There are 3 elucidations (*) that we present about peripatetics in Post CAMINAR AND THE PERIPATETICS, which emerge as principles (first fruits) of this system: 1) obtaining health, 2) the generation of ideas and 3) the transmission of knowledge, all while walking. We have stated: “Although in most translations of Aristotle’s works not much attention is paid to the teaching method he used in the Lyceum, Athens”, since he himself did not express it explicitly in his writings, I must point out 2 aspects that In my opinion, I consider that they coexisted in their traditional and inexcusable walks: the trees (Post WALKING WITH THE TREES; Future Post WHY DON’T TREES AND PLANTS WALK?) and the rays of the sun ( Post Futuro THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND A BATH OF SOLAR RAYS; In each of the respective Posts, in which I point out the importance of both trees and the sun’s rays with respect to the 3 mentioned elucidations, walking under the tree fronds and sunlight was a conscious source or semiconscious for Aristotle to generate ideas and transmit his knowledge.

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(*)Quote from post : “It is interesting to investigate the purposes that led Aristotle to use this teaching system. The little or much that we clarify about this, in the future, will be very important. Undoubtedly (first elucidation) that in those times they knew what walking meant from the point of view of promoting the physical health of the body, but they also had the certainty (second elucidation) that the practice of walking caused the incontrovertible gestation and flowering of ideas, the stimulation and development of memory, fundamental aspects in the development of the field of creativity (ideas, memory, inspiration, imagination, etc.) and teaching and learning (third elucidation) always seeking higher thinking.”

Aristotle, as the first Peripatetic, taught in a somewhat different way than we are accustomed to today. His pedagogical method was based on direct interaction with his disciples while walking through the gardens of the Lyceum, a kind of park where he used to give his classes.

This approach was called “peripatetic”, which means “one who walks” in Greek, because Aristotle taught while walking with his students. During these walks, Aristotle discussed various philosophical, metaphysical, moralistic, social and ethical topics, encouraging his disciples to actively participate in conversations and debates (walking and talking).

During his walks, Aristotle used various forms of teaching, such as reading texts, group discussions, and conducting experiments and observations of nature. Its objective was to encourage critical thinking and reflection in its students, as well as transmit their knowledge to them in a practical and accessible way. And always walking under the foliage of the trees.

He had verified, for many years, that doing it this way, his disciples listened to him with greater pleasure, the ideas were better fixed in their minds and it caused them to generate more of them.

Acroamatism (**) was the most private and direct way to carry out these wanderings of knowledge. His oral teachings, through stories and speeches, under the trees, and always walking, were the ideal way to transmit his knowledge.

Aristotle pointed out to his students that they should walk alongside him, and not get too far away, to assimilate knowledge in an ideal way. He constantly repeated this instruction during his walks to all of them so that they would stay together and not lose any of his harangues and the comments and questions they asked him. It was a physical way to keep them in the middle, close to him so they could hear him. Later, as a result of this, it would be used as a metaphor: “In the middle is virtue,” and this phrase became a proverb to regulate the search for knowledge and appropriate behavior in all human activities.

In Greek, the idea of the “middle way” is expressed through the concept of “μεσότης” (mesotēs), which relates to the Aristotelian notion of finding a balance or moderation in the virtuous life.

In Latin, the phrase “In medio stat virtus” was used, which took up that proverb: “In the middle is virtue”, referring to the idea that virtue is found in balance or moderation, avoiding extremes. This phrase has been used by several classical authors, such as Horace and Cicero, to express the importance of moderation in life. Although this phrase “In medio stat virtus” is not a direct quote from Aristotle, it does reflect Aristotle’s philosophy regarding virtue and balance, and was used in later philosophical tradition to summarize these concepts.

Saint Thomas Aquinas, an influential medieval philosopher and theologian, also drew on Aristotelian ethics in his philosophical interpretations and disquisitions. The “middle way” defined in this phrase “In medio stat virtus” was used by him in his Aristotelian interpretations and disquisitions, which meant “Virtue is in the middle” or “Virtue is found at the intermediate point.” This expression effectively reflects a central concept in Aristotelian ethics, maintaining that virtue is found by seeking a balance, or middle ground between two extremes.

We have already mentioned this Aristotelian philosophical sense in Post THE PATH OF VACUITY, when we believe that: “This moderation is the qualification that must be available so that actions under the guidelines of the Mahayana or school of emptiness of Nagarjuna They are at the midpoint of human behavior, centered within the extreme limits of the human condition. Extreme actions are canceled as a functional demand of the Sunyata, however, if for some reason the “sunyatins” (adepts) had – or have – to relate to exaggerated actions or ideas, they can always cancel or avoid them, rejecting them. The Nagarjuna School flourished precisely because it responded to this moderation in demands and condemned the obligatory nature of behavior to exaggerated extremes; hence, he has included in his philosophy the Path of the Middle Way, or the Middle Center or the Middle Way (Madhyamaka). […]Nagarjuna’s instruction and teaching was a path that had to be followed rejecting extremes; this path had to be followed through the middle points, without touching the extreme limits of the human condition.[…] In everything related to the WALK-RWD system, we must avoid and eliminate all extremes, in such a way that the “walk” must be carried out along that middle path, between the extreme limits, and the 3 structured activities (reading, writing and drawing) must also be maintained on that path.”

An Aristotelian walker, ergo: peripatetic, means that individual who wanders on a path covered with trees, around a space full of light, and who does so by reading aloud, commenting on his readings and his ideas, and also writing.

Surely Aristotle and other people did know what trees emitted, which is why they used to walk under their shade.

Let’s find a path lined with trees and walk for 30 minutes, which represents only 2% of a day, and with this we will give our body 100% health, every day.

(**)ACHROMATIC: From gr. akroama: “that is heard” or “relating to the ear”; it was understood as what is heard with pleasure. It applied to the procedure or teaching that uses speeches, explanations or narratives to transmit knowledge, and always communicating orally. It applied to the most exclusive and private teachings that Aristotle gave to his favorite and special disciples. In its original meaning, it referred to the secret oral teachings of the Greek philosophers, which were transmitted orally and not in writing. Over time, the term has evolved to refer to something that is difficult to understand or that is reserved for a select group of people with specific knowledge about a topic, hence its synonymy with esoteric, exoteric and abstruse.

With this post we are starting the 7th year of the Blog.

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This is Post number 5 of the series through which I am developing the topic of the New Paradigm of Human Walking in the future, which will be 9 in total.

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In order to continue configuring its guidelines, its structure, the content, the characteristics and other aspects that will lead us to define the NEW PARADIGM OF WALKING, we will proceed to explain and define the phases that we must address in the coming months to achieve it, results that we will execute and show in the following posts of this series, and according to how we progress over time.

Since its origins, Humanity has gone through various historical stages, taking into account its natural activity of walking on the earth’s surface, namely:


These stages reflect the evolution of the role of walking in human history, from its vital importance in nomadic societies to its rediscovery as an activity beneficial for health and the environment today.

1. Nomadism: At this stage, human beings were nomadic and constantly moved in search of food and shelter. Walking was essential for their survival and was done over long distances following migratory routes of animals and natural resources.

