The title of this Post, “Walking backward”, I do not use it as a metaphor by which we would try to point out -among other things- that we are acting wrongly, but a recommendation we make to invite you to walk physically, moving the body from one point to another, contrary to the normal way we are used to. It is a very important exercise and that is why I have included it as the first exercise recommended in the practices of Brain Gymnastics during the Walks (Post CEREBRAL GYMNASTICS WHILE WALKING). Of course, placing it in the first place does not try to define its generative value in health, creativity, etc., but in my personal experience it does have an important hierarchy in all locomotor aspects (physical, physiological and anatomical) and also mental.
By developing the backward walk, eventually and for a few seconds, we get our senses to direct their attention to other conditions and behaviors, generating a different focus of both our conscious and unconscious (Post THE SENSE OF SIGHT AND THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM, Future Post WALKING WITH EYES CLOSED).
In Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND HOMEOSTASIS we explained that: “…the human body generates a homeostatic balance in several areas of its functioning, in order to level, stabilize and harmonize both the physical and mental body”; we also mentioned that “…the WALK-RWD System is a mechanism that by its functional structure, forces the organism, to be permanently in imbalance or instability, when reading, writing and drawing, while constantly walking. And this permanent process is precisely the one that forces the organism to use homeostasis to regulate and stabilize the physiological and mental indexes of the body, within certain healthy limits”. Hence, it is imperative and healthy that we walk backward from time to time to self-generate functional Homeostasis which in turn will generate us to use new functional and physical areas of the brain and likewise, put to work all our organs, systems and glands, which will generate physical and mental health, and emotional stability.
The special case of walking backwards is that of Michel Jackson, by means of his great showy way of dancing. It is done with rhythm and in a very personal and natural way (Post WALKING AND DANCING). Another outstanding fact is the one we have pointed out in Ali’s trot when he is boxing (Post THE TROT OF ALI). In Jackson’s case it is an artistic expression, but in Ali’s case it is a mechanism he used to repair his boxing capabilities and potential; in this post we expressed: “It is a very special trot that he performs backward and to his left side. Ali performs this style always jumping on his two lower limbs, to his left side and with slight steps (small and short) backwards. He performs it by circling around his opponent, always rotating around him, and at a constant distance. As we can see, this practice is not natural in the human being’s walk; it is a way to force our body and mind to reach other energetic forms to better develop our functions and also to generate that the mind has other brain areas that have remained dormant”.
This case of Ali is determinant to demonstrate that walking backward generates all that revitalizing process -in a stable imbalance- that we have mentioned in several Posts and that the WALK-RWD System motivates that revitalizing imbalance, by means of its 3 structural activities of reading, writing and drawing, while walking (Posts THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM ENCOURAGES CREATIVE THINKING. PART I; THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE, among others)
The sense most impacted and disturbed by walking backward is the sense of sight, which affects it in such a way that it is also the most interested in exercising and paying more attention to what is happening around it. However, all the senses, both external and internal, are affected and stimulated by this dynamic way of walking (Future Post WALKING AND THE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SENSES).
So much has been experimented that walking promotes the harmonious functioning of the cerebral hemispheres, that there is no doubt about it. Walking is an exercise that causes effects on the 2 symmetrical parts of the human body, so any exercise that does so, will have similar effects. However, walking backward is not at all common, and therefore there are no scientific experiences to give us feedback.
Therefore, I invite you to try this special way of walking backward and observe the effects it produces. You will have to do it very carefully and for a few seconds, while you go for a walk. We also recommend that, as the case may be, they be assisted by a person holding their hand.
This experience can be very informative according to what we observe in each of these occasions, walking backward.
You will surely gain several specific benefits, both physical and mental, from becoming a RETRITERANT (a backward walker) by inducing your body to walk backward,
RETRITERANT: Backward walker. From the Latin RETRO: backward, ITER: ROAD, ROUTE, PATH. backward path. Therefore: Backward walker or Walking backward.
RETRITERATION: The activity of walking backward.
RETRITERACT: The action or act of walking backward.
The purpose of the present Post is to transmit that the WALK-RWD system is an efficient homeostatic method, that is to say, its practice generates a Psychological Homeostasis and an Organic or Corporal Homeostasis; in both spheres an efficient and authentic equilibrium.
In Post WALKING AND SONAMBULISM, we mentioned the importance of this phenomenon of Homeostasis, in its two aspects, the psychological and the corporal, pointing out that : “… the unconscious, as part of its work, is permanently sending messages to the consciousness to rebalance it (psychological homeostasis) and to the body so that it can develop fully (organic or bodily homeostasis) and it sends them in various forms [symbolic languages], one of them being somnambulism: communicating to the being that it must walk. And therein lies the key to everything: WALKING”.
The quotation expresses the direct relationship that exists between the unconscious and Homeostasis, the latter being a functional manifestation, as its expression is commonly considered to be of the involuntary type.
