generated by the activities developed, such as reading or writing or drawing while walking and that has been marginally increased by that different and strange luminosity (light) in our eyes.

Let’s walk with our eyes open and with our eyes closed (Future Post WALKING WITH EYES CLOSED) and in this way we will have to put to work all our senses, both external and internal.

I must point out as a preview to what I will analyze in future posts (Posts THE INTERNAL SENSES AND THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM, and WALKING AND THE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SENSES) another of the benefits of the WALK-RWD System. Some illnesses such as neurosis generate in the brain a great sensitivity in the senses; that is said and it is true as far as the repulsion that is generated in the five external senses, that surely also in some of the internal ones, perhaps in all of them. The neurosis declared in an individual leads him not to support strong degrees of the stimuli that make his senses vibrate; that is to say, for example, his ears do not support a light degree of noise, or the worst, there comes a moment that they do not support to hear the music of any type as the classic one, the one produced to relax, and less the thunderous one. They cannot stand the smell of food, whatever it may be. And so on, it happens with sight; any luminosity out of the ordinary, hurts their eyes and they do not support it, that is why in the mornings we do not want to get up, among other discomforts and sufferings. The WALK-RWD System put into practice daily, in a structured way, manages to disappear these unbearable situations regarding the external senses not supporting stimuli of any degree; WALK-RWD System transforms the unacceptability of the senses towards normal and abnormal external stimuli.

Let us not only put to work and exercise (exert) the eyes, but the rest of the external senses and also the internal senses (spiritual and intellectual) such as Fantasy, Imagination, Common sense, Memory, Intuition, and Perception.

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This post arises in part from Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM ENCOURAGES CREATIVE THINKING. PART I, when I express: “The therapy of psychoanalysis, described in a simplistic way, is to try to become aware of the repressed desires (repressed impulses, which are repressed by the consciousness and are not conscious), through communication to the therapist, lying (accommodated) the patient on a couch, relaxed and in a state of immobility, to come to understand by recognizing them -those repressed contents- as the fundamental cause of the psychological illness he suffers from; after having extroverted those repressed impulses, he feels comforted, and to a certain degree, by using this therapy, the patient is cured. The catharsis can be improved by applying the WALK-RWD system by provoking that when walking and performing the other structured activities, the brain constantly seeks to preserve and restore the equilibrium -during the period of the walk- to rebalance itself mechanically, psychically and neurologically with the usual propagation of nervous-neuronal impulses towards its other functional areas (dormant or asleep) of the brain itself (stunned cerebral convolutions and neuro-mechanisms) and other organs, systems and glands of the whole organism. A therapy similar to the one expressed, but walking, always walking – is what gives the greatest effectiveness to the treatment of emotions”.

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In my novel, GOD GOES TO PSYCHIATRIST (*), published in 2016 (2009 Spanish version), I already expressed something about this subject of performing catharsis while walking; in one of the scenes it is exposed: Ernesto used to walk long distances -when he was a child- with his little dog Troter, and somehow he realized that this improved him in many of his psychic functions. As an adult, when he was already a psychiatrist, he would give his patients his consultation by walking them through some of the parks near his office. He knew that sitting them on a couch was not very cathartic.

On the other hand, the meaning of Lacerate or Perforated or Swollen Feet that the Greek appellation of OEDIPUS has in Greek must at some point have meant to Dr. Freud a coherence with walking. However, in none of Freud’s writings is there any reference to this natural practice of the human being. Already in Post OEDIPUS, THE ONE WITH SWOLLEN AND LACERATED FEET I have explained that this is what his adoptive father named him when he was given to him, since he was found hanging from a tree where the baby had been abandoned and that he had completely swollen feet, which presented sores and lacerations. The myth describes that Oedipus, after having removed his eyes -himself- for having had sexual relations with his mother and having killed his father, started walking on eternal paths that would keep him walking during the last stage of his life. This mythical information did not provoke in Freud any idea or relationship that could have indicated to him that he should have considered walking within his theory; that is, to make his patients walk, while they performed their catharsis.

In future Post BRAIN GYMNASTICS BUT WALKING, I mention the following: “However, we should also mention that to perform these exercises of Brain Gymnastics without walking, is like going to the psychiatrist and doing the catharsis sitting or lying down”.


The WALK-RWD System works as a psychoanalytic catharsis when we propose it and we resort to it, to eliminate some of the negative emotions that make us sick. With the passage of time I have been recommending this WALK-RWD System and presenting -in various Posts- its concrete application in specific emotional and psychological cases, namely:

Published Posts:






In the future I will expose other cases of importance, in which the WALK-RWD system is applied:

Future Posts:




I have to emphasize again, that its application -in all cases- is directly effective through the 3 activities structured within the System itself, reading, writing and drawing. Practice and results that are obtained effectively and whose procedure I expose in each of the posts I have published (Post UPDATED DYNAMIC INDEX OF POSTS 1-120, where you can observe and choose their titles and also link directly to each of the selected ones).

