The Neurovegetative System (Sympathetic, Parasympathetic and Enteric) provides efficiency to the involuntary functions of the human body, such as sexual arousal and activity, breathing, digestion, sweating, heart rate, and others, in addition that it controls and coordinates. All of them are performed without the voluntary and conscious intervention of the human being, but are executed and regulated through this peripheral nervous system. Sexual function is closely related to this Neurovegetative System and fundamentally sexual arousal is regulated by it.

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We have already commented that the WALK-RWD system is a very effective procedure to activate the brain and neurovegetative system functions. The human being, while on the move, when walking, the brain works by sending signals to the whole body to create energy (strength) and keep alert specifically through the sympathetic system (alarm preparation); signals received by the rest of the systems, organs and glands of the body, which in turn produce – as a response – biochemical substances.

When you read – or write or draw – while walking, the effects that occur are greater, because in a continuous way, the parts that affect the sense of sight constantly try to keep focused and accurate the view on what is read (written or drawn) and that is why they also send messages to the brain, which in turn helps keep your eyes fixed.

This process, stimulated by the activity of reading and walking, produces stronger impulses towards the brain system, which seeks balance – permanently – by working in other areas of the same brain, which generally, without these activities, would remain inactive , almost asleep (Future Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM ENCOURAGES CREATIVE THINKING. PART I)

Now, those electrical impulses that the neurovegetative system receives manage to place it in an operative harmony, in such a way that their signals directed to the different organs and glands of the body are more efficient, so that their respective functioning is better performed and at the same time they produce their corresponding biochemical substances optimally. (See writings: HARMONY OF THE BODY WITH THE MIND; ADDITIONAL BENEFITS IN THE CONDITIONING OF THE BODY AND THE MIND. Future writing LISTENING TO OUR BODY WHILE WALKING).

Thanks to the excellent and optimal function of the sexual system, the human race has been able to survive and perpetuate itself on the planet. The sexual organs are the representatives of our permanence and the best image of our existential behavior and the delightful expression of life. All sexual activities must be practiced as part of a spiritual function. The balanced functioning of sexuality is a harmony that must be achieved in a similar way to that defined in the Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang (Future Posts ENJOYING OUR PERCUSSIVE MUSICAL WALKING; and RHYTHM, COMPASS AND CADENCE IN OUR WALKING), which are two vital impulses that are matched in life, and subject to the individual, male and female, in balance -harmonious and dynamic- with their counterpart complementary.

Because of this, it is essential to carefully attend to the sexual functionality of our body, keep it in a perfect state of health, both physical and emotional. The practice of sexual activities must take into account the seasons of the year, as we will point out in the respective post (Future writing IMPACT OF THE SEASONS OF THE YEAR ON THE WALKING), that is, we must take into account the heat, the cold, humidity and a dozen more factors that we have already discussed in previous writings. The WALK-RWD system allows us to achieve this, since it contributes and is decisive for its preventive and corrective factor in this sphere of sexuality.

Let’s discuss some outstanding aspects about the sexual organs, their respective functions, as well as the disorders and diseases that can afflict us.

When sexual arousal is achieved, the woman generates:

1. Moistening of the vagina immediately, when sexual arousal begins.

2. The vagina dilates just like the vulva.

3. The clitoris, vulvar lips and breasts increase in size.

In man it is generated:

1. Penis erection, immediately when sexual arousal begins.

2. Enlargement and hardening of the penis is generated by the blood flowing through the limb filling it through its constituent tissues.

3. The testicles increase in size.

4. Pre-seminal lubrication drops appear at the tip of the penis.

Despite these natural manifestations that are generated through sexual arousal, the human being is also prone to have certain disorders that avoid these normal responses. In a certain percentage disorders arise, both in men and women, in which these habitual behaviors are interrupted at the time that sexual arousal is achieved; the most important in women is one that prevents lubrication of the vagina; and in the man who prevents the erection of the penis. The types of emotional disorders are varied as the cause of these two abnormalities. Men and women are more susceptible to these disorders over the years, however, at any age they can arise.

