In a previous writing I commented on the concept of symbolism (WALKING AND ITS SYMBOLISM), and also on a suitable model – a bit difficult – to know and familiar with the images that are generated in the unconscious, itself that I have titled thresholdism (DRAWING AND THRESHOLDISM, TO KNOW OUR INNER SELF) and finally I have expressed why we should devote some of our time to drawing (WHY AND WHAT TO DRAW FOR?). Now, I would like to suggest some ways and actions so that a person can GENERATE AND EXTRACT, in the best way, the images that he contains in his mind and can draw them. I could not call them techniques, because they are only oral, mental and physical mechanisms. Namely:

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1. Repeat a word -or phrase- as for example “draw”, as many times as necessary, until we can block the words, reach the mental limit where nothing verbal is contained. This is nothing more than using the known “AUM” technique, repeating this sound so many times until verbal thoughts are completely eliminated.

2. We well know that striving to attract something to our mind, it rejects or hides it. If the previous form (paragraph 1) does not work properly for us, then we can use what Viktor Frankl called “paradoxical intention”. For example, to repeat ourselves: “I don’t want to draw” and we probably will succeed, that is, we can attract graphic images, dissociated from the verbal.

After a few minutes (15-30 or less), the resulting symbolic visual ideas can be expressed a) orally, b) through drawings or c) in written form. All of them should be drawn according to what has been visualized: Project on a paper the symbols that have appeared in your mind.

Very early on, when the human being began to speak, to emit his first words, he only had in his mind symbolic images; therefore, perhaps drawing was our first structured artistic language, a kind of symbolic language.

One way to draw while walking is, using the right lobe of the brain because it is the creative one, transcribing the images caused by walking reading and/or writing to a drawing block -Sketch pad- Any image that comes to mind, however simple, ridiculous or grotesque it may seem, we must draw it on paper.

The symbols that each person uses to represent their ideas or any thought, is unrepeatable; it is different in each individual, although they may contain similar features in their symbolic graphic manifestations.

In general, these images are far from the aesthetic and in the beginning are unintelligible, however, they always contain encrypted information that makes it easier, many times, to better understand what the human being encloses and represses in his interiority.

These symbolic ideas that are generated in our unconscious and that emerge to our consciousness, as images, apparently incomprehensible, difficult to express orally, complex to explain, allows us to obtain different descriptions: representations of our way of feeling , regarding ourselves and the outside environment.

In the case of our comprehensive walking system, each walk can be started with an objective in mind, from which we want to obtain some related images; and, if we also have a book or document that talks about that topic from which we wish to obtain some images, let’s take it with us. The actions we can perform are:

1. First of all, use some element to encourage the creation of images, for example, reading an attractive book (essay, poetry, novel, etc.), which is related to the subject from which we want to extract images from our unconscious.

2. Keep in mind the theme or issue to be represented by graphic, visual, non-oral images. We can always facilitate the process by dividing into subtopics, both in written and graphic images.

3. Define some topics or words that are related to the fundamental theme.

4. Try to rationally define, at the beginning of the walk, some visual-graphic symbol of the schematic abstract type, trying not to use any words.

5. Allow the mind to generate those images for each of the topics or the fundamental theme, as the walk is made, either reading and/or writing.

6. The images created in the mind, whether voluntarily or not, are pristine representations of each individual, which are created according to their essence and form (psychological structure).

7. Respect the essence of what the symbolism drawn from the mind represents, since it is primary and fundamental information of the interiority of each being.

8. The images that are thus transcribed to the paper must maintain their simplicity or complexity, as well as their colors.

9. It is also recommended that the images be transcribed to the paper at the precise moment they are generated in the mind, during the walks either reading, writing and drawing.

We must keep in mind that these images can be forged during reading or writing. I believe that the most effective, immediate, comfortable and economical way to feed the imagination is by reading and writing. As I recommend in reading and writing, through an analogy (Manual for walking reading, writing and drawing, pp. 45-54), I advise In the case of drawing. What type of reading is acceptable for this? You yourself will discover and know what type of reading that encourages your drawing creation, following the recommendations and indications above.

A good warm-up practice to directly invite our unconscious to generate images so that we can release the hand better by drawing, is to make quick sketches of what we observe, while walking; with a frequency of 3 or 4 of them in a span of 10-20 minutes.