2. Sedentary lifestyle: With the development of domestication of agricultural products and animals, human beings began to settle in fixed places to cultivate the land and raise animals. Small human communities began to emerge scattered in the countryside. Although walking was still necessary for agricultural and transportation tasks, mobility decreased compared to nomadism.

3. Development of roads and trade routes: Over time, roads and trade routes were developed that connected different communities and regions, facilitating the exchange of goods and knowledge. Walking became an important economic activity and infrastructure was developed to improve mobility and connect communities dispersed in the countryside.

4. Urbanization and concentration in cities: With the emergence of urban civilizations, the population moved from the countryside to the city. Large masses of individuals were concentrated in hundreds of cities, where walking was the main means of transportation. These urban centers were built by providing them with urban equipment, such as the development of streets, sidewalks, etc., to facilitate pedestrian mobility.

5. Industrialization and motorized transportation: With the Industrial Revolution, motorized transportation emerged, which reduced dependence on walking as the main means of transportation in cities. However, walking was still important for short distances and recreational activities.

6. Megalopolis. The Great Metropolises began to emerge, starting in the 19th century but especially in the 20th century.

7. STAGE IN POSSIBLE APPEARANCE. Rediscovery of walking and sustainable mobility: In more recent times, there has been a rediscovery of walking as a healthy, sustainable and economical way of transportation (moving) Policies and projects have been promoted to encourage pedestrian mobility and create more walkable environments in cities.

8. STAGE IN POSSIBLE APPEARANCE. Return to the countryside: Mobility and migration of human groups settled in cities to the countryside (rural areas).

Taking into consideration this process of Humanity that has lasted around 2 million years, we must now define certain theses regarding the last 2 stages, which are probable, and taking the following points as a guide, to corroborate and quantify them through research that let’s do in the coming years:

1. Requirement for a future predictive study

2. Behavior patterns

3. Urban Perspective

4. Determination of repetitive walking patterns (individuals, groups, in the countryside, in the city, etc.)

5. Trends of human groups in terms of walking (within a period of 50 years)

6. Prediction of human behaviors regarding Walking. I) Regarding the most important general characteristics that must be considered; II) In terms of 20 and 50 years.


To achieve the final objective, which is to define the new paradigm of walking, it is necessary to carry out a future predictive study on this topic, through attention to and compliance with the following requirements:

1. Trend analysis: Identify current trends in the field of walking, including emerging technologies, lifestyle changes, and urban and environmental developments.

2. Behavior study: Investigate current walking-related behaviors, such as frequency, duration, motivations, and preferences of people when walking.

3. Needs assessment: Identify people’s current and future needs in relation to walking, including aspects of health, accessibility, safety and comfort.

4. Socioeconomic impact: Evaluate the socioeconomic impact of walking in different contexts, considering aspects such as mobility, sustainability and quality of life.

5. Technologies and tools: Identify technologies and tools available or in development that can influence walking, such as tracking devices, mobile applications, and intelligent transportation systems.

6. Interdisciplinary collaboration: Encourage collaboration between different disciplines, such as health, engineering, architecture and sociology, to comprehensively address the various aspects of walking.

7. Consideration of diversity: Recognize the diversity of people in terms of physical, cultural and socioeconomic abilities, and how this influences their walking experiences.

8. Long-term vision: Have a long-term vision that considers demographic, technological and environmental changes that may influence walking in the future.

Strict satisfaction of these requirements will help design the predictive study that allows us to outline a new walking paradigm that is inclusive, sustainable and beneficial for Humanity as a whole.


Behavior patterns that must be analyzed for any predictive study.

Behavioral patterns are the trends or regularities in the actions, decisions or interactions of people in different contexts. For a predictive study, it is essential to analyze the following aspects of behavioral patterns:

1. Frequency: The number of times an action is performed or a behavior is manifested in a given period of time.

2. Duration: The length of time a specific behavior or action lasts.

3. Intensity: The degree or level of energy, effort, or emotion invested in a behavior.

4. Variability: The diversity or change in behaviors over time or in different situations.

5. Cyclicity: The repetition of patterns or sequences of behavior in predictable periods.

6. Context: The environmental, social, cultural or situational factors that influence behaviors.

7. Motivations: The needs, desires or goals that drive behaviors.

8. Consequences: The results or effects that behaviors have, both in the short and long term.

9. Adaptability: The ability of behaviors to adjust to changes in the environment or circumstances.

10. Interactions: The relationships and connections between different behaviors, people or elements of the environment.

Analyzing these behavioral patterns allows us to better understand how people act in different situations and how those behaviors may change or evolve in the future. This is essential for making accurate and informed predictions in predictive studies.


Now, let’s proceed to define the urban perspective within the future Walking Paradigm.

We have already outlined part of this perspective in Posts THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE INTERDICIPLINARY FLOW OF IDEAS. PART II of IX, and WALKING: A NECESSARY DISCIPLINARY HYBRIDIZATION. PART III OF IX, and we will only focus on the conclusions regarding our predictions in this discipline, repeating the most outstanding arguments that we have supported in these two previous posts.

URBANISM will be correlated with some related disciplines, such as SOCIOLOGY, PHYSOLOGY, ANATOMY, or some subdiscipline or disciplinary fragment of them; whether they are oriented towards walking or related to the human being’s walk towards the future.

Hybrid bridges of new disciplinary approaches must be built with the aim of achieving the relationship between the participating correlated disciplines and reaching the hybrid proposal that solves and gives direction to the new paradigm of the human being’s walk in the future.

These bridges will allow a hybridization of disciplines or a fragmentation of urbanism; That is, it is possible that this bridge results in the creation of a new discipline as the sum of several specialties from other disciplines, or as the sum of other new hybrid domains.

Surely in the Domain of Urbanism we will find the sub-discipline that will have the greatest influence in promoting and conducting hybridization – with other disciplines and sciences – in order to revolutionize the multidisciplinary offer, to respond to the new needs of human beings in their journey. , for the future.

Now, what urban perspective should experts consider to make way for the new hybrid discipline?

Firstly, the tendency of Humanity to concentrate in cities must be carefully quantified and defined, according to the statistics on this urban concentration, stratified by city sizes. The statistical analysis must cover a period of years large enough to quantify the trends at the different levels that are defined. The perspective of Humanity towards the future, with respect to the same concentration variable, must be at least 50 years.

Secondly, the new physical and natural scenarios that will open up, in the same 50-year survey, must be explored, investigated and defined to accommodate that part of the population that will not go to the cities, and that will take refuge in those different living environments.

Thirdly, the other disciplines and sub-disciplines that manifest their flows of ideas and theoretical and practical models will have to be defined, to form the entire context of the new hybrid discipline.

Any configuration will have to be resolved in different stages and modulations; that is, over a period of time and through various direct communication mechanisms, whether through symposiums, formal meetings, special meetings, congresses, conferences, etc.