It should be borne in mind that time varies, in which the excitement takes place – between the man and the woman – and does not necessarily correspond, sometimes, to a physical disorder or emotional problem.

The most common and frequent disorders are:

• Impotence

• Inability to lubricate the vagina

• Inability to achieve sexual arousal

• Sterility

• Frigidity

• Insensitivity

• Sexual disability

• Denial and rejection of some genital part

Although on the other hand, there are also two dozen diseases that attack the organs and genital areas, for which it is required to go to a specialist doctor for specific diagnosis and treatment (venereal diseases, vaginitis, prostate problems, bladder, vagina, cystitis, penis, herpes, gonococci, etc.), which therefore fall outside our scope of treatment, outside our method of application and care.

Regarding the aforementioned disorders, walking and fully implementing the WALK-RWD system is a preventive mechanism since the exercise of the walk is precisely an effective way of being in good physical and mental conditions, in addition to that -as we have explained in previous posts-, it can be corrective, because it helps us to eradicate bad habits (alcohol, smoking, obesity, etc.) and emotional discomforts (depressions, anxieties, etc.), which to a large extent could be the direct causes of these disorders , as well as indirect diseases such as obesity, phobias, addictions, headaches, anxiety, insomnia, and some personality disorders. (See writings: THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE HABITS; NEGATIVE HABITS AND HOW TO COMBAT THEM-GENERAL CASES; COMBATING SEVERAL HABITS ENEMIES WITH WALK-RWD SYSTEM-OBESITY).

We can start the practice and enjoyment of the WALK-RWD system with the assurance that it will be very favorable for our sexual feelings and performance.

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It is very opportune, I think, to reflect and advise, at this stage of the blog, not invariably postpone the activity of walking, coupled with reading, writing and drawing, for aspects such as lack of time, commitments, other activities most important, etc. (Post THE WALK AND THE LACK OF TIME).

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Let’s analyze the concept of procrastinating, very briefly.

For this we must start that we are not lazy or irresponsible. Etymologically procrastination means postponing for the next day.

If every time we have to carry out an activity, we postpone it and exchange it with pleasure for another, making us feel bad about not doing it at the moment we are aware of it, we are procrastinating.

Why do we feel bad? Because surely the activity we procrastinate – we postpone – we know, think and feel that we should do it before we exchange. We recriminate ourselves because we postpone and avoid doing that activity at a time that we feel we should do before any other action.

Permanently, the whole human being – at a certain age – knows that it is convenient for him to act by prioritizing his preferences for the attention he must pay in the performance of certain activities over others. This precedence (praelatio action to put before) in human activities is a custom that is acquiring -in some more people, in others less and in others it is not acquired- as we develop in life. It is the preference we give -mental action and discernment- to certain actions to carry them out, some before others.

If this action of precedence is an irrefutable fact in human behavior, then why do we procrastinate? It has been answered in different ways, both “in favor” and “against”: “Because procrastination is irrational”; “Because it is not bad”; “Because it is a way for everyone to manage their time”; “Because it’s something we do against ourselves, but that’s not the case”; “Procrastinating is not a disease”; “Procrastination is a chronic disease”; “The task is not evaded, only postponed”; “They are passenger moods”; “They are negative emotional states that restrict positive attitudes”; “Procrastination is the sum of moods of insecurity, laziness, disability, frustration and boredom”; “Procrastination is a state of depression and anxiety”; “Procrastinating is synonymous with aversion to performing a task”; “Procrastination is the result of stress.”

All these answers have some truth and together answer the question, although some seem contradictory. Is procrastination voluntary or involuntary? It is voluntary, because we decided not to carry out that activity that we consider more important than others.