This process is reversible, back and forth. In my experience it has happened to me that writing feeds my paintings and at the same time, after months or years, that painting inspires me a poem or some story; in fact, some of my sketches that I have developed during my walks I have used in some novels, specifically, there are several that I am using at this time in the realization of my novel Dialogues in a place of La Mancha.

Despite this, the important thing is to point out the force that exists in the reading that drives the unconscious to recover part of what has repressed the conscience and that it exposes as graphic images.

Finally, let’s remember and keep in mind that this process is an engine to revive sensitive images (which are introjected through the senses) produced by previous perceptions, by reproductive imagination and inspiration, and that within us (unrepeatable and personal) they generate combinations of all these images captured to give rise to new image units, and which are extracted outwards by our creative force. It is therefore also important to use the system Dintornism (*) for the interpretation of symbols in plastic creation (to understand and interpret the images that are generated in the unconscious), as well as referring to the thresholding (See writings: DRAWING, TO KNOW BETTER OURSELVES and DRAWING AND THRESHOLDISM, TO KNOW OUR INNER SELF) to know our inner self, it is a heterodox way of knowing our particular fantasy and our ability to build graphic images (also mental) based on real and imaginary impulses.

Let’s walk and draw while we walk.

(*) LoyaLopátegui, Carlos, Dintornism. A plastic-philosophical theory of reality, Emulisa, Mexico, 2012. Available on Amazon, Kindle Edition:

(*)LoyaLopátegui, Carlos, The Dintornism in the Plastic of the Ancient Mayas. Emulisa, Mexico, 2015.

Loya Lopategui, Carlos, Manual for Walking, Reading, Writing and Drawing, EMULISA, Mexico, 2016. Distributed by Amazon, available in Kindle Edition:

LoyaLopategui, Carlos, Dialogues in a place of La Mancha, EMULISA, México, 2019:

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In my book “The Mayan Arch Route” (2010), I present 10 different routes (tours) through which its inhabitants in those times communicated and moved from one village to another. Each route was, in Mayan antiquity, defined by white paths (in Mayan Cuxan-Sum or Sacbé: sak, white; bej, path).

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The lengths of these 10 white path journeys (Sacbe’ob plural Maya of Sacbé) vary and in its development that we present, we find several villages, which in their time looked splendid Mayan arches, always preserving their “baying” style, with different shapes and sizes.

These road networks are truly “Wonders of the World.” Unlike the Roman roads, the white roads were not defined to go to a hegemonic center, as were those of the Roman Empire, but they obeyed the strict communication needs for the flow of people and goods, between all peoples and housing centers of this nation. Its construction system, as we can see in the following images, was basically based on the supply and functional placement of Sascab (in Mayan Sahkab: white earth).

One more of the outstanding elements of the Mayan region was this system of communications through white roads. Eric Wolf comments in his book Peoples and Cultures of Mesoamerica: “Cobá is the oldest theocratic center in northeastern Yucatán; its origin dates back to the year 623 of our era (…) It had sixteen roads, 15 feet wide that connected the city with the surrounding centers. The longest road was about 60 miles and linked Coba with Yaxuna, not far from Chichen Itza. ”

These roads were built with sascab or saskab (in Mayan Sahkab: white land), which is a material that abounds throughout the Yucatan Peninsula, coming from limestone rocks, a kind of road with a width that varied from 13 at 33 feet, same that started and ended in Monumental Arches. It represents part of the architectural urban conjugation that was carried out by locating those majestic arches at the entrance of each of these ceremonial centers, which were communicated with these white paths, and that had a spiritual symbolic meaning. All this that the Mayan culture did was extremely great and one thing that we must keep in mind is that those GREAT WHITE ROADS always linked MONUMENTAL ARCHES and that fundamentally symbolically meant the routes that the ancient Maya made in those lands of the New World

For informational purposes, the Mayan arch is located exclusively in the Mayan region and is originally from this culture. It is a structure built with stone ashlars on both sides of it, which are joined towards the center until they are closed at their highest point in a shotstone or also called a keystone. It is an arch of the cracked type, so it is also designated by this name. Regarding its geometric layout, we can identify the Mayan arch, according to its different geometric shapes, with a dozen of the types of arch that are handled in the current architectural environment. The so-called Mayan vault or “saledizo” uses the same construction principle. Referring to the symbolic meaning of the Mayan arch with the white path is explained as the spiritual passage from one state to another that places the being in a new sacred space.