The first thing to know is that the human body generates a homeostatic balance throughout its being, in order to level, stabilize and harmonize both its physical and mental parts. The functional areas, in which we can observe the impact of this operation relevant to the human being, are:
1. Organic: homeostasis of organs and systems in the body, so it may include several of the areas mentioned.
2. Cerebral: Cerebral homeostasis refers to maintaining a constant internal environment for the proper functioning of the brain, which is related to temperature, blood flow and other factors.
3. Psychological: Regulation of emotional and mental aspects, such as emotional balance and stress regulation, which is also linked to physiological processes.
4. Cellular metabolism: Homeostasis at the cellular level is essential for the proper functioning of all cells in the body.
5. Oxygenation: Homeostasis in oxygenation is essential to ensure an adequate supply of oxygen to tissues and organs.
6. Blood glucose: Blood glucose homeostasis refers to the maintenance of blood glucose levels within normal ranges.
7. Hydration: The balance of fluid and electrolyte levels in the body.
8. Body temperature: The body’s ability to maintain a constant internal temperature.
9. Acid-base balance: Regulation of pH levels in body fluids to maintain proper acidity.
10. Kidney function: The kidney plays a crucial role in regulating the chemical composition of the blood and the elimination of wastes.
11. Hormonal homeostasis: regulation of hormones in the body to maintain balance in various functions, such as growth and metabolism.
We could consider a larger classification, extending and specifying it for each of the organism’s systems, however, these are included in Organic Homeostasis.
The principle was first discussed by the French physiologist Claude Bernard in 1859, when he stated that living beings had a vital mechanism that allowed them to maintain certain conditions of stability in their internal environment in order to survive.
It is worth taking into consideration the later opinions expressed by some researchers on how demarcated (limited) the term “Homeostasis” was, such as Walter Bradford Cannon, in 1929-1932, Bruce McEwen, in 1998, Peter Sterling J. Eyer, in 1988, the latter two proposed a new term: Alostasis (Allostasis), mentioning that the healthy balance responses that living beings provide do not seek to “maintain a constant internal environment”, but seek to “vary the functioning of organic systems” in an efficient and healthy way.
There is no doubt in my mind that Claude Bernard considered that human beings organically seek to balance their internal environment by adjusting the functioning of their systems. However, whatever Bernard may have thought, this principle – either by calling it Homeostasis or Alostasis – is apotheosic as it keeps the whole being in a perfect state of balanced functioning.
The WALK-RWD system is a mechanism that, due to its functional structure, forces the organism to transit from a harmonious state to an unbalanced one (stable unbalance), when reading, writing and drawing, while constantly walking. And it is precisely this permanent process that forces the organism to use homeostasis to regulate and stabilize the physiological and mental indices of the body within certain healthy limits.
We have mentioned in several previous posts, that the WALK-RWD System causes the body to self-generate organic substances (Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE SELF-PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES) and also causes the brain to make use of areas that it keeps dormant (Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM ENCOURAGES CREATIVE THINKING ). When we keep walking in a recurrent way, by the only fact of doing this activity -without incorporating any other-, we promote that our body, generates by itself, certain substances in our organism that are fundamental for its optimal functioning. Physical exercise (WALKING) and mental exercise (READING, WRITING AND DRAWING) stimulate the brain in an intense way which in turn produces positive impulses towards other parts of the brain and other physiological systems of the body. We have already mentioned that the core issue is not only the harmonious development of the brain, but the creation of new pathways in its functioning, involving the use of brain areas that have been left unused.
The coordinated movement generated by walking causes the brain to generate substances through the endocrine system, which in turn stimulate the development and full functioning of neurons, considerably increasing the number of connections between them and the functional areas of the brain itself. There are several fields in which we can appreciate the effect of provoking the gestation of substances and neuronal processes, and where we can obtain positive and effective results in human behavior. In the field of creativity (ideas, memory, inspiration, imagination, etc.) it is one of them and in the field of emotions it is another. Let’s keep in mind that ideas and emotions are vectors with their own energy and that they are in movement and therefore provoke stimuli to all areas of the organism and fundamentally to the brain. So much has been experimented on the fact that walking promotes the harmonious functioning of the cerebral hemispheres, that there is no doubt about it. Walking is an exercise that has effects on both symmetrical parts of the human body, so any exercise that does so will have similar effects.
I would like to pick up on what McEwen and. Eyer, when they defined the new term Allostasis as similar to Homeostasis. They pointed out that the responses that the human being generates, seek to harmonize the imbalance in which the body (physical and mental) falls due to the performance of its own activities and functions, being constantly subjected to stimuli from the external environment, through the variation in the functioning of the organic systems.
These external stimuli, forces and alterations (excitations) that disharmonize the human body, are nothing more than the organized systematization of the 4 activities that give functional structure to the WALK-RWD system, and which the organism itself responds to (Homeostasis) by seeking and achieving a healthy balance.
The WALK-RWD system is not something static, it is the opposite, a dynamic method that generates a functional variation in all the systems, organs and glands of the being, to maintain it in a healthy stability, within certain adequate and healthy limits.