Based on what was stated in the 2 previous posts belonging to this series regarding hybridization and the definition of the new paradigm of walking, we arrive at the following predictions regarding what urbanism should contribute:


To determine the repetitive patterns of walking in different contexts and groups of people, the following strategies and technologies were taken into account:

a) Individuals:

• Tracking devices: Use devices such as pedometers or mobile applications that record the distance, time and speed of each step.

• Video analysis: Employ video analysis techniques to study the biomechanics and movement patterns of each individual.

b) Social groups:

• Surveys and countryside (rural areas) studies: Conduct surveys and observations in different environments to identify the walking patterns of specific groups, such as people with disabilities, children, older adults, etc.

• Participatory mapping: Involve social groups in identifying and mapping walking routes and points of interest in their environment.

c) In the countryside (rural areas):

• GPS and GIS: Use GPS and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology to map and analyze walking patterns in rural environments.

• Ethnographic studies: Conduct ethnographic studies to understand cultural and traditional walking patterns in rural communities.

d) In the city:

• Urban sensors: Install sensors in urban areas to collect data on pedestrian movement and walking patterns.

• Transportation data analysis: Use public and private transportation data to infer walking patterns in different types of cities.

These strategies and technologies can help you determine repetitive walking patterns in various contexts and social groups, allowing you to design more effective interventions and policies to promote sustainable and healthy mobility.


Some current trends and possible future evolutions in terms of walking, with a horizon of 20 and 50 years, to improve this activity in architectural and urban areas:

Current trends (20 years):

1. Pedestrian infrastructure: Greater investment in wide, safe and accessible sidewalks, with inclusive design for people with reduced mobility.

2. Green spaces: Greater integration of green areas and parks in urban environments, promoting attractive and healthy pedestrian paths.

3. Active mobility: Promotion of policies and programs that promote active mobility, such as walking and cycling, as alternatives to using the car.

4. Wearable technology: Increased use of wearable technology to track and enhance the walking experience, including physical activity tracking devices and augmented reality for navigation.

5. People-centered urban planning: Focus on urban design centered on the needs of people, with well-designed pedestrian streets, plazas and community spaces.

Future trends (50 years):

1. Walkable cities: Greater expansion of walkable cities, where traveling on foot is the most convenient and pleasant option.

2. Smart infrastructure: Integration of smart technologies into pedestrian infrastructure, such as smart traffic lights and dynamic signage.

3. Interconnected roads: Development of networks of interconnected roads that facilitate travel on foot between different areas of the city.

4. Biomimetic design: Use of biomimetic principles in urban design, inspired by nature to create healthier and more sustainable environments.

5. Culture of walking: Greater awareness and appreciation for the activity of walking, with educational and cultural programs that promote its benefits.

These trends suggest a future where walking becomes a central activity in urban design, promoting health, sustainability and quality of life in cities.



The prediction of future human behaviors regarding walking will be influenced by several important characteristics that must be considered in order not to fail regarding the future legal provisions that must be included in the New Walking Paradigm, namely:

1. Collaboration and citizen participation: Greater collaboration and citizen participation in urban planning related to walking is expected, which will require legal provisions that promote public consultation and community participation in decision-making.

2. Road safety: There will be an increased demand for pedestrian road safety measures, such as safe pedestrian crossings, adequate signage and reduced traffic speeds, which will require stricter regulations and their effective enforcement.

3. Right to public space: Greater recognition of pedestrians’ right to public space is expected, which will involve the implementation of regulations that limit motor vehicle access in certain areas and promote the creation of pedestrian zones.

4. Shared responsibility: Future walking behaviors will be more oriented towards shared responsibility between pedestrians, drivers and authorities, which will require legal provisions that promote mutual respect and peaceful coexistence in public spaces.

5. Flexibility and adaptability: Regulations related to walking must be flexible and adaptable to changes in society and technology, in order to respond effectively to the needs and demands of the constantly evolving population.

These characteristics are fundamental for the design of legal provisions that promote walking as a safe, healthy and sustainable activity in the future, thus contributing to the creation of more livable and pedestrian-friendly urban environments (Future Post PROVISIONS AND REGULATIONS IN THE NEW WALKING PARADIGM. PART VIII of IX).


In the next 20 and 50 years, the stage of rediscovery of walking and the promotion of sustainable mobility (Stage 7) and the Return to the Countryside (Stage 8) could develop as follows:



1. Improved pedestrian infrastructure: Greater investment is expected in wide, safe and accessible sidewalks, as well as in the creation of pedestrian zones and shared streets in cities.

2. Technology for pedestrian mobility: Mobile applications and wearable devices that encourage walking will be developed and popularized, providing information on safe, healthy and attractive routes.

3. Pedestrian-friendly urban policies: Cities will adopt policies that prioritize walking, such as implementing low-emission zones and restricting motor vehicle access in urban areas.

4. Culture of active mobility: Greater awareness of the health and environmental benefits of walking will be promoted, promoting educational programs and awareness campaigns.

5. Integration with other modes of transportation: Connections between walking and other modes of public transportation, such as buses, trains and bicycles, will be improved, facilitating multimodal travel.


New planning should be carried out in the countryside (rural areas), focusing on walking as a fundamental means of transportation.

To plan these imminent long-term migrations of human groups to rural areas, with walking as a fundamental activity, it is necessary to consider the following essential aspects at an international and global level.

i) Technical, economic and social policies:

• Establish tax incentives for companies that establish themselves in rural areas, creating employment and reducing migration.

• Implement comprehensive rural development programs that include access to basic services such as health and education.

ii) Technical, economic and social guidelines:

• Create investment funds for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure projects in rural areas.

• Establish efficient and accessible rural public transportation systems to reduce automobile dependency.

iii) Urban structure and environment:

• Design rural communities with sustainable infrastructure and green spaces that encourage walking and outdoor living.

• Implement environmental protection and natural resource management policies in rural areas.

iv) Characteristics to consider about Artificial Intelligence:

• Use AI systems to optimize pedestrian and bicycle routes, guaranteeing the safety and efficiency of non-motorized transportation.

• Implement AI-based environmental monitoring technologies to preserve biodiversity and natural resources in rural areas.

v) Legal regulations on technological and social aspects of walking:

• Establish regulations that regulate the use of autonomous vehicles in rural areas, prioritizing the safety of pedestrians and cyclists.

• Implement laws that promote shared responsibility for road safety, involving drivers, cyclists and pedestrians.

vi) Other relevant aspects:

• Promote the creation of networks of trails and pedestrian tourist routes that promote sustainable tourism in rural areas.

• Promote local production and consumption to strengthen the rural economy and reduce the carbon footprint associated with food transportation.

Of course, each region in the world and each country must carry out specific planning that will require a detailed analysis of each particular case, but always respecting global policies and guidelines.

These proposals are intended to promote balanced and sustainable rural development, where walking is a central activity in people’s daily lives.



1. Completely walkable cities: Cities are expected to be designed primarily for pedestrians, with urban infrastructure that prioritizes walking over other modes of transportation.

2. Advanced technology for pedestrian mobility: Advanced technologies, such as augmented reality systems and intelligent personal assistants, will be developed to improve the walking experience and safety of pedestrians.

