It is convenient to briefly indicate what magic has represented for the human being; he creates it by his “belief” in the supernatural. Man, from the earliest times, has tried to control all the natural phenomena that were generated in his physical environment and to know the movements of the stars, as well as the causes of what he did not understand.

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The cave painting found in the “Les trois Freres” grotto in the south of France is very representative. This figure represents an individual who has a beard, legs and feet drawn, and is presented walking and moving, with deer horns on his head, and his ears and arms correspond to another type of animal. So it is adorned with “animal” parts. Surely he is an individual dressed for a ceremony and was magically representing a deer hunter along with other animals, so the title that has been assigned to him is “the sorcerer”.

This finding corresponds to the hominid remains found in this region of France and which was called Cro-Magnon Man because it was located in a cave with this name. (Posts HOMO-ITER: MAN WALKER. PART I & HOMO-ITER: MAN WALKER. PART II; Future post CHRONICLE OF A DISAPPEARANCE ANNOUNCED IN THE PLEISTOCENE).

This painting falls within what is called imitative magic, since the fact of representing a human being in a painting implied that by putting it in motion – along with the other elements of the painting – it would achieve the invoked results: being able to reach the animal required. A painting, representing this ceremony, served to spiritually understand the animal that they did not want to harm it, but would need it for its meat to feed and its skin as clothing. Surely there were some other ways of drawing or painting the objects and animals that they wanted to magically relate, such as, for example, drawing them along the paths or areas –on the ground or in the sand- that these animals used to travel and who needed to get hold of to benefit of its meats, bones and skins.

Another form of magic used -from ancient times- is the so-called contaminating or contact. Its fundamental principle is that the magician can act on a person (or animal) by in his hand any object that has been in contact with that person (or animal). All these magical forces exert their effectiveness on the things on which they interact, and are supposed to do so by a secret power of attraction, at near or far distances. Based on this other form of magic, we can imagine that they could also make contacts with the spear and with the horns of the animal to be able to attract them to themselves.

Although we have pointed out 2 forms of magic, the imitative and by contact, there are other modalities that have been practiced throughout the history of humanity; as well as we must recognize that they were not only used to hunt animals, but also to imitate them in their general behavior, their rest, their way of sleeping, to take care of other animals, their wandering, their way of feeding, etc.

Just as positive magic has existed, so has negative. J. G. Frazer in his book “The Golden Bough. Magic and Religion”, has expressed in this regard that both magic, the contact and the imitative, comprise both positive mandates (enchantments or sorcery) and negative (taboos or prohibitions), so you must answer what we must do what we should not do. He explains that positive mandates tell us that we must carry out this for this to happen, their purpose is to generate an event that is desired; while negative mandates tell us that we should not do this so that this does not happen, their purpose is to avoid the event that is feared.

These conceptualizations of Frazer about positive and negative magic lead us to mention that there have always been countless behaviors to carry out some activities while walking; suffice it to point out that of imitating the walking of some animals, of certain towns, attracting them to suitable trails to capture and hunt them. The same happens with the prohibition of doing some other activities while walking: not sewing, not spinning, not eating certain fruits or dishes, etc.

All peoples, for millennia, have been “building” their domestic magic, which are similar in general aspects, containing common elements. This generalized construction of magic in the human being responds to a universal archetype.

According to C. G. Jung, the archetypes “are images linked entirely to the emotions of the human being”, “… are images of a collective nature, which occur almost universally as constituents of myths and, at the same time, as autochthonous individual products of unconscious origin… ”; Thus, every archetype is a psychic binomial of images and emotions, a psychic projection or spiritual images (productions) generated in the collective unconscious and that reach to consciousness after long periods of time, generated by repeated experiences, in such a way that they have “incubated” in the collective unconscious, that is to say, they are always common to entire peoples and to specific times, and through the individual unconscious they are revealed, manifest and externalize themselves towards the physical environment. In our case, as manifestations in magical beliefs.

Every archetype is produced by a condensation of myriads of events similar to each other, of certain psychic experiences that have been repeated for millennia.

All these beliefs in magical matters are transfigured in images, sustained in an infinity of customs, rites, traditions, magical rituals, formulas of praise, help, blessing or curse, etc., that over the course of long periods of time are constituted an important part of the collective archetype.

Since ancient times, it is inscribed in the archaic mind that everything must “die” and “be reborn”. Let us keep in mind that the magic practiced by sorcerers (shamans, magicians, etc.), people specialized in this activity, sought fundamentally to help but above all to heal others, save them from not losing their lives.

Let’s also observe that the archetype “Magic” does not imply the existence of magic itself, nor of a magician or sorcerer, but has been formed by the condensation that we spoke of earlier, from the millennial repetition of psychic experiences and that have accumulated in the collective unconscious.

We can assure that there is always a connection between archetypes, and in addition to that of “Magic” should not be confused with those related to the ritual of the new, cycle restart, or astrological periods, or recreation. It is the search and encounter with life, with that spiritual part that the human being has always tried to find, and which later became a religion because magic ceased to be effective; for this reason, in a first phase these thaumaturges arose (healers, shamans, etc.), and in a later phase, religious figures (monks, priests, etc.) emerged. With the conception of “spirit” and the idea that dwells in “things” begins the process of transformation of magic – which begins to lose effectiveness – towards religion.

This repetition of events similar to each other, mostly equivalent or analogous, generated by everyday attitudes and actions regarding the practice of magic, translated into a search for power and control towards the supernatural and towards everything that was not understood, became It transformed into an archetype, which we could well enunciate – currently – psychologically as wanting to ascend to God or wanting to be like God. The condensation of that archetype translates into movement and dynamism that we must give way to by walking. That is to say, walking, we carry out that analogy in which we transfer and release that archetypal need to control the rest of things. Walking is exercising the archetype “Magic”; this has been based on rituals, customs and traditions -very varied in all peoples and that currently some still express archaically- that have provided us with a force (physical and mental) capable of coping with all kinds of emotional issues such as frustrations, losses , failures, sufferings, revenges, penances, threats, challenges, etc., and from the physical point of view, such as falls, accidents, diseases, discomforts, pain, infections, etc.