Let’s go for a walk, and by the mere fact of doing so, our organism will be attentive to maintain itself in an efficient homeostatic state.
There are 3 objectives that I proposed to achieve in this Post:
1.-To know, with the greatest precision, the potential of the plant kingdom as a whole – trees fundamentally – as a source of health and well-being.
2.-To know, as far as possible, the benefits obtained from this renewable source with respect to health and well-being, and in direct relation to the practice of human walking in open areas (outdoors).
3.-As a consequence of the knowledge of these two previous points, seek and achieve a great motivation for a greater number of people to walk and perform this activity more frequently.
Trees, fundamental pillars of the plant kingdom, play an irreplaceable role in the sustainability of life on our planet. These majestic beings are not only silent witnesses to evolution, but also act as guardians of the health and well-being of all living things. Its ability to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen is essential for maintaining atmospheric balance, thus ensuring proper respiration for all creatures on Earth. The positive influence of forest resources on human health and well-being is undeniable. The diversity of tree species contributes to the creation of microclimates, improving air quality and providing cool shade. Furthermore, the presence of trees in urban and rural environments acts as a natural buffer against noise pollution and excessive solar radiation. One of the most direct and accessible benefits that trees offer is the space to walk and enjoy nature. Forest areas and wooded parks become havens of serenity where humans can escape from the urban hustle and bustle and reconnect with the primordial essence of life. The simple act of walking among trees not only promotes physical activity, but also has therapeutic effects on the mind and spirit.
Phytotherapy, the medicinal use of plants, also highlights the beneficial potential of trees. Since time immemorial, various cultures have taken advantage of the healing properties of certain tree species to treat diseases and promote health. Forests, in this sense, are authentic natural medicine cabinets that house a green pharmacy of great value.
The importance of preserving and sustainably managing forest resources becomes a collective responsibility. Uncontrolled deforestation threatens the very basis of our existence, endangering global health and environmental balance. Recognizing the potential that trees offer as a source of health and well-being is essential to ensuring a harmonious future for all forms of life on our planet.
Trees are not only witnesses of history, but are active architects of planetary well-being. Its presence reverberates in every corner of the globe, sustaining life and offering a constant reminder of the interconnection between nature and human health. Walking among trees is not only an aesthetic pleasure, but also an act of gratitude towards the inexhaustible source of benefits that these wonderful beings generously provide us.
A.-Geographic data of the Earth:
Total surface area of the globe: 197 million square miles, equivalent to 510 million square kilometers = 51,023 million hectares.
Area covered with water: 139 million square miles.
Land area: 58 million square miles.
World population: 8,000 million inhabitants
B.-The vegetal genus as a whole, that is on the terrestrial surface, excluding the one that is located in the waters, has the following power:
The surface of forests represents 27% (4,060/15,000 x 100) with respect to the total terrestrial surface.
The forest area destined for recreation is 4.6% (186/4,060 x 100) with respect to the total forest area.
Density per inhabitant:
– The density is 0.023 hectares of forest designated for recreation per inhabitant (186/8,000), equivalent to 230 square meters per person.
– The world’s population has, on average, half a hectare of forest per inhabitant (4,060/8,000), equivalent to 5,000 square meters.
How many hectares of forest are required per inhabitant for recreation?
How many hectares of forest are biologically required per inhabitant?
In order to try to answer the above questions, greater efforts will have to be made in the future to determine them; however, let us proceed to quantify what, in this era, the plant kingdom -forest resources- is generating for the benefit of mankind. Let us first analyze what power a tree requires to raise its sap from its roots to the top at its highest points.
The main parts of a tree:
Considering a tree 10 meters high, from its base to the highest point, plus 1 meter of depth -on average- of its roots:
H = height = 11 meters
The mass that this type of tree moves in 24 hours amounts to 0.09 m3. Although sap has a higher viscosity than water, we will consider that this measure represents 90 kilograms, and of these we only consider the 8.5% that the tree moves to the specialized parts – leaves, branches, stems and trunk – to transpire and release it to its environment.
M = mass of sap = 0.007650 m3 = 7.65 kg.
The power required daily for a 10 meter high tree to spread part of its nutrients to its environment is 0.019 HP (13.76 watts).
Globally, the plant kingdom spreads 4.73 Kg / Hectare, so that the global spreading reaches 4.73 x 4,060 Million = 19.2 million tons of nutrients, equivalent to 2.4 Kg/inhabitant.
Globally, in one day vegetation generates a power of 0.006 HP/Hectare, or 0.006 x 4,060 million = 24.36 million HP, equivalent to 18,100 million Watts, in one day.
Let’s see what it means to walk among the trees and how we receive their energy.
When I walk in a forest, either through gaps or on accessible trails, the walk impacts me in a different way. I suppose that the trees give off some odors, gases and certain particles invisible to our eyes, which impact our body (physical and mental) and generate a more pleasant and comfortable state. Of course, they must be impacts of different types on the organism that increase creativity and cognitive functions. As if the trees around us, when we walk, introduce their effluvia into our thoughts and physical bodies.