3. Integrated urban policies: Cities will implement comprehensive policies that promote sustainable mobility, including the creation of green spaces and the reduction of motorized traffic.

4. Cultural shift towards active mobility: Walking will become the dominant form of travel in cities, with an ingrained culture of active and healthy mobility.

5. Revaluation of public space: Priority will be given to public space for pedestrians, with streets, squares and parks designed to promote social interaction and the well-being of the community.


New planning should be carried out in the countryside (rural areas), focusing on walking as a fundamental means of transportation.

In the same way as within 20 years, we must make plans to guide imminent migrations towards rural areas that contemplate the following core aspects, at a widespread level in the countryside.

i) Technical, economic and social policies:

• Promote economic incentives for rural life, such as subsidies for housing and basic services.

• Implement training and employment programs in rural areas to guarantee the labor integration of migrants.

• Develop rural public transportation policies that encourage the use of walking and cycling.

ii) Technical, economic and social guidelines:

• Promote economic diversification in rural areas to create employment opportunities.

• Establish regulations for the construction of safe and accessible pedestrian infrastructure.

iii) Urban structure and environment:

• Design compact, walkable rural communities that encourage social interaction and physical activity.

• Implement sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

iv) Characteristics to consider about Artificial Intelligence:

• Implement AI technologies to improve the efficiency of rural public transportation and pedestrian safety.

• Use AI to predict migration patterns and plan rural development in advance.

v) Legal regulations on technological and social aspects of walking:

• Establish regulations that protect pedestrians and promote road safety in rural areas.

• Regulate the use of personal mobility technologies, such as electric scooters, to guarantee coexistence with pedestrians.

vi) Other relevant aspects:

• Promote road safety education and awareness about the benefits of walking for health and the environment.

• Promote community participation in the planning and design of walkable public spaces.

Notwithstanding these constructive ideas of a new model of habitability and “walkability” in rural areas, each region and country must carry out specific planning that will require a detailed analysis of each local and regional context.

These action formulas for the generation of new plans (recommendation meditations reflections contemplations speculations) suggest a future where walking becomes the main mobility activity both in cities and in the countryside, promoting health, sustainability and quality of life of citizens.


In the immediate future we will propose several theses taking into consideration what has been determined about walking patterns in order to carry out the definitive predictive study and validation of the same theses and the assumptions that we have made for the next 20-50 years, both in cities as in the countryside.

Let’s think of a new conformation for the COUNTRYSIDE (RURAL AREAS) of the future. In the meantime, let’s walk every day.

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We already commented in Post THE GAME AND THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM. PART II. NO TO COMPETITION, YES TO FUN Some relevant aspects about the game while we walk and read, Huizinga has been very explicit about it, he tells us in his book HOMO LUDENS: “Games serve for recreation from work, like a kind of medicine , because they relax the soul and give it rest. Leisure houses pleasure, happiness and joy in life. This happiness, that is, this no longer tending towards something that one does not have, is telos [telos]: end of life. But not all men seek this enjoyment in the same things. And that enjoyment is the best when the man who enjoys it is the best and his efforts are the noblest. It is clear, therefore, that, to fill free time, you have to learn something and train yourself [Educate and Perfect Yourself], but not with things that are learned due to the necessity of work, but for themselves. For this reason the ancestors have counted [included] music in the paideia [paideia] –education, training, culture- as something that is not necessary or even useful, as are, for example, the reading and writing, but serves only to enjoy during leisure time” (Huizinga, Johan, Homo Ludens, Emecé/Alianza, Madrid, 1984, p. 191).

Leisure time is to be enjoyed, reading and writing in the same way, being also fruitful, useful and beneficial.

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Let’s see how we can have fun playing, while walking and reading.

To do this, I would like to briefly repeat, as an introduction to this post, what we said in another, that in the games that we will expose we will not seek competition, having fun and entertainment as a fundamental element (Section), and achieving the specific objectives which are achieved through the WALK-RWD system itself.

This fun will be similar to what animal puppies and humans achieve in childhood, at a very early age, since there is no competition or rivalry between them. This is an absolute truth, so we will always seek, in our case, to abstract ourselves from the conditioning of competing that at those early ages has not yet taken place. We also said: “Difficult but possible”, since by becoming aware of it, we can reduce it, and the easiest way is to play alone. In our case, this can be facilitated by walking alone and trying to play with ourselves, and that will ensure, in part, non-competition. How? Choosing new paths, varied books to read. Write different literary genres such as poems, letters, etc. With this suggestion I want to mean that it is always possible to find some different ways to enjoy, that are novel activities, while we walk.

Just so as not to forget that we have ventured into the “Game” in other literary genres, I will quote some passages from my novel “DIALOGUES IN A PLACE OF LA MANCHA”, where Miguel (Cervantes) plays with Eldelfonso, when they were children:

“calculate the leaves of different trees, indicating the branches that should be counted; The sun also played with them, as they calculated the time in which the sun would be hidden by any cloud; Once they had identified the cloud, they began to count the time it took to hide it – to determine the time in which any cloud that was close to covering the sun would take to completely hide it; and another similar game was to calculate the time it would take for the sun to emerge from a cloud that was hiding it: How long did it take for the sun to emerge from a cloud that was hiding it? Another one that they liked to play the most was cloud races, each person chose one of them and the winner was the one whose chosen cloud was furthest forward in the sky.

Eldefonso had an hourglass that he asked his father for from time to time. It served them to measure the passage of time while they had fun with these games that required calculation. But for the rest of them, who were quite a few, they practiced them regularly when they were not wearing it and when they were in the countryside and near some small farms; for example, scare birds from a tree, guessing the number of them that took flight; or define the type of animal that would pass by where they were standing, sitting or walking.

When the day was very sunny, discover the shapes of animals that the clouds projected on the land that they could see in the distance; when there were many of them in the sky and those figures that they formed with their own vaporous bodies could be seen on the barren terrain.

Another game also consisted of discovering animal shapes that some large rocks projected with their shadows on those sunny days.”

Warning; These Miguel and Eldefonso games are difficult to play when we are reading while walking.

Before presenting some concrete suggestions to complete the objective of this Post, to have fun while we walk and read, I would like to convey some aspects about the word “game” and highlight some ideas from Munne and Huizinga, about what they have commented about games.

For this post and some others where we discuss some topics that are related to the game: I would like to express that this word for game or the verb to play has been used in all cultures, and likewise in the different times and in the present, as metaphor, allegory, comparison, figure, simile, translation, within a figurative language; It has also been used through all its usual and constituted (established) synonyms in ordinary use: fun, recreation, trick, mischief, sport, entertainment, joke, pastime, recreational exercise, match, sporting event, risk , bet; synonyms that are used to replace: functioning, movement, mechanism, disposition, possibilities, exposing oneself, intervention, taking part, managing, and dozens of other semantic translations; which gives it a great capacity to be used as a metaphor for almost everything, with the implicit understanding that it does not imply that anything that is related in itself is certainly “at stake”, but quite the opposite, since it implies (expresses) formality in its entirety and not just a part; total seriousness and nothing joking; reality and nothing imaginary; I am sure without a doubt. I think we should be more precise and cautious in the use of the word “game.”