This question I would like to face with an “ism” that I have been working on, building and analyzing it in recent years, and that I have called Acronism; this unveiling system allows us to become aware of the process of creation about an artistic work, in such a way that it prevents us from losing creative moments that unconsciously gravitate above all artistic creators. It helps us to investigate those acts and movements that affect ex-ante the representation activities of an artist to carry out his creative work. This places us inexorably in a “state of creative alertness” trying not to lose any moment of creation, that is, not to access for any reason to procrastinate in any way.

In addition to the above, we also have a clarity that the result, in general, after circumventing the procrastination, results of having feelings of guilt in us. That is, this procrastination phenomenon is a vicious circle very similar to those I mentioned in previous writings (THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE HABITS, and NEGATIVE HABITS AND HOW TO COMBAT THEM-GENERAL CASES) and what drives and provokes higher rates of procrastinating in person.

The following diagram illustrates this POSTERGATION-SATISFACTION-HABIT circle:

In these cases of procrastination we can show (patent and confirm) the problem that is presented to people who want to escape or flee from the reality that suffocates them.

Is it possible that unconsciously we try to avoid thinking about the future and go back to the here and now (in the present)? Or vice versa?

In the first place I would like to mention that procrastination is a phenomenon of attitude towards life, which we must clarify if they are strictly related to activities that we postpone to represent medium or long-term efforts, and therefore we choose those that are of immediate realization, even if they exist cases that patent it. We must also consider, that sometimes the individual who procrastinates considers -he really feels in his intimate jurisdiction- that those activities that he postpones do not correspond to them, because they must be carried out by another person and not him, because he supposes are the responsibility of others. Its realization is so unpleasant that it uses very personal mechanisms -perhaps they are part of a state of neurosis- that allow it to refocus its attitudes and actions by subtracting from that responsibility.

Procrastination provokes in the subject two sensations: a situation of displeasure for not having done it and it is for the same animosity towards the activity that must be carried out; and the other, a perception of satisfaction by allowing oneself to be relieved of the commitment, freeing it from its fulfillment. A double effect: a positive one: liberation; the other negative: frustration. This frustration felt by the procrastinator is never enough to carry out the postponed activity; and liberation reinforces procrastination. An endless circle, as we mentioned before.

Now, it seems that the problem is in managing our emotions better (Post “EMOTIONS AND THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM“).

Procrastination is not a decision-making problem, it is not a matter of time management, it is not extreme apathy, it is not laziness, it is not cowardice, it is not a disability, it is not a lack of interest; It is all this as an effect of an emotional state, but it is also a problem of bad habits. Therefore, we must focus, on the one hand, to know the power of emotions, and thus be able to free ourselves from the negatives; and on the other, to break bad habits (Post NEGATIVE HABITS AND HOW TO COMBAT THEM-GENERAL CASES). Let us start from the fact that the individual who procrastinates must lead to a better management of his bad habits and negative emotions. We have presented the procedure to combat bad habits in a general way in the writing NEGATIVE HABITS AND HOW TO COMBAT THEM-GENERAL CASES and in particular, to combat obesity, in writing COMBATING SOME ENEMIES WITH THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM – THE OBESITY.

Perhaps the major problem that arises in the phenomenon of Procrastination is to identify the emotional cause for which one has the attitude of postponing all activities, all the time, as much as possible. But once this causality has been identified, the application of the procedure we have indicated is more comfortable and effective.

In the next 2 post on procrastination, we will present – in a general way – how to identify the specific causes for the different cases (Future Post FIGHTING NEGATIVE EMOTIONS WITH THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM, SOLUTION TO PROCRASTINATION); and in another one, the application of the procedure for the break with procrastination, as a treatment towards bad habits (Future Post COMBATING BAD HABITS WITH THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM: SOLUTION TO PROCRASTINATION ).

For now, let’s try to walk and choose any of the 3 options that are indicated in the previous image, in the intelligence that any of them will set us in motion towards an activity, trying at all times certain satisfactions and will be acceptable to our attitude towards life.