Of course I do not have a formula to prove this, however, I am fully sure of all this, because I have always experienced these effects in my person when I walk through the trees of a park or a forest. It would be necessary to investigate more thoroughly and with greater rigor these aspects that are generated when walking inside a forest, when we see ourselves surrounded by trees and plants.
All my senses – external and internal – are impacted: smell, sight, touch (all our skin), hearing, even the gustatory sense, as well as the also called spiritual senses (Orientation, Spatial, Common Sense, Intuition, Memory, Perception, Cognitive, Imagination, Fantasy, Muscular, Movement, Temporal, Proportions, Aesthetic): Post WALKING AND THE CARDINAL POINTS and future Post THE WALKING AND THE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SENSES), are put to work in a more intense way when I go for a walk immersed among the trees of a forest or a park.
“A peripatetic individual means one who wanders around an atrium, park, courtyard or promenade. It was probably derived from the word “peripatos” which was used to designate a “covered walkway or path”. It may come from “peripatoi” which is how the covered portals of the Lyceum were designated; but this word was also used to designate the habit that Aristotle had of walking under the fronds of the trees while reading”.
Probably Aristotle and other people did know about what trees emanated, that is why they used to walk under their shade.
I reiterate: I have no doubt about these major effects that are generated and occur in my body every time I walk in places where the density of trees and plants is high.
Some time ago I realized that the grass and plants in my garden, when I watered them with water from the municipal intake, did not grow or flower in the same way as with rainwater. Surely trees produce and release particles and gases, which the wind incorporates into the clouds, carrying a great diversity of nutrients (natural and chemical?), which in turn precipitate to the earth integrated with rain. Thus, in this way, all beings in the plant kingdom are naturally fertilized. The same surely happens with the animal world, including the human being, but we have not yet discovered it or assimilated it, much less taken advantage of it. In the Post WALKING IN THE RAIN. PART I, I recommend walking in the rain, expressing the following: Although I have occasionally experienced walking with some rain during the day, and also at night with “rain in the form of dew”, I do not have many conscious experiences on this under walk the rain. Everything indicates that I should take more into account this uniqueness of walking, under the circumstances of doing it in the rain. So, I will begin to investigate this but above all I will experience the different options of walking in the rain, and regardless of this, I invite you to experience it immediately and let’s give it more strength and power, through this absorption of energy through contact from our body with the rain, to the mind and spirit. […]We will have to experience it to know what direct repercussions (real and obvious) rain has on the body, the sensations it provokes, how our senses respond, and what are the mental and emotional effects (levels of satisfaction and well-being) that a short walk in the rain generates. It is something that we do not usually do, let’s go for a walk one day with a light drizzle.
Since that date when I published this Post I have been researching about it, and it has taken me to several scenarios, one of them is this one, that of the trees.
In a synthetic way I have been able to discover in various information sources that trees:
1. They have their own way of walking, although they are always fixed in the same place, since they sprout from some seed (Future Post WHY DO TREES AND PLANTS NOT WALK?
2. Trees are shared, they do not compete with each other.
3. Trees are in constant communication with each other, of the same and different species, to alert themselves to external harmful factors (physical environment, animals, insects, etc.).
4. Their roots are the superior mechanism of order and functioning of trees.
5. The leaves are the engines that deliver the nutrients that they self-produce.
6. Your most important allies are fungi in all their varieties and sizes, macroscopic and microscopic.
7. They have their own way of breathing, and every time they do so they support life throughout the planet, several tens of thousands of kilometers from their place where they are settled.
8. They have their own way of thinking, but they do it only to help the beings that are in their own space.
9. They have their own way of walking and they do it for the benefit of the rest of the creatures that surround them.
10. They have their own circulatory system and only tend to share and not compete with beings of their own species.
11. They have their own memory system that allows them to always keep in mind those aspects that are beneficial to their species, as well as those that are harmful.
The plant kingdom is cooperative by nature. The word “vegetable” is sometimes used in a pejorative way: “it is a vegetable” it is said, trying to mean that it does not move, that it does not act, that it does not perform. However, at a planetary level, it may be – after water – the one that plays the most role in revitalizing life on earth, and for human beings to continue existing.
The word vegetable comes from the Latin vegetabilis, vegetalis which means to grow; which are beings capable of germinating, developing and multiplying. This also for the animal kingdom; However, perhaps in vegetables the word multiply is so strong that it provides a more universal force that radiates to the rest of the terrestrial entities, and even more so to each other.
Let’s discuss a case of help between the trees themselves through their roots.
If we analyzed from the point of view of “stability” of the bodies, we could find a relationship between their height, trunk (thickness) and roots (length, extension and depth).
Schematically we can illustrate this with the following figures:
Larger roots generate trees with greater heights
There are some species of trees that are strengthened by the network of their roots, thereby increasing their support; which allows them to grow to greater heights.