The displacement that is achieved through the archetype “Magic”, the soul or spirit of the individual -or group- that is involved in the process of archetypal images, generally participated disguising himself with animal or vegetable clothing, with or without a mask, and with rhythms and movements that resembled the animals that he wanted and needed to be present in the ceremony or in the magical ritual, for this reason there is always a relationship between clothing (or the cave painting that we mentioned earlier ) which is generally called totemism and the archetype “Magic”.

There is a parallelism between painting or drawing, totemism (including its statuary or sculptural creation) and the archetype “Magic”, since all three are representations of images that the unconscious (mind, spirit and soul) must carry out, and all of them are impregnated and sustained by human emotions.

Regarding the functional animal relationship, we can mention that part of the soul of the animal – its anima – is transmuted into the soul of the human being who invokes it magically, obtaining movement and energy from that selected animal, is the impulse to move. The anima generates a movement that gives breath, provokes and drives a walk that gives vigor.

An ancestral paragon is the activities we carry out when preparing daily food.

Sounds are eternal units that reside in the mind, in the interior of the being, entities that participate in creation when they are emitted by the voice, or by any other means, and are received by ears.

It seems that someone whispered to us advising that the highest art, the best art, is the one that is performed with the greatest number of human senses. And therefore, we could venture saying that the rhythm in the corporal movements has a deep and subtle effect in the preparation of the dishes. That rhythmic faculty, sensation and capacity are determining in the being for it.

I do not wish to elaborate on this, but I do comment that the activities carried out in the kitchen, aimed at preparing food, have always been carried out in the company of movements and songs of work – rhythm and compass – since ancient times and in very primitive activities such as mashing, grinding, cutting, kneading, mashing, combining, chopping, decapitating, mutilating, topping, slicing, carving, mixing, baking, roasting, and all of them surely had a compass, a song, a rhythm, a melody, a cadence (time lapse), that accompanied and led them.

It was characteristic that these were carried out in a group and as the food preparation activity became more and more an individual activity, the custom and its rituals of accompanying them with songs and rhythmic body movements in groups, was lost.
(Textual fragments extracted from my book: Loya Lopategui, Carlos, COCINOPEA. Gastronomy, EMULISA, México, 2011).

Hence, we could also venture to say that a good cook (male or female) is one who has an adequate and relevant interior rhythm. (Future post THE COMPASS AND THE RHYTHM IN THE WALKING). The rhythmic balance and the good flavor come together to achieve the best dishes.

Now, according to my personal conclusion about this archetype, that of Magic, is that we need to repeat our ancestors in their ceremonial behavior and be in motion imitating animals in their walk, to fully communicate with our deepest interiority (with our instincts), and this will, of course, be achieved by reducing our physical and mental dependence on modern means of transportation. So let’s start walking.

Our ancestors painted the totem to multiply it and to present it, either on the walls of a rock (like the cave painting described), on any soil or terrain, or specifically on the trails where that animal-totem used to walk or graze; sometimes they only highlighted the most desired parts of the animal or only those parts drew. In general, they painted some section of the animal totem that fully identified it as such, such as its antlers, its heads, its tusks, its tracks, etc.

The spirit (or soul) pictorially represented in this way (imitative magic) provided an encouraged (in latin: animation) for the animals to present themselves at the desired moments and in the right places, in order to hunt them down. In addition to these plastic forms, they also used real parts (contact magic) of the animal that they wanted to capture, such as their skins, ornaments, hooves, bones, etc.; all this to give an “animation” to their pack companions towards the place where they would wait for them, and after that, to capture all of them.

A very widespread variety in almost all the peoples of the world was the practice of imitative magic when ingesting selected parts of animals, because in them certain important forces of the animal were stored, and that when eating them – prepared in different ways – they transmitted those magical powers to the ingesting them; depending on the “part” that was destined to consume magically, greater physical strength, better eyesight, greater speed in running, greater resistance in walking long distances, better hearing, greater reproductive and fertilization capacity, ease in elimination of sterility and sexual impotence, etc.

In this same sense, another imitative magic practice, but with plants and vegetables was to eat parts of their stems, leaves, roots, flowers and fruits, because this is how they acquired their benign and healing properties, according to the people who provided them.

However, this regular custom, almost in all the peoples of the world, of eating plants and vegetables, there was also the magical practice that combined plants and vegetables with the capture of animals. For example, the use that was given to the fallen leaves – by themselves, not cut – from the trees. A certain number of them were placed in an animal pit-trap, so that in the same way the prey fell freely into the trap. The greater the number of leaves and the greater their size, the more animals and of great size would fall into the trap.

Another magical practice was contact with stones; because when they got tired walking, because they had traveled long distances, it was believed that touching them allowed them to transfer their tiredness to those stones that they later threw in special places along the way.

Let’s start walking. I am sure we do not need any magic to give an “animation” to our body to make it walk, or perhaps we should make contact with our archetype “Magic”.

Loya Lopategui, Carlos, COCINOPEA. Gastronomy, EMULISA, Mexico, 2011

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Passion is the fundamental emotional vibration to carry out any human activity. The same happens with the WALK-RWD system; passion is required to put it into practice daily, more easily and more effectively

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Walking based on another activity is more attractive, productive and permanent, such as reading, writing and drawing. These 3 structured activities within the WALK-RWD system decisively provide a clear and forceful passion while walking (Post LOOKING FOR PASSION IN THE REALIZATION OF THINGS, WHILE WE WALK). In addition, as we have pointed out and verified as we have been developing the Blog, the WALK-RWD system is a prodigal agent through other sources of motivation and passion, such as meditating, contemplating, abstracting, creating ideas, increasing creativity, disease prevention, increase in health, relaxing, self-motivation (Post PASSION AND TIME WALK TOGETHER), increase in cognitive performance, elimination of negative habits, corrective and preventive method for health, self-liberation of negative emotions, etc.

Personally, when I lack the desire to walk, which are very rarely the times I find myself without that taste, I immediately think about what I can accompany her with, whether with a good book or with some text that I am writing – or that I am about to develop. – and with that it is enough to catapult myself and start my walk (departure to walk).