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We have, carry and hide in our interior, several “vital vessels” that we fill as we develop physically, emotionally and mentally, throughout our lives, and that we use permanently to act before the surrounding environment (social and natural).

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All those vital vessels that we are shaping throughout life, are intercommunicated and interdependent; these are:

• Behavior

• Experience

• Thought

• Profession or Occupation

• Responsibility

• Art or Vocation

• Feeling and Emotions

• Relational communication or personal communication

• And others

I have called them “vital vessels” (VV) because they are partial collections where we store different types of information that we receive throughout our lives, processing it, and that we precisely use it to achieve vital nutrition – physical and emotional- for our subsistence, seeking the conservation and proliferation of the species.

The VV of “Behavior” is one that works to store (collecting, depositing) and accommodating customs, norms, dogmas, habits, traditions, rules, canons, criteria, principles, according to our experiences and during all our stages of growth and development, in turn and distributing its foundations according to our character and personality achieved and according to our needs and the stimuli we receive from abroad.

Without exception, all the “Vital Vessels” have the emotional-functional characteristic that the hierarchy granted by each individual, woman or man, is different; that is to say, each person as he develops in life uses his own conformation of “Vital Vessels” and organizes them according to his temperament and his personality, giving each collected element a particular importance that uses it under his own and unrepeatable individuality.

Writing is the ideal means to know the different “Vital Vessels” that we have under our emotional psychological domain, by allowing us, by this means, to extract some or several of the elements that make up each vital vessel.

Likewise, writing is a creative medium that allows us to discover and express what we think – and how we think – and what we feel – and how we feel; and thus, it guides us in the knowledge of ourselves. (WRITING TO ACCEPT BETTER TO OURSELVES, WHILE WALKING)

The benefits that we obtain through writing are varied, when applying the WALK-RWD system, which we list and describe in writing  WHY AND WHAT TO WRITE FOR?

In addition to these benefits, we have listed the purposes and motives for which we write, in most cases (See writing PURPOSES AND HABITUAL MOTIVES IN WRITING).

The purposes, in general, are the following:

1. Explain and describe.

2. Persuade.

3. Inform.

4. Investigate.

5. Share.

6. Entertain and have fun.

7. Know ourselves better.

Surely an activity that we could point out as a common denominator in the previous 7 purposes, is to educate, that is, teach, guide and instruct.

According to George Orwell, the reasons or motives that led him to write were the following:

1. Acute selfishness.

2. Aesthetic enthusiasm.

3. Historical momentum.

4. Political motive.

It is up to us to validate each of the purposes and motives mentioned. The important thing is that we want to walk simultaneously with the activity of writing, when we feel the urge to do so.

Sooner or later we will realize what our purposes and motives were for writing, while we were walking, so we can know some of the elements that make up our vital vessels.

As we can imagine, everything that we accommodate in the “vital vessel” of Behavior, is within the acceptable, to a greater or lesser extent, to face life; however, this is not always the case, and sometimes we behave in the wrong way and do not want to acknowledge that we have incurred a bad attitude; and if we do, we don’t necessarily have the will to correct ourselves.

Writing is the ideal means to expose, before ourselves, even without consciously proposing, those wrong or misdirected aspects, and understand them better; in addition, it will indicate if it is convenient, and if we decide, modify our approach and behavior.

Now, let us move on to the vital vessel process, and see how we can improve, specifically our way of life in terms of the different elements that make up each vital vessel, using writing within the WALK-RWD system.

Each vital vessel is transformed, through the WALK-RWD system, into a communicating vessel between all of them and between the different activities structured within the simultaneous walking system itself.

Let’s follow the subsequent phases of execution:


1. Let’s start a walk alone.

2. Select a “vital element” (VE) that is shaping our “Vital Behavior Vessel” (VBV) as it may be a custom, a criterion or any other that feed it, as one of those listed above and that we consider pleasant, compromising or disturbing , to carry out the experiment.

3. Let us relate it to some stage of our life, in order to sensitize the importance it has for oneself and the stage where we were presented in a more conscious way.