This part of the System is the most comprehensive and effective because walking rests on the conjunction of these 3 activities that make it universal and generates outstanding impacts in all spheres of human activity, as well as tangible and immediate benefits throughout the body, both physical, mental and spiritual.

Returning to our central theme of showing the WALK-RWD system in an analogical way to Psychoanalysis, but walking, I will allow myself to point out below a slight procedure for its cathartic practice, without any concrete expression of any psychological or emotional ailment, but simply, its regular application, for any case.


Decide to practice the WALK-RWD System.


Choose one of the 3 structured activities: reading, writing or drawing. One or several.


Accompany us with the necessary implements to carry out the selected structured activity: pencil, recorder, notebook, sheets, notepad, etc.


Start walking.


Whichever of the 3 activities we have selected, we will have to say out loud what we are doing: reading, writing or drawing. This part together with the walking, always walking, provokes that the unconscious presses the consciousness to bring up the stimuli and unwanted impulses that our consciousness repressed (Future Post THE UNCONSCIOUS AND THE CONSCIOUS IN THE APPLICATION OF THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM).


Continue like this for 15 minutes. Rest for 10 minutes, dedicating yourself to meditation and contemplation.


Restart the application of the System, with the same structured activity or with some other, for 15 minutes. It is recommended to perform this dynamic for 4 periods of 25 minutes, equivalent to 100 minutes.

END of the procedure.


The System works. All we have to do is decide to walk and follow these 7 steps. It is only 100 minutes that we need to take away from our commitments and our “lack of time”. Our unconscious will start working immediately when we start walking, supporting us in the other 3 activities, and talking out loud. Let it act and we will be able to observe its effective results in our emotions.

(*) Loya Lopategui, Carlos, God Goes to Psychiatrist, EMULISA, Mexico, 2021, Distributed by Amazon, available in Kindle Edition:

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In this Post I seek to emphasize the care we should take with our feet. For this, I will use the Greek myth of Oedipus that we have very present because Sigmund Freud used it to support an integral part of his psychoanalytic theory. Of course, there is no direct relationship between the care we should take with our feet and this myth, but I do intend to keep in mind that the feet -like any other part of the body- should be cared for with care and attention.

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There are several versions of the Oedipus myth. I will describe some of them, extracting the most relevant of each story, which will lead us to the objective of this Post, the care of our feet.


Laius upon learning the oracle that his son would kill him and marry his own mother, let his wife Yocasta know that they would have no children, but Yocasta managed to beget one and so the baby was born, which Laius immediately ordered to be taken away. However, Yocasta’s plea made Laius allow one of his employees to take him away and hang him by his feet, so that he would not have to be killed, in one of the trees on the slopes of Mount Cytheron, until he died. Another version tells that Laius asked one of his henchmen to take him to Mount Cytheron and to lacerate the soles of the baby’s feet so that the bleeding would attract the beasts and devour him, so that he would not be killed by the envoy.

In all the versions of the myth, the baby was abandoned on Mount Cytheron. In one of them -as I already mentioned- it is narrated that by orders of his father Laius, the soles of his two feet are pierced as a sign that he should not walk and therefore should die devoured by the animals; in another version, the baby was hung by his two lower limbs, to die dehydrated. However, in all of them the baby did not lose his life because he was rescued and was able to survive to fulfill the oracle.

Mount Cytheron was crisscrossed by hundreds of paths that generally formed an immense labyrinth. It was said that whoever entered any of the paths that led to its slopes and entered it, would never be able to get out. Daedalus was inspired by this inextricable mountain to design the Labyrinth that King Minos asked him to build on the island of Crete.

Two days after the baby had been abandoned on the slopes of that mountain, a shepherd who was taking his sheep to graze nearby noticed something hanging from a tree in the distance and was able to unmoor and unhook the baby, who was quite dehydrated and with swollen feet. This man knew that King Polybius could not beget children and took him to his royal palace, which adopted him as a son. He named him Oedipus, which means the one with swollen feet.

It is well known the following part of the story that continued to fulfill the oracle.

Oedipus, as an adult, receives the oracle at Delphi, which specifies that he would kill his father and have sexual relations with his mother. This prophecy alters him emotionally and he flees from his adoptive father and mother to avoid realizing these horrendous premonitions. From these omens he wanders and walks for a long time and due to certain circumstances, Oedipus meets Laius, his biological father, and because of a quarrel he kills him. He continues walking for some time, and following his destiny, Oedipus discovers the enigma of the Sphinx and is rewarded for it by marrying Yocasta, which was the prize offered in Thebes for such a discovery, also naming him King of Thebes. With Yocasta, his mother, he had 2 daughters and a son. Thus, Oedipus fulfills the oracle also in that part.