For this reason, I always have a passion for going out for a walk, because I also have some “companion activity” to do it with passion. As always I have something to read, draw or write, which I am passionate about, I am practically always happy to start the walks.

From what I have heard from people and they have directly corroborated it, maintaining health in optimal conditions is not enough nor is it very exciting to move a human being to walk.

Let’s see what is the reason for this post, which is related to certain work activities, all those that could develop while walking.

I know how passionate a person can be in their office, school, etc. work. That alienating motivation that is felt when one is enjoying doing certain activities that abstract us. A satisfactory job that looks for it and finds it oneself: they are incentives, harmonies, creative activities, new ideas and new processes, help and assistance to your coworkers, advice to those who approach you, etc., you can enlist dozens of these moments where we feel highly productive and passionate, pretty good about ourselves.

These parameters I have already pointed out in 2 previous posts, which would allow companies to increase the labor productivity of their employees, by implementing this WALK-RWD system within the same physical environment of their facilities. (Post EFFICIENCY AND PRODUCTIVITY IN OTHER FIELDS; and Post THE SYSTEM CAN BE INCORPORATED TO COMPANIES). That is, the daily activities of writing, reading and drawing that are necessarily the production base of a high percentage of offices, are carried out while walking, in areas designed for it, within the workplace.

Sometimes it is hard to find or maintain that passion or taste for work, but that is what this scheme is that I transmit to current generations – those who are starting and those who are economically active – and for future ones.

I have already expressed that it is not easy to develop a passion for just walking.

In fact, for boys and girls – Freyre, a Brazilian pedagogue, said – knowledge of any kind acquired outside the classroom became especially significant in the open air and unforgettable.

If you manage to take the office work to the walk, -or the walk to the office work-, that passion will have an impact on the miles that you can walk without you noticing. I have already mentioned what happens to me personally: a book that I am passionate about makes me walk 3 miles and when I realize it, 60 minutes have passed. Or the writing of a text that I am passionate about makes me walk another 6 miles.

The model can be used backwards: that job that is forgotten because it is boring or detestable, but that you inevitably have to do for your company, you may think that since you have the obligation to do it, at least you will give your body -and mind- that walk and it will benefit your health. You will see that it does work. It’s kind of looking at things in reverse, but if you have to do it anyway, at least you walked and you also gave your spirit some ‘oxygenation’.

The answer is to organize that AMBULANTE OFFICE WHILE YOU WALK. It is not easy, but neither is it impossible, if you discover how to take that passion to the trails near your home, an “Office while you walk”, and so you can have that “carrot” every day to go out for a walk with passion.

Certain care must be taken to carry out this implementation (organization and execution), such as the weight and support (the load) of the equipment, the balance of the body and some other aspects that must be taken into account for this new way of working. (Future posts PARTS OF THE BODY TO WALK-THE CARE OF THEM; THE SYMMETRY OF THE BODY AND THE WALKING) .

Try it at least a few times with different topics or problems to solve, and you will surely receive a satisfactory answer, through new ideas that will allow you to solve them faster and more efficiently. Try it and tell us your results on this blog. Try and don’t give up.

On the other hand, I would like to comment on what is happening right now.

The important thing is to raise awareness of what may come or is already incorporated in our family, social and work environment.

Be aware of what is happening against our health and specifically the increase in stress, due to multiple factors, and among them decisively is sedentary lifestyle, in social, cultural and productive environments, especially the workplace.

Unfortunately and concretely, we are being transformed into more sedentary beings. We no longer walk to go to our workplace. For a high percentage of the world population, we will no longer walk either to get to our car or to take the bus, nor during the respective and few moments that were before, associated with these actions, we walked inside the bus, nor did we do it to get off it, and head to the office, etc.

This trend towards sedentary lifestyle -which has been accentuating for the last century- we had already pointed out in previous posts (Post HOMO-ITER, MAN WALKER, PART I; and Post HOMO ITER, MAN WALKER, PART II), however, what has happened in recent months represents a true paralysis of being in terms of moving on foot.

Clearly we will become “labor statues” (also in statues in the rest of the human sectors) and we will be one of the immovable (furniture) articles that surround us, with an enormous possibility of detriment to the human race (Future Post CHRONICLE OF A DISAPPEARANCE ANNOUNCED IN THE PLEISTOCENE). You hear this very exaggerated, however, as I have mentioned: having stood up and walked, millions of years ago, transformed us into HOMO SAPIENS SAPIENS, and this led us to these historical moments; if we sit down and do not walk, we will transform ourselves into a possible HOMO-OBITUS, which will announce itself its sundown.

Try your new AMBULANTE OFFICE WHILE YOU WALK and you will see that it will give you good results.

Traducido al Español


It has been demonstrated, over the years, that there is a relationship between walking – in addition to other physical exercises – and the functional processes of the brain, stimulating their development and abilities , in addition to preventing ailments and illnesses.

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I could not say that any type of exercise would have similar effects, because I have not experienced them and surely that intense or extreme sports, either, to put an excessive case, would not be examples to consider.

I will begin by briefly explaining some questions about the functional components of the human being. I consider that there are four its main functional divisions:

This post is oriented within the MENTAL component and will be aimed at the concept of creativity, leaving aside that of cognition (reasoning, thinking, decision-making, IQ) since this function – also of the component mental- I have analyzed it in the future post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE that deals with cognitive function in particular.

Within the mental component, the brain is the main organ of the Central Nervous System, coordinating and regulating most of the functions of the mind and body. These functions that it has under its control are of 4 types: a) Superior Functions, such as reasoning, thinking, memorizing, attention, speaking, creativity, imagination, perception, decision making, intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, behavior emotional; b) Vital functions, such as heart rate or rhythm, breathing, digestion; c) Essential Functions, such as sleeping, sexual arousal, sweating (Future Post WALKING AND SWEATING), hunger; and d) Secondary Functions, such as yawning, sneezing, etc.

The Superior Functions are developed in the brain itself, in its cerebral lobes that are an important part of the cerebral cortex; Of all of them, cognitive functions are the most important that are developed in the human brain. (Future post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE).