It is known of certain species in forests and jungles that if they existed in isolation, they would not grow beyond a third of the height they reach, since their roots would not support them at a greater height. For this reason, they develop in communities of the same species, helping each other – a collaboration of roots: radical network – because their roots intertwine, forming a network such that they expand their support of stability at their base, although their roots are not very extensive nor very deep.
Intertwining their roots generates mutual help in various orders; and one of them is that the trees manage to grow taller.
This reciprocal collaboration can be observed in the network of roots, where the support base expands to considerable lengths, depending on the area of germination (gestation, sprout) because the distances between one individual and another are generally very short. , since they are very close to each other, as if they were accommodated under a planned system, in time and according to their own developments.
Small roots: small trees, large roots: large trees. Exception that is made when some species collaborate with each other to sustain themselves better, even if they have little root development, since they create radial platforms that increase their stability, so they reach great heights, which they would not be able to achieve otherwise.
They communicate with each other, to share and help each other in other aspects as well. They use an information mechanism through their root connections: an important underground root network. They help each other in terms of the threats they have from aggressive elements of different types and from exchanging substances. In this feeding scenario, fungi and bacteria found in the subsoil intervene, carrying out a symbiosis between all of them that mutually feed each other; the fungi and bacteria feed the plants and these feed both organisms, a complete and integral system.
This reciprocal help is also achieved between the same trees of the same species and between individuals of different species.
One of the functions that the animal pursues in general, when it walks, is to propagate its species, being that it seeks its food, shelter, its partner, etc., to survive and this is the first step to achieve its permanence on earth and manage to transcend his species.
The tree – and almost one hundred percent of any other plant species -, to achieve its propagation, performs any of the following 2 functions. One of them is to produce its seeds and spread them on the earth, either close to it, or with the help of the wind, it projects them hundreds or thousands of kilometers from its permanent site. The same thing happens – on a smaller scale – relying on water, whether by large or small water currents, or rainwater that carries it away from the primary environment. The other range of actions is to let one of its branches fall to the ground, either by detaching a young stem from its main body (cutting) or just letting it bend to make contact with the earth (layering) and leaving it to take root, giving birth and thus developing a new plant of the same species.
Perhaps its path to propagate is very slow, but it does carry it out in its own way, in the way I have described.
Now, let’s see how much energy is generated when we walk.
The energy that is generated by vegetation in one day – as we already saw – amounts to 24.36 million HP, equivalent to 18.1 billion Watts, in one day. Now, if all human beings walked every day, for one hour, in the world, they would generate 1.89% of that energy.
Transpiration of plants is the vital moment in which they begin to spread, transfer and transmit their nutrients. Surely this point represents, from your entire process of generating your self-nourishment, the elimination of excesses or waste that have allowed you to feed yourself over a period of time.
This transpiration reaches 0.004729911 m3/hectare/day, which on a global scale represents an emulsion of 4,060,000,000 x 0.004729911 = 19.2 million cubic meters that are spread in the Earth’s atmosphere by plant transpiration every day.
The following table shows the power exerted by both the trees and the feet of a human being, normally during their life. A comparison that allows us to notice the great potential that is hidden from our eyes, but that is realized every day in our living environment.
According to the data in the previous table, what FORCE our feet produce in their walking performance, when combined with the rest of the elements of the lower extremities, to produce a power of 9 Watts or 0.012 HP, it is required to walk 30.45 Kilometers or 18.91 Miles to perform equal to a water pump for 60 seconds of work. A tree 27.5 meters high produces the same power for 9.45 days of its life. This tree lives 30 years on average, so it can perform this operation 1,158 times throughout its life, releasing its beneficial substances into its environment.
The capacity that trees have to raise all those substances that they process – RED ARROW – is pointed out, taking them from the ground through their roots and from the environment with their leaves, trunks and stems, to the highest parts of them, and they are the leaves. by which, once processed, they dislodge them to the outside environment, disseminating them to places – with the help of air and wind – up to hundreds of kilometers away from their permanent site.
It is not necessary to calculate the capacity of the wind to drag these particles away from the immediate environments where the tree is located, a movement that manages to place them tens, and sometimes thousands of kilometers away; likewise, the capacity observed in the atmosphere that allows these essential compounds to be suspended in the air for hours, days and months, due to the same characteristics and properties of these particles. Capacity that the wind has by itself and also helped by the seas and oceans.
We expressed in a previous Post: “We must experience it to know what direct repercussions (real and obvious) rain has on the body, the sensations it provokes, how our senses respond, and what the mental and emotional effects are (levels of satisfaction and well-being). ) which generates a short walk in the rain. It is something that we do not usually do, let’s go for a walk one day with a light drizzle” (Post WALKING IN THE RAIN. PART I).
It is normal for rain to contain part of those substances that trees constantly disseminate, which is why we can receive them through this hydrophilic medium.