Regardless of the different fields or categories that we find ourselves playing a game, we must consider that every game involves two aspects of search and encounters, that is, through games, the human being can transcend into two stages:

In these two stages, by definition, they seek pleasure and fun in varying degrees of consciousness and unconsciousness.


The human being, in a largely unconscious way, seeks to re-balance and compensate for the physical, emotional and mental wear and tear carried out in periods preceding the game, which guide him to this stage.

This search for playing is triggered (with greater unconsciousness) to compensate for the conditioning, manipulations, influences and limitations of the society that surrounds and oppresses him (school, work, family, etc.). As he realizes that he can feel free through play, he searches for it in a more conscious way, and voluntarily tries to enter into a greater number of these vital escapes.

His recreational search and demand is instinctive, as he seeks a balance that he has lost in the “serious” social environment in which he operates daily. It is a natural impulse to feel free.

The means and elements available to achieve this are the conscious behavior of conditioning oneself but towards partial recreational activities, with the aim of mediating the castrating influence of the society that suffocates him and partially achieving a balance and physical and mental compensation for voluntarily allow yourself the acceptable expression of your disturbed personality (in the best of cases postponed in its conformation), strengthening it in a conscious but also unconscious way.


In this other stage of search for results, through play in a primarily unconscious way, a construction or reformulation of one’s own personality is required. He seeks the expression of his personality as well as the development of his character and temperament, in a freer way. Results that the individual pursues in a more conscious way as he evaluates his behavior and attitudes towards the social environment that surrounds him.

As in the first stage, their behavior is instinctive (less conscious) towards the search for recreational satisfaction (conscious), that same natural impulse of wanting to feel free from social, work and family influences, which becomes a need instinctive play just like in the other stage.

Regarding the means and elements available to achieve this, they are identical to the previous stage, with the conscious behavior of conditioning oneself towards recreational activities being the most relevant, in order to subtract from the ways that society has influenced and manipulated it, to be able to achieve physical and mental balance and compensation and allow themselves the expression of their original personality that has been unbalanced (or hindered), strengthening it through play.

As a core part to better understand the topic, Munné, in his book Psychosociology of Free Time, reviews 7 theoretical groups that try to explain THE OBJECT, THE NATURE AND THE ORIGIN of the game, a review that I allowed myself to present in the following table:

And as something very important, Munné presents the different behaviors (impulses or interests, forms of participation or attitudes) that are stimulated within the different categories of the game:

NOTE ON GAMES OF CHANCE.-We analyze games of chance associated with walking in future Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND GAMES OF CHANCE. Something very special is the game of chance. In this type of games we can observe players with a morbid problem who are driven towards this type of games, due to an emotional or psychological imbalance, who do not only seek them for the purpose of having fun. They respond for lacks of affection – or were mistreated – that they had in childhood, or the “player felt” that he had those lacks, due to his own sensitivity in his temperament.

Now let’s define some games that can be incorporated into the WALK-RWD System.


Name of the game: Walk, read and Discover

Objective: Combine careful reading with physical activity to promote concentration and enjoyment of the environment.

Materials needed: A printed page, a text with a story. An interesting book or document for each player and an outdoor space or space with enough space to walk.


1. Preparation: Each player chooses a book or document they would like to read while walking. It is important that the material is appropriate for the age and interests of each player.

2. Start of the game: Players begin walking through the designated space, maintaining a comfortable speed and rhythm so they can read carefully.

3. Reading challenges: Throughout the course, markers or stopping points can be placed where players must stop and answer questions related to the content of their books or documents. These questions can be about understanding, opinion or curiosities about the topic discussed in the material.

4. End of the game: The game can end when the players reach the end of the course or when they decide to stop. It is important to remember that the most important thing is to enjoy exercise and reading, so it is not necessary to compete rigorously.

This game, as we can see, encourages concentration, physical activity and the enjoyment of reading, and can be easily adapted for different ages and skill levels.

There are no winners or losers, since the main objective is to enjoy reading and physical activity consciously and without competitive pressure.


Game Name: Walk, Read and Explore

Objective: Combine physical activity with reading to promote mindfulness and connection with the environment.

Materials needed: A printed page, a text with a story. An interesting book or document for each player and an outdoor space or with enough space to walk.


1. Preparation: Each player chooses a book or document they would like to read while walking. It is important that the material is appropriate for the age and interests of each player.

2. Start of the game: Players begin walking through the designated space, maintaining a comfortable speed and rhythm so they can read carefully.

3. Mindful Exploration: Throughout the course, players occasionally stop to observe their surroundings and reflect on what they are reading. They can make mental or physical notes about how the reading relates to what they see, hear, or feel at that moment.

4. Share experiences: At the end of the tour, players can meet to share their experiences and reflections. You can discuss how the reading influenced your perception of your surroundings and your overall experience of the hike.

5. End of the game: The game can end when the players reach the end of the course or when they decide to stop. There are no winners or losers, since the main objective is to enjoy reading and physical activity consciously and without competitive pressure.


• Promotes mindfulness and connection with the environment.

• Encourages reflection and critical thinking.

• It does not generate rivalry or stress about winning or losing.


• May be less motivating for some people who enjoy competition.

• Lack of competition can cause some players to lose interest or become distracted more easily.

In short, a game without competition like “Walk and Explore” may be a more relaxed experience focused on the personal connection with the reading and the environment, but it could lack the motivating factor


Name of the game: Walk, read and Imagine

Objective: Stimulate creativity and imagination while enjoying reading and physical activity.

Materials needed: A printed page, a text with a story. An interesting book or document for each player and an outdoor space or with enough space to walk.


1. Preparation: Each player chooses a book or document they would like to read while walking. It is important that the material is appropriate for the age and interests of each player.

2. Start of the game: Players begin walking through the designated space, maintaining a comfortable speed and rhythm so they can read carefully.

3. Active imagination: Throughout the course, players stop occasionally to close their eyes and let their imagination fly. They can imagine what it would be like to be in the story they are reading, interact with the characters, or explore the places described in the book.

4. Interaction with the environment: Players can use their physical environment to enrich their imaginative experience. For example, if they are reading about an enchanted forest, they can look at the trees around them and feel the wind on their skin to become more immersed in the story.

5. Sharing experiences: At the end of the walk, players can come together to share their experiences and the mental images they created during the walk. You can discuss how the reading influenced your imagination and your overall experience of the walk.

6. End of the game: The game can end when the players reach the end of the course or when they decide to stop. There are no winners or losers, since the main objective is to enjoy reading and physical activity while stimulating the imagination in a creative way and without competitive pressure.


• Stimulates creativity and imagination.

• Allows for a more immersive and personal reading experience.

• Promotes the connection between reading and the physical environment.


• May require more concentration and mental effort than other games.

• Some people may find it difficult to concentrate on reading while walking and imagining things at the same time.

In short, a game like “Walk and Imagine” can be a unique and enriching experience that combines reading, physical activity and creativity in a non-competitive way. It is ideal for those looking for a more introspective and personal experience while enjoying nature and reading.


