In Post COMBATING BAD HABITS WITH THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM, SOLUTION TO PROCRASTINATION, we presented a 3-phase process to combat cases of procrastination and a concrete case that serves as a general model to solve practically all procrastination situations that are generated as a habit. The WALK-RWD System makes it easier for us to meet that Inner Need that generates the habit of procrastination, which in turn allows us to break the Vicious Circle of Negative Habits, and specifically the psycho-dependent one of Procrastination.

Now, in this post we will use a method to deal with procrastination as an effect generated by problems of the emotional type; we have called this method Emotional Self-Liberation by Autosuggestibility (Post AUTOLIBERATION OF NEGATIVE EMOTIONS THROUGH SELF-SUGGESTIBILITY).

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We have already pointed out that procrastination is not simply postponing an action or activity to the next day, but postponing it with pain. That is, if we postpone a commitment with someone or with ourselves for another occasion and it does not cause us any pain, it is because we know that we are postponing it in a natural way and that later we will carry it out. Procrastination is putting things off at the cost of pain because we are emotionally unable to do them, even though we know and want to carry them out. That pain is emotional.

We have also pointed out that in essence, procrastination is not a matter of inefficiency, unproductivity or performance. In other words, in order to solve it, it is not necessary to apply some time management and administration program or project, or to apply new strategies to control or supervise productive activities. The essence of the problem of procrastination is the proper control and management of our emotions.

In essence, procrastination is an emotional pain for not doing the things we should do.

We have also mentioned that procrastination is related to bad habits (negative habits) and addictions, and fundamentally with the activities that we do not do because we postpone them indefinitely due to the fact that it represents a lot of effort to do them.

I am not going to repeat what I have mentioned in previous posts on this topic, however, I will specifically underline that it is essential to keep in mind that regardless of the area in which we place it for attention, we will invariably have to channel considerable efforts to identify the harmful (detrimental) emotion(s) that are negatively influencing the individual to postpone their activities.

Quickly, I would like to record the definitions given on this word to have a complete clarity on this emotional problem.

Procrastination, from the Latin procrastinare, which comes from pro, ahead (from gr. pro: ahead, before, instead of, anteriority or primacy in space or time), and crastinus, referring to the future time, from cras: tomorrow). It is the postponement or postponement of an action or activity; it is the habit of delaying the performance of activities or circumstances that should be attended to in a certain place and at a certain time, and which are deferred by substituting pretexts or procrastination; it is to stop performing an activity in order to perform it at another time or under different circumstances.

Procrastination: Action and result of delaying or postponing the performance of an activity, action or thing.

Procrastinate: To stop performing an activity by postponing it for later or another day, week, month or year.

As we have already mentioned, procrastination can be a symptom of bad habits or negative emotions. In this post we will propose concrete solutions to procrastination using the WALK-RWD system to eliminate procrastination generated by negative emotions.

We have already commented (Post EMOTIONS AND THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM) that emotions are reactions of the body, physical and mental, to stimuli coming from the external environment that disturb its balance, being able to be pleasant or unpleasant. Without exception, when they manifest themselves, they have repercussions in all parts of the being, to a greater or lesser extent; but something very significant (important) about them is that they can become the cause of various diseases.

The emotions are generated by a flow of force of the nervous type, out of the normal. The soul stability of the being is exceeded by this overflowing flow.

Both the physical and mental parts of the organism are disturbed (altered) and the whole organism begins to try to re-establish its lost nervous equilibrium. Up to here, the above mentioned applies to the emotions in general, to those of any type; but, as we said before, the emotions can be pleasant, with the qualifier of positive, and unpleasant or negative.

The unpleasant or negative emotions are: sadness, boredom, pessimism, pessimism, nostalgia, jealousy, hatred, anger, fear, terror, guilt, weariness, disillusionment, hopelessness, disappointment, despair, melancholy, grief, affliction, despondency, discouragement, discouragement, apathy, longing, loneliness, annoyance, disgust, annoyance, anger, tedium, irritation, repugnance, aversion, disgust, weariness, listlessness, indifference, indolence, abhorrence, harassment, annoyance, getting angry, angered, impatience, exasperation, indignation, offense, displeasure, frustration, anguish, etc.