In general, cognitive functions allow us to react appropriately to stimuli and external agents, and all of them are interconnected. Thus, the brain performs, in an interrelated way, the various cognitive functions: reasoning (thinking, understanding, reflecting, meditating); memorizing (learning, repeating, remembering, forgetting); attention (curiosity, observation, analysis, interest, distraction, perception); speaking (talking, dialoguing, expressing, communicating, explaining, articulating, listening, responding, keeping quiet); and conduct (regulation and control of behavior, attitudes).

Although we will focus on what creativity implies, the rest of the functions that do not fall within the cognitive, have the same treatment that we will expose in this post, such as imagination, inventiveness, intuition and inspiration.

The coordinated movement that is generated in the walk causes the brain to produce various substances (ENDOCRINE SYSTEM) such as Endorphins, Catecholamines, Adrenaline, Enzymes, Pheromones, Glycogen, Immunoglobin, Interferons, Lymphocytes, Myoglobin, Neurotrophins, etc., (Future post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE SELF-PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES), which in turn stimulate the development and full functioning of neurons, increasing considerably the number of connections between them and the functional areas of the brain itself.

In some of the previous posts I have mentioned what Nietzsche used to say about the walk, expressing: “Only good ideas arise when we are walking.” It would be abusive to create a theory based on an exergue or an aphorism of a person, even if it comes from a great thinker like Nietzsche himself; nevertheless, he surely experienced, on several recurring occasions and to a certain intensity, this truth that he declared with such care and so much certainty; in other words: For some reason he said it and we should guard with suspicion (much attention) that thought.

In this post we will refer -as we express- with greater emphasis to the functional section of creative thinking, to the function of imagining and creating ideas, which has been given the name of creativity, in a generic way. Creativity is a superior function, which is made up of mental operations such as: devising, imagining, idealizing, fantasizing, rambling, inventing, creating and speculating. However, all the development that I will expose on the concept of “being creative” can be used in the same way to positively impact the other brain functions.

Walking causes the brain to enter a need to “COMPENSATE” (STABILIZE- BALANCE- LEVEL- a physical imbalance) a state in motion, which in turn causes “unevenness” (instability) in its chemical elements (properties, attributes, particularities) and their neurotransmitters (Future Post BEING IN MOTION TO MOVE NEURONS). Before the cause of the movement an effect of necessity. Before the walk begins, the brain is in a state of “balance” in the body, a function that it develops along with other systems such as the vestibular, associated with the mechanical part of the inner and outer ear. All these systems together with the brain control both the static and the dynamic balance of the being. The static keep it in balance while the body is not moving; and the dynamic is controlled by the individual being in motion, walking or moving through any other type of mobility, whether moving or not.

During a walk, the brain permanently seeks to “COMPENSATE” (STABILIZE- BALANCE- LEVEL- a physical imbalance) that state in movement, in all possible ways, during the total time that this journey lasts.

Throughout this period of walking, the brain seeks to “stabilize itself”, giving instructions both to its own organic unit (cerebral convolutions and neurotransmitters), and to other systems, glands (Future Post ANOTHER ENIGMA: WALKING, GENDER AND PINEAL GLAND ) and organs, to achieve this “balance”, such as sight, touch (feet and hands), muscle, etc. Some vicariant parts of the brain will try to supply the insufficiency of some others that are affected by the loss of that “balanced and harmonic state”. Likewise, some organs, glands or systems, as a whole articulated, will try to support the needs that the brain is experiencing, including the vestibular system.

As we have already mentioned, this process directly influences the generation of substances throughout the body, as well as the development of functions of all kinds.

There are several fields -of activities- where you can see the implication or effect that is exerted by causing the gestation of substances and neural processes, and where we can obtain positive and effective results in human behavior. In the field of creativity (ideas, memory, inspiration, imagination, etc.) it is one of them and in the field of emotions it is another. We have already mentioned in post PRESERVING AND AFFIRMING HEALTH, CREATIVITY AND TRANQUILITY, several of those positive aspects that are generated through the application of the WALK-RWD system.

The vestibular is one of the first systems, and one of the most important, that is exercised (impacted, influenced, affected, disturbed, moved) with the movement of the walk; on the other hand, unfortunately we do not know which parts of the brain are “decompensated”, moving, when going through that state during the walk, nor what are the vicariant parts (cerebral convolutions or neurotransmitters) that enter into (functioning, movement, articulation) exercise (new and different functions, not the traditional ones known) to reactivate and level (compensate, restore and recover) the parts that intervene in the search and achievement of a stabilization (uncontrolled, disturbed) in order to supply them.

In other words, the brain also enters a process of counter-change (decompensation, imbalance) by the vestibular system itself, as it is forced to respond when the human body enters into motion (dynamic equilibrium). This organic process, which is generated in the vestibular system in a state of dynamic equilibrium, is a clear analogy regarding the way the brain must function in certain neural areas when we start to walk. Below I briefly describe how the vestibular system is composed and how it works.

Tiny constituent parts of the ear control the vestibular system, which in turn regulates static balance (the human body at rest) and dynamic balance (the human body in motion). Static balance maintains the orientation of the body and the head with respect to the ground and controls it stable with respect to its body weight. Dynamic balance controls the position of the body and the head, balancing the entire organism, responding to movement or movements made by the body (locomotion, gait, translation, increase or decrease in speed, speed, slowness and rotation) ; and when walking or making any movement, the balance of this system is broken, which immediately seeks to restore it by sending instructions to its different sections.

The following expression describes the sequence of the process:

                 “Walking-Imbalance” ▲ “Search for Compensation” ▲ “Brain”

                                   ▲ Thought ▲ Mind ▲ Ideas ▲ Emotions ▲

Let us keep in mind that ideas and emotions are vectors with their own energy and that they are in motion and that, therefore, they stimulate all areas of the body and fundamentally the brain.