This cultural architectural artistic binomial “WHITE ROADS-MONUMENTAL ARCHWAY” of the ancient Maya allows us to lead ourselves through a spiritual path that crosses a time portal to enter the different moments that ancient people had to travel in their daily journeys, as well how to cross each arch as spiritual thresholds to use them in such diverse artistic and constructive uses.

The sacbe (sak: white, bej: path) is a divine symbol that in the Mayan worldview represented the union of the Earth with the Sky, a clear hierogamy. The white paths or sacbéoob were symbolic representations of the trajectories of certain astral bodies (astral symbology) and the Ceremonial Centers themselves, which may have been defined by this astronomer people, in attention and representation of some stars. Coba may have been a Cosmic Center where a greater number of astronomical routes affected, since a large number of these white roads converge on this site.

At present, some of these wonders have been rebuilt, retaining their original traces, and can be used to walk, walking as the ancient Maya did, important parts of the archeological regions, which are truly a very important cultural legacy for Humanity.


The development of white roads in the Mayan region, progressively took place over time. Initially they were built to serve within the same ceremonial and residential centers, that is, between the same buildings that made up those centers. This first stage was generated in the period of 250 B.C. at 250 A.D.

The next stage took place between 250 and 600 A.D., giving rise to white roads that linked several ceremonial and residential centers, including their planted areas.

Finally, there is the stage of the great and extensive white roads that unite the main housing centers of the Mayan nation, a stage that occurs between 600 and 800 A.D., and that they remain that way until the bloody conquest of the Spaniards.

The most widespread construction section was the trapezoidal shape, as shown in the following figure:

The lengths of both sides varied according to the terrain and the technical needs of the roads themselves.

Of course, it depended on the situation of the topography of the terrain that the sections varied, however, the following in importance was the triangular shape:

In one of the most important cities, Chichen Itza, these white roads connect the Central Ceremonial Square with the Sacred Cenote.

In Labná it connects the Building “The Palace” with most of the buildings in the southern part of the ceremonial center.

In Dzibilchaltún, there are three white roads. The first communicates the Grand Ceremonial Plaza with the “7 Dolls” building, which has a distance of 1,500 feet; the second connects Gran Plaza itself with the group of buildings in the South, with a development of 2,500 feet; and the third, also communicates to the Grand Plaza with the group of buildings of the West, with a development of 4,000 feet.

The second stage was developed practically throughout the Mayan region that covers 135,000 square miles (*), equivalent to the surface of Germany, or 3 times Portugal, or the same as Italy.

The third stage is officially conformed, according to its great distances, in 5 regional systems. These systems can be clearly located in five regions of the Yucatan Peninsula: the most important because of its length that reaches 62 miles, on the way, the white Cobá-Yaxuná road, with an average width of 33 feet, located in the eastern part of the Yucatan Peninsula, from which other roads of the second category depart. The next white road in importance is the Aké-Izamal, which has a development of 18 miles and in some of its parts has a width of 40 feet and 13 feet at other points of its development, located in the central part; the third and fourth have the same distance of 11 miles, one is towards the north central part, the Uxmal-Kabah, and another is the Ucí-Cansahcab, located towards the north-eastern part; finally, the fifth, Cobá-Ixil, with 12 miles of development, in the eastern part.

This system of the great white roads are those that in modern times have been able to properly point out and rebuild in part. Huge distances can be traveled walking along these white roads of the Mayan nation. All the journeys take us to that ancient era and its great architectural skills and technical capabilities can be observed directly in this type of constructive development, as well as in the great pyramids and the excellent Mayan arch, in its different artistic varieties.

Let us make an effort and imagine that we are traveling through these Mayan jungles with their white buildings and roads, or, we make a greater effort, and we dedicate a few days to vacation in those wonderful places, which will lead us to cross the threshold of time, practicing a MAGICAL TREKKING (Future Post MAGIC TREKKING. PART I).

Let’s not think about it anymore, let’s practice that MAGICAL TREKKING. There is no doubt that this region evokes magical passages that, in addition to implementing our WALK-RWD system, can be complemented with other attractions that give more form and sustenance to other collateral activities -in addition to reading, writing and drawing-, such as meditation, contemplation, emotional balance and many other aspects that please us when we are practicing the walk, that in these Mayan places are truly full of magic.