We also express in the Post WALKING BAREFOOT. PART I: “It is advisable to lie down for a few minutes on your back and also facing the ground; and then roll on it, taking care not to hurt yourself, doing it carefully and slowly; appropriate clothing. The more direct contact we make, during our walks, with our ‘earth’, the more the energy flows within us. I invite you to walk barefoot from time to time and let us give energy and power, through this absorption of ‘energetic sap’ through the contact of our feet with the ground, to our entire body, mind and spirit.” He recommended contact with the earth, and now also with rainwater, to receive that ‘energetic sap’.
Water currents contain part of these nutrients. In addition, we also know that there are water sources where they contain certain components beneficial to health, and that they also contain some substances from the subsoil.
It is common to find advertisements where they offer or recommend treatments based on certain muds that contain miraculous substances, and surely they are composed of these “energy saps” coming from both the plant kingdom (organic) and the mineral kingdom (inorganic).
We have explained the beneficial impact that the Plant Kingdom has on the health and well-being of human beings when they walk outdoors in this second section, however, there are other benefits that I have pointed out in countless Posts for 5 years.
I hope that with my calculations about the potential of the Plant Kingdom and the benefits that it transmits to each of the human beings, I have managed to motivate them to go for a walk today and forever.
The main source that generates light for us is the Sun. The Sun emits several types of rays. The most important are:
1.-Ultraviolet (UV) rays. These are emitted by the sun in different wavelengths, including UVA, UVB and UVC. These rays have benefits and detriments for living beings.
Benefits of UV rays:
– Vitamin D: Exposure to UVB radiation allows the skin to produce vitamin D, essential for bone health.
– Circadian rhythm regulation: Sunlight, which includes UV rays, helps regulate the circadian rhythm and improves mood and sleep quality.
Harm from UV rays:
– Sunburn: Excessive exposure to UVB rays can cause painful sunburn on the skin.
– Skin damage: UVA and UVB radiation can damage the skin, causing premature ageing and increasing the risk of skin cancer.
– Eye damage: Prolonged exposure to UV rays can damage the eyes and increase the risk of cataracts and other eye problems.
2.-Infrared (IR) rays: Infrared rays are a form of thermal radiation emitted by the sun.
Benefits of infrared rays:
– Warmth: Infrared rays provide warmth, which is essential for maintaining the Earth’s temperature and the well-being of living things.
Harm of infrared rays:
– Overheating: Excessive exposure to infrared rays can cause overheating and dehydration in living beings.
Solar radiation, in general terms, including UV and infrared rays, has essential benefits such as vitamin D production and circadian rhythm regulation, but it can also cause damage to the skin, eyes and increased risk of disease. It is important to take precautions, such as wearing sunscreen and sunglasses, to minimize the harmful effects of solar radiation and to reap its benefits safely.
Let’s talk about the differences between sunlight and artificial light, in all its varieties.
Sunlight and artificial light are sources of illumination that have several important differences in terms of their origin, characteristics and effects.
Some of their significant differences are as follows:
Differences in their origin:
Sunlight. It comes from the sun and is a natural light source. It contains a wide range of colors and wavelengths, including ultraviolet (UV), visible and infrared.
Artificial light. This is generated by human-made devices, such as light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, LED lamps, etc. It can be produced using different technologies and energy sources, such as electricity, gas, or chemicals.
Differences in spectral composition:
Sunlight. It contains the entire spectrum of visible colors, which makes it suitable for color perception and plant photosynthesis. It also emits ultraviolet (UV) and infrared rays.
Artificial light. This varies according to the source. For example, incandescent bulbs tend to be warmer and yellower, while fluorescent and LED lamps can be adjusted to produce different color temperatures, from warm to cool light.
Differences in intensity and dimming:
Sunlight. The intensity of sunlight varies throughout the day and depends on factors such as geographical location, climate and time of day. It cannot be regulated directly.
Artificial light. The intensity of artificial light can be easily controlled by switches, dimmers and programming. This allows the lighting to be adjusted according to specific needs.
Differences in duration:
Sunlight. The availability of natural sunlight is limited to daylight hours and varies according to season and geographical location.
Artificial light. Artificial light is available throughout the day and night, making it useful for illuminating spaces at any time.
Differences in energy efficiency:
Sunlight. This is energy efficient, as it does not require additional energy consumption.
Artificial light. Its energy efficiency depends on the type of source and technology used. LED lights, for example, are known to be very efficient compared to incandescent bulbs.
Sunlight is a natural light source that contains the full spectrum of colors. In contrast, artificial light is generated by artificial devices, can vary in spectral composition and is dimmable. Both sources have important applications in everyday life and in the illumination of spaces, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
All indications are that we should regularly sunbathe.
Now let us see how beneficial it is to WALK outdoors under the sun’s rays and how long it is advisable to walk outdoors without harm, as well as the care that should be taken when walking in the sun.
Walking outdoors in the sun can be beneficial to your health, but it is important to take precautions to avoid damage from excessive sun exposure.