Some time later, Oedipus discovers that he killed his father and that Yocasta was his mother. As self-punishment he cuts out his eyes, becoming totally blind, and takes to walking in this part of his life, returning to Mount Cytheron, which he enters, losing himself in its labyrinthine paths. After this foray of Oedipus into Mount Cytheroon, he is never heard from again.

An outstanding aspect regarding the subject at hand, is that when Oedipus receives the oracle at Delphi, that he would kill his father and have sexual relations with his mother, he flees from his adoptive father and mother to avoid realizing those horrendous premonitions, wandering and walking for many months, that his feet became swollen and lacerated.

After realizing that his oracle had been fulfilled, Oedipus punished himself by gouging out his eyes, resigned his office as King of Thebes and retired forever, setting out to walk on infinite paths, thus fulfilling what WILHELM STEKEL calls the compulsion of the name, and which may well have been some other oracle, which would keep him walking during the last stage of his life.

Oedipus’ life is tragic enough. No doubt about it. A punishment from the gods?

The myth places Oedipus blind and walking at the end of his days. It would seem that the myth communicates to us that walking was part of his deliverance; but why does he remove himself, his eyes?

Would walking in the dark have any meaning, would wandering without seeing and without meaning be the answer to it?

Cytheron was the Mount consecrated to Dionysus. The Greek god Dionysus represented pleasure, optimism and the joy of living; he endowed humans with strength and happiness.

Most probably Oedipus decided to walk for the rest of his life through the infinite paths of Mount Cytheron, to seek during those walks the strength and joy he had lost, trying to find the comfort and shelter of Dionysus, and get away from sadness and unhappiness.

If with this post I manage to attract a minimum of attention to the care of our feet, I will have achieved my goal: Oedipus, Dionysus, feet, walking?

Let us keep in mind the image of Dionysus. Let us walk every day looking for him, and once we have located him, let us not let go of his hand.

Let us walk taking care of our feet.

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He was always a person I admired, for different reasons, which I will explain on another occasion.

Having him suspended for not having accepted to go to fight in Vietnam, caused him to interrupt his career; just like me, surely many other people stopped watching him box and listening to his ideas in general, his way of being and feeling.

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Now, during the month of August 2022, by synchronicity, I meet him again. A case that I will expose in part II or III of the posts that I will publish in the future on Synchronicity.

I learned that he had already died in 2016 and that he had suffered from Parkinson’s disease. What a shame with an athlete like Muhammad Ali. Tri-heavyweight champion. I believe him to be the greatest boxer of all time.

So much for my reunion. I found out that I could watch his fights on my cell phone.

I started watching them one by one and remembered two or three of the ones I had already watched.

This post is about Ali’s trotting in the ring.

It is a very special trot that he does it backward and to his left side. If he were left-handed, perhaps he would do it in the opposite direction (this would have to be investigated in the future).

He performs it by jumping, dancing, frolicking, as any other fighter would do. However, not all of them do it from the 1st round to the last, as Ali can do it, alternating it in different rounds. In fact, not many boxers fight with this tactic.

Sometimes a whole round is spent trotting, but most of the time it is during intervals that take only 15-20 seconds.

Ali performs this style always jumping on his two lower limbs, to his left side and with slight steps (small and short) backward. He performs it by circling around his opponent, always spinning around him, and at a constant distance, which anyone could say is defined by the reach of his fists. And it is true.

He also does that “jogging” to the right side but it is not his natural way and surely does not achieve the same results and looks clumsy and insubstantial. I recommend that he be observed more closely.

To emphasize that he does it backward could sound false, because he would lose the distance of reach; however, if we observe him carefully we will see that in each small step backward -of marginal size- the opponent advances that same distance as if Ali consciously practiced it and intuitively knew that his opponent would follow him in his trotting. This, too, I recommend that it be studied thoroughly.

I will point out about this re-encounter.

There are 4 important dates that I should point out from what I was thinking and planning about the Blog, which are related to this Post.

On September 26, 2019, it occurred to me to develop a Post about walking backward, which allowed me to investigate the benefits that could be achieved with that way of walking (Future Post WALKING BACKWARD). This practice is carried out by Ali with his special trotting during his boxing matches. Surely he also performed it during his rehearsals, drills and exercises that he used to do in the gym.

On February 20, 2020, I had the idea of writing another Post about the Kaaba, because it was a millenary walking practice where they communicated with divinity by circling around a divine center (Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE KAABA CENTER). Ali also performs this type of circling around his opponent, and something else, his gaze is focused on a single point (Many would say that he performs it this way to hit his opponent and stay alert of his attacker). Future posts THE YANTRA AND THE WALK; and THE MANDALA AND OUR WALK.

