This post is about how our external and internal senses participate in our cardinal orientation, when we decide to start walking.

Traducido al Español


Surely all our senses, both external and internal, act and deploy their functions with different degrees of participation in relation to the decisions we make to choose a direction and a sense when we start walking. (Future posts WALKING AND THE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SENSES; THE SENSES OF SIGHT AND THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM; THE INTERNAL SENSES AND THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM).

Of the 5 external senses, I consider that 3 are the ones that make the most effort on these occasions to direct and give meaning to our walks: sight, hearing and smell; however, touch and taste should not be completely discarded.

Likewise, the internal senses, also called spiritual or intellectual are an important part in these activities when we start walking; these have been noticing, discerning, understanding and defining over time, although they have always been with us, and we can make a list of them without having a precise specification of all, namely: Orientation, Spatial, Common Sense, Intuition, Memory, Perception, Cognitive, Imagination, Fantasy, Muscular, Movement, Temporal, Proportions, Aesthetic (Future Post WALKING AND THE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SENSES).

There will be enough objections to discard several of them, however, they serve as a guide for our purposes in this post.

Ortega y Gasset considers the existence of 11 senses, expressing: there are 11 senses that psychologists have taught us to differentiate. Among them … visible, audible, tangible … are differentiated by the very objects they perceive (“objects of the senses”), … generating in us sensations, by which we notice and perceive the presence and existence of those objects.

For this subject of the cardinal points and orientation, we could consider including some instincts, such as the instinct of preservation and survival of the human species, since this generally leads us towards less aggressive (offensive) points for the care, conservation and development of the species. Again, it could be objected to this as an internal sense, since it is an instinct and not a sense, but I consider that it should be taken into account when discussing and reflecting on the spatial and temporal orientation of the human being.

It is clear to anyone that the direction and sense we take when we start walking are influenced by both our conscious and unconscious parts. In this regard I would like to express some aspects related to this confabulation of our senses with reason. Some years ago I defined a character, I called him GOVOT, who was intrinsically designed to listen and attend only to his senses in order to be able to face his rational part. From this idea arose 2 books where this character always discourses with soliloquies, with brief monologues -GOVOT. HIS SILENCE DECONSTRUCTING HIS SHADOW (1)-, where I try to transmit that we must become aware (to be conscious ?) -or should I say unconscious- of the struggle to which we are always exposed between our conscience and our unconscious, and generally we do not realize it; and the other, a theatrical play GOVOT. THE SPEECH OF THE SENSES (2), which are also succinct monologues but I considered that, presented as a theatrical work, could communicate this issue of the permanent struggle between these two functions of the human being. Both texts are GOVOT’s speeches where he tries to detach himself from all reasoning, and achieves a long self-absorption with himself, that is to say, with his own senses that procure him a quasi-isolation from reason.

I believe that GOVOT could be a guide on this need to move away from reasoning and help us in this choice of direction and sense that we must take every day of the year, regarding the walks, but also in terms of our work and social activities, and likewise, we could transmit to him that he must accompany us in our walks.



For the development of the present post, perhaps the most relevant is the sense of orientation, which obviously will have a close relationship with others, both external and internal. What degree of participation does it have? Apart from this fundamental one, which of the 3 external physical ones will be the one that most participates, so that we incline with some direction and sense, while we walk? The smell of the vegetation, of the wind, of the absence of humidity, … the sound of the song of the birds, of the wind crossing the branches of the trees or bushes, … the color of the grass, of the plants, of the sky, of the flowers, … In what percentage do all of them participate to place us in a certain direction and in a certain sense?

We could affirm that we hardly become aware of these senses when we walk, and surely, the one we are least aware of is that of orientation; however, we do consider its participation when we feel lost somewhere.

This internal sense of orientation is fundamental to direct and give meaning to our walking (Future Post LABYRINTHINE WALKING EXERCISES ON THE SENSE OF ORIENTATION).

We can assure that all cultures that have developed on Earth, have formed a system related to the cardinal points: North, South, East and West; and some like the Mayan Culture were more conscious of this phenomenon; and as an example of this astronomical and physiological-mental inclination, we will expose the system that represents the plastic work of the Chac Mol -one of the most prominent sculptures of the Mayan Culture and that has been located in several archaeological sites-, that the faithful practitioners used, adjusting to the orientation of this venerated divinity: Towards the sun, to the East, which is where it rose with its first rays (Future Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND A SOLAR RAY BATH). The Chac Mol is one of so many plastic works, besides the architectural and astronomical ones, that this people used in their orientation on the terrestrial surface, in their astrological daily life and for the cosmic observations and their respective mathematical calculations used in the construction and operation of their calendars.


It is very probable that this millenary people in all its fundamental and glorious three-dimensional sculpture had incorporated the cosmic coordinates and the cardinal points, as we can appreciate in the Chac Mol.

On spatial orientation, Cassirer expressed: “The primary intuition of space and the primary articulation of time merge into one and the same basic concrete intuition, namely, the alternation of light and darkness, of day and night. Likewise, the same scheme of orientation, that is, the same distinction of the zones and directions of the sky, which is at first purely emotive, governs both the decision of space and that of time at certain periods.” (Filosofía de las Formas Simbólicas [Philosophy of Symbolic Forms], Volume II, F.C.E., Mexico, 2003, pp. 143-144).

Of course, it is the three dimensions of space together with time, which in an accurate way, mathematically and precisely, the Mayan people were able to develop great advances, to unravel the astronomical orientations, which in the last century have been able to confirm their great advances in this field.


We have already commented on other occasions on the symbolism that the seasons of the year have represented in the cosmology of some ancient peoples. Besides being aware that the cardinal points have a different effect on our being, it is also essential to take into account the impact we suffer throughout the calendar year; that is, that is, during the changing months in the weather and sidereal-astronomical position, and according to our actions and activities, we receive different degrees and types of influences on our bodies, both physical (body) and mental and spiritual.

In the future Post IMPACT OF THE SEASONS OF THE YEAR ON WALKING we will present – as in fact we have already commented and written – on the determining effect that each of the climatic seasons exerts on sexual relations and others. There are many factors that influence, in this aspect of the seasons of the year, on human behavior: heat, cold, rain, humidity, snow, sweat, -the temperature of the environment in general-, but also the place where we are geographically -both locally and globally- affects us differently, either by the sun’s rays falling directly and perpendicularly, or not (Future Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND A SOLAR RAY BATH), by the winds, the cold, rainy, hot or temperate, desert or cool, extreme or balanced environment.

Thus, we can affirm that in addition to the placement, direction and orientation (sense) that we have when we walk, we must consider the impact that these seasonal forces exert on our organism.

Specifically, we can say that it is not the same to walk towards the north in spring than in winter; and thus, for any decision we have to make to take a walk, it will be necessary to be aware of the time of the year.


As we were saying, practically, in all the cosmologies of the ancient peoples existed the essential conception of the orientation towards the 4 cardinal points. The Sun always rising in the East has transferred and defined this point as the giver of life, and the opposite, the West as the bearer of death. The Sun as messenger of life or death. A generalized antithesis fundamentally due to the origin of the light coming from the solar star, which has formed part of all mythologies, giving rise to the antagonisms of light and darkness, birth and death, day and night, and to the simplest human spatial manifestations of up and down, right and left, forward and backward, which we could affirm that all of them are generated under the conception of the line that is traced between these two cardinal points, and following the solar star in its East-West direction.

In the ancient Maya these 4 cardinal points plus a central one governed. The structure of the Cosmos (heaven, earth and underworld), conceiving it always conformed by 4 sectors that corresponded to the 4 cardinal points, which were represented with trees (ceibas) plus a central one, which was the “Great Mother Ceiba”. The sustaining, ordering and reconstruction of the Cosmos and Heaven were carried out by 4 gods (Bacabes), which were placed in the four cardinal points.

On this cosmological conception, Cassirer explained that “the cardinal points in the mythological space are not, therefore, conceptual or intuitive relations but entities endowed with demonic powers. One must immerse oneself in the plastic representation of the gods and demons of the cardinal points, as found in ancient Mexican cultures, for example, to fully feel that expressive sense, that ‘physiognomic’ character that all spatial determinations possess for the mythological consciousness.” (Filosofía de las formas simbólicas, [Philosophy of symbolic forms], volume III, F.C.E., Mexico, 2003, pp. 181-182).

Regarding Maya architecture, astronomy had a determining influence in its definition: the orientation of its plazas, temples and buildings, their relative location, was made according to the positions and movements of the stars. We can also comment that the distribution of the rooms and certain important architectural elements was made attending to an orientation towards the cardinal points, and also towards the position of appearance or concealment of certain stars, fundamentally of the Sun and the planet Venus (Future Post WALKING WITH VENUS-MORNING STAR):  the bedrooms, the entrance doors, stairways and small windows of the dwelling houses as well as of the temples, altars and tabernacles.

The cardinal points -in the Mayan culture- were associated with the numerals four and five. The numeral four was assigned to the goddess Alom, the progenitor, the giver of life, the one who gives birth to her children. Her progeny were oriented towards the four cardinal points. Her ideogram was the flower and the square. Four was her spiritual and sacred number.

Mayan signs of four

The numeral five was also linked to the 4 cardinal points by the “Great Mother Ceiba”, who was placed in the center of the Cosmos, Heaven and the Underworld.

Cajalom is the divinity assigned the five; he is the Progenitor God, the father who gives life. His pictographic sign is the cross and this is formed by the Sun King by the vertical line that traces its rays from its maximum position in the firmament (celestial zenith) to the central point of the Earth and the horizontal line that is the cosmic path that traces the Sun since it rises in the east and hides in the west, that is, the cardinal points East and West.

