The human body withers when it does not search and does not find the way or path to WALK, in the same way it happens to waters that have no outlet and does not move, they become a swamp.

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The main characteristic that a body of water has to be considered a swamp is that it has no exit, and therefore its waters are stagnant and do not move. The fact that its waters remain static generates a state of decomposition that, as time goes by, makes it more difficult to rescue it and clean it from the deterioration it has reached.

In itself, the swamp is the highest state of degradation that a body of water can reach.


Daily walking by an individual is synonymous with opening a new channel to a body of water so that it can drain, cleanse its waters and free itself from suspended sludge. In each walk the human body is revitalized just as when we free the stagnant waters of a swamp; it is supplied with oxygen, its lungs are strengthened, the blood circulates better through the veins, toxic substances are discarded and new energy (impetus and strength) is injected for the next experiential launch.

Let’s start walking and avoid all those ailments that come with time as the swamps are born with quicksand that turn them into damaged and dangerous bodies.

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