We are fully aware that the WALK-RWD system is not an entelechy, that it can solve all our problems and achieve our desires, however, we can state that it can help us, in some way, in all our difficulties and aspirations.
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The system is a complete movement that stimulates creative thinking, the generation of ideas, of great ideas; it is an engine that improves the functioning of our body, and gives us dynamism generating changes in our way of feeling, thinking and acting before life. Not only is walking but it is structured with 3 basic activities that allow evolution and mental and emotional revolution, a permanent exercise that moves us positively and transcendentally into the future, making us live our existence in the here and now.
When we walk we generate certain substances (Future writing THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE SELF-PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES) that favor the development of the body in all its functions; some of them benefit the tasks and the good progress of the brain activities, for that reason they facilitate the fertilization of ideas, which otherwise would not have been procreated originally, even helps us to capture the great ideas (Future Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM ENCOURAGES CREATIVE THINKING. PART I). Walking is potentiated precisely by practicing these 3 structured activities within the WALK-RWD system, reading, writing and drawing.
Most of the people who are dedicated to research on how to promote the good performance of the organs and systems of the human body: improve memory, how to be more creative, promote physical and emotional intelligence, be in good health, improve sexual activity, sleep better, and 2 dozen more benefits, invariably discover that walking is the fundamental activity that must be practiced, to achieve the optimal achievement of that function that they are investigating and that they are trying to improve. The same goes for any medical or illness, whether physical or emotional, that is sought to be resolved: specialists always resort to the recommendation of walking.
Once we manage to create the habit of walking and conjugate it with these 3 activities, the system itself allows us to preserve and affirm our creativity and tranquility, within an acceptable state of physical, mental and emotional health.
Good health is the sustenance of everything.
Tranquility is the prelude of happiness.
To be creative is to have the keys to open any door.
With these aphorisms I only wish to convey that we cannot reach chimeras such as immortality, but we can be and keep healthy; not keeping ourselves in total happiness but achieving mental and spiritual tranquility; not to be a genius but to develop great ideas.
In the following diagram you can see this process of the great benefits that are achieved:
Following the principles of Eastern philosophy, which recommends not retaining anything that affects us mentally, emotionally and physically, we conclude that, in apparent contradiction with our way of thinking, it is positive not to make efforts to retain health, creativity or tranquility, so that they reproduce and affirm themselves in a natural way, and walking helps us decisively in this regard.
Precisely, walking allows us instinctively not to retain ideas and with this we incite and induce them to sprout permanently through our mind.
Certainly, walking gives us mechanically not to partially retain health and let it flow permanently throughout the body and mind.
Just, walking automatically provides us with not partially retaining tranquility and with it we allow her to remain free, which in turn leads you to sprout permanently throughout our being.
This search implies that we should not retain these three beneficial states in being, but that, as some of the Eastern philosophies define that they should be allowed to flow freely, we should not keep them subject. In the future we will talk about each of these stadiums and we will see that with just walking we can reach those levels, which for our western thinking is heard contradictory and paradoxical.
I have no doubt that most of the great thinkers and creators had the habit of walking, and that consciously or unconsciously, they carried out it periodically, practicing it by routine or inescapable necessity (imperative) for their physical environment and social; the same could be said of those who have had a longevity beyond the average of their social environment and who have experienced throughout their lives a healthy existence, almost free of diseases and ailments.
Nietzsche once commented that only good ideas arise when we are walking.
Homer said that one of his mythological characters -he did not mention which one- walked with such punctuality and effort every day, that he had no doubt that it drove him to make his adventures with success and greatness, and he -to Homer- would make him transcend the history.
Herodotus expressed that we must walk history to be able to write and tell it.
Heraclitus claimed that his habit of walking every morning had allowed him to live healthy every day of his life and realize that the landscape changed as he walked.
Aristotle knew that walking, accompanied by other people, could better convey his ideas and his companions understand them better.
Finally, I would like to underline that the mere fact of walking fertilizes us with this generational and directive state of development (creative and corrective impulse) intellectual, emotional and physical health, and also, that it is potentiated by combining it with the other three activities of reading, writing and draw, as we have already mentioned.
Keep in mind that health, creativity and tranquility lead us to other physical, mental and cultural stages.
I invite you to walk, reading, writing and drawing, to observe how we reach these stages, in our being.