Mayan signs of five

In Maya architecture these two numerals associated with the cardinal points were used, as well as others. In “El Castillo” or “Pyramid of Kukulkan”, in Chichen Itza, you can see the “use of the number 4, which is the number of sides of the pyramid as well as 4 are the doors that the temple has oriented to each cardinal point. The pyramid consists of 9 superimposed platforms and the stairways are composed of 91 steps” […] “The following question could be asked: To what extent or to what degree are the Maya Ceremonial Centers sanctuaries that reproduce images or models of the universe (Imago Mundi)? Archaeoastronomical research has made progress in this area and has given us a very clear and accurate answer. It has been demonstrated that the location of some sacred buildings, their arrangement and alignment give an answer to the Imago Mundi; even the architectural configuration of some temples, together with their orientation, distribution and pyramidal base, represent celestial models”. (3)

In general, each altar that was located in this type of buildings with 4 sides, conforming their temples, were located in the upper part of the pyramids, representing the 5 cardinal points with which the Mayas were oriented towards their divinities: the east (in Maya likin) or the rising of the sun; the west (in Maya chikin) or the setting of the sun; the north (in Maya xaman); the south (in Maya nohol) and the center (in Maya lamay) or the position of the sun at the zenith.

Now, we can ask ourselves after these brief texts, which show us the importance of the cosmic and geographical aspects in our cultures over the millennia, if we should incorporate in our routines and rituals of walking, to be aware of the impact of the cardinal points.

I am sure that they have the greatest relevance in our physical and spiritual body when we decide to walk following the procedures that we have expressed in the WALK-RWD System.

Every time we walk, let us become aware of which cardinal point we are walking to, for how long we do it and let us evaluate the effects that this may have on our organism, body and mind.

(1) Loya Lopategui, Carlos, GOVOT. Su silencio deconstruyendo su sombra, EMULISA, México, 2017.

(2)Loya Lopategui, Carlos, GOVOT. El discurso de los sentidos. Obra teatral, EMULISA, México, 2018.

(3) Loya Lopategui, Carlos, El Dintornismo en la Plástica de los Antiguos Mayas, EMULISA, México, 2015.

Traducido al Español


When our eyes observe colors, there is a transmission of impressions to the brain, which in turn retransmits them to the external and internal senses, transforming them into feelings, sensations and emotions.

Traducido al Español

There are 3 aspects that we should comment on colors. One of them is the symbolism that each one of them has, and that as mental images have been shaped in the collective imagination, throughout the history of mankind, as a reaction that has generated the human being, to be excited in their external and internal senses. The other aspect is the effects that they produce in their feelings and emotions, during their physical and mental perception. And the third one, refers to the inclination or response -positive and negative- that he shows on the colors due to his character and personality. The 3 aspects are always intrinsically related, and sometimes they are confused. However, we will try to keep this differentiation in mind for the specific purposes of the WALK-RWD system.

In my book Tap Tap, Plastics and Poetry I explain briefly the qualities or properties that objects in general have and the effects that they cause on the human being, as well as the reactions of this one. I will try to make a quick synthesis.

The primary properties or qualities (PI) are those characteristics inseparable to all the existing things in nature, such as their figure, their contour, their size, their extension, their density, consistency, number, movement, immobility, specific weight. The most relevant of this category is its permanence, its almost total invariability and its biunivocity (between quality and object).

The secondary qualities (PII) are also called sensible qualities; they are the effects generated by the primary qualities (PI) upon contact or relation -of any kind- with the spectator. That is to say, they are the faculties that the bodies (things) have to provoke sensory impressions in the human being upon impacting the senses. For them their classification responds to the five senses: taste-flavors, smell- odors, sight-colors, hearing-sounds, touch-senses. Unlike the primary qualities (PI), these are highly variable, i.e., not very constant.

Tertiary qualities (PIII) are the reactions of human beings in their relation to the primary (PI) and secondary (PII) qualities of objects. They are the qualities that are mentally attributed -consciously or unconsciously- to objects. Perhaps they can be considered -in specific cases- as projections (reflections) of one’s own being before contact -of any kind- with the objects. For example: a situation Good or Bad, Just or Arbitrary, Strident or Harmonic, Legal or Illegal, Bright or Dark, Moral or Immoral, etc. As it is obvious to observe about this type of properties, each individual may have a different way and degree to react to the other qualities of the object under observation and appreciation.

When the secondary or sensitive manifestations are generated before our senses, perceptions are originated and we can appreciate that those sounds are sharp, loud, low, etc., or the movements are fast, slow, paused, spaced, etc., or beautiful or ugly, repugnant or attractive, pleasant or unbearable (insufferable) things; or in our specific case that we are analyzing: those colors are intense, strident, bright, opaque, dark, shining, etc. In general, all of them are states of conscious and unconscious reaction, in addition to what is captured and experienced by our physical senses.

When we talk about walking -in general-, we say that we value or give a value or a function to these qualities or reactions of the 3rd degree, and in the WALK-RWD system they allow us to identify the actions we have mentioned and we will explain below how they are identified and evaluated.

Each color represents for our physical-mental perception a different vibration for our senses, both external and internal (Future Post WALKING AND THE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SENSES). Although there is a biunivocal relationship between colors and feelings (emotions, perceptions and impressions of the soul type), the effects that they generate – as already mentioned – may vary from one person to another. We could define this with the following statement: The hue of a color relates to a combination of feelings.

The external sense most directly impressed is that of sight (Future Post THE SIGHT SENSE AND THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM) and it can be said that through its capture, it transmits that perception to the other senses. That is to say, once our brain has been impacted by the ranges (spectra) of colors, it transmits its impressions to the whole organism and some other senses are also excited, such as the sense of balance (Future Post EXERCISES ON THE SENSE OF BALANCE, WHEN WALKING), the sense of orientation (Future Post WALKING EXERCISES ON THE SENSE OF ORIENTATION), the spatial sense (Future Post WALKING EXERCISES ON THE SENSE OF SPACE THROUGH WALKING) and others.

So, color is an element that has an influence on human behavior and on the postures of the body.

Although there is an accentuated inclination of a color towards a feeling, it is not exclusive; that is to say, the same feeling can be manifested – in another quality and intensity – by another color; in other words, other colors can have a certain level of representation towards that same feeling.

The only thing we can assure, in this context, is that any color always exerts some physical and mental impression on the human being, and for the same reason, it can be considered to have a symbology, which in fact it does.

The variation of its effect -of any color-, is a function of several parameters, which must be considered at the moment of the analysis and corresponding evaluation. On the one hand, each person responds according to his character and personality, to his emotional and sentimental state at that precise moment. The magnitude and intensity of the color is another factor to be taken into account: it can be the very large or very small surface where the color is perceived that impacts the observer’s sight. Another particularity is the object or the environmental context where the color is observed: it is not the same to see the same blue color in the sky, than painted on the wall of a room.

Two characteristics that must be taken into account is that -in general terms- 1) dark colors will reduce -in appearance- the space where we are; and light colors will increase it; 2) “cold” colors will balance our feelings and emotions, while “warm” colors will excite us. Typical “cold” colors are: blue, gray, indigo, purple; and “hot” colors are: yellow, brown, orange, red.

There is no doubt about these effects exerted by colors; however, they can vary, as we have already mentioned, depending on how they are presented in combination (one with the other), with the intensity of luminosity, the object or scenario, and the observer himself.

If you wish to revalidate what the different colors provoke in you, simply lock yourself in a room completely painted with the color you wish to corroborate its effect; but also choose another scenario at the same moment you perform the experiment, and only in this way you will be able to have a more acceptable and correct valuation.

Regarding symbolism, it is said that the representation of symbols in Humanity is always the same, because they are created by the same collective unconscious; therefore we consider that in the range of colors we can count on a more or less identical and unalterable relationship since time immemorial, in its symbolic representation.

Next, in a brief way, we point out the symbolic meanings of some colors:

Yellow: joy

Red: strength and impetus

Orange: love and companionship

Green: healthy and soothing

Blue: fun and haste

White: lightness

Violet: transformation and change

Brown: tension and resistance

Grey: sadness

Black: heaviness

These meanings are the effects that colors generate in the interiority of human being.

To complete the list of colors regarding their symbolism and effects they generate, we can resort to any manual for it. Perhaps it would be important to analyze more deeply this effect of colors on the whole human nature, on its physiological systems, its organs, its senses (pulse, heart rate, respiratory rate, palpitations, dilations, etc.), however we will leave it for a second part, if we consider to do it conveniently, here we will only use its known effects by experience, without reaching its analytical and perhaps chemical-physiological specificity.

Regarding the inclination -positive and negative- that we show when we have conscious or unconscious contact on colors, it is a fundamental tool for the knowledge of ourselves. That is, we can also use them to know some of our chromatic inclinations that undoubtedly represent typologies in terms of personality and mood, as well as symptomatologies, such as physical ailments, emotional alterations and neurotic symptoms. That is to say, each one of us has a preference or predilection (positive inclination) for some color, or several, and this shows us a certain affinity or disposition towards what the colors themselves represent. The same can be inferred about the repulsion or rejection to a color or some of them. Let us keep in mind that the manifestations of the unconscious and the essential desires repressed in the consciousness are, in part, defined by that range of colors (hidden or veiled) of their preference (or of their negation). The pictorial range of a painter’s plastic work is an evident sample of his character, personality and inclinations to which he was subject during his artistic creation. The work speaks for itself.

In short, we can assure that the 3 aspects (symbolism, effects, inclination) that we have pointed out, are interrelated when we focus on the analysis, evaluation and application of colors in any of the work that we develop, within the very broad human behavior; all human nature in front of the range of colors. In such a way is this amplitude, that its use has expanded to the branches of medicine, psychology and other disciplines of science and esotericism, which are related to health, healing of diseases, healing therapies, construction and modification of behaviors, when used as a mechanism of sublimation (public opinion), influence on the individual unconscious and the collective (masses of populations and human groups), etc. And not to be left out, they are also used in the analysis and treatment of the behavioral habits of some animals, as well as in their feeding and mating practices and regimes.