When we walk, we provoke movements in the head and therefore we generate an ALERT SIGNALS (DECOMPENSATION-DESTABILIZATION- UNBALANCE- SLOWING) both in the area of the brain itself and in the other systems (sight, hearing, body, etc.), but fundamentally in the vestibular; which in turn sends sensory messages to the brain, reaching this and other organic parts that seek to reestablish (restore, recover and resume) harmony. Similarly, a high percentage of the messages that are sent from the organ of sight to the brain are to maintain balance, both in the body itself and in relation to the floor.

With the following diagram, I want to show that by moving we get the brain to use new neural circuits and perform new functions. Just by walking we achieve these effects.

This sensory-nervous type information reaches certain organs and systems throughout the body so that they participate according to their functions in order to preserve and restore balance. Let’s also keep in mind that constantly the brain, before the different movements that the body has, passes from a state of harmony and compensation to another state that is different from the one that preceded it.

To end this PART I of the post, I would like to highlight that walking is a natural activity of the human being and that its performance is perfectly balanced for its optimal functioning, since it is carried out in a harmonious and balanced way that gives the body the mind that medullary rhythm that is essential for the proper functioning of all its systems and organs.

There has been so much experience that walking promotes the harmonious functioning of the cerebral hemispheres, that there is no doubt about it. Walking is an exercise that causes effects on the 2 symmetrical parts of the human body, so any exercise that generates it, will have similar effects (Future post THE SYMMETRY OF THE BODY AND WALKING), as long as they are not gymnastics or sports that are too hard, nor exhausting or violent.

Traducido al Español


In Part I we indicate, in a general way, how the human being has been abandoning the practice of walking throughout the last 10,000 years, having been, from the earliest times, a perfect walker in his characteristic of erectus and nomad.

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We also said that the man of the future will perhaps be the HOMO-ITER (man walker), the one who will be more aware that he must now replace some means of transport, to return to transit on foot, and other activities that he develops while standing must begin to carry them out on foot, and others that are developed sitting, must develop standing  and / or walking (Post OTHER DEVICES TO READ AND WRITE, WHILE WE WALK and Post future OTHER DEVICES FOR WALKING).

In the graph we can see the evolution that the human being has had in his daily walk.

On the horizontal axis, the years are recorded on a historical horizon of 1.5 million years.

On the vertical axis, the averages that man has had the need to walk on land in feet / day are recorded.

The human being transited from nomadic to sedentary only 12,500 years ago, going from 11,500 to 500 feet/day.

From the point [-12,500] years, the different hominids walked an average of 11,500 feet daily, either to hunt and gather, or to move from one region to another to carry out those same activities but in new lands with better hunting possibilities and collection. They were 100% nomadic.

From this point on, they begin a sedentary lifestyle at a general level, as they begin to discover some activities that allow them to stay longer at each stop. Agriculture and livestock are beginning to take place, although not as we know them today; however, this keeps them at certain points and gradually reduces their desire (need) to be nomadic. In each period indicated in the graph, you can see how the average walk, from this point, decreases. We can see that towards the point [-2,500], 10,000 years after the sedentary lifestyle begins, the average daily walk is halved, at 5,750 feet/day. And towards the beginning of the Christian era the daily average becomes only 4,600 feet/day, that is, a reduction to 2/5 parts. The most serious thing is that the slope is constant and in only 14,500 years we have reached an average walk of only 500 feet/day, only in 1% of the time since we began to be sedentary with respect to the analyzed horizon, we have practically reached paralyze us, to be completely stationary. It is clearly seen that in the current era there is practically NO WALKING.

Keep in mind that the human body withers when it does not seek and does not find the way or path to walk, in the same way it happens to the waters that have no way out and do not move, they become a swamp.

The relevant cultural and technical aspects that we will have to observe in the near future, which on the one hand, will guide the human being towards the creation of the new HOMO ITER, and on the other, the opposing elements to achieve it, are the following:

1. How to start and prepare for the emancipation of transport that prevents us from walking.

2. How to support the new being in his walks, to eliminate sedentary lifestyle and other social and cultural conditions.

3. Because walking is a natural function (impulse, reflex, propensity, inclination) of the human being, and reading and writing are not, to provoke in the individual a passion in the 3 structured activities within the WALK -RWD system. Drawing has been a special and graphic way of writing (post OTHER DEVICES TO READ AND WRITE, WHILE WE WALK).

4. Since the time that the human being has been reading and writing is very short (approximately 5,000 years ago), support him with aspects that excite him in these activities. The human being has always carried out the activity of drawing.

5. Create simulators that respond to effective practice and specific objectives with the integral WALK-RWD system.

6. The HOME-OFFICE and similar and more revolutionary systems that would change a part of the work culture that has greatly favored the transport of individuals by themselves, to their workplace, although they have not been sufficiently effective and transcendent (practical and positive).

7. Memory and knowledge chips, which would completely transform the teaching-learning culture.

8. The tele-transportation of matter and information (physical and conceptual) that would put the human being on foot in serious trouble. An imminent reality that already began to have problems for several decades when they began to eliminate the texts printed on paper and other material means.

9. Hundreds of technological innovations that will displace human beings from the imperative convenience of walking.

The homo iter can be “built” just by implementing this WALK-RWD system.

Let’s see how we can do it.

The determining element that differentiates HOMO ITER from primitive man is the final “combined and integral” causality that is achieved, through the inter-acting and inter-combination process of the 3 structured activities within the WALK-RWD system, which will allow functional crucible and will show us the effectiveness of the combinatorial functioning of the 4 creative actions (walking, reading, writing and drawing). A functional acrisolar that will be affirming and showing the future HOMO ITER, the true and solid man of the future.

To do this, let’s briefly analyze the structured activities of the WALK-RWD system. When we read (store) and write (we extract and download), while we are walking, -when doing any of these 2 activities or the 2 simultaneously-, whether in notes or in texts, our mind receives information – during that process- through of the senses and that data does not receive them passively, but processes them, analyzing them, and makes them (composing and nuancing them) and, finally, recomposes them (organizes, integrates and hierarchies) , in such a way that these external stimuli transform them into images, that each of us forms them in a very particular and unrepeatable way (potential activity of drawing).