On June 15, 2020, it occurs to me to combine some exercises that I was practicing on my own person, in addition to walking backward, that would force my brain, and I was able to experience between 10-12 exercises of this type (Future Post BRAIN GYMNASTICS WHILE WALKING-EXERCISES).

In this period I gained good experiences in addition to the ones I have always had, as I was able to force my mind to deploy new efforts to keep me walking in conditions out of normality. In the near future, I will publish this Post. It details 2 exercises involved in Ali’s trotting.

Finally, on September 21, 2020, I decided to expand the research and analysis of the practice of spinning to a central point because it has more implications, of the physical, mental and spiritual types, and of greater importance (Future Post WALKING AND CIRCUMAMBULATION). Ali is a practitioner of circumambulation, as he fights in the ring with his way of trotting backward and circling around his opponent. He renews himself physically and spiritually. And I’m pretty sure his trainer and handler Angelo Dundee should have known that (About circumambulation).

All this has led me to read some of what is written about his spiritual strength and religious creed.

I would like to say very briefly that I am not a supporter of any religion, nor do I like politics; I only believe in art, engineering and economics, which are my “professional de-formations“.

As it is known, Ali converted to Islam in 1964 and probably already had in his genetics this practice of circumambulation (*); hence with greater conscious force he carried it out in the ring.

Besides these relationships that I have described, the most relevant thing is that I observe in all Ali’s fights, I repeat: in all his fights, two things: one, that every time he feels attacked or harassed, he resorts to that walk to keep away from his opponent and anyone would say that it is to escape from that harassment; and two, he also resorts to that walk when he feels tired. It seems that this walk replenishes him spiritually: trotting backward, circling around a point.

Surely there is a 3rd reason why he resorts to this circumambulatory tactic: to knock out his opponent; but I cannot say for sure.

To describe this trotting is not easy, it is necessary to observe him in practice above the ring. Briefly, it is: Walking -Alí trots- slowly backward and to the left side. Circling slowly without stopping and keeping a distance of one center.

Always like this.

This has induced me to analyze the distance of all circumambulation, because it surely has implications of the physical and mental type, but above all spiritual. That is to say, this reinforcement of Ali’s spirit to perform this practice with a certain distance in his jogging around his opponent, surely had a determining implication to have a greater strength, both physical and spiritual.

As we can see, this practice is not natural in the walk of the human being; it is a way to force our body and mind to reach other energetic forms to better develop our functions and also to generate that the mind has other brain areas that have been dormant.

I have decided to make the 2nd part on this subject of Muhammad Ali’s trotting because of the data that I have been able to observe in my research, it is possible that I can establish and verify an important correspondence between the following parameters (besides others that I will be noticing): Ali’s age, the strength of Ali and his opponents, the reach of both adversaries, the round or rounds where we observe him carrying out this jogging in order to “recharge” spiritually, psychologically and physically, which in turn would lead me to prove my thesis.

In this second part, I will be able to analyze if there is a “high” correlation between the number of times Ali uses this tactic in a fight and the greater or lesser difficulty he suffers against his opponent.

The fundamental element that will give channel to my following analyses and evaluations of the collected data, will be this spiritual “recharge” of Ali.

For the time being, here are some of the fights where Ali trots in some of the rounds, although I repeat: in all his fights since 1960 he does it.

As I was saying, the post is about Ali’s trotting in the ring that many commentators call DANCING, and this leads me to take more into account my appreciation for dancing, specifically dancing backward. This modulation in the dance can be observed in many types of dance and I myself perform it in the Tap Tap dance [Video where this sequence is appreciated].

(*)Why walk around a sacred center? These configurations that are generated around a Center and that are all arranged concentrically in a radial and symmetrical way, make up the totality of the mandala, which should be the subject of deep analysis for the people who generate them. Their function and knowledge, in this case of the KAABA, can serve us as a representation of these unconscious images that during the 7 turns that are made around the Sacred Center has its interpretation within Islam as a meditation (inner search and inquiry of the divinity that we all have inside), a contemplation (to perceive our mystical inclinations to seek contact with the divinity, and likewise, to seek reconciliation of our contradictions in the self – as mentioned by C. G. Jung -, and to have contact with the divinity. G. Jung-, and to have contact with our archaic origins) and a transformation (the mandala itself is the symbol that results from the practice that during millennia periodic and habitual actions were carried out and recorded in the unconscious and that make contact with the archetypes, for the transformation of the personality of the individual who evokes them).

As something unusual, tomorrow when we go for a walk, let’s take a few steps backward, very carefully so as not to fall, and let’s observe all our reactions and experiences that we have. To trot like Ali is very difficult, you need to be an athlete and gymnast.

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