The legend of Drummer Walker symbolizes the inner quest and journey of life. Each of us is like the Walker, choosing different paths in our search for meaning and purpose. The drums represent the constant rhythm of life, the universe’s heartbeat that connects us all.

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This post is inspired by my long story titled “The Drummer of the Magic Roads”(*); but it is also a consequent of the 5th Principle or Principle of Rhythm, Compass and Cadence: Every individual has his own rhythm, Compass and cadence, he just has to discover them, apply them and maintain them while walking (Post RHYTHM, COMPASS AND CADENCE IN OUR WALKING).

In ancient times, when the world still resonated with the magic of the unknown, there was a singular being that wandered along paths of all kinds and throughout the world. This individual always kept a smile and had a special shine in his eyes, which conveyed complete happiness, and he invariably carried with him a drum that was said to be a gift from the gods. With his percussive sounds he guided people along unexpected and wonderful roads.

Every day, at dawn, he emerged from the shadows of dawn with a different drum in his hands; one day it was the frame drum, whose joyful and festive sound called to celebration and unity; another day it was the trench drum, whose soft, lilting rhythm inspired introspection and calm.

The people who listened to him understood this pattern, and they liked to accompany him (they began to follow him) on his marches (tours), eagerly waiting every day he passed to see which drum he carried with him to listen to its melodious and seductive rhythms. On days when the box drum resounded, the streets were filled with laughter and dancing. In the days of the djembe drum, people fell into silent meditations, searching for answers in the echoes of their own thoughts.

Because of this, the Drummer became a legendary figure, recounted everywhere as the “Drummer Walker.” It was said that those who followed him learned valuable lessons about life and the world around them, simply by listening to the message that each drum brought with it, and that it always transformed any path into a Magical Road, reinforced by its drums.

The legend of the Drumer Walker has endured through the ages, reminding us that although the paths we choose may be different, we are all united by the universal rhythm of existence. Symbolizes the inner quest and journey of life. Each of us is like the Walker, choosing different paths in our search for meaning and purpose. The drums represent the constant rhythm of life, the heartbeat of the universe that connects us all. Though our paths may be different, we are all united by this common experience of existing, marked by that universal rhythm that drives us to move forward, to explore and discover what awaits us every step of the way.

In his legendary journeys, the Drummer carried a single drum that he used to beat, according to the path he chose to walk and would convert into a Magical Road. Each drum had a unique sound and purpose. Each one of them was listened to with special and suggestive messages.

Without the Drummer knowing how, the drums selected (chose) themselves to accompany him; however, he was fully aware that whoever accompanied him on each journey identified with the type of magical road along which he would lead (guide) people along the path that had been chosen.

The most illustrious drummers that accompanied him, in his magical processions, were, and continue to be, the following:

The small drum, with its festive and energetic rhythm, guided people along the paths of celebration and joy, where laughter resonated among the trees and the dance became a tribute to life.

The frame drum, with its calm and contemplative cadence, led through the paths of introspection, where each step was an opportunity to reflect on the path traveled and the future. In those moments, silence became a wise companion, whispering secrets of the soul.

The tambourine, with its melodic histrionics, accompanied the walkers along the paths, creating a musical procession, where a true symphony of simultaneous rhythms was created.

The trench drum, designed to be played on the move, led followers down paths of action and determination. With its constant and energetic rhythm, it inspired us to overcome obstacles and move steadily towards the desired destination.

The box drum, with its powerful and energetic sound, marked the followers’ passage along the paths of strength and resistance. In those moments, the Drummer reminded them that, with determination and courage, they could overcome any challenge that stood in their way.

The djembe, with its deep, resonant sound, led through the paths of connection with nature and spirit. Under the shade of ancient trees and the murmur of crystalline streams, the Drummer taught the importance of being in harmony with the world around us.

This is a day that the Drummer will be accompanied by a Small Drum, and as his own spirit defines it, the person who goes out for a walk will be able to celebrate with joy and calmly enter into his positive thoughts. What are you waiting for to go for a walk?

(*) Loya Lopategui, Carlos, The Drummer of the Magic Roads, EMULISA, México, 2024. Available on Amazon, Kindle edition.

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