Appropriate times:
Walking outdoors should be avoided during the hours of highest solar intensity, which are usually between 10 am and 4 pm. Instead, opt for walking in the early morning or late afternoon, when the sun’s rays are less intense.
The amount of time you can safely walk in the sun depends on several factors, such as geographical location, skin type and intensity of solar radiation. As a general rule, it is not recommended to be out in the sun for long periods without protection, especially at peak hours. You can start with short walks, 15-30 minutes, and gradually increase the duration.
If you are scheduled to walk during the day, sunscreen should be used on all exposed areas of the skin, even on cloudy days. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) appropriate for your skin type. Reapply sunscreen every two hours or after sweating (Future Post WALKING AND SWEATING) or swimming.
Appropriate clothing:
Clothing that covers the skin should be worn, such as long-sleeved shirts, long trousers and a wide-brimmed hat to protect the face and neck. Look for clothing with ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) if you are in a very sunny environment.
Wear sunglasses that block UVA and UVB rays to protect your eyes from the sun’s radiation.
Carry enough water on every walk and stay well hydrated while walking, especially in hot climates. Sun exposure can increase fluid loss through perspiration (Future Post WALKING AND PERSPIRATION).
Seek shaded areas or plan walking routes that include natural shadows, such as trees (Parks or forests) or buildings (city), to reduce direct sun exposure.
Pay close attention to the body’s signals. If you feel excessively hot, dizzy, fatigued or reddened skin, seek shelter and rest.
Walking outdoors in the sun is healthy, but it is essential to take measures to protect yourself from the harmful effects of solar radiation. Scheduling walking times conveniently, using sunscreen, wearing appropriate clothing and staying hydrated are all essential precautions to enjoy walking without being harmed by exposure to the sun.
The sun’s rays and daylight are closely related to circadian rhythms (Post THE WALK AND CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS-PART I; Future Post WALKING AT NIGHT. CIRCADIAN EFFECTS), which are the natural patterns of activity and rest that regulate the sleep-wake cycle and other biological functions. Exposure to daylight, particularly sunlight, plays a key role in regulating these rhythms.
Highlights of circadian rhythms that we should be aware of and take into account:
Light as an environmental signal: The circadian system of living beings, including humans, is influenced by environmental signals, light being one of the most important. Light acts as a key signal that informs the body about the time of day and night.
Regulation of the biological clock: In the brain, there is a structure called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) that acts as the “master clock” of the circadian system. This nucleus is located in the hypothalamus and receives information from light via the photosensitive retinal cells in the eyes.
Light and melatonin production: Exposure to light, especially sunlight during the day, inhibits the production of melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep. Daylight, rich in blue light, signals the body that it is time to be awake and alert.
Regulation of sleep and wakefulness patterns: Exposure to sunlight during the day helps keep circadian rhythms aligned with the planet’s 24-hour cycle. This helps regulate sleep and wakefulness patterns, promoting restful sleep at night and alertness during the day.
Influence on mood and well-being: Sunlight also has an impact on mood and well-being. Exposure to natural light during the day can increase the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter related to feelings of happiness and well-being.
Sleep disorders: Lack of adequate exposure to daylight, as occurs in night workers or people who spend long periods indoors without natural light, can desynchronise circadian rhythms and contribute to sleep disorders and health problems.
In short, sunlight and daylight are essential for regulating our circadian rhythms, which affects the quality of sleep, mood and overall functioning of the body. Exposure to sunlight during the day is important for maintaining a healthy biological clock and a balance between sleep and wakefulness.
Let’s look at some situations that we must take into account with the SHADOW:
Shade plays an important role in people’s health and well-being, and its relationship with sun exposure is crucial to understanding its effects. The following explains aspects related to shadow and its influence on health:
Benefits of shade:
Protection against solar radiation: The shade provides protection against direct solar radiation, including ultraviolet (UV) rays that can damage the skin and eyes (Post THE SENSE OF SIGHT AND THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM; Future Post WALKING AND THE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SENSES). Staying in the shade is an effective way to reduce the risk of sunburn and premature skin aging, as well as the risk of developing skin cancer.
Temperature regulation: Shade provides shelter from the sun’s heat and infrared radiation, helping to prevent overheating and dehydration. This is especially important in hot climates.
Rest and relaxation: The shade provides a comfortable and cool space to rest, relax and protect yourself from excessive heat.
Shade considerations:
Balanced exposure: While shade is beneficial for protection from the sun, it is important to find a balance. Limited sun exposure is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin, which is essential for bone and general health. Therefore, it is not advisable to always remain in the shade.
Hygiene and mental health: Adequate sun exposure is also important for mental health. Sunlight, particularly daylight, helps regulate circadian rhythms, improving mood and sleep quality. Spending time outdoors and enjoying natural light is beneficial for emotional well-being.