Now, let’s analyze a very relevant aspect: Will there be differences in behavior, attitude and direction (trajectory and course), for men and women, in this context? Have they been developing differently? In the future, will they tend to move and bifurcate in terms of their cultural and physiological predestination? Or will they choose common paths by joining a coupling to converge on the human being of the future? The man and the woman are the same! within their differences, and in this topic the specialties and their gender roles prevail according to the evolution of the different eras of humanity, and according to the regions of the planet; but … in the future … what will happen?

I think that, as has always happened, both parts of the human race will converge biunivocally towards this being that must be more balanced and less aggressive (destructive), that unifies and stands in solidarity with humanity.

Regarding the WALK-RWD system, we have already mentioned that we do not intend to teach reading in an INTENSE, INCESANT, or critical sense; neither to write synthesis, summaries or argued essays about the texts we read or become a famous writer. Through the activity of reading we intend only to arouse interest in it, in addition, understand and enjoy what is said in the text. We do not necessarily intend to be able to analyze the text, or interpret, examine, evaluate or obtain a conclusion, although anyone will be able to do it if they decide to do it. The task of achieving an interest in reading – and also in writing – is facilitated – in part – by the enormous variety that exists in the types of text: an essay, a book, a document, a poem, an aphorism, a newspaper, story, design, advertisement, graph, advertisement, mathematical or algebraic expression. This wide variety of categories that exists, allows us in a more effective and ductile way to get to have contact with these creative forms, in addition that, as we have already said, the read-write binomial, as we walk, causes both to be more pleasant, reading on its side, more dynamic, enriching and deep, and writing more practical, positive and true; undoubtedly achieving a “dynamic reader” and an “authentic writer”, as we already pointed out in post OTHER DEVICES TO READ AND WRITE, WHILE WE WALK.

Similar aspects can be said about drawing, either doing it independently of reading and writing activities, or in combination with any of them, while walking simultaneously. Recall what we already expressed in that same post: «Drawing implies the 2 activities of reading and writing, in a graphic way; that is, being a “dynamic reader” leads to being an “authentic writer”, but being an “expressive drawer” implies the two previous personalities, in a graphic way».

In other words, HOMO ITER will not be formed by the collection of fruits, the hunting of animals, not grazing, not pulling roots, as they did with HOMO ERECTUS, but reading, writing and drawing, in a structured way in and during the walk, sow during the walk. (future post HOMO-LECTOREM AND HOMO-ESCRIPTOREM)

As differentiated actions of each of these structured activities within the WALK-RWD system, we can suggest the following, in order to place ourselves in the generatrix, guideline and transcendent lines of HOMO ITER.


1. PREDILECTION OF THE TYPE OR GENDER OF READING. Self-analyze what types of text are your favorite and preference to read while walking. Select some and rank them in order of taste, interest, fun and education.

2. ENJOY TO READ AND ENJOY TO WALK. Analyze the level of satisfaction and fun daily by reading the chosen text, in relation to the desire to walk.

3. EVALUATION OF SATISFACTIONS. Evaluate during the walk the satisfaction that is received in both activities, of reading and walking.

4. We can move towards that future objective, consolidating certain evolved levels, since we will obtain the different benefits that we have indicated in post WHY READ AND WHAT FOR? which are synthetically: Various parts of the brain are stimulated, which have been slow or diminished by not using them; it facilitates and increases logical, psychological and imaginative constructions; reflection and understanding are increased; all mental capacities are increased, such as creativity, meditation, imagination, intelligence, inventiveness, memory, conceptual thinking, intuition; revives consciousness and invigorates the unconscious; it drives the fantasy imagination and the constructive imagination; increases attention and psychomotor response; Increase mental concentration and meditation.

5. Evaluate the degree obtained as a “dynamic reader”.

6. Evaluate how our organism has been favored in the broadest sense of the term (body, mind and spirit)

7. Point out and clearly define the obvious elements, according to point 4 above, that have favored our body.

8. Which have been, of those elements, the most effective and stimulating.


1. THE PURPOSE OF WRITING. Analyze the purpose of writing the chosen literary genre. Define the purpose(s)

2. SELECTION OF THE TOPIC OR IDEA TO WRITE. Analyze the reason for writing about a certain topic or idea.

3. RELATION TO PREVIOUS READINGS OR EXPERIENCES. Analyze and define if it has any relationship with any text that has been read long ago or recently, or with some drawings or graphic images.

4. ENJOY TO WRITE AND ENJOY TO WALK. Analyze daily the level of satisfaction and fun to write in relation to the desire to walk.

5. EVALUATION OF SATISFACTIONS. Evaluate during the walk the satisfaction received in both activities, writing and walking.

• Tone, language, style, used. Does the used combine with the purpose and the motive of the written?

• Difficulties in writing during the walk

• Difficulties for reading and understanding. Is it clearly understood?

6. We can move towards that future objective, consolidating certain evolved levels, since we will obtain the different benefits that we have indicated in post WHY AND WHAT TO WRITE FOR? which are synthetically: Various parts of the brain are stimulated, which have been slow or diminished by not using them; reflection is potentiated; consciousness is renewed and invigorates the unconscious; we essentially increase introspection; increases logical, psychological and imaginative constructions; all mental capacities are increased, such as creativity, imagination, inventiveness, memory, conceptual thinking, intuition; we promote states of consciousness at the time of writing; psychomotor attention is increased; the symbolic means of the unconscious and the symbolic images of the unconscious are promoted; in relation to the imagination, it develops the ability to revive mental images and increases the possibilities of combining images. It stimulates the imagination and the constructive fictitious.

7. Likewise, we can move towards that future objective, considering the purposes that we describe in a general way in post HABITUAL PURPOSES AND MOTIVES IN WRITING, which in a synthetic way they are: explain and describe; persuade; report; research; share; entertain and amuse; Get to know ourselves better. And with the indication of certain reasons, according to George Orwell, namely: acute selfishness; aesthetic enthusiasm; historical momentum; political purpose Noting that it was in us, to validate each of these purposes and motives, and that the really important thing is that we want to walk simultaneously with the activity of writing, when we feel the urge to do so.