Specifically, we can incorporate this functional structure to our WALK-RWD system in order to improve it, seeking to potentiate its health benefits (healing and forecasting).

The practice of the WALK-RWD system, as we have been pointing out, produces diverse results – beneficial and positive – in our health, behavior, attitudes, habits, creativity, etc., which can be increased and improved – or diminished – depending on the colors we surround ourselves with. It is not the same walking in the city: which communicates us a plot of grayish colors, which transmit us a state of sadness and heaviness, than walking immersed, inside nature: through a “colored” and channeled path in a National Park, where we are surrounded by plants, bushes and trees, “painted” with green color. Here we will have calm and tranquility; we will feel relaxed and healthy.

In this way, depending on the emotion we wish to feel or fight, we will select the scenery where we will read, write or draw, while we walk.

For any of these activities -or combination of them- that we wish to do, we will have to be aware of the colors that will surround us. Likewise, for any state of mind that we have, we must previously analyze the colors that will favor or worsen that state.

On the other hand, it is very interesting to define what walking is, in terms of the colors that represent it. Walking is the natural activity of the human being that results from the combination of calm, physical imbalance and moving forward. A harmonic imbalance.

What is the range of colors that result with this symbolism of walking?

It results in a color that typifies it within the level of subordinates; it is composed of a basic or primary color, red, a secondary color, green, and a complementary color, violet.

Green represents nature, the normal, the natural.

Red represents fire, radiance.

Violet represents evolution, renewal.


Green has the symbolic meaning of healthy and soothing, transmitting rest and relaxation to those who observe it.

Red has the symbolic meaning of strength and impetus, transmitting to the observer a state of enthusiasm and passion, provocation and imbalance.

Violet has the symbolic meaning of transformation and change, transmitting to the observer a state of desire to move and advance in all senses.

Green is a secondary color and its origins coming from blue and yellow make it rebellious to the participation of other colors, being very sensitive to artificial light, because it changes very easily with the variations of it, different situation with natural light, because it remains quite firm (unalterable, invariable) to its changes (to its variation). Notwithstanding its relative inalterability, when combined with violet its symbolic meaning is transitional. In the same way, it is unbalancing when combined with red. In the aspect of physical body balance, when combined with both, violet and red, it is an unbalancing hue; however, in the mental field, within the environment of applied psychology, it is admitted with a balancing significance.

Its symbolic transmission on the temperature is of a balanced and pleasant level for the body.

The color red is movement, it is stabilized imbalance; green is tranquility, it is balance and security; violet is transition, it is progress.

Green as a composition is used to replace some elements of the environment that we have transformed, giving it the symbol of the healthy, the normal, the natural; that is why when confronted with violet is when it achieves its greatest presence.

In summary, walking is the activity of the human being that is performed contrasting the balance, transforming the environment for our own harmony, relaxation and contemplation; likewise, confirming the renewal and change with tranquility; and finally, printing the movement and moving forward with nature; which in sum is very healthy for the walker, in all physical and mental orders, and fundamentally with a supreme vitality.

Each one can look for his own inclination of character and personality, but always walking, that is to say, accompanying us of that range of colors that always brings dragging the walk. The conjunction of the three is walking.

Loya Lopategui, Carlos, Tap Tap, Plastic Arts and Poetry. Dancing with Poems and Colors, EMULISA, Mexico, 2017.

Traducido al Español


The only purpose intended in this post is to manifest the relevant connection that sonambulism has with respect to the activity of walking.

Traducido al Español

“Sonambulism” is the way to define sleepwalking in a concrete way. Perhaps this is the most striking of all its manifestations, but it is not the only one. The sleepwalker is a person who is asleep and who performs some of the daily activities that a human being performs while awake, such as talking, getting out of bed -standing or walking-, sitting, eating, dressing, and some other less important ones.

The word somnambulism in its own etymology -of the phenomenon- defines it as “sleep walking”: from the Latin somnus: act of sleeping; ambulare: to walk. In English we have these same 2 roots, calling it sleepwalking.

Now, what are the possible causes of sleepwalking? They are very diverse and some of them are very complex:

– Genetic inheritance

– Neurological alterations

– Brain deficiencies, in terms of immaturity in their physical development.

– Medicinal treatments

– High body temperatures generated by some disease.

– Irregularity and inconstancy in the sleep cycle.

– Variability in sleeping schedules, caused by neuropathies and psychological problems.

– Hypochondriasis

– Hysterias

Independently of their great variety, I consider that they have a common element, which is the participation of the subconscious layers of the mind, in their gestation. These can be differentiated in the healthy part of the mind and in the unhealthy one.

The one we will deal with here is the healthy part, the unconscious. This substratum of the mind is the one that accumulates all the repressed -or forgotten- desires or impulses of the consciousness; that is to say, natural appetites inhibited by the consciousness itself that has retracted them and has not allowed them to be adequately channeled in the inner self.

Why are we interested in this substratum? I believe that the unconscious, as part of its work, is permanently sending messages to the consciousness to rebalance it (psychological homeostasis) and to the body so that it can fully develop (organic or corporal homeostasis), and in our subject, it does so through somnambulism: concretely that it must walk. And therein lies the key to everything: WALKING (Future Posts THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND HOMEOSTASIS, THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE KAABA CENTER, THE MANDALA AND OUR WALK).

Another way to observe these messages from the unconscious is during the day; that is to say: What happens during the day when we remain awake? The unconscious sends messages in various ways. For example: the injury of a foot or a leg. The message is partly symbolic and it should be translated that the person should not continue on “that path” that has been traced. He must stop or modify the path (change) of the road (direction or sense), and for this reason the unconscious causes him to stumble or fall.

Let us continue with the description, observations and exploration on sleepwalking.

Sleep has various levels of intensity; it can be deep, medium or light.

The phenomenon of sleepwalking occurs during the phase of deep or Delta Sleep. This phase is when the human being truly rests since it is when the generation of delta waves predominates, hence its name. When we are sleeping in this phase it is very difficult to wake up and if we do we feel confused and disoriented, we do not know where we are. Also, some vital signs drop in level, such as heart rate and respiratory rate.

Likewise, in this deep or delta sleep phase, certain anomalies and irregularities that have been called “sleep disorders” are also generated and sleepwalking is one of them. Within this group it is located in the subgroup of Parasomnias, being these disorders in which the dreamer wakes up during brief periods, without being able to wake up completely, that is to say, the dream is interrupted but the person does not wake up. These disorders are sleep walking or talking, nightmares, involuntary urination or enuresis, abnormal breathing, agitation or tremors, snoring.

As for sleepwalking – as we have already mentioned – its manifestations are diverse and all of them take place while the person who suffers from it is asleep; and it could be said that some activities are similar to those that take place when we are awake: moving from the lying down position to sitting on the bed, getting up and placing oneself in an upright position next to the bed, walking in areas next to the bed, walking in places further away from the room including going out of the house, opening the eyes keeping a lost look, that is to say, without fixing the look on something precise, dressing, eating, talking, driving a car.

Now let us move on to analyze the aspect that concerns us: walking.

The qualification of this phenomenon may have been made because walking is the activity that stands out as the most striking and the opposite of lying down while sleeping.

In other words: Why does the unconscious cause the dreamer to get out of bed and start walking?

The human being uses an internal symbology to communicate with himself, between his unconscious and his conscious.

Permanently, the individual unconscious tries to communicate unfailingly with the consciousness by means of diverse symbolic mechanisms. (Post WALKING AND ITS SYMBOLISM).

The consciousness by its enormous strength hinders these mechanisms and the fluidity of the symbols emanating from the unconscious. The same structure of the consciousness hinders the comprehension of that symbology. Here is where we must emphasize that this work of translating the language of the unconscious in the phenomenon of somnambulism is difficult in general terms for the human being.

The unconscious invites the being to walk, and its practice not only requests a physical satisfaction, but implies the claim and the search for other types of benefits (psychological, emotional, etc.) that only our individual unconscious knows.

We have already mentioned in the same post (Post WALKING AND ITS SYMBOLISM) that every time we are about to walk, unconsciously – in a subliminal way – we are signaling that we are going to advance in any of the ways we wish to do it, in the emotional, physical, intellectual, etc. and in any other of the attitudes in which we wish to strengthen ourselves, and of course, to evolve. Walking contains two forms of symbolism through which the human being communicates. The part of physically moving from one place to another, represents the metamorphosis of the being as he moves bodily from one circumstance to another, as if he were transforming himself, by moving on his own feet, from one physical-sensitive stage to another, with different sensitivities, perceptions and bodily manifestations. And the other symbolic form is the language of the body itself; being in movement allows it through its body language, to communicate what our physical being (bodily catharsis or mechanistic method) intends to achieve through this movement of walking; on the one hand to help the mental part to free it from its emotional state, sending messages to all parts of the body and functional organs, to improve the state of mind and health; and on the other hand, through this mechanical practice (behavior) that allows the physical catharsis of the subjection and immobility, which chains, suffocates and makes it impossible to unleash their exercise needs (Post LISTENING TO OUR BODY WHILE WALKING). Walking is the symbolic mechanism that has the meaning of reconforming and integrating the character and personality of the individual.

An extension to this is achieved -at the time of the invention of the automobile- when the somnambulist takes the keys of the vehicle and starts it, and on certain occasions goes for a drive. This is an analogical extrapolation of traveling, which in the case of somnambulism could also be considered as the search for a renewing experience, the beginning of a change that seeks to get somewhere; initiating a metamorphosis to transcendence. Thus, the sleepwalking individual who manages to drive a car seeks to free himself (new experiences and discoveries, renunciation, atonement), seeking an experience of change, by means of a trip using the car. Perhaps the unconscious is leading him to change some elements of his social or family environment. In general terms, sleepwalking is generated by an unconscious state of discontent with oneself and with the environment around us.