(*) “The Mayan people occupied, during the time of their major growth and extension (IV-X centuries A.D.), an immense territory located in Mexico and Central America, around 350 thousand square kilometers [135,000 square miles]. This area completely covered the Yucatan Peninsula and important areas of the States of Tabasco and Chiapas, belonging to Mexico; large areas of Belize and Guatemala, as well as a part of Honduras and a small strip of El Salvador. ” Loya Lopategui, Carlos, The Mayan Arch Route, EMULISA, Mexico, 2010, p. 14.


The Mayan nation is the only culture in the ancient world that, when it settled in its territory, was able to look out over four seas. We now call them the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, and all four are perfectly distinguishable from each other as they belong to different oceanographic formations. These formations include underwater topography, ocean circulation, water temperature, current patterns (with the Gulf Stream and the Atlantic Current). A difference between deep and shallower trenches, all with a wide expanse of abyssal plains. The Caribbean Sea, for example, has a smoother underwater topography compared to the other 3 seas. These characteristics influence and play an important role in the climate of the entire Mayan region. The 4 seas interact with the region and influence the temperature and weather patterns associated with each of the 4 seas. There is also a difference in marine biodiversity and ecosystems vary between the 4 seas.

The Maya settled in this region of southeastern Mexico to communicate with and through them, which is why we have designated it as the Culture of the Four Seas.

This nation developed significantly in all aspects, and from my personal point of view, the location of the lands that the ancient Maya chose were decisive for their cultural development.

Loya Lopategui, Carlos, The Mayan Arch Route, EMULISA, Mexico, 2023. Distributed by Amazon, available in Kindle Edition:

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Walking is a natural exercise in humans, so no pre-heating is required. However, the following preheating exercises are recommended for any type of walk, although they are not essential.

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They can be done according to the needs of each person and the physical state in which they are. One only, two of them or several.

I have been asked for an exercise to strengthen the back, in this month of July 2020, and I gladly incorporate it into this preheating series, with the number 5:

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Writing is to know ourselves better: what we think and how we think. We have several ways of thinking. With our WALK-RWD system we can discover two ways of thinking: 1) Through writing and words, and 2) Through drawing and graphic images (DRAWING, TO KNOW BETTER OURSELVES)

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Any of these 2 means can be used to know what and how we think. When we write our thoughts (and draw them) we can truly get to know each other; in that stage is when we become aware of them.

We have already mentioned that writing is a creative medium that allows us to discover and express what we think -and how we think- and what we feel -and how we feel-; and thus, it guides us in the knowledge of ourselves.

Let us keep in mind that the objective of the WALK-RWD system is, in the first instance, to help people who put it into practice, fundamentally to be healthy and satisfied with themselves, in the acceptance of how we are and what we are; in the second instance, its application allows us to have greater knowledge in general through writing and to develop in some artistic areas, which always results in an acceptance of oneself.

Normally, the WALK-RWD system allows us to be ourselves, it is the technique that leads us to be oneself through reading, writing and drawing, as we walk.

During our walks we can write any thoughts that occur to us, without wishing to represent reality accurately, we should only let our unconscious out without any reasoning, and write the ideas and messages that are managed in our mind. If we are presented with some graphic images, translate them into components and verbal units, although we should also draw them.

The recommendation is: during your walks, write all the thoughts and ideas that go through your mind.

In this scenario of writing everything that comes to mind, we will be doing it without a reasoned technical plan (automatic writing) and therefore, the text we develop will be considerably incomprehensible.

Even in the practice of traditional texts, such as the story, the novel, or a letter, a poem, etc., its realization is a projection of the author on how he thinks and feels, since this medium allows him to “purge” -a way of catharsis- his emotions and his psychological state. Despite the difficulty that this represents for the understanding of the interiority of the walker-writer, his understanding can be achieved in a peremptory time, in addition to serving the author of catharsis.

In this scenario, of reasoned writing, let us keep in mind that in each one of us experiences have been processed, throughout our lives, that what we believe in our minds are unrepeatable, in the same way that happens to us in automatic writing; All these ideas and concepts are original with very personal and special characteristics, specific to each person. Each human being is unrepeatable and therefore, his writing is also unrepeatable; we just have to start writing while doing our daily walks.