8. Evaluate the degree obtained as “authentic writer”.

9. Evaluate how our organism has been favored in the broadest sense of the term (body, mind and spirit)

10. Clearly indicate and define the obvious elements, according to points 6 and 7 above, that have favored our body.

11. Which have been, of those elements, the most effective and stimulating.


1. THE TYPES OF IMAGES. Analyze if they are pure images that come to mind or are words or a combination of the two, of words with graphic images. Do you perceive them graphically or linguistically?

2. RELATION OF THE IMAGES. Analyze if these graphic images are related to something that has been read or written long ago or recently.

3. ANALYSIS OF THE IMAGES. Analyze the relationship of graphic images with some personal emotional state.

4. ENJOY TO DRAW AND ENJOY TO WALK. Analyze daily the level of satisfaction and fun to draw in relation to the desire to walk.

5. EVALUATION OF SATISFACTIONS. Evaluate during the walk the satisfaction received in both activities, drawing and walking.

• Shapes, styles, extraordinary needs or difficulties in making the drawings.

• Problems that arise in drawing during the walk

• Difficulties in understanding and interpreting.

6. We will be able to advance towards that future objective, consolidating certain evolved levels, since we will be obtaining the different benefits that we have indicated in post WHY AND WHAT TO DRAW FOR? THE GREAT BENEFITS WHILE WALK, which synthetically are: Increases abstraction and mental relaxation; we get to know and understand ourselves better; it allows us to abstract ourselves in our unconscious interiority through fantasy and realistic imagination; invigorates the unconscious; We essentially increase introspection, voluntary and conscious awareness of ourselves; increase imaginary constructions; various sensory capacities are increased, such as creativity, imagination, inventiveness, etc .; consciousness processes are induced as retrospective acts; symbolic means of the unconscious are promoted, as well as symbolic images of it; in relation to the imagination, the ability to revive mental images and increase the possibilities of combining images is developed. Thus it stimulates the imaginative imagination and the constructive imagination; various parts of the brain are stimulated, which have been slow or diminished by not using them; some mental mechanisms, conscious and unconscious, are revitalized, leading to an improvement in health and various physical systems of the body and mind; psychomotor attention is increased.

7. Likewise, we can move towards that future objective, considering the purposes that we generally describe in the same post mentioned: Communicate and inform; announce and let know; illustrate and disseminate; teach and instruct; convince and persuade; express and reveal; guide and guide; explore and rehearse with symbologies; entertain and amuse, combining the previous purposes.

8. Evaluate the degree obtained as “expressive drawer”.

9. Evaluate how our organism has been favored in the broadest sense of the term (body, mind and spirit)

10. Clearly indicate and define the evident elements, according to points 6 and 7 above, that have favored our body.

11. Which of these elements have been the most effective and stimulating.

After having carried out any of these 3 activities while walking, you must evaluate the elapsed time and the distance traveled, and the physical, mental and abstraction-interest state that was experienced during the walk (while we were walking): And likewise, Let’s look for simple answers to: Do we feel tired, bored, abstracted, rested, distracted, enjoying, upset, happy, etc.?

Let’s start transforming ourselves into the new HOMO-ITER, man of the future.

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With this post we are saying goodbye to the second year of the Blog and welcome to the third year.

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The man of the future may be HOMO-ITER, the walking man, the man who makes his way in the search for his sense of life, but will do it walking.

Let’s try to conceptualize and understand what HOMO-ITER is.

HOMO-ITER is the human being who travels, during most of his life, using his own bodily means, mainly his lower limbs or his legs and feet; however, he use, for his translation and movement, and to maintain balance and harmony, other parts of the body and the external senses.

It is worth noting that the homo iter uses the wheel as little as possible to move, or any type of carriage pulled by animals; his use of them is limited or very little.

This approach is very likely to allow us to see – in the near future – the voluntary and functional creation of individuals with 2 or more functions in the same: the walker-reader, the walker-writer or the walker-draftsman, and even more , the walker-reader-writer.

HOMO-ITER receives the same effects in his body but has different functional causes than primitive man. It is not a thoughtless return to the origins, but is done voluntarily and also instinctively in terms of various activities that HOMO-ERECTUS used to do in those early times. So it is a perfected, healthy and comprehensive return.

It is not completely returning to the past, for modern man does not walk to hunt, not to gather fruits, not to shepherd, not to cut roots; He walks to exercise all his muscles (almost 100% of them) and his bone structure. The results (physical and mental effects) you get from walking are exactly the same since archaic times: exercise, blood circulation, oxygenation of the whole body and brain, positive functional impact on all bodily and physiological organs and systems.

What are the peculiarities (physical and functional characteristics) of HOMO-ERECTUS and HOMO SAPIENS in relation to HOMO-ITER?

For this confrontation of clarification, we must take into account the proto-historical moment of when the “human being” began to walk, the homo erectus, on its 2 lower extremities (times that man has walked on earth); and perhaps that moment coincides with the erect, but that has not been verified, because it was possible to erect -if it is not that the human being, the “modern man” was always erect- and continue walking on “four legs” for many millennia. He could have stood and continue to move with his 4 limbs.

Let’s take a look at some hominids, “brothers”, or “cousins” of homo.

Man and anthropoids, those beings that have a human form, originally had a common family trunk.

Too many questions arise on the subject: How long ago did hominids start walking? Hominid is the current human being? What or what are the pre-hominid forms? What are hominids, apes, homo sapiens, homo erectus, etc.? and many more questions.

There were several hominids living with Homo Sapiens, over a large period of several million years, but only 2 could survive: this and the Neanderthal. Neanderthal man does not have all the characteristics of modern man and Cro-magnon man could have been a cross between the Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens –these 2 were contemporaries-, a possible hybridization, but it cannot be conclusively asserted.

The Pitecantropus Erectus is the oldest hominid that has been discovered, which has certain anthropoid features, and that its posture was erect, but it is distant from some characteristics of the human. We could speculate that with the appearance of this anthropoid the activity of walking in hominids begins, many millions of years ago, in the Pleistocene, qualified as an early morphological type of man. There is no doubt that this upright position was achieved long before his brain developed further.