We have already mentioned that the symbolism of walking is the search for abstraction from the weight of external conditioning, it is to let thoughts flow towards the inner self, it is to find oneself.

Let us start walking and help our unconscious; let us not allow it to transform us into sleepwalkers to make us walk in our sleep.

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This post is the second in the series of 9 that I have programmed on the subject of the FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF WALKING and that will lead to the definition and presentation of the new functional paradigm that humanity must have and enable in the near future. The first previous post in this series was: THE 9TH GENERATION OF THE MODERN AGE CREATIVITY AND WALKING. PART I.

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Every individual should tend to be a mixed (hybrid) “studious”, that is, to seek knowledge and experience – or simple professional incursion – in two or more disciplines, so as to be more innovative than those people who only dedicate themselves to a single, increasingly atomized specialty that loses the global and systemic perspective.

I have put the word ” studious ” in quotation marks because I wish to refer to a certain number of human activities such as: researcher, analytical, worker, scientist, intellectual, thinker, technician, inventor, observer, inquirer, academic, professor; and I have not found a better term that encompasses and represents them. For all those people who develop them, I recommend a mixed form in their mental performance, both educational and occupational.

The recommendation is based on the fact that in this way the human mind tends to be more creative if it is directed to several disciplines of knowledge, than if it is only circumscribed to a single field of knowledge. That is to say, if our thoughts can venture into different spheres of human knowledge, the migration of ideas from one field to another generates an additional stimulus in the brain’s capacities, prompting it to use other functional areas of the brain.

It should not be understood that we recommend having a formal academic specialization, supported by a great experience in the disciplines involved, but only to have the intention and disposition to venture into them with the clear objective and the declared will to seek the exchange of techniques, concepts, processes and methods that each of them have. In other words, we are not asked to be the great specialists in any of the “mixed” disciplines or sciences, for the achievement of any task.

I will explain in more detail. We can represent the case we wish to convey, using the nomenclature and symbology of Set Theory. I will simplify the problem to only two disciplines (subjects) involved -which are mixed-, the disciplines “A” and “B”.

Let the expression A∩B (read A intersection B), being the set A the discipline “A” and the set B, the discipline “B”, which graphically is expressed as follows:

The shaded area is the intersection of the two disciplines – “A” and “B” – and where the researcher expands his or her creative capabilities by being able to use and manipulate their respective concepts, processes, methods and techniques.

I have no doubt – and it is a proven historical trait – that the creation of new ideas is best generated at the confluence of several disciplines, either in a single person or the confluence of several individuals with their respective specialties and ideas. Let us keep in mind that specialization is very important and determinant, but not sufficient, for the creation of new ideas. This proposal does not intend to minimize the extreme specialization approach that has been promoted in the last 3 centuries in the scientific field, only that there is a risk that by focusing exclusively on observing a single tree, the integral and systemic vision of the forest is lost; in fact, it is essential to have specialization in the different disciplines.

The productive, creative and fruitful path that can be traced between 2 or more disciplines, has no major problem for its gestation, revelation and scope; it is raised and promoted by the taste, vocation or inclination of the researcher and by the needs of the project or projects to be carried out. The main problem is located mainly in the definition and understanding of how the process is developed. Regarding the definition of the expansion –amplification- and propagation –ramification- of the process, the dilemma begins with the classification of the human, social, natural sciences, etc., since each researcher must venture, for his own work, into the disciplines he considers appropriate and not allow himself to be conditioned by the type of academic and dogmatic classifications. Understanding (reasoning) refers to the development of the interdisciplinary combination; it is the realization of the process with a multiple -or diverse- integrative approach of a personal nature of each researcher, so each one must attend to this conjunction according to his own binomial of reasoning and intuition, together with his vocation and experience.

The process is gestated in the A∩B intersection of the 2 disciplines (or more of them, depending on the case) that the researcher uses, and we know that it is caused by the same confrontation that is generated by the search and exchange of techniques, concepts, processes and methods between the disciplines in connection, since each of them has a specific scientific and methodological structure. The head-on collision, a real collision between branches of knowledge, which the researcher faces and has to fertilize, in order to obtain a more creative and productive state.

This exchange of concepts and procedures, which are sometimes even opposed, is what generates the great inventions and creations, without detriment to the specialization that is indispensable in a certain number of participating disciplines. These formal bridges, which each researcher builds in his daily tasks, in order to combine several disciplines, are personal and almost unrepeatable, and this is part of the complexity of knowing how they are generated.

The intersection subset A∩B defines the information possibilities with which the 2 disciplines (or more) can participate in the generation of novel ideas. This whole area, common to the 2 disciplines combined, is where creative events are generated. Also – as mentioned before – it is usually done through the formation of multidisciplinary teams, with different specialists, in the execution of joint projects of high level – of creativity and specialty – but it can also be achieved with the exclusive participation of a single individual with his personal versatility, examples of which we have seen essentially in the Renaissance period with characters in all creative, artistic, technological and scientific fields, with Leonardo Da Vinci at the head. However, the innovations – to call them in this generic way – in the monodisciplinary field have been largely surpassed.

Likewise, the expression AυB represents analytically the sum of all the technical and theoretical sources of co-participation that can be used for the achievement of other objectives, within the same research -or productive- process in which the 2 disciplines participate.

Its graphic representation is:

The subset of union AυB defines the great toolkit, both technical and theoretical, that is made available by the co-participation of these 2 disciplines.

Perhaps one aspect that we will have to analyze in the future, in order to have a better understanding of how multidisciplinarity is generated in the individual, is the degree of disposition and willingness of the researcher to transgress, violate, disobey, contravene the canons and norms established in each discipline he/she makes use of, going beyond their disciplinary boundaries, in order to manage to build that bridge and meet with new paradigms. In addition, we must investigate in which disciplines – and also in which disciplinary sub-branches (subdisciplinarity) – the greatest number of creative and original ideas are generated, in order to discover the different causes that provoke the different levels of creativity.

Multidisciplinarity will always increase the creative capacity in the human being in comparison to that which is generated if only one discipline is used (intradisciplinarity). The dilemma lies in a multidisciplinary SYNERGY versus an intradisciplinary ATONY (monodisciplinarity).

I must emphasize that this post, as you might expect, has a close relationship with the higher mental function of creativity, with the core of creative thinking, with the functions of creating ideas, imagining, inventing, creating and speculating. In the following image we can see the contact that is achieved between the different disciplines and in each one of them we can assume that there is a great activity of creativity, by the only interdisciplinary contact, which can be enhanced with the WALK-RWD system itself.

The use of multidisciplinarity, for the task described above, is graphically illustrated in the diagram above as the border inter-sections that are areas of complementarity between the disciplines involved in the research, production and creative phases, where their specialized fields come together in order to achieve the greatest number of the proposed goals.

Each analyst will be able to cross the theoretical and practical boundaries of the different specialized disciplines in search of his or her particularized distinctive goals within the research or study that is carried out jointly and multidisciplinary; to such effects, each one – in their defined projects – must be attentive when they must move from one discipline to another (transdisciplinarity), due to the unrestricted need to resort to the specialized tools of any of them, of the social, technical, artistic or scientific type, new methods or specific procedures –extradisciplinarity-, to obtain the “answers” that are required and to continue with their work of analysis and synthesis.

In order to have a concept of what creativity is, I will allow myself to give the following personal definition.

Creativity in the human being is a mental process in which two or more ideas or knowledge that have been lodged in one’s own mind, along a continuum of experiences and learning, are related, conjugated, fused, fragmented and/or opposed. Perceived in this way, creativity is a fairly broad function in the formulation of images, representations, conceptions and ideas, including speculations and intuitions, being that it is emphatically oriented to novelty and also to the enrichment of knowledge.

This generative and creative process has several scenarios or dynamic stages through which all those products generated are poured, in graphic and linguistic form, of different rank of importance and significance. The following are those scenarios:

1.            Where compound thoughts flow that the mind uses to memorize.

2.            Where the understanding of the processed ideas is generated, analyzing, criticizing, censuring, judging, etc.

3.            Where acquired knowledge that is in the process of assessment and understanding is evaluated.

4.            Where a conjugation or combination of the 3 previous scenarios is noticed, in order to obtain mental conclusions and synthesis.

5.            Where a different or ignored reformulation of ideas and concepts is generated.

6.            Where new ideas or thoughts are introjected, based on the images already understood or not assimilated, qualifying them according to a particular valuation pattern.

7.            Where new concepts and ideas are gestated for one’s own mind in the creative process. I have called these creative stumbles or findings.

8.            Where thoughts that enrich universal knowledge germinate.

If we increase the interdisciplinary combination to a greater number of disciplines, for example to 3, the effect is greater, because the brain strives to combine different disciplinary models and this leads it to use other functional areas. In the following figure we can see the subset A∩B∩C, as the result of the intersection created by 3 disciplines:

The shaded intersection indicates a greater number of information possibilities with which the 3 disciplines can participate in the generation of novel ideas; and in the same way, this subset, created by the interdisciplinarity of the 3 disciplines combined, is where a considerable amount of creative events are generated.

It is required to be irreverent to a certain degree with the instituted, especially with the norms and models of the academic type, which inhibit creativity in some ways.

A percentage of the population intends, by their own conscience and will, to act with this form of daring and audacity, but another large percentage does not like to try or cannot venture in this way.

This profile of propelling with greater emphasis the multidisciplinary exchange has been achieved through a natural action in the human being when performing -through- informal communications, which has been established as a collaboration between peers, but outside the institutional canons; likewise, this interdisciplinary flow of ideas has been activated through the mechanism of what M. Dogan refers to the so-called “invisible colleges”, a disciplinary hybridization, but not officialized collegiate, it is an invisible transdisciplinarity.