Any of these can be the origin of procrastination.

The different meanings of the word – calling procrastination by different names – define what we will have to face, so I will allow myself to delve a little deeper into the psychological aspects that provoke this behavior in human beings, which is called in different ways: disinterest, laziness, idleness, indolence, indolence, laziness, discouragement, inactivity, tediousness, idleness, indifference, discouragement, negligence, irresponsibility, idleness, laziness, apathy, listlessness, abulia, discouragement, indecision, pusillanimity, tiredness, idleness, mollicism, somnolence, idleness, laziness, annoyance, inability, prostration, decay, depression, overwhelm, hopelessness, neurosis, sadness, etc. All these manifestations – with emotional origins – lead the respective person to procrastination. Unfortunately, all these forms, to a greater or lesser degree, fall into procrastination; but we do not have in most cases to fight against all of them, maybe one or two. Some of them are attitudes of postponement or delaying that have a pathological cause, also obsessive, anxiety or emotional disturbance.

We have already mentioned some of the ways used to point out and designate procrastination: “They are temporary states of mind”; “They are negative emotional states that restrict positive attitudes”; “Procrastination is the sum of states of mind of insecurity, laziness, inability, frustration and boredom”; “Procrastination is a state of depression and anxiety”; “Procrastination is synonymous with aversion to perform a task”; “Procrastination is the result of stress”.

Notwithstanding this multitude of variants in human behavior, which are unavoidable truths, they all stem from an emotional problem.

Let’s assume that the individual who procrastinates must lead himself to a better management of negative emotions. And as we have pointed out on several occasions, the biggest problem that arises in the phenomenon of Procrastination is to identify the emotional cause for which one has the attitude of postponing all activities, all the time, as much as possible. But once identified that causality, the application of the procedure that we have pointed out, is more comfortable and effective (Post AUTOLIBERATION OF NEGATIVE EMOTIONS THROUGH SELF-SUGGESTIBILITY).

Now, procrastination is a clear symptom of an emotional disorder, it is not the disorder itself, but the manifestation that something does not work well and that makes us feel bad, so we respond in that way, that is, doing nothing.

We must work intensely to locate that unsatisfied need or that discomfort that we bring inside.

When we procrastinate eventually, we must understand that the human condition can, as a healthy or normal response, postpone the attention of any activity for a peremptory time, without being qualified as abnormal. However, when we do it repeatedly (chronic manifestation) it probably means the presence of a symptom of some emotional or psychological disorder.

Regardless of the negative emotion that manifests itself, it is possible that the psychological disorder is personality, depression, self-doubt, trauma, loss of a loved one, irrational behaviors, irrational psychopathies, psychosis, anguish, neurosis, panic and phobias, fear of failure, anxiety, catastrophic sensations, stress, fear of ridicule, etc.

The following is the method of emotional self-liberation through auto-suggestion.


Let us keep in mind that the knowledge of the emotion is the psychological element that allows us to initiate our own liberation.


The construction of a positive sentence is the most powerful rational verbal resource of the method.


Walking is the most effective and direct structural mechanism to send to the unconscious the verbal message to achieve self-control and free ourselves from the negative emotion.


The unconscious is the agent to perform the healing sublimation.

Each person must try it on his own following the whole procedure indicated in Post AUTOLIBERATION OF NEGATIVE EMOTIONS THROUGH SELF-SUGGESTIBILITY.

With this process let us set out to work on our own procrastination, and observe that the method works effectively; always keeping in mind that walking is a resource that the genie of the lamp, our individual unconscious, uses as “obedience (attention) in the fulfillment of a desire” to eliminate all our ills (Future Post THERE IS NOT ANYTHING THAT A GOOD WALK WILL NOT CORRECT).