We must comment that knowing clearly where and when the appearance of homo sapiens begins, -of modern man: man with the physique equal to the current one-, is very difficult and his study has been very rough; However, we can consider that homo sapiens originates and begins when that being reaches an upright position and begins to walk on its 2 lower extremities.

There is no doubt that the human being as such belongs to a branch of primates that differentiated itself several million years ago – in the Miocene geological period of the Tertiary era, 26 million years ago – from monkeys and anthropoids. Its main features are the size of the prefrontal brain area and its upright position that made it walk on its lower extremities (upright position and that it moves walking on its 2 feet erectly), in addition to its upper limbs, its finger Thumb is opposite to the rest of your fingers.

There is a theory that the Australopithecus of South Africa is the one that preceded the modern man – who has the same physique as the current one – since he reached an upright position, he walked on his two feet, although his size did not exceed 5 feet (1.50 meters) of height. Darwin expressed about our parent ancestral ancestors: “they probably met in Africa.” However, there are also opinions that “this could not be the direct predecessor of man.” Thus, homo sapiens may have been a type of hominid that developed most safely in Africa.

All those “generatrix” lines that have been mentioned over decades of scientific research to unveil the origin and formation of the “current man” have not been blunt from the strictly evolutionary point of view, in order to conclude that any of these hominid specimens is one of the first types that directly preceded homo sapiens. As we mentioned, detecting these first men has been very rough and complicated.

It is necessary to differentiate between direct parent and primitive antecedent; the latter has 2 of the 3 important characteristics of the then homo sapiens, although he has not developed the brain, but it should be understood that this marks the dating of the upright position, which made him walk on his lower extremities, of some contemporary hominid types, including homo sapiens.

All of them, absolutely, all of them at some time walked on their lower extremities, just like the human being, as we know him in the present. But, remember, only 2 could survive.

The time that the erect hominid has walked on the face of the earth compared to the time that modern man has been using animals to transport us and carts pulled by quadrupeds, is very, very large. In order to appreciate the magnitude of this period, we could make the simile that this duration that we have walked corresponds to 20 centimeters and the period in which we have relied on other forms of loading and transportation corresponds to 1 millimeter. If we compare the number of days of a life of 80 years, the analogy would be telling us that the time we would spend walking would be 29,054 days, while we would not walk 146 days. To clearly assimilate this disproportion, let’s reverse the periods and observe that not walking during the 29,054 days would lead to a serious health problem, crippling our body.

All our existence as a species we have spent walking, let’s not stop doing it. Our organisms are completely accustomed to walking, modifying this custom will lead us to alter the health and behavior and the proper functioning of our bodies.

What prompted us to walk? How was that process generated? We must question whether all these beings were holobionts that had a direct relationship – or not – with their decision to walk on their 2 lower extremities. That is, did your vital need to stand up, if any, and walk developed in the same vital environment? Or, on the contrary, was it sought by some stimulus external to its vital circle (brutal climatic changes), and put it to walk on its two lower extremities? (Future Post CHRONICLE OF A DISAPPEARANCE ANNOUNCED IN THE PLEISTOCENE).

Possibility that opens up the speculation that some of the specimens that have been found might be in the need to stand up to be able to move quickly and dynamically to respond more effectively and successfully to the demands of their external environment, and this placed it in their 2 feet and a definite advantage over other hominids. Perhaps this generated other advances in its development of other organs and especially in the growth and improvement of the brain. Specimen that became the current modern homo sapiens.

It may not be an exaggeration to say that walking upright on 2 legs gave these beings greater capacity and brain faculty because they freed their 2 upper extremities with extraordinary skill and ability to do, and this generated their thinking and reasoning, increasing their faculties, intellectual and creative, which in turn caused a greater number of images and ideas, generating and perfecting speech and this an improvement in thinking to conform to being HOMO SAPIENS SAPIENS.

The scientific demonstration of this evolutionary process corresponds to the coming generations, especially in the first 2 blocks, because in the following blocks no one doubts that they were raised. Presenting our evolutionary thesis is enough to take certain actions that will not have any negative impact on the benefits that the WALK-RWD system generates in our organism, both physical and mental and spiritual.

However, I do have to be more emphatic about those first 2 blocks of development: If that primitive being was driven – millions of years ago – in its development and capacities, physical and mental – to move only on its 2 lower extremities, walking erect, and releasing its other 2 upper extremities, it is very likely that our systemic theory of read-write-draw while WALKING can again have an impact on the human being of the future that projects it in a better way towards the less uncertain and healthier future in all orders.

Only by putting the WALK-RWD system into practice it can give us an answer to our thesis.

Now, what happens at the moment? What actions should we take? Undoubtedly, incorporating the walk as an essential part of life, in our surrounding and surrounding daily life, we will observe certain changes (variations, transformations, innovations, metamorphosis, evolutions, renovations) in some aspects of it, physically, mentally , emotionally, economically, socially, in the family, in the workplace, in short, in some way that will make us behave differently and observe our existence with another vital perspective.

How could we demonstrate, from the cultural, health and ecological points of view, that the return to walk is an evolution, AN EVOLUTIONARY RETURN. (or A RETURN TO EVOLVE). Of course it is difficult to show that transporting ourselves on foot is a cultural expression of improvement, of progress, because walking is more tired, it is more time consuming, it is more difficult, it is uncomfortable, we cannot carry many or varied things, or large volumes, and so on. However, it is undoubted (irrefutable) – it has already been shown – that some of the diseases that are affecting us at the present time are due to the fact that we have replaced moving on foot by “the wheel” and “the wings” . The car – in all its forms and categories – as a means of transport has avoided walking the human being. The Mayans were an example of “not using the wheel” (Post THE ANCIENT MAYAS AND THEIR WHITE ROADS, and future Post THE WALKING IN THE ANCIENT MAYAN PART II).

MAJOR PREMISE: Primitive man had to move upright, walking erect, and he generated a great evolution and mental capacity.

MINOR PREMISE: Modern man has stopped walking with negative repercussions on his health and his humanitarian attitude.

CONCLUSION: The current man will have to modify his sedentary lifestyle, increasing his walk, in order to achieve a new (r)evolution, in body, mind and spirit, to avoid his self-destruction.


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