The hybrid form of study and research is achieved through the conjugation of two or more sciences or disciplines, which by partially moving away from the central parts of each of them, are associated and combined in a more creative way which allows finding better solutions and innovations to problems of all kinds. In these zones or frontiers away from the strict, inflexible and narrow rules and procedures of each of the different specialties, it will be possible to find the innovations and alternative answers to substitute the deficiencies that we have at present. This is an adequate path for the institutionalized creation of the discipline that is required to design the new paradigm of human walking in the near future.

If it is not possible to act in this behavioral way of clear, open and effective irreverence to the established canons, and we wish to be able to venture into these levels of interdisciplinarity (hybridization of knowledge), we can support ourselves by resorting to the WALK-RWD system which, when applied in an integral way, incorporating the structured activities of reading, writing and drawing, generates effects similar to disciplinary hybridization.


Now, our final purpose is to tend towards the definition of a new model or paradigm of human walking in Future Posts.

Surely we can move towards a new disciplinary scheme to emphatically support human walking, to tend towards a new institutionalized academic discipline (In another Future Post).

Everything indicates that the population of the future will be concentrated in cities -within their own habitat- and the solution to the problem will have to be addressed from the urban point of view, although other physical environments where human beings will be located should not be overlooked (In another Future Posts) .

As for the WALK-RWD system, we have already mentioned previously that the coordinated movement generated in the walk causes the brain to produce several substances, and these in turn, stimulate the full functioning of the neurons of the brain, increasing considerably the number of connections between them and the functional areas of the same; also the recurrent practice of the system procures that effect on the mind of rationally raiding areas that are asleep or blocked unblocks and disinhibits them.

Likewise, we have expressed that walking generates that the brain is introduced in a need to “COMPENSATE” a state in movement, which in turn causes an “unleveling” in its chemical elements and neurotransmitters (Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM ENCOURAGE CREATIVE THINKING. PART I), and that during the same period of the walk, the brain seeks to “stabilize” itself, giving instructions to its own organic unit, as well as to other systems, glands and organs, to reach that “balance” (Future Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND HOMEOSTASIS). During this process, some vicarious parts of the brain will try to make up for the insufficiency of some others that are affected by the loss of that “balanced and harmonic state”. Similarly, some organs, glands or systems, in their articulated whole, will try to support the needs that the brain is experiencing, including the vestibular system.

Now, when apart from walking, we read, write or draw, the effects generated in the brain are greater and more intense, because in a continuous way, the parts that constitute the sense of sight try -constantly- to keep the sight focused on what is being read (written or drawn) and therefore also send messages to the brain, which in turn helps to keep the sight fixed.

The impulses generated during walking, together with the 3 structural activities (reading, writing and drawing), produce stronger messages to the brain, which seeks to rebalance -permanently- making other areas of the brain work, which in general, without these activities, would remain inactive, almost numb (Future Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND HOMEOSTASIS).

Thus, in this way the WALK-RWD system generates a functional analogy with the interdisciplinary model we have described, which facilitates and drives the migration of ideas from one mental environment to another. The system stimulates the brain to break with all the frontiers that have been imposed on it and seeks that effect on the mind to incursion in areas that are dormant or rationally prohibited, un-inhibiting them.

Let us start to walk around reading or writing or drawing, and we will see that the system works, because we will begin to have images that will have us in a certain way incredulous of what happens to us in the field of ideas, intuitions, perceptions and mental graphic representations. But let us also promote creative pluridisciplinarity and hybridization to allow us to achieve a new hybrid discipline that will lead us towards this paradigm in the not too distant future. The human being will develop better, physically and mentally, walking and eliminating monodisciplinarity in his future performance of study, creation, realization and welfare.

When publishing this post I have decided to update Post UPDATED DYNAMIC INDEX OF POSTS 1-100, increasing by 10 more, so now there are 110 posts, where you will be able to see their titles and link directly.

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First of all, I would like to apologize because the topic was very extensive in its exposition, however, I decided to present it in a single issue due to its importance and not to divide it into several parts, so that the readers themselves are the ones who decide the rhythm in its reading, analysis and implementation of the different aspects that I consider should be taken into account.

1.            Body language.

The purpose of the present publication is to demonstrate that our body -when walking in a natural way- does it with its own language, very expressive, plain and revealing, by means of which it communicates to us -with a certain freedom- what it is feeling and perceiving.

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Let us keep in mind that the physical body manifests itself in the “company” of the mind, habits, conditioning and its own physical abilities and restrictions, to respond to the different demands that we make of it on a daily basis.

This makes us aware that we will have to observe and “listen” to it in order to know its capacities, incapacities, abilities and disabilities, as well as to have a better and greater knowledge of ourselves.

By means of this body language we can distinguish several ways of communication according to the form and the part of the body that is used. Thus we can distinguish the gesticulation of certain body members according to their particular movements, the general position observed by the body, the mimicry practiced, the gestures and grimaces generated by the face, and other diverse modes of positioning and physical expression that we will analyze throughout this topic.

2. For what causes and reasons does our body communicate?

Apart from its direct and expressive physical language, our body has a symbolic body language, which we must know and understand, being always ready to “listen” to what it is communicating to us.

Its physical expressions are intended to convey what is brewing inside us, mainly how we feel.

One of them is to listen to it in order to know its faculties (capacities, aptitudes, virtues, skills, abilities), its functioning (uses, performances), its organic and physiological functions, and its natural and essential movements (stability and instability, balance, speeds, displacements, dynamism, rhythms, compasses, styles), including knowing about its incapacities and clumsiness. Another purpose is to dialogue with him, to know his needs and to be able to give him what he asks for.

3.            Body language in a healthy state.

There are few times that we want to listen voluntarily and consciously to our body; however, in general terms, we get to know it unconsciously, as time goes by and years go by; in this way we learn to know it, but without becoming aware of it. To do it in a conscious way is enriching, because its unveiling results in greater clarity and quality: by doing it in a more conscious way we learn better to understand its expressions, postures and placements. In a word, we learn from it, even without intending to, of its healthy state.

4.            Body language in a morbid state.

Body expressions also allow us to know our own mood, emotional and physical state when we are sick. Thus, our body is an excellent translator of the diseases, ailments, discomforts that we suffer, both physical and emotional and psychological. If we pay attention to its poses and expressions we will be able to know our deepest afflictions, our discomforts and discouragements -physical and mental-, the morbid symptoms by means of its postures, forms, demeanors and gestures; and paying attention to the different corporal members, as far as the aspect, coloration, pigmentation, tonality and texture of the skin, in all its different organic and physical sections. In general, we will be able to know and understand, through its particular language, its physical and mental manifestations.

Negative and harmful emotions (noxious, harmful, bad, evil, malignant, pernicious, destructive), translated through body language, is a valuable mechanism for their knowledge and understanding, which will help us to their transformation and correction (Post THE POWER OF EMOTIONS; Future Post AUTOLIBERATION OF NEGATIVE EMOTIONS THROUGH SELF-SUGGESTIBILITY METHOD).

We must be attentive to listen to his laments, his complaints, his indispositions, his ailments and his sufferings in order to support it in its full development, a situation that will help us ourselves.

5.            Expressive forms of the body

The body manifests and communicates when it is at relax (rest) or in movement (work). In these 2 stages we can observe it with its special language, through which it will be constantly communicating its state of health, energy and resistance (Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM IS AN EFFECTIVE METHOD OF RESILIENCE). Its expressions are different in both stages, so we must learn to know it in these 2 situations.

As for the resting stage, we will have to be attentive to its expressions -organic, physiological and physical- when it is standing, lying down or sitting. In these postures his indexes and other organic and vital signs behave differently.

It is in the skin that we can most objectively notice (to see) their expression. The body is covered entirely by the skin, which communicates itself by its coloration, appearance, pigmentation, spots, freckles, moles, macules, etc., as well as by its texture and shades.

6.            Most expressive parts of the body

When the body is in the rest-standing position (erect), its expression can be very widely variable, because it can be vertical, bent, twisted, etc., the legs elongated, retracted, open, closed, together, separated, etc., the arms elongated, retracted, resting, etc., the hands closed, open, etc., the shoulders retracted, shrugged, etc., the head haughty, lowered, drooping, etc., the eyes fixed, distracted, surly, astonished, sad, etc., the brow furrowed, relaxed, dilated, etc., the muscles of the face tense, elastic, dilated, etc. All these combinations project an enormous amount of possibilities with respect to bodily expressions.

If the body is at rest-lying down we get another series of similar combinations, as well as if it is seated. These combinations increase if the body is in motion.

As we can see, body language is quite expressive in terms of the multitude of positions and capacities it has to communicate, whether to alert, protest, reflect, insinuate, specify or emphasize some ailment, suffering, pleasure, illness, pain, discomfort, contentment, liking, sadness, joy, even boredom, disgust and annoyance.

Moreover, as we have already mentioned, the postures and physical expressions of the body are quite different when the individual is healthy and when he is sick. To know and understand it, it must be observed from head to toe.

Likewise, we can point out that in the practice of walking, this activity (exercise) is performed differently if you are sick or if you are healthy: walking can be done with a firm or weak bearing, more upright or hunched, with straight shoulders, weak, stiff or relaxed. The eyes can convey liveliness, sharpness, brightness and dynamism, or the opposite, apathy, disinterest, sadness, faintness.

Now, from the point of view of the importance of walking in this dialogue with the body, we must point out that the mere walking transmutes all the negative issues, redirecting and distributing them throughout the body; so if we walk we will have to provoke an impulse to our body to transfer large amounts of negative charges to absorb them in other body parts that can be damped or dissolved; although also, depending on the morbid state that the individual has at the moment of the walk, it can be excitable and not advisable to walk; for example if we have an ankle injury, the recommendation is not to walk, until the ankle has improved.