Name of the game: Walk, read and Reflect

Objective: Promote personal reflection and introspection while enjoying reading and physical activity.

Materials needed: A printed page, a text with a story. An interesting book or document for each player and an outdoor space or with enough space to walk.


1. Preparation: Each player chooses a book or document they would like to read while walking. It is important that the material is appropriate for the age and interests of each player.

2. Start of the game: Players begin walking through the designated space, maintaining a comfortable speed and rhythm so they can read carefully.

3. Reflective questions: Throughout the course, players occasionally stop to reflect on what they are reading. Questions can be asked such as “How can I apply this to my life?”, “What do other characters think about this topic?” or “How does this part of the book make me feel?”

4. Share experiences: At the end of the tour, players can meet to share their reflections and thoughts. You can discuss how reading influenced your way of seeing the world and your overall experience of the walk.

5. End of the game: The game can end when the players reach the end of the course or when they decide to stop. There are no winners or losers, as the main goal is to enjoy reading and physical activity while reflecting creatively and without competitive pressure.


• Encourages personal reflection and introspection.

• Allows a deeper connection with reading and its application in daily life.

• Promotes creative writing and personal expression.


• May require greater mental and emotional effort than other games.

• Some people may find it difficult to concentrate on reading while walking and reflecting at the same time.

In short, a game like “Walk, Read and Reflect” can be an enriching experience that combines reading, physical activity, and personal reflection in a non-competitive way. It is ideal for those looking for a more introspective and meaningful experience while enjoying nature and reading.

As can be seen in the 4 proposed games, they can be played in groups or individually (alone).

To conclude, I would like to say that the WALK-RWD System, by itself, allows the achievement, to a large extent, of what is stipulated in part B) of the “Human Impulses and Behaviors that participate in games” scheme and that we can accentuate it, through games like those we have previously described, thereby supporting our search for fun, joy, satisfaction and entertainment.

I invite you to develop the WALK-RWD System and incorporate any of the games described or one that you prefer.

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This post has the purpose of endorsing the 5 fundamental principles of the WALK-RWD system, which we have described over 170 posts, 6 years of uninterrupted effort.

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I would like to dedicate a few paragraphs to what the essential principles for the functioning of any system represent.

The Fundamental Principles are an essential tool for creating and operating coherent and effective systems. The definition, adoption and practice of Principles guarantees that the system is consistent, efficient, adaptable and capable of achieving its objectives in an efficient and sustainable manner.

The Functional Principles of a system, of any type, is a set of basic rules or guidelines that guide its fundamental functioning and behavior (essential, main, basic, radical). They are established to provide a solid and coherent foundation to support the design, development and operation of the system in question.

In a generic way, the practical and methodological applications of the functional principles are the following:

• Conceptual coherence: Fundamental principles help establish a logical and consistent structure for the system, ensuring that its components and actions relate harmoniously and without contradictions.

• Decision making: The fundamental principles serve as a guide for making decisions in the development and evolution of the system. When dilemmas or conflicts arise, these principles can provide a basis for resolving them efficiently and consistently.

• System design: Fundamental principles influence system architecture and design. They can determine aspects such as modularity, scalability, security and efficiency.

• Quality standards: Establishing fundamental principles helps define the quality standards that the system must meet. This may include reliability, usability, performance, and other aspects relevant to the particular system.

• Requirements Identification: Fundamental principles can also help identify key requirements that the system must meet, allowing for a more focused approach to development.

• Problem solving: When problems arise in the functioning of the system, the fundamental principles act as a guide to identify the root cause and find appropriate solutions.

• Communication and shared understanding: The fundamental principles provide a common framework of reference for all parties involved in the system, facilitating communication, collaboration and understanding in their own relationships and with other systems.

• Continuous evaluation and improvement: The fundamental principles are also useful in evaluating the performance of the system and facilitating its continuous improvement. It allows identifying gaps between the current state of the system and the desired objectives.

We have carried out the creation and definition of the 5 principles of the WALK-RWD system through their synthetic formulation, which in turn has forced us to highlight (highlight, weight) the most important elements that make them up, for which -of each of them- we present below, a diagram of their functions and dynamic aspects, from a mechanical and physiological perspective.

Expressing specifically and clearly the elements that make it up and also those that give it essence and support, allows us to achieve its presentation and declaration in a clearer way, and also better explain its structural functioning, by integrating its 4 essential activities, as well as better support the benefits achieved and their respective measurements.

His statement has allowed us, in this post, to elaborate on its functional plots, as well as allowing a better understanding of the operation of the WALK-RWD system as a harmonious whole.

It allows us to point out aspects that are implicit within its functional practice, such as the requirement for support, motivations, and some experiences that we have mentioned previously, and its effectiveness and efficiency in the results (functional demonstrations) obtained.

We defined (constructed) each of these principles as we incorporated some activities and experiences that have allowed us to acquire knowledge and greater attention towards what we should truly be aware of doing.

It was necessary to incorporate and organize all that information in order to transmit it as best as possible and allow us to condense it into these 5 principles.

Over 6 years we have been able to express them in basic functional units during the transmission of how this system of 4 basic activities operates: walking, reading, writing and drawing.

Of course, implicitly, the 5 principles can be seen in each of the posts that make up the Blog, but specifically (particularly, concretely) I have defined them in the posts indicated below, in case you wish to reread them and compare them in those that gave it shape and sustenance, both in mechanical and physiological aspects.

Thus, below are the 5 fundamental principles that support the WALK-RWD system, and the different Posts in which they were defined.

1st Principle or Principle of Symmetry:

“All the exercises performed must be carried out with respect to the anatomical vertical axis of symmetry of the human body, either simultaneously or alternating the two respective symmetrical limbs, always in a harmonious manner, in both options.”


2nd Principle or Principle of Dynamic Balance:

“Keeping the body in physical movement through walking generates a vibration of the brain, which causes it to enter into an imbalance and normal functions are carried out and dynamic effects are generated on the different systems, organs and glands of the body.


3rd Principle or Energetic Principle of Disturbance (Instability, Active, Energetic, Efficient, Effective, Alive, Energetic, Vigorous):

“The functional efficiency of the brain and other systems, organs and glands of the human being is maximized and optimized through walking and special structural instability exercises performed while walking.


4th Principle or Principle of Verticality

“Every human being must permanently seek a position of verticality to optimally perform the tasks and functions as homo faber and homo sapiens sapiens, to favor them, reinforce them, expand them and increase them (intensify them)”


5th Principle or Principle of Rhythm, Compass and Cadence.

Every individual has their own rhythm, beat and cadence, they just have to discover them, apply them and maintain them while walking.




A functional differentiation (variety, modification, differentiation, inference, alternation, deduction, consequence, connection, derivation) of the 1st principle is that the exercises we perform on the members of the human body, mainly the upper and lower extremities, the arms and the legs, must be practiced simultaneously, that is, moving both arms (or legs) at the same time. In this way, the impact that is made on them is manifested in a better way and the re-stimulation towards other organs, systems and glands of the body is more efficient and healthy, in terms of the preventive and curative aspects of the WALK-RWD system. (Post THE SYMMETRY OF THE BODY, ITS BALANCE AND WALKING)

The exercise of the upper limbs, arms, forearms, hands, elbows, wrists and fingers, can be done simultaneously, while walking; However, for the lower extremities it is practically impossible to do it this way, so we have to do it alternately, which is its natural way.