4. Let us write about that element indicated by us. I clarify that we can do it through the other two structured activities of the WALK-RWD system: reading or drawing, but we will expose it in other posts.

5. Let us write spontaneously, explicitly and frankly sincerely. We can be concise, simple, sober or complicated. The important thing is to write down the ideas, thoughts or feelings that emerge in our memories or experiences already lived; Or even better: for wanting to live them, since the desires and aspirations (registered in the unconscious) are also part of the “personal self” (personality) and serve for the self-knowledge of the self.


1. Reading and analysis of the text about the vital element (VE), written by ourselves, during the walks.

2. Signaling of key ideas.

3. How important and transcendent is the vital element?

4. What are the problems that are related to the selected vital element?

5. In what aspects does the selected vital element affect us, positive or negative, in the behavior?

6. Point out previous experiences with the selected vital element. Observations.

7. Selection of other texts that deal with the vital element


1. Reading other texts.

2. Outstanding ideas about the behavior and the vital element selected (VE).

3. Analysis and confrontation of the texts. Observations.

4. Conclusions of the confrontation and the analysis performed.


1. Schedule walks to talk with other people – specially selected for it – to talk and confront the results obtained on the vital element (VE).

2. Review the conclusions and observations obtained in the 2nd and 3rd phases.

3. Confront and examine the opinions of other people, for and against our own ideas.

4. Conclusions of the confrontation and the analysis carried out


1. Application of the conclusions to our behavior.

2. Our behavior is acceptable or not

3. We must modify or not our behavior and attitudes

4. We recognize or not our bad behaviors

5. Do we have the will to correct our bad behaviors?

6. Correction of our attitudes and behaviors.

7. The vital element (VE), after the experiment, is pleasant, compromising or disturbing?

Let’s decide to walk and try to get to know some of the vital elements that make up our energetic and vigorous vital vessels. Let us know and understand the greatest number of elements of each of our vital vessels, using writing, as we walk.

Let’s get that confident, positive, serious, true, practical and firm writer to know ourselves better. Let’s take out that “authentic writer” and “self-connoisseur” that we can all achieve.

As far as possible, we will be programming the analysis and practice (execution) of some other vital vessels with the WALK-RWD system, in order to better understand those psycho-social elements that make up each of them and improve its functionality (operation) and efficiency. For now, let’s let our imagination run wild, think and visualize (speculate) what are those psycho-social elements that make them up and that we can strengthen and energize.

Let us know and understand the greatest number of elements of each of our vital vessels, using writing, as we walk.

Let’s get that confident, positive, serious, true, practical and firm writer to know ourselves better. Let’s take out that “authentic writer” and “self-connoisseur” that we can all get to know because he is within us.

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We could assure that in all cultures reading has been practiced aloud, especially of poetry (Future writing WALKING READING POETRY IN A LOUD VOICE). It is very likely that this activity was carried out by instinct and has a close relationship with some functions of the body and mind.

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We were already commenting that the brain stabilizes and compensates with this activity: “You should also consider making the readings, while walking, performing them out loud, as this generates a better catharsis in the walker”.

J. Arnau in his book”The word against the vacuity”,explaining the thought of the Buddhist philosopher and monk Nagarjuna, expresses to us: “The work [of Nagarjuna] is written in a type of stanza called karika. […] Writing philosophy following this metric technique was a common practice in Indian thinking. This type of literature was written to be recited aloud… ”.

Information -of all kinds and by any means- that reaches our brain can generate positive or negative effects, processed in feelings or emotions. It is mentioned that the mind, when receiving external stimuli that unbalance it – of the negative type – must respond to maintain the balance of the Central Nervous System and the Neurovegetative (Sympathetic, Parasympathetic and Enteric), and one of those recommended forms is to share them with other people or at least express those who are altering our emotional balance: that way is to express in a loud voice all those things that are bothering us.