Let’s go to another example. The face is one of the parts where we can find the best expression of our body when we walk. When we have just walked for 5 or 10 minutes we will observe that immediately a relaxation is exerted in all the muscles of the face (Future Post WALKING AND THE 660 MUSCLES OF OUR BODY): non-relaxation and wrinkles are always correlated. But if we initiate a walk, in a natural way, we will be inviting relaxation and wrinkle relaxation to walk on the same path with us. This example of how we relax our facial muscles serves to understand how it would work for the rest of our bodily tensions and conditions, as we start walking. The body will immediately begin to send us messages of its acceptance and approval.

Other examples are those related to the muscular system, the circulatory, cardiovascular, respiratory, where in general it is advisable to walk (under a special program that your medical specialist will prescribe); and a very particular case is that of Dyskinesia, the alteration of the movement of some or some voluntary muscles; disturbance (alteration, indisposition, disorder, disarrangement) that is generated when there is an abnormality in an area of the body with respect to the muscles on which we have voluntary disposition to make them work.

Another one is cramps. Regardless of the cause of these cramps, the recommendation is to stand up straight and start walking; little by little -while walking- the cramp will gradually subside and dissipate.

7.            The symbolism of body language.

Undoubtedly, an important part of body language is symbolic, that is, each expression means a message that we must know, translate and understand (Post WALKING AND ITS SYMBOLISM).

We could affirm, in this sense, that the human body transmits:

– Universal symbolic language

– Knowledge of ourselves

– Better perception and understanding of the people close to us, by observing the messages of their respective bodies.

In general, we can say that body language is universal, however, each person has some features that differentiate them in a particular way, which must be known and interpreted. To complement our understanding of our body we must resort to the symbol, which as a mental construction (unconscious and spiritual) there are differences in each of our bodies but not substantial. From each unit, member, organ or body gland we can make a symbolic abstraction. While one of them communicates, the others remain quiet, suspended, lagging behind, but not inert (mute).

This symbolic language through which the human body communicates is a reliable interpreter of our interiority, of our feelings, emotions, thoughts and how we feel at certain moments; so it is essential to be always ready to listen to it and try permanently to discern what it is communicating to us.

To consciously pay attention to our body will allow us to understand its expressions and to have a better knowledge of ourselves, of how we are in general and in the different conditions where we are interacting with other people and even in moments of solitude. The different forms and postures that our body is used to perform are a direct response and translation of who we are, how we feel, think and why we behave before other people and in front of the physical and social environment that has surrounded us.

Voluntarily, we can achieve a dialogue with our body for as long as we wish.

There is no doubt that a practical, reliable and effective way to express what we feel and think is through our body, through its “cryptosomatic” language. Observing its movements and postures is a positive way of how we can get to know ourselves better, since bodily expression is a direct and evident translation and interpretation of how we are. The body has its own symbolic language, the cryptosomatic.

Each form and its respective physical variations that are expressed by the different parts of the body, are manifestations that contain symbolic information of our interiority, which we have captured and experienced over time.

We could say that the body is a reliable translator of:

(a) How and how much we appreciate, judge and believe in ourselves.

b) How and in what way we perceive ourselves, understand ourselves and regret our inner feelings.

c) How much we grieve, suffer, get sad or depressed by the bad experiences we have.

d) How much we rejoice, have fun and get excited about the good things that happen to us.

e) How much we sympathize and feel sorry (moved) for what happens to other people close to us.

f) How much we are annoyed, upset or disconsolate by a concrete situation that we have lived or are suffering.

g) How we feel emotionally.

8.            The body as an expression of interiority.

Sometimes we do not know how we feel in certain circumstances. We cannot perceive our emotions correctly. The mind is unable -sometimes- to distinguish if we suffer from anguish, impatience, anxiety, stress, sadness, indecision, uncertainty, to name only some of the emotions that constantly overwhelm us.

Body expressions can help us to know what type of emotion we are suffering from. The behavior or body expression is different depending on the affliction we are suffering. We only have to observe its physical manifestations to help us know what we are suffering in our interiority: headache, reddening of the face, hardened or hunched position, and dozens of other bodily revelations.

9.            The muscular, bony and epidermal systems as fundamental parts of body language.

In the first instance, I believe it is necessary to recommend that a classification and grouping of the muscles of the body should be made in order to facilitate their participation in body language (Future Post WALKING AND THE 660 MUSCLES OF OUR BODY). The same should be done with respect to the bones that make up the human body (Future Post WALKING AND THE 206 BONES OF OUR BODY). These actions will allow a better understanding of the body language and the application of the WALK-RWD system in the different muscle and bone categories, to improve our dialogue with the body.

The skin covers the totality of the human body, and it is through it that we can become aware of certain things that we want to communicate and sometimes we cannot do it using other parts of it; therefore we should always be attentive to its coloring, tonality, temperature, sweating, dryness, etc. (Future Post THE SKIN AND THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM).

The simple natural walking is a dialogue that is established with our body. What we transmit and communicate directly through walking is a precise perspective (directive, orientation, prescriptive) for the reanimation of the limbs, muscles, bones and joints, a message that is received by the majority of all of them that make up the human body. An unconscious and involuntary conversation in which a manifest interest is linked to all the components of the body, in addition to the organs, systems and glands.

10.          Voluntary formulation of signs with certain parts of the body.

The signs that we have created voluntarily through the millennia, with some parts of the human body, are numerous and practically recognized worldwide.

It would be irrelevant for anyone to devote efforts to draw only those of social and technical type that are emitted with the fingers and hands. There are also emotional and psychological signs that are created with other parts of the body; there are signs for all kinds of manifestations: genuflection or bowing, submission, greeting, kneeling, prostrating, denial with the head, nodding or affirming with the head, respect, signs with the hands and fingers, kneeling, venerating, authorization, asking for a ride, ok or approval, handshake, acceptance and hand treatment, denial with the hand and fingers, acceptance with the finger, and hundreds more.

11.          The WALK-RWD system stimulates the body to communicate (encourages body expression).


Sometimes we “hear” our body protesting about its bad physical and mental (emotional and psychic) situation.

In what ways does our body communicate? In what ways does it protest? There are several ways it uses to do so. Let’s look at some of them.

It is very clear that when we get sick it is communicating this to us; when a leg hurts, an eye, any organ. To know these signals I recommend you to read Louise L. Hay’s book, entitled “You can heal your life”. It is a real “thematic dictionary” of experiences where we can find the correlation of organs, systems, glands, etc., with the type of “lack of attention”, to call it in this generic way, towards these functional parts of the human body. In its 200 pages, all the relationships we wish to know between “diseased organ” and the cause of its disease are pointed out.

The human body – mental and physical – also resorts to dreams to communicate its problems to us.

Writing is also a means that can help us to better understand our body, because it not only reveals to us the deep psychological issues, those that are intimately related to the instincts, to the unconscious, whether individual or collective, about emotions, and any psychic ailment that when projected onto the things and characters we write about, throws us encrypted information about it (Posts WRITING TO ACCEPT BETTER OURSELVE, WHILE WALKING; WHY AND WHAT TO WRITE FOR?; HABITUAL PURPOSES AND MOTIVES IN WRITING), but also in a less hermetic way, on our body.

Drawing is another symbolic means that supports us in this corporal unveiling (Posts READING-WRITING-DRAWING: VIRTUOUS CIRCLE; DRAWING AS SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE).

Now, let’s go to our specific case: How can we listen to our body when we walk?

There are several scenarios to receive this information.

Certain psychological theories explain that some pains or stiffness in certain parts of the body, reveal problems of prejudiced, neurotic, obsessive, paranoid, maniacal, ideational, compulsive, etc., that according to that pain or stiffness in a certain limb, muscle, sense or bone, is how our body reflects or communicates some of the aforementioned discomfort.

In these cases the physical body is not necessarily the one that is suffering from some problem, but it reflects a certain psychological or emotional discomfort.

Louise L. Hay guides us both in cases where the body is the physical sufferer and in related psychological cases.

Of course, what we intend here is to learn to listen to our body when we walk (WALKING AND ITS SYMBOLISM).

Let’s move on to that process.

FIRST ACT. The desire, or not, to go for a walk. This first event occurs when we can observe our physical body in that initial communication confrontation of pleasure-satisfaction-joy or disturbance-disorder-unwillingness. Do we wish to walk or not? Our body must have the decision and nothing else. Let our physical body speak and not the mental part. If we manage to differentiate what the physical part feels from the mental part, we will be able to advance in truly knowing what we wish to do; let us keep in mind that our true inner self -our personality- must be the one who decides according to what we truly wish to be and act (Future Post THE PERSONALITY DEFINED BY THE PACE WHEN WALKING). Let us leave behind those social, work, etc., conditioning factors, as far as possible, that limit our essential unconscious desires.

The body language will be defined between the two vectors of pleasure-satisfaction-joy and disturbance-disorder- unwillingness.

SECOND ACT: Is our body tired or not? The tiredness that our physical body transmits to us will be the one who makes the decision to start our walk.

Again, let’s ignore the mental part. Let us observe and feel our physical body. It does have the desire to walk, it is the mental part that does not.

The signals in these two senses start even before we start walking. If we feel tired, it may be a sign of our emotional state. Let’s check this.

Is it a sign of our physical body? It is telling us that our body does not want to walk and is communicating this to us. However, let’s not get confused, it could be our mind that is preventing us from enjoying a walk.

Let’s do a simulation. Let’s go for a walk. If after 5 minutes – only 5 minutes! – of walking we feel a tiredness that prevents us from continuing the walk, then perhaps our body is indeed tired, sick or in pain. Let us think that it is indeed trying to tell us that or some other message.