Additional Protection: Despite being in the shade, it is important to continue using sunscreen and protect your eyes with sunglasses, especially in areas with strong sunlight. Solar radiation can reflect off surfaces, such as water and sand, meaning that even in the shade, some UV radiation can reach the skin.
In short, shade is beneficial to health by providing protection from direct solar radiation and helping to regulate body temperature. However, it is important to find a balance and allow limited sun exposure for benefits such as vitamin D synthesis and regulation of circadian rhythms. The use of sunscreen and other care is still important even when you are in the shade in a sunny environment.
We have explained throughout the Blog, in the vast majority of the Posts, the great advantages that the WALK-RWD System has when practicing its 4 structured activities, considering that WALKING is the most important.
Receiving daylight, and not necessarily the direct rays of the Sun, also has all the advantages that we have mentioned in the previous paragraphs. Walking in daylight is not the same as walking inside the house or other covered spaces; although we have explained the advantages of walking at night as well (Posts THE WALK AND CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS-PART I; WALKING THROUGH STREET FORESHORTENINGS; Future Posts WALKING AT NIGHT. CIRCADIAN EFFECTS and THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM, ACCORDING TO THE TIME OF DAY AND NIGHT), so it is very convenient to schedule walks according to our free time (Free time: Post THE PROPER MANAGEMENT OF “SLACK TIME” IN THE DECISION TO WALK), to our own needs and characteristics, during the day (the most!) and at night (the least!).
Stretching is a muscle stretching practice that is performed with the aim of improving flexibility and range of motion in the joints. It is based on the idea that stretching muscles on a regular basis can help keep them flexible and relieve muscle tension. Stretching is done in a controlled and sustained manner to allow the muscles to stretch and relax (Future Post WALKING AND THE 600 MUSCLES OF OUR BODY).
Stretching or elongation is a type of exercise that is performed slowly, steadily, precisely and continuously. It is performed through flexion, extension or rotation movements in the back, neck, legs, arms, hips, as well as feet and hands.
This practice is proposed while walking. The main “stretching” elongates that are achieved by walking, are performed on the lower limbs (the most) and on the upper limbs (the least), all of which are performed naturally while walking.
They are recommended for people of all ages, but technique and intensity vary according to age and physical condition. It can be started from an early age, but techniques suitable for children and adolescents should be used. It is always advisable to consult a health professional or trainer before beginning a stretching program, especially if you have an injury or physical condition.
Stretching has several purposes and benefits:
– It improves flexibility and range of motion.
– It relieves muscle tension and reduces the risk of muscle injury.
– It promotes proper posture and relieves stiffness.
– It can improve blood circulation.
– It can aid in relaxation and stress reduction.
Physical Conditions and Ages:
Stretching is suitable for people of different fitness levels. Stretching routines – while walking – can be adapted to individual needs. However, special precautions should be taken for people with muscle or joint injuries, and those with specific medical conditions. In terms of ages, it can be practiced from infancy to old age, with exercises adapted to each stage of life.
Stretching done badly or in excess can lead to muscle or joint injuries. It is important not to force stretching and to do it gradually. It may also not be suitable for people with certain physical conditions, such as herniated discs or severe joint problems, without proper supervision.
Physical Positions:
There are different types of stretches, including static (holding a stretching position for a period of time) and dynamic (controlled, repetitive movements). Physical positions vary depending on the type of stretch, but typically include positions such as “cat-camel”, leg and arm stretches, among others.
The frequency of stretching exercises can vary, but it is recommended to perform them regularly, at least a few times a week. It is important not to force stretching and to listen to the body to avoid injury (Post LISTENING TO OUR BODY WHILE WE WALK-BODY LANGUAGE). The important thing is to listen to our body to give attention to those parts that we use less or openly do not use.
Relationship with walking and other exercises:
It is advisable to perform it before going for a walk, although it is not essential, since to a large extent walking is an exercise that achieves similar effects to stretching. In the future post STRETCHING OF THE LEGS THROUGH WALKING. THE STRETCHING, we present these relations. It ca
n also be complemented by other exercises, such as Tai Chi, Yoga or Pilates, which also emphasize flexibility and mobility. In addition, it can be beneficial as part of a more comprehensive exercise routine that includes cardio and strength training.
Body Parts Benefited:
The effect achieved is on muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, nerves, and other parts of the body.
Stretching can benefit multiple parts of the body, including the muscles of the legs, back, shoulders, neck and arms. It can also improve the flexibility of joints, such as knees, elbows, wrists, ankles, shoulders, etc.
Muscles and Bones:
Stretching primarily benefits muscles by improving their flexibility and relieving tension. It can also have a positive side effect on bones, as improved joint mobility can help maintain bone health over time. However, it is not a specific bone-strengthening activity.
In summary, stretching is a versatile practice in itself that can be adapted to different ages and fitness levels. When performed correctly and with caution, it can improve flexibility, relieve muscle tension and promote better joint mobility in a variety of body parts. However, as mentioned, walking is an exercise that achieves identical effects to stretching, so let’s not waste any more time, let’s go for a walk.