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These pre-heating exercises # 3 have similar effects on the parts of the body and on the organic systems, to those presented in the previous exercises # 1 and # 2 (Posts I.- PRE- HEATING EXERCISES: LEGS-BACK-WAIST and II.-PRE- HEATING EXERCISES: ARMS, HIP-WAIST-BACK-LEGS).

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To some exercises, I have assigned a new identification number since they have slight modifications, and to others I have left the same number, precisely to relate them to the other 2 posts mentioned. The present combination that I have arranged in this series of exercises is very appropriate for the body parts that we are trying to strengthen before starting a walk.

As in the previous ones, it is important that we perform several series of these because one aspect that is generated with the performance of exercises -whatever they are- is the constant repetition of them, which leads us to create a habit, which is positive; however, we will have to be attentive if we begin to perceive some monotony, to alternate them.

These and all the exercises we recommend should be based on the fundamental principle that they should be performed in a harmonious way with respect to the vertical axis or alternating the 2 respective symmetrical limbs (Post THE SYMMETRY OF THE BODY, ITS BALANCE AND WALKING).

Walking is a natural exercise in the human being, so no pre-heating is required; however, the following exercises are recommended for any type of walking, although they are not essential.

They can be performed according to each person’s needs and physical condition. One only, two of them or several.

We must consider that each person can make some modifications to the exercises, according to their needs, their comfort and their unique way of adapting to them, in terms of duration, style and sequence; however, in generic terms, they should be performed as close as possible to what is specified, detailed and explained. Each individual has his or her own characteristics that guide him or her to perform the exercises in a very personal way, making it difficult for everyone to perform them in the same way, and it is practically impossible to put them into practice in an exact and identical manner.

To maintain a strong and healthy back, as well as the waist, hips and legs, the following exercises are recommended:

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The WALK-RWD System is structured with the 3 activities of reading, writing and drawing to boost the cognitive function of the human being. In the same way that I have pointed out that creative thinking is increased, enriched and flourishes substantially with the practice of this System, performing any of the 3 structured activities of reading, writing and drawing, while walking, generates in the brain an enlargement in mental capacity that facilitates and enhances learning.

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It is very important to point out what we mean by creative thinking and cognitive performance. Both functions -the creative and the cognitive- are intimately correlated in mental performance within the brain organ, in a wide and subtle network of relationships with other physiological systems.

In Post, THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM ENCOURAGES CREATIVE THINKING. PART I, I have already described and explained -in a basic and preparatory way- how the WALK-RWD System stimulates creative thinking, as a fundamental function of our brain. Brain Cognitive Functions are commonly identified with the activities of the general concept of learning, however, they are much more complex than that mental performance.

To be able to abound in their scope and understanding, we will group them in 5 organic-mental capacities:

  1. Reasoning is the mental activity that allows us to think, reflect and meditate, functions that flow; [Developing and Expanding Reasoning].
  2. Memory is the mental function that facilitates learning, repeating, remembering, and forgetting; [Increasing and Improving Memory].
  3. Attention enables curiosity, observation, analysis, interest, and distraction; [Directing and Controlling Attention].
  4. Speaking allows us to talk, dialogue, express, communicate, explain, articulate, listen, respond, and be silent; [Enriching and Perfecting Communication and Listening]; and
  5. Behavior enables us to regulate and control behavior and attitudes; [Orienting, Regulating and Redirecting Behavior].

Before moving on to the topic of how to stimulate and increase our cognitive performance, I would like to point out the functional modules into which the human being is divided.

The functional modules into which we can differentiate the human being can be seen in the following scheme:

Our topic is located in the MENTAL functional component of the human being, and as an introduction I would like to describe some important aspects about the functions of the brain.