If we continue walking, despite the fact that it keeps telling us that it is sore or tired, it may slip, trip, fall, sprain or even break, so we should stop walking.

Should we really stop walking?

This is a vicious circle. If we continue, we may find ourselves lying on the ground. Walking is an exercise to improve and restore the physical body. How is it possible that the benefit of the activity of walking prevents us from doing it?

Let’s use the method of the VICIOUS CIRCLE and how to break it (Post NEGATIVE HABITS AND HOW TO COMBAT THEM. GENERAL CASES). Let’s analyze the chain and see how we can determine the obstructive link to replace it with a vital and effective relief.

We must be very cautious at this stage as the communication may be of the danger type, i.e., cases where our body starts to feel short of breath, or feel tachycardia, or any other discomfort. These are very important signals from our body, which we should take care of immediately.

Any irregularity or discomfort should be heeded. We must stop walking for good. Not one more step.

THIRD ACT. If after those 5 minutes -and up to 15 minutes- of walking you feel that your body does not want to continue walking, it may be that you are being “advised” by that part that exists in every human being not to make efforts of this type and better stay sleeping or resting at home; or your Thanatos instinct is very strong and is dominating the Eros instinct. What does all this mean?

When the Thanatos instinct dominates at a high level, it means that there are forces in the mental stage of a person, which are emotional and will have to be corrected by relying on the same force of psychological breakdown. The negative emotional energies -understood within the aforementioned circle of psychic ailments- live and regenerate from the same thing that affects the mind of the human being, therefore it is very difficult to diminish this accumulated force Thanatos (death instinct).

The recipe is simple, but difficult to put into practice by the affected person: to confront the Thanatos instinct with the Eros instinct, but not only that, and it is the most complex of the matter, to support it for this confrontation. But there is the resource of Thanatos that is reinforced by the same effect it generates. The person DOES NOT WANT to improve, and therefore will not help his Eros instinct, and he does not want to because that is precisely what Thanatos transmits (Future Post WALKING WITH EROS AND THANATOS).

It depends on the level of Thanatos, on the negative emotion so that we can confront Thanatos. In the near future we will present several posts that will describe a method that can be used for this type of messages from the body, when the Thanatos instinct has overpowered it and does not even have a real physical ailment (Posts THE POWER OF EMOTIONS, EMOTIONS AND THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM; Future Posts RELEASED EMOTION METHOD; AUTOLIBERATION OF NEGATIVE EMOTIONS THROUGH SELF-SUGGESTIONABILITY METHOD and PARADOXICAL EMOTIONAL PROGRAMMING).

12.          How to improve the understanding of body language.

The different activities, modules and structured briefs in the WALK-RWD system are elements that allow a fluid and adequate communication with the two parts that integrate the human body, the physical and the mental.

The application of the System, on the one hand, is a functional mechanism to awaken the communication with the body – stimulating and propulsive – towards its two constitutive spheres, which can hardly be resisted; and on the other hand, it is a set of actions that serve as a response to its demands of the organic and cultural type, as well as for the prevention of its health and as repairers of its different morbid states.

It is advisable to be attentive to their communications and always try to understand their direct and symbolic messages, which are usually simple in their translation but sometimes carry hermetic messages.

Given the relevance of this, later on, in a future post we will present the synthetic modules of the WALK-RWD system, in order to facilitate these actions, with the specific objective of listening better, increasing attention and communicating with our body with greater quality. This will also allow us to overcome our understanding of the corporal messages, in relation and according to each part or physical set of the body. Only by listening to it we will be able to understand it (Future Post REGROUPING FUNCTIONAL MODULES THROUGH WALK-RWD SYSTEM FOR BODY COMMUNICATION). Your understanding will be intensified and facilitated (made easier, in quality) through each added physical part or functional synthesized module.

13.          Dancing. A natural mechanism of communication of the healthy body.

Dance and any of its artistic expressions (*), is a corporal manifestation made language.

Regarding the conjunction and harmony of the body with music, there are elements that correlate them intimately, such as rhythm, pauses, silences, cadence, compass, and all of them in movement, in vibration, with displacements, in rest and balance. For those people who are inclined and practice dancing, and also for those individuals who have been told -or they believe- that they do not have rhythm, this conceptualization will be presented in the future Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND DANCE, because they may not respond to traditional rhythms, however, all human beings have their own musical rhythm, and for that reason the same WALK-RWD system orients them to how to be able to know their own compass that will allow them to accept it and to execute it, because for sure they will be able to discover new movements and rhythms, since this is similar to what happens in the plastic artistic environment, including in the musical one, that discover new styles (**Method to liberate the artist that we all carry inside) those people that accept themselves as they are, with their forms and styles that are unrepeatable.

Now, I would like to transmit some opinions that I have made in my book Tap Tap, Plastic and Poetry, 2017 (***) and that perhaps are very extensive, but I consider it necessary to transmit to you what at that time I wrote about the importance of the hands in that Tap Tap dance:

“…to point out the importance and value of the hands in this dance. Talking about their movements and positions implies including the arms of each one of them, they are an inseparable binomial, so when I refer to them I will be involving their arms.

The gesticular expression of the hands is undeniable, being almost as important as the gesticulation of the face and the eloquence of the spoken form of the human being.

The different positions and movements of them [the hands] articulate different codes and images of expression, together with the classic gestures that we use every day.

Each tap movement in this exercise can be reinforced with the hands; the dance is performed with the whole body and this complete image can be substantially modified with the relevant position of only one of the hands, and even more so if we generate an outstanding movement of it. Not to mention if it is performed with both hands in tune. The hand is a member organ of RHYTHM, as well as of touch, creating and speaking.

The hands are organic representations of the human unconscious, it harmonizes the unconscious with the conscious, transmitting to the latter the original feeling of the being, of its spirit.

The gestures and postures of the hands are physical dispositions emanated from the original substrate of the unconscious that should be adapted to each one of the movements of both arts [Tap Tap and Plastic Arts or Poetry].

With our hands we highlight our sufferings and our joys. Both the lacks and absences as well as the abundances and opulences are clearly represented by the hand.

First the organ of speech and then the instrument-limb of the hand, these are the 2 best means by which the human being can communicate and manifest his sensations and emotions.

The hands can signify extreme variants of affirmation, negation, dejection, rest, energy, enunciation, exclamation, protest, insinuation, indication, pointing, suggestion, precision, reiteration, silence, concealment, concealment, sadness, contentment, and so we could go on writing an endless list of manual modes of expression.

Likewise, as we have already mentioned, the hands can play a very important role in each step that is executed; they can give a more or less significant expression to the rhythms and the musicalization of Tap Tap.

The Tac Tac is the music of percussion with the fingers and with the palms of the hands open. Like the Tap Tap in its musical variant, the Tac Tac is a percussion music, that is to say, of percussive sounds.

Let us keep in mind what we have pointed out about the participation of the hands at the moment of performing the steps of Tap Tap, because their own language fused in posture, height and movements, are these very important instruments that can be articulated in the development of the harmonization of these 3 arts [Tap Tap, Plastic and Poetry], that we could even qualify them as physical allegories that decisively support the poetic expression; consecutive physical allegories that are conjugated in the rhythmic and cadenced expression of Tap Tap with Poetry and Plastic.

Just as the hands can emphasize what the voice – the poem – says, so it does in Tap Tap. The participation of the language of the hand in our task is double, it can agglutinate the sensitive and expressive projections of the voice with those of the dance, the poetry with the Tap Tap. However, the projection of the voice on the hand is not at all easy in terms of physical representation, neither is that of Tap Tap, more difficult is to find a harmony that combines the 3 artistic manifestations.

In any Tap Tap dance, the hands play a very important role and even more in these artistic harmonizations. Each step is transformed into an attractive impact by the movement and position of them.”

(*) Dance and any of its artistic expressions are performed with rhythmic movements. Dance is the natural movement of the human being, which responds to a personal rhythm (or a musical one) and which is performed either by means of established steps and sequences or only by means of an individual beat. Other expressions are the dance that follows a musical rhythm and established steps and sequences to be performed individually or in a group. Animals (mammals, birds, etc.) do not dance because they cannot follow a rhythm; they only dance to their own musical rhythm.

(**) Pinera, Edel C., Method to liberate the artist that we all carry inside, EMULISA, México, 1998.

(***)Loya Lopátegui, Carlos, Tap Tap, Plástica y Poesía, Emulisa, Mexico, 2017.

14.          The WALK-RWD system supporting the body to transmute the negative physical sequels (derivations and ramifications).

The negative or unpleasant emotions are, in part, a symptom of the inflexibility and severity that we have exercised in our being, and are reflected in the rigidity of some parts of our body (Future Posts THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE STRETCHING OF THE MUSCLES, and WALKING, THE STRETCHING IN LEGS AND THE YAWN). We must free the body to express to us, on the one hand, its state of energy, health, euphoria; or, on the other hand, to express to us its state of illness, disturbance or agony.

When we walk we can feel its physical state, it speaks to us in a silent and clear way and openly communicates the state it is in.

Walking allows us to encourage our body by reviving and strengthening it (Post ADDITIONAL BENEFITS IN THE CONDITIONING OF THE BODY AND THE MIND). This is achieved by reactivating the body sectors that we have not allowed them any flexibility and in that sense we have treated them with a severity of non-exercise or physical inactivity.

With the WALK-RWD system we will put in movements those parts that have been rigid, immovable, and that we have observed and felt them with a great numbness and not flexible at all, that sometimes reach the paralyzation. The application of the system, through its 4 fundamental activities, we can create various positive impulses and encouragement to the body (relaxation, abstraction, meditation, ecstasy, carefree, tranquility, etc.), promoting that support that allows it to transmute (move) most of the negative experiences.