The sound voice and the sense of hearing are a sensory -SOUND-AUDITIVE- binomial that serves to give greater efficiency and energy to the human body and mind. Positive and pleasant vibrations are transmitted to the body, spirit and brain through the sound voice. All the data and information that is introduced by this means to our body -sound and ear- are processed by the brain generating sensory and emotional responses, in a state of balance and relaxation.

Although it is very difficult to quantify the benefit obtained (of all kinds of advantages and benefits) by reading aloud, it is undoubtedly that it has various effects on human health and conduct, whether in its behavior or in its performance behavior organic body functions.

We must permanently consider the importance of reading aloud while walking: read any text, poem, own or any poet: WALKING READING IN LOUD VOICE.

I recommend experiencing out loud what we have to say, or when reading, or when writing that we can also read our own work out loud. Qui scribit, bis legit: Who writes, reads twice. Even when we are alone we can experience reading aloud either a text or a poem, own or by any author, famous or not, but still walking.

Malcolm Cowley in one of his essays on Lafcadio Herun-san, makes relevance about reading aloud, by extracting one of the texts of his work “The Story of Mimi-Nashi-Hoichi” which deals with a Japanese legend:

’ At that moment Hoichi felt some iron fingers grab him by the ears and rip them off! But although it hurt a lot, he didn’t scream. The heavy and heavy footsteps backed down along the railing, -they descended into the garden-, they transposed the path, -they ceased. On both sides of the head, the blind man felt a warm trickle; but he did not dare to raise his hands’.

Cowley says: “We no longer like the signs of admiration of the first sentence or the commas followed by scripts of the third; but it is that the author followed his own theory about punctuation, which for him, was a guide of the reader’s voice. He wrote for the ear, not for the eye; the piece and its context sound good to us, if we read them aloud. ”

Indeed, when reading aloud, sometimes, certain characteristics that words, including letters and numbers, are revealed: sounds, resonances, meanings, musicality, rhythms, silences, that reading with sight, pass unnoticed.

We must also mention that in prayer, in various religions, the oral sound expression is used, the modality of praying loudly in an individual and mostly collective way is used, although praying is a private dialogue with God with the most intimate part of being.

It does not require any formula or procedure but is the expression of the believer’s inner feeling. Praying loudly on an individual basis, for example the Rosary or the Hail Mary, which keeps the devotee focused and abstracted in his pious attitude, the prayers he recites remain in his memory all his life. If this oratory action out loud is done collectively, a synergy is generated that injects greater strength and certainty in each of the speakers.

In the Hindu, Buddhist and Jainist systems we also clearly observe the use of this technique of oral sound expression to achieve liberation. The syllable A-U-M is said during the singing of spiritual texts and very emphatically during certain meditative activities of Yoga (In the Stadiums or Paths of Concentration, Meditation and Abandonment centered on the Yantra of meditation or Samadhi). It is commented that this syllable OM or AUM-Yoga, is in the cordialis center of this darsana or philosophical system of India, and represents the unity of the 3 fundamental human being entities: mind, body and spirit. It is very common to be sung three times at the beginning and also at the end of a Yoga session.

The next time we walk, let’s do it by speaking out loud, either reading, remembering a poem or repeating some phrases that we hear by some electronic means.

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We have already talked about why and for what to read in writing WHY READ AND WHAT FOR? THE GREAT BENEFITS we will now dedicate a few pages to what we believe is required to be a good reader. For those who have not dabbled in the reading activity, it is recommended to go to a library or a bookstore, visiting the section that arouses their interest. Within that chosen section, randomly review the titles and authors, and then examine the Contents of the pre-selected works. Make the decision and choose the document or literary work that will accompany you on your walks. To become a good reader we must take into account 2 fundamental aspects, in this field.