All our thoughts that we shape in writing are pristine, emanating from our unconscious, which allows us to better understand and accept ourselves.

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As we have already pointed out, there are innumerable negative emotional enemies and unpleasant habits that govern our daily existence.

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We can fight against each other by applying the WALK-RWD system, in different modalities, in terms of the very combination of their own activities that constitute it. We have mentioned that we can activate pleasant or positive emotions by creating a Virtuous Circle through the WALK-RWD system (See writings: READING-WRITING-DRAWING: VIRTUOUS CIRCLE, and NEGATIVE HABITS AND HOW TO COMBAT THEM. GENERAL CASES); as we know, the mere fact of walking encourages us, elevates our self-esteem, and reduces stress and depression. Likewise, with that same Virtuous Circle we can face the unpleasant emotions as well as fight, in general terms, negative habits.

For each of the negative habits there is a special form of the WALK-RWD system that allows us to present a specific front to combat them.

Regarding the use of the WALK-RWD system to deal with overweight, certain categories should be defined, according to differences or marginal increases with regard to the weight of an individual, be it woman or man, determining exactly the pounds for each of the categories, and depending on this, within the WALK-RWD system, decide and define the specific actions that must be carried out, in order to achieve the reduction of a certain amount of pounds. For example for overweight we could have the following categories: lean, skinny, thin, fit, chubby, fat, obese. As for the section of thinness we can mention: skeletal, skinny, slender, puny, and as for the large we can mention: corpulent, robust, beefy, bulky, fleshy, and none of these -categories- requires modification of weight; however, we will have to check if we say: potbellied, paunchy, heavy, buttery, because it may require another kind of medication.

Let’s see how the Vicious Circle of Obesity (VCO) works.

The system of “walking, reading, writing and drawing” can help correct other discomforts, not only in the physical sphere, but also in the mental and cultural sphere. There are many and varied benefits that can be obtained using minimum times and at no cost. It seems that the will and discipline that the individual requires to carry out this type of practice are very difficult to have; we do not all have that capacity and it is surely more difficult than we can imagine, to dedicate an hour a day to our health.

What is highly recommended, to lose weight, is to walk daily, and not to perform intense exercises, because these only burn (or spend) the body’s glucose, that is, only sugar, and not fat, as it does the walk; this allows us to reduce, by its daily performance, about 70% of the fat. So, for obese people who want to lose weight, it is advisable to walk daily, for periods of 1 or 2 hours, and not the intense races of medium or high speed. In short, any intense exercise that generates fatigue or muscle pain or shortness of breath, or any combination of these symptoms, is definitely no better than the walk to lose weight.

As we have already mentioned, within each habit in us there is an “inner need” that we must attend to. In general, all of them manifest, directly or indirectly, in a symptom or external effect.

If we attend to the “inner need” that we have, we can eliminate the habit that has formed us. It is certainly difficult to discover the correlation between need and habit, or sometimes we do not even want to reveal it. However, it is essential to find that relationship to meet the need and thus “break” that Vicious Circle of negative habit.

We will use some of the sequences and schemes used in writing NEGATIVE HABITS AND HOW TO COMBAT THEM, since in this the general cases of negative habits were analyzed.

We all know the endless circle of 1) Depression, anxiety (D), 2) Need for food (F), and 3) Weight Gain (G); it is a chain of three links that always leads to fatness and this, to a greater depression; however, we can modify it if we introduce in it the link of “walking, reading, writing and drawing”.

When a person is exceeded in his weight, his heart has to make greater efforts to carry out his function. High blood pressure and diabetes present a probability of 3 times more in an obese person than in one that has normal weight. Also, obese people are doubly exposed to having high cholesterol levels and to suffer a myocardial infarction. If a person obese of high blood pressure, will manage to lose weight, by walking, using the WALK-RWD system, because for every 4 pounds that lose weight, blood pressure can lower it by 1 mmHg.

This is, in general, a typical case of the Vicious Circle in eating habits. The solution: lose weight; but how?

The Vicious Circles are broken by an external stimulus, creating a new action or activity within the usual chain of events of the analyzed habit. In this way we can remove, in a healthy way, the person out of that vicious circle of habit.