In Post CEREBRAL GYMNASTICS WHILE WALKING-EXERCISES, we present a couple of exercises where you can simultaneously exercise your legs and another where you exercise your arms at the same time.


The practice of walking is a dynamic balance that rests on the 2nd principle, this being essential for the achievement of what are unbalanced movements and “unbalancing” states in movement, which, as we know, walking generates very important effects on our brain and in the body (stable unbalancing movement).”

In this regard, I must comment that when we walk naturally, the movement we make of the leg-arm extremities is done in a crossed way, that is, when we advance the left leg we move the right arm, and when we advance the right leg we move the left arm. This way of moving our upper and lower extremities in a crossed way is only done while we walk, and this is one of the great benefits that cannot be obtained with any other type of exercise naturally (Post THE SYMMETRY OF THE BODY, ITS BALANCE AND WALKING).


A typical example of this 3rd Principle is the practice of writing, drawing or painting while walking. In some of the Brain Gym exercises that we offer in Post CEREBRAL GYMNASTICS WHILE WALKING-EXERCISES, efforts are made where that harmony is broken in order to cause unbalanced states in the brain, which in turn cause imbalances. which causes it to send signals to the rest of the body and especially to the senses, both internal and external, and to itself, causing the use of brain areas that have been dormant or little used. These Brain Gym exercises during the walk – in general – replace the 3 activities of reading, writing and drawing, structured within the WALK-RWD system, generating very strong impulses towards the brain system, which seeks to re-balance itself by making others work. areas of the same brain, which without these efforts, would remain asleep, almost inactive.

A more effective (radical) way to put this 3rd Principle into practice is to write, draw or paint with the left hand (when you are right or right-handed) to “wake up” the right side of the brain. The positive results obtained are truly impressive: imagination and creativity are immediately present.


When the human being stood up on his lower limbs, he generated a vertical flow of force and energy, from his feet to his head, following a line perpendicular to the ground on which he walked.

According to expert anthropologists, before this position the hominid ancestors of “Homo Sapiens” moved on their four limbs and this flow ran through their body, avoiding (evading) perpendicularity, as they avoided or denied it (vetoed, limited, inhibited, restricted). , hindered, evaded, avoided, impeded) with their transverse, almost horizontal position. At the present moment, this can be verified and validated as an absolute truth.

The vertical position achieved is what allowed Homo Sapiens greater brain capacity, in all mental and functional orders (Post EMPIRICISM OR THINKING WITH ONE’S FEET)


The determination of these 3 parameters in each individual – the rhythm, the beat and the cadence – can be achieved through the practice of walking itself. Only by walking can each person identify which ones are ideal for the body, both physically and mentally. There are two very important stages in which we can enter to understand its identification: the first is related to ideas and the second is identified with health.


The following table shows the different dynamic aspects and organic and mental faculties that are addressed when putting the WALK-RWD System into practice, guided by the 5 functional principles stated.

It is worth mentioning that only what is most relevant is indicated where the principles participate, and in cases where their participation is not indicated, it does not mean that they have no interference, but rather it was decided to only indicate where they participated in a more outstanding way.

The ¤ symbol indicates the most relevant dynamic aspect of the WALK-RWD system principle indicated.

Surely having these dynamic indications of each of the fundamental principles of the WALK-RWD System will allow us to better appreciate the importance of practicing it and, above all, getting ready to walk every day.

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This is the second Post of the series that I have entitled Gods and Goddesses Protectors of the Roads and Travelers. I commented in the initial Post, WALKING WITH HERMES, the following: The frequency in the number of divinities (male and/or female) that a mythology has, is related almost generally, to the importance given to the human condition, natural phenomenon or essential category of behavior (conduct) that they represent. The greater the number of such representation, the greater the importance it has in the collective imaginary of each people.

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Without a doubt, all mythologies have at least one goddess or god who protects travelers and walkers; and likewise, we can assure that walking (and its derivations) is one of the representations that few gods have in their mythologies, since there are other spiritual conditions that are more complex and that are attributed greater importance, which is why it is required a greater number of divinities for representation.

The sacred character that has been given to roads and their road crossings, in practically all mythologies, responds to various causes and customs. The religious factor in the activity of divine protection of the paths initially arises with certain magical relationships and circumstances. Indeed, magic discovers elements that show us that sublime custom of roads and walkers, which moves people to search for divine actions in it. We have already mentioned some outstanding issues that are related to magic, in Post TOTEM AND WALKING-PART I, ANTHROPOLOGICAL ASPECTS; We said that: “Totemism, without becoming a religion, laid the foundations for the formation of all the religions of the world; It was their spiritual preamble. Totemism was one of the institutions, in addition to magic, witchcraft, spiritualism, and others, in which animism (the belief in the soul) was projected, in which it took shape and structure to lead to religion. , this being the animistic form in which humanity currently finds itself. The belief in the soul and the devil is current, and its main characteristics still remain, which have prevailed to the present. Now, each of these 2 characteristics, and others, represent attempts by the human capacity for spirituality – the human spirit – to replace acts, activities, actions, practices, manifestations and functions of the being that have diminished over time, or have been disrupted by factors external to it (physical and social environment) or by repetitive acts of human consciousness itself, which have suppressed them in lifeless forms and which need to be recovered through other representations (forms, practices, arts). , ceremonies) substitutes, which are usually not analogous, however, others are imitations that have similarity or equivalence, or are supported by homologous expressive manifestations in parallel.”

The roads and some of their points – mainly their forks – had a charge and a magical sense.

I commented in the same Post: “Of all the paths we have taken to analyze, investigate and obtain knowledge of the things around us, the one we have left forgotten is the human activity of walking. The analysis of its performance – of walking – in Totemism leads us to reveal certain (some) religious behaviors in today’s society. The renunciation of nomadism (or turning away from it) is the germ of the human need to “communicate” – spiritually – with the spirits and later with divinities.” And finally he asserted: “Walking was preserved analogically as a spiritual practice within the Totemist system. That imperative need to wander, whose beginnings are 2 million years old, we manage to satisfy spiritually by imitating animals in their walking and dancing; a rhythmic and lilting dance, which communicates with a percussive beat your body with the external natural environment, in a spiritual and somatic way: the Spiritual Walk. The more sedentary lifestyle becomes accentuated, the greater the need to ask for help from the spirits, from our inner spirituality. The primitive man of those times is inclined to invoke the spirits – his spirituality – due to his new sedentary state that reduces his ability to have contact with his unconscious and other mental functions. […]From here a new way of invoking human spirituality is born, but above all it flourishes, and perhaps also, it is the genesis of the conscious repression of certain stimuli from the external environment, which begins to replace the belief in the natural environment – to trust in that objective reality – by the spirits and very later, with the gods (religion).”