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The qualification of “good” is oriented, on the one hand, to enjoyment, recreation and entertainment with reading, and on the other, it is related to education and learning. Both perspectives allow the achievement of being a good reader, and must be addressed in the same way. However, it will depend on the person himself who performs the reading activity, to lean more towards one or another stimulating aspect, at a stage of his life. There is a large collection of books that tell us how to read to learn and be instructed, few that tell us what to enjoy reading. I consider that there are several topics that must be taken into account, in both perspectives: the “what”, the “how”, the “when”, the “why”, the “how much”, the “with whom” and the “ where, ”and again, each individual may have greater inclination over any of them, and devote more attention to motivate themselves and achieve their reading mission.

In addition to these 2 essential aspects, let’s keep in mind, as we pointed out in writing READING-WRITING-DRAWING: VIRTUOUS CIRCLE that every good reader can become a writer. We must take into account the level of inclination that each of us has about this activity, whether you have the desire to acquire the habit, or to develop it more, or expand your knowledge, to those in which reading activity has been relegated, and for which it would mean a real venture into it. The good reader will advance according to how he becomes passionate. The purposes and particularities that must be considered in both perspectives, to proceed in the reading activity, are:

• Understanding

• Pleasure and taste

• Selection and options

• Volume

• Periodicity

• Irregularity

• Learning

• Study

• Knowledge

• Specialization

• Conceptualization

• Ignorance

• Satisfaction and joy

• Writing styles

• Writing genres

• Preferences

• Discrimination

• Abstracts

• Anthologies

• Indifference

• Extension

• Authors

• Place and space

• Language

Of course, some people recommend that you can rely on different actions to carry out the reading, that some others do not accustom them to: underline the phrases that the reader considers most relevant, write certain important notes on the margin of the pages of the book, relate texts with some other authors, documents or books, reflect on whether or not we agree with what we read, relate some outstanding data with previous readings, etc. Keep in mind that the notes written by you during the reading, either on the pages of the book or document that you read, or in a separate block of notes (this is more recommended), will be the first steps of the good reader who will project it to a future writer, if he wishes to do so; do not exclude or relegate.

Also keep in mind that while writing you are also reading your own writings, Qui scribit, bis legit: Who writes, reads twice.

Regarding the second aspect about the perspective in reading, preparation and education, we have as absolute representatives environments to the school (in its different school levels), the research, the academy (in its different grades), the self-taught (self-educated, self-taught ) and work in any type of company (public or private).

In this “obligation” scenario, we require more effort since it requires us to respond according to the demands and guidelines that are requested to make the reading of a “required” document. There are many methods that have been developed for the large number of fields of learning and teaching, and they can be used to improve our personal goals. I will mention some of the characteristics and aspects, which should be addressed in this perspective of reading, according to the literary genre:

• Purpose of the document

• Content

• Structure

• Purpose of the author

• Questions and answers (from the author and the reader)

• Understanding

• Notes

• Document highlights

• Summary or synthesis of the document

• Memorization

• Important phrases of the text / author

• Ideas generated by the reader

• Outstanding ideas of the author

• Re-read some outstanding parts of the document

Of course, depending on the literary genre, this list can be modified, reduced or increased, however, its complexity conveys that more effort is required than what is needed for the first stage, where we only look for fun and entertainment. In this, with this extraordinary effort (work) we seek constant questioning about what is being read, since for learning, instruction and education, more time is required, more analysis and introspection of the different topics that each Document brings with it. However, the WALK-RWD system allows us to make these efforts with greater encouragement and efficiency.

Now, in the perspective of reading for fun and entertainment, you should only choose for “taste”, according to personal enjoyment – that nothing is forced; select gender; the author; the place (to read walking); the reading period: you should never feel obligated – or forced – to finish a book until the end, if it “falls out of your hands”, leave it and choose another, because later when you already have the habit and taste for reading, you can return to them to finish them, if they are interested in reaching the end.

About self-education, which can appear in both perspectives, is one of the safest processes of reading to become a good reader, depending on the most particular interests that an individual has in his personal development.

Let’s select our books, spaces and schedules for reading and get ready to walk accompanied by those books, to enjoy learning.

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