However, we can also solve the problem of negative emotions, which we have described in the writing EMOTIONS AND THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM, which we can reduce through the WALK-RWD system.

Be the chain “D-F-G” of Depression-Food-Weight Gain, which we can all understand:


Every time we have finished taking food we must get up from where we are and put the system into practice. This will work in two scenarios, one that we have explained with all its benefits; and another, which will also work, in this type of case, as a discouraging mechanism to continue making us “harm”, by eating food that we do not need. If we can consciously know that we will have to carry out future activities to eliminate that “desired damage”, we will look for ways to avoid it. My experience tells us that if this new link in the chain “D-F-G” is included and it is executed, it will not repeat three times in which it desists to continue punishing, eating unduly and unnecessarily.

Of course, there is always a comfortable tendency to return to the original pattern of behavior; do not allow it.

All weight-loss programs include “X exercises.” The one we propose include them, but it has highly motivating activities, such as reading, writing and drawing -as well as walking-, which will be able to break -after a certain time- with that destructive circle. There is a real possibility of exchanging the critical link that obesity generates with that of “walking, reading, writing and drawing”. In the science of psychology, it is demonstrated that there exists that unconscious mechanism that tries to carry out that substitution.

In any “psycho-dependent” or “psycho-depressive” circle, such as the one just described with respect to obesity, it is possible to define an activity (or more) that is a “switch” that prevents and disconnects the chain, modifying it to reorient it towards tasks that physically and mentally benefit -psychologically- the individual. In our case, the “switch” is the integral system “walking, reading, writing and drawing” that we can use at all times to face the habits that are creating negative situations and attitudes -conscious or unconscious- in our being. We must be alert to detect these neurotic-depressive chains of behavior that create us states of imbalance (see writing EMOTIONS AND THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM), both physical and mental, that once analyzed can incorporate them, at some point in the chain, our “switch” system. It also functions as a trigger mechanism for positive processes and attitudes.

Invariably we must analyze the specific chain to determine the “internal need”, which in turn will facilitate us to identify the point in the chain on which we will have to implement the system as a “switch” of it.

Undoubtedly, any circle of mental dependency of “n” links theoretically has a point where we can include the integral system between the two nodes Ai and Ai + 1, and be able to modify the sequence pattern and of course, eliminating -like consequence of the corrective process- to some or several of the nodes of the original chain, obtaining a new sequence and creating in this way a new and positive circuit of activities. The system will also function as a trigger for effective and positive processes and attitudes.

For example, if we have detected a chain of six related activities, which feed back and generate negative effects on a person’s health, we can apply the integral system.

We have to suppose that we have determined, through relationship analysis: internal need versus habit, that the integral system (WALK-RWD) should be included between activities A3 and A4.

And we can achieve the possible reconfiguration in such a way that it is positive and also eliminating the actions A2 and A4, finally being:

With this action we can “break” the habit within the chain that makes it up.

Needless to say, the analysis of each case and its evaluation will depend on the location of the point where we will have to influence the “switch” to obtain the most immediate and positive results. With the security that if it is not the appropriate point, it will not cause any additional problem in the behavior of the person who is carrying it out and we will be able to remodel it more conveniently, looking for another node for the application of the WALK-RWD system.

The time it will take us to carry out the “interruption” and modification of the “psycho-dependent” circle will depend on each particular case. In general, certain symptoms of improvement may begin to manifest after 2-3 weeks of having put into practice the insertion of the system (always walking). With the full assurance that overweight will begin to decline in this small period and what remains is to continue to apply the system permanently until we have reached an adequate weight. In general, the system works in such a way that an adequate weight is achieved and the “inner necessity” is eradicated in an unconscious way, however, it is possible that the appearance of this need is recurrent and it recovers its psychological dissatisfaction, so that we must be vigilant to apply the WALK-RWD system again, in the same point of the chain or perhaps it has modified its original structure with which we were applying the system, and again we have to analyze and evaluate the new psycho-dependent chain. We can ensure that the system works properly in most cases of psychological dependence. In the events of loss of a loved one, assault or theft, where a depressive state is generated in the affected person, it is advisable to “walk, read, write and draw” to help in recovery, which will reduce the state of depression that comes, many times, to completely incapacitate the people who suffer it. Let’s not forget: walking we can leave behind any type of Vicious Circle, and specifically the psycho-dependent of obesity.

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