We have already mentioned the benefits that are generated by the practice of walking, along with the other structured activities within the System, by putting in motion the neurons of the brain, the senses (physical and spiritual), the glandular production of hormones, endocrine substances and others (Posts THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND ITS BENEFITS IN HEALTH, THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE SELF-PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES), which allow the body to maintain or reestablish its balance, harmony and its state of health.

The human body, when put into movement, through walking, activates various systems of the organism, as well as organs and glands, in such a way that all of them are prepared to improve their functioning, eliminating those imbalances, both physical and emotional.

During the application of the WALK-RWD System, whether reading, or writing, or drawing, while walking, the body is vivified and strengthened, energy that in turn transmits (a communication to the physical and mental body) to all the organs and glandular systems of the organism, achieving an improvement of its general state. Each activity structured within the WALK-RWD System and that we put into practice simultaneously when we walk, generates a communication with different parts of the body, in such a way, that it allows a conscious and unconscious feedback, with those parts that are naturally participating in the dialogue. That is to say, that this “work” performed when applying the WALK-RWD System, drives the rational and irrational communication, that is to say, conscious and unconscious, whether the latter is called natural, instinctive, emotional, artistic or spiritual, so we will be dialoguing with the essence of the body, with the bodily self, with our intimate body that participates in these 3 structured activities, while we walk.

15.          Consciousness and the unconscious. Thoughts and feelings as nourishing elements of the human body.

In order to schematize a little this complex mechanism that feeds our body, we will mention two well differentiated categories: the source that supplies our organism from the outside and the one that flows within our interiority, such as feelings, thoughts, ideas and emotions.

We have a great ignorance of the latter when it comes to our own. Many times we do not understand ourselves: we do not know who we are, nor what we really need, let alone what or who we wish to be.

All those elements related to our mind, whether they are separated, added, combined or juxtaposed, such as affections, emotions, feelings, flow through our organism in an unconscious way until the moment when, due to certain negative events -also of the positive type-, we notice their existence and approach their knowledge and understanding. It is an unconscious and unintentional flow.

This recognition of its existence we generally do it thanks to our body, and fundamentally to its physical parts (body language, organs, systems, glands, etc.). The body is the unconscious expression of our state of health (unhealthy, healthy, strong, hurt, wounded, vigorous, aching, numb, healed, hardened, etc.), and it is also a reliable translator of our emotions and feelings.

Our body is the one who manifests what we are, who shows, reveals and expresses the true feeling of ourselves.

That inner flow – our ideas, thoughts, emotions, etc. – provoke different reactions from our body; in other words: the conscious and unconscious mind uses the body to manifest what we feel, which in turn, the body is the ideal medium to express the elements that make up that inner flow.

On unconscious issues, we have already commented on the concomitant relationships between psychoanalysis and the WALK-RWD system: catharsis and expression, purging and uttering; in this field I propose that from time to time reading -one of the structured activities of the system- be done out loud (Post WALK AND READ IN LOUD VOICE, Future Post WALK READING POETRY ALOUD); likewise, to write aloud, since writing is re-writing what is read, and of course, also aloud (Post DIALOGUE WITH OURSELVES AS WE READ AND WALK); as a mechanism that we can always use to extract from the unconscious what the consciousness has repressed (Post READING-WRITING-DRAWING: VIRTUOUS CIRCLE , Post DRAWING AS A SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE); the activity of “reading” aloud what we have written -not from other authors- manifests a freedom of our personal expression.

16.          The individual unconscious is a user of the physical body.

I would like to underline the following: The healthy, acceptable and balanced expression of our organism, both physical and mental, is generated when our conscious part is equanimous. Our unconscious is a permanent user of the body; it communicates through it – and other means – using it to send its messages – more or less encrypted – to be captured and attended to by the consciousness. Both positive and negative messages.

A fall, a blow to the head, a car crash, a fracture, a headache, and the dozens of cases mentioned by Louise L. Hay, which are unfailingly proterious but less violent messages of incidents and illnesses that the unconscious tries to warn and correct through them. The body is the ideal medium for this function of the unconscious.

17.          Teach our body new positive positions to improve our health.

We must allow our self and our unconscious to express itself freely, in any of the ways it uses to do so: orally, through writing, in dreams, through illnesses, ailments, failed acts; and we must also be attentive to these different means of communication, and in our case, we must allow it to do so through our body, by dancing, running, but above all by walking.

We must learn to listen and understand our body in its manifestations, postures, the tone and volume of our voice, its deficiencies, the smile, the frown, its capacities, the hands in our pockets, our crossed or trembling legs, etc.

But how much can the body communicate? The way it expresses itself is obviously not by speaking, but by expressing itself with movements, postures, cadences, rhythms, and other forms that from now on we will begin to observe. In order for him to be able to do it freely we must instruct him, exercise him, train him, leaving him free to do exercises, and walking and dancing are the 2 ideal ways to do it (achieve it) ideally. In the following we will refer to walking, but all that we express can be attributed in the same syntony to dancing. If there is something different, we will point it out.

The walk is to the body (corporal expression) as the voice is to the speech (oral expression). We explained and demonstrated this sentence in a Future Post WALK READING POETRY ALOUD. Habit is the excellent way to teach our body to function better, both in its physical and mental functions.

We have already talked about the habit (Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE HABITS); here it only remains to mention that “habituating” our body to improve its physical expressions, we can make it healthier, by modifying and reorienting the negative causes.

In the future, each one of us will have to discover the bodily expressions that signify annoying or unhealthy attitudes, in order to combat them in order to eliminate them (Post NEGATIVE HABITS AND HOW TO COMBAT THEM. GENERAL CASES). This will have an immediate effect on the direct harmful cause, but it will also send messages to the rest of the body systems, to other organs and glands of the organism.

Of course, these corrections will also have other positive effects since they will improve the body language towards other people and the social environment. A symbolic reprogramming of our own body language. A positive symbology against the usual negative one. One of the concrete results will be the achievement of greater self-confidence, since we will be more aware of the mechanisms and postures used by our body; that is to say, the knowledge of its language and the translation of its expressions allows us to use them to send different messages to the rest of the individuals around us.

Messages to all the environments where we relate: social, work, family, etc., where we will immediately appreciate an effective improvement.

18.          The chakras.

As we had mentioned, the body also manifests itself when at relax (rest), although its expressions are similar when in movement.

It is well known the distribution of the body in zones with different energy, which are called the 7 chakras. This is a way to become aware that the human body communicates in silence, performing it in a resting position (rest), and it is when the 7 chakras are kept separate and open to deploy and transmit that special energy of each one.


19.          Yoga.

In the East several physical-mental systems have been practiced since millennia ago, which allow the teaching of the human body for its full development. Of them, I consider three fundamental: Tai Chi, Yoga and Mahayana (Nagarjuna’s school of Vacuity). These systems pursue the improvement of the physical body, ensuring progress in health, supporting the functioning of systems, organs and glands, improving physical balance and body vitality, and also the prevention of diseases, including physical falls, also achieving improvement in all mental functions.

Both systems (Yoga and Tai Chi) are based on the positioning of the physical body; however, according to my personal appreciation, Tai Chi uses, almost 100%, the unstable positioning and the movement of the whole body (Future Post THE PATH OF TAI CHI); Yoga uses, almost 100%, the stable positioning, and the movement is reduced (Future Posts WALKING IN YOGAKARA, and THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND YOGA KUNDALINI).

These two scenarios, the unstable and stable positioning, are the fundamental marrow in which we must become aware of our action with respect to walking, which is defined within the WALK-RWD system.

Yoga is an oriental discipline that seeks for the body to express itself at rest, in all its varieties and manifestations. It is recursively said that “The body prays in silence”.

People who practice this system of Yoga seek Awakening. For this it is required to go through the 8 stages that must be reached, one by one. All of them are traveled in a state of rest and tranquility, seeking to communicate with the body, both physically and mentally, transmitting various revelations, information, strengths, including silences, on which this religious-philosophical system rests. One of these stages is the ASANA (Sanskrit: Sitting) and is recommended in a sitting position to strengthen body and mind. The 8 paths or stages to be reached in Yoga are: 1) Moral mastery (Yama); 2) Self-culture (Nivama); 3) Position (Asana); 4) Breath control (Pranayama); 5) Control of the senses (Pratyahara); 6) Concentration; 7) Meditation; 8) Complete abandonment in the object or yantra of meditation (Samadhi).

Throughout the 8 paths to be followed in Yoga, the individual body is placed in such positions that it participates in these rituals, expressing its feeling, its silence and its revelation.

20.          The Mantras.

The body, besides praying in silence, also prays aloud with mantras.

It does it out loud when it vibrates in the practice of Yoga, with the Sanskrit syllable A-U-M. The mantras are the thoughts that are emitted aloud – although they are also performed in Sotto Voce – which are conjugated in invocations and prayers, which are repeated in some of the paths of yoga, to achieve liberation, awakening and ecstasy.

The mantra A-U-M, the sacred syllable of Yoga and of several other religious and philosophical currents, allows to impel (stimulate and excite) the body to communicate through its constant repetition aloud. An eternal sound that symbolizes the language of the body, both physical and mental, embodying Brahman who communicates through the different bodies that emit their mystical force.

As a conclusion and synthesis of this transcendent and revealing subject I must only underline 5 attitudes that we should have with our body. I heard this many years ago in the city of Barcelona, Spain, as an acrostic slogan of a group that was dedicated to transmit the care that should be taken with the physical body of each person.

They used to say that the one who should be Atender (cared for), Mimar (pampered), Admirar (admired), Tolerar (tolerated) and Escuchar (listened) to with great care is our body. And with these attitudes they formed the acrostic AMATE, which in English means love yourself. I think it has a very deep meaning, and in every attitude that we deserve to be obliged to our own body, we can clearly discover the richness and transcendence that our body represents; in other words, to be able to love other people we must first learn to love ourselves.

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