Indeed, the reasons why we were directed to define diverse and numerous divinities in this natural activity of human walking are quite profound.

All these manifestations and evolutions over time, provoked in the different peoples of all of humanity, that spiritual-religious need to venerate their respective deities who watch over the paths and protect the walkers.

Now, in Japanese mythology, within its pantheon, there are (have) several divinities who are considered patrons of walkers, travelers, explorers and walkers. In this post we will focus on commenting on the god SARUTAHIKO, because from what I have been able to investigate, this god was dedicated to monitoring the intersection points of roads, crossroads or road crossings, forks, an aspect that we have detected. in several gods from various mythologies that is truly important, just as he represented him in the pantheon of this town, in addition to taking care of the roads and the walkers.

This aspect of bifurcation must be taken with great interest, for its analysis, (disjunctions, crossings, intersections, branches, ramifications, divisions, separations, divergences, detours, branching, crossings, branch, deviation, branches) both in the physical aspect of the constitutive structure of roads as from the perspective of human behavior; and of course, the metaphysical one that gives us the opportunity to bring together the previous two. To do this I will have to associate it with the dilemma (options) of the future, with the opportunity of several futures, or more specific and defining: more than one future! (Post WALKING AND VITAL OPPORTUNITIES).

However, in what follows we will try to focus more specifically on human behavior, taking into account the metaphysical aspects outlined.

Regarding why it is important to analyze this practice of walking with respect to spiritual attention, through its representation with gods and goddesses, it is doubly relevant because our spirituality is directed to this natural activity of a human being, because both the individual unconscious and the collective are oriented to attend only to those issues that are essential for their existence, and this directs us to address all those issues that are thus defined as important in that spiritual sphere. And on the other hand, a better understanding of the divine pantheon of a people will always show us relevant aspects of their existential behavior, which in the case of the Japanese god SARUTAHIKO, leads us to the fact that this people has been oriented towards the confrontation of their way of living, with the different options that life can show you to choose the best one, regarding the future of your existence.

In the other aspect, we must understand, from the epistemological and human behavior approach, that simply finding a fork that gives us 2 paths in which a different future can be found, would be enough to search for that fork. In Post WALKING, AN EXISTENTIAL METAPHOR. PART 3 OF 4, I indicate how important the concept of BIFURCATION is for our experience – I point out the probability of observing a fork that we find in the path, it would put us metaphorically before life -, and precisely in this part III of the Post , I make an analogy with life when we are faced with a fork in the road, what it can mean (that crucial importance) for our lives to discover ourselves faced with different options and difficult decision-making, to find ourselves face to face with our meaning in life , with our destiny, with our future.

Continuing with the metaphor: What is it to encounter a fork in the path?

First of all, the answer is that we may have chosen the wrong path or the direction in which we chose to travel it. Maybe we should have walked in the opposite direction, and then we would not have reached that fork.

If we were on the right path, that fork would not have appeared. But perhaps we must acquire this experience and we will have to choose one of the 2 road options (or more) that we have. That’s the great experience. It is truly great that we objectively have that choice making. The vast majority of the time, “life” does not give us that opportunity, or we do not see it very clearly. In general, a high percentage of our actions must be carried out without any reflection when making decisions. Everything is conditioned by the physical, social, family, friendly, work environment, etc., in which we move and perform.

A “bifurcation” of any kind is one of the most relevant vital opportunities that a human being can have in their existential wandering (Post WALKING AND VITAL OPPORTUNITIES), unfortunately, it is not always presented to us.

The Japanese people have represented their respect for the roads through their devotion to various gods, among them, their god SARUTAHIKO, who has prevented the entry of evil spirits and essentially protects walkers at forks, at crossroads. vials. (There are several gods who are venerated for these divine attributes and powers).

Japanese tradition includes specific practices and rituals to ensure safe travel, such as the “ema.” tablets” or “ema boards”), small wooden plaques where the faithful write their prayers and wishes, which are hung in the sanctuaries.

Let’s see the most outstanding characteristics of this Japanese god:

Role and Attributes: Sarutahiko is known as the kami of the crossroads, and his main role is to act as a guide and protector at crossroads (forks). It is associated with orientation and decision-making in life, since crossroads (fork) in roads often symbolize critical moments where a path must be chosen (Post WALKING, AN EXISTENTIAL METAPHOR. PART 3 OF 4, and Post WALKING AND VITAL OPPORTUNITIES).

Legends and myths: Sarutahiko is mentioned in several Japanese myths. In one of them, he is the guide of Ninigi-no-Mikoto, the grandson of the sun goddess Amaterasu, when she descends to Earth. In this role, Sarutahiko guides and advises him on his journey across Earth.

Appearance and Depiction: Sarutahiko is often depicted as an older man with a long beard and a prominent nose. It is also common to see him with a staff or rod that symbolizes his role as a guide. Your image may vary depending on artistic representations and regions.

Relationship with other gods: Sarutahiko is connected to the earth goddess, Ame-no-Uzume, and together they are considered the parents of the rice goddess, Inada-hime. This connection highlights Sarutahiko’s importance in fertility and agricultural prosperity.

Worship and Adoration (Cult and Adoration / Worship and Cult): Throughout history, shrines in honor of Sarutahiko have been erected in places that are considered critical or sacred, such as at crossroads (forks). Pilgrims and travelers often pray to Sarutahiko seeking guidance and safety on their journeys.

Below I present certain mythological passages that highlight the figure of Sarutahiko as a protector and guide of travelers on different paths and challenges.

1. The meeting at the crossroads: According to legend, Sarutahiko usually appears at crossroads to assist lost or confused travelers. It is said that those who are undecided about which path to take can call upon his name and he will show them the right direction.

2. Protection during storms: In another story, Sarutahiko is summoned by a group of travelers who are caught in the middle of a raging storm in the mountains. The god appears before them as a tall man with a lantern in his hand, guiding them safely until they find shelter.

3. Help in the enchanted forest: It is said that a group of pilgrims gets lost in a forest known to be the home of evil spirits. Sarutahiko appears to them as a wise old man and offers them his guidance and protection, allowing them to find their way out of the forest and continue their journey.

4. Salvation in crossing rivers: On one occasion, a merchant is prevented from crossing a river swollen by recent rains. Sarutahiko manifests himself as a fisherman and offers him his raft to cross the turbulent waters safely, ensuring that the merchant reaches the other side safely.

5. Help in the snowy mountain: During a winter journey through the mountains, a group of travelers encounters an avalanche that blocks their path. Sarutahiko appears to them as an experienced mountaineer and guides them through safe passage, helping them avoid dangers and reach their destination safely.

In summary, Sarutahiko plays a crucial role in Japanese mythology as the guide at crossroads (forks), offering guidance and protection at decisive moments in life and travel.

And to finish, I would like to insist on recommending that we should start walking because we can use each walk as an analogy that physically communicates with our unconscious, since when walking along any path, we can use each fork as an existential metaphor that illuminates us in our own circumstantial decisions. This will help us better understand and make decisions in our lives and also motivate us to take daily walks.

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