We have, carry and hide in our interior, several “vital vessels” that we fill as we develop physically, emotionally and mentally, throughout our lives, and that we use permanently to act before the surrounding environment (social and natural).
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All those vital vessels that we are shaping throughout life, are intercommunicated and interdependent; these are:
• Behavior
• Experience
• Thought
• Profession or Occupation
• Responsibility
• Art or Vocation
• Feeling and Emotions
• Relational communication or personal communication
• And others
I have called them “vital vessels” (VV) because they are partial collections where we store different types of information that we receive throughout our lives, processing it, and that we precisely use it to achieve vital nutrition – physical and emotional- for our subsistence, seeking the conservation and proliferation of the species.
The VV of “Behavior” is one that works to store (collecting, depositing) and accommodating customs, norms, dogmas, habits, traditions, rules, canons, criteria, principles, according to our experiences and during all our stages of growth and development, in turn and distributing its foundations according to our character and personality achieved and according to our needs and the stimuli we receive from abroad.
Without exception, all the “Vital Vessels” have the emotional-functional characteristic that the hierarchy granted by each individual, woman or man, is different; that is to say, each person as he develops in life uses his own conformation of “Vital Vessels” and organizes them according to his temperament and his personality, giving each collected element a particular importance that uses it under his own and unrepeatable individuality.
Writing is the ideal means to know the different “Vital Vessels” that we have under our emotional psychological domain, by allowing us, by this means, to extract some or several of the elements that make up each vital vessel.
Likewise, writing is a creative medium that allows us to discover and express what we think – and how we think – and what we feel – and how we feel; and thus, it guides us in the knowledge of ourselves. (WRITING TO ACCEPT BETTER TO OURSELVES, WHILE WALKING)
The benefits that we obtain through writing are varied, when applying the WALK-RWD system, which we list and describe in writing WHY AND WHAT TO WRITE FOR?
In addition to these benefits, we have listed the purposes and motives for which we write, in most cases (See writing PURPOSES AND HABITUAL MOTIVES IN WRITING).
The purposes, in general, are the following:
1. Explain and describe.
2. Persuade.
3. Inform.
4. Investigate.
5. Share.
6. Entertain and have fun.
7. Know ourselves better.
Surely an activity that we could point out as a common denominator in the previous 7 purposes, is to educate, that is, teach, guide and instruct.
According to George Orwell, the reasons or motives that led him to write were the following:
1. Acute selfishness.
2. Aesthetic enthusiasm.
3. Historical momentum.
4. Political motive.
It is up to us to validate each of the purposes and motives mentioned. The important thing is that we want to walk simultaneously with the activity of writing, when we feel the urge to do so.
Sooner or later we will realize what our purposes and motives were for writing, while we were walking, so we can know some of the elements that make up our vital vessels.
As we can imagine, everything that we accommodate in the “vital vessel” of Behavior, is within the acceptable, to a greater or lesser extent, to face life; however, this is not always the case, and sometimes we behave in the wrong way and do not want to acknowledge that we have incurred a bad attitude; and if we do, we don’t necessarily have the will to correct ourselves.
Writing is the ideal means to expose, before ourselves, even without consciously proposing, those wrong or misdirected aspects, and understand them better; in addition, it will indicate if it is convenient, and if we decide, modify our approach and behavior.
Now, let us move on to the vital vessel process, and see how we can improve, specifically our way of life in terms of the different elements that make up each vital vessel, using writing within the WALK-RWD system.
Each vital vessel is transformed, through the WALK-RWD system, into a communicating vessel between all of them and between the different activities structured within the simultaneous walking system itself.
Let’s follow the subsequent phases of execution:
1. Let’s start a walk alone.
2. Select a “vital element” (VE) that is shaping our “Vital Behavior Vessel” (VBV) as it may be a custom, a criterion or any other that feed it, as one of those listed above and that we consider pleasant, compromising or disturbing , to carry out the experiment.
3. Let us relate it to some stage of our life, in order to sensitize the importance it has for oneself and the stage where we were presented in a more conscious way.
4. Let us write about that element indicated by us. I clarify that we can do it through the other two structured activities of the WALK-RWD system: reading or drawing, but we will expose it in other posts.
5. Let us write spontaneously, explicitly and frankly sincerely. We can be concise, simple, sober or complicated. The important thing is to write down the ideas, thoughts or feelings that emerge in our memories or experiences already lived; Or even better: for wanting to live them, since the desires and aspirations (registered in the unconscious) are also part of the “personal self” (personality) and serve for the self-knowledge of the self.
1. Reading and analysis of the text about the vital element (VE), written by ourselves, during the walks.
2. Signaling of key ideas.
3. How important and transcendent is the vital element?
4. What are the problems that are related to the selected vital element?
5. In what aspects does the selected vital element affect us, positive or negative, in the behavior?
6. Point out previous experiences with the selected vital element. Observations.
7. Selection of other texts that deal with the vital element
1. Reading other texts.
2. Outstanding ideas about the behavior and the vital element selected (VE).
3. Analysis and confrontation of the texts. Observations.
4. Conclusions of the confrontation and the analysis performed.
1. Schedule walks to talk with other people – specially selected for it – to talk and confront the results obtained on the vital element (VE).
2. Review the conclusions and observations obtained in the 2nd and 3rd phases.
3. Confront and examine the opinions of other people, for and against our own ideas.
4. Conclusions of the confrontation and the analysis carried out
1. Application of the conclusions to our behavior.
2. Our behavior is acceptable or not
3. We must modify or not our behavior and attitudes
4. We recognize or not our bad behaviors
5. Do we have the will to correct our bad behaviors?
6. Correction of our attitudes and behaviors.
7. The vital element (VE), after the experiment, is pleasant, compromising or disturbing?
Let’s decide to walk and try to get to know some of the vital elements that make up our energetic and vigorous vital vessels. Let us know and understand the greatest number of elements of each of our vital vessels, using writing, as we walk.
Let’s get that confident, positive, serious, true, practical and firm writer to know ourselves better. Let’s take out that “authentic writer” and “self-connoisseur” that we can all achieve.
As far as possible, we will be programming the analysis and practice (execution) of some other vital vessels with the WALK-RWD system, in order to better understand those psycho-social elements that make up each of them and improve its functionality (operation) and efficiency. For now, let’s let our imagination run wild, think and visualize (speculate) what are those psycho-social elements that make them up and that we can strengthen and energize.
Let us know and understand the greatest number of elements of each of our vital vessels, using writing, as we walk.
Let’s get that confident, positive, serious, true, practical and firm writer to know ourselves better. Let’s take out that “authentic writer” and “self-connoisseur” that we can all get to know because he is within us.