The brain is the main organ of the Central Nervous System, coordinating and regulating most of the functions of the mind and body. These functions under its control are of 4 types: a) Higher Functions, such as reasoning, thinking, memorizing, attention, speaking, creativity, imagination, perception, decision making, intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, emotional behavior; b) Vital Functions, such as heart rate, breathing, digestion; c) Essential Functions, such as sleeping, sexual arousal, sweating, hunger; and d) Secondary Functions, such as yawning, sneezing.

The Higher Functions develop in the brain itself, in each and every one of its cranial sections; in the encephalon, cerebellum, its hemispheres, lobes, hypothalamus; of all of them, the cognitive functions are surely the most important ones that develop in the human brain.

Higher Mental Functions develop in the cerebral lobes being an important part of the cerebral cortex. Of all of them, the cognitive functions are considered transcendental because thanks to them the human being can adequately perform the activities of reasoning, memorizing, speaking and behaving in the external physical environment and in society in general.

As we have already mentioned, the cognitive function of the human being is located in the MENTAL component and this Post is directed to how to stimulate and increase this fundamental function of the brain.

I must state that any mental function we wish to promote will be interrelated with the rest of the other functions of the mind; therefore, we will try to differentiate the cognitive ones in order to better understand and apply the WALK-RWD System, in terms of the procedure and its inherent actions. In the same way, it is important to point out the differences that exist between the creative (Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM ENCOURAGES CREATIVE THINKING. PART I; Future Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM, CREATIVE IMAGINATION AND INSPIRATION (inventiveness and intuition) and the cognitive.

Creative thinking (being able to imagine, devise and create, and being able to generate and foster creation), which is also part of the mental component, giving rise to the function of creativity (ability to be pristine creative) has already been analyzed in Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM ENCOURAGES CREATIVE THINKING. PART I, and we will continue to analyze it in Future Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM STIMULATES CREATIVE THINKING. PART II, analytical and evaluative work that will be easier for us, both in its development and in its understanding because we will have presented in this Post what the cognitive function consists of.

The brain carries out, in an interrelated way, the 5 cognitive functions that we have pointed out: reasoning (thinking, reflecting, meditating); memorizing (learning, repeating, remembering, forgetting); attention (curiosity, observation, analysis, interest, distraction); speaking (talking, dialoguing, expressing, communicating, explaining, articulating, listening, responding, keeping quiet); and behavior (regulation and control of behavior, attitudes).

In general, these cognitive functions allow us to react appropriately to stimuli and external agents, and they are all interrelated.

We must clearly define what we mean by cognition and what is cognitive performance. Cognition is the action and result of having knowledge of something, and cognitive performance is the mental capacity to possess knowledge, and not only to possess it but also to get it, keep it (but not immobilize it), master it, enjoy it, use it and benefit from it. As we can observe, our objective of achieving a cognitive performance, represents more complicated and elaborated mental PERFORMANCES AND TASKS than the simple purpose of possessing knowledge by any means, which the System technique provides us with by reading, writing and drawing.

As we have already expressed in several previous posts, the mental functions are encouraged, strengthened and ablated in different ways according to the positions of the body. Let us see the extent and mechanisms of this.

There is no doubt that there is a differentiated expression and physical results for the activities that we develop due to the different positions in which we place our body, whether sitting, lying down or standing, and each of these with its unique variants. Sitting can be on the floor, on a chair or on any other medium. Lying down can be on the floor, or on a hammock, a bed or any device that can be used for it; and finally we can be upright in a static state (stationary, immobile) or in movement, the latter could be walking (slow, fast) or running (slow, fast).

Custom, tradition and our physical and mental capacities have oriented us to perform certain activities more in one position than the other.

The activities of writing and drawing are mainly performed seated and on a desk or any other suitable medium, since we need to place the sheets of paper on a firm, flat surface.

Reading has always been done either sitting down, placing the document on a flat surface or holding it in our hands, or lying down, which allows us to be comfortable reading it and holding it in our hands.

Sitting seems to be more appropriate for reading, writing and drawing, and more so if we are interested in doing some other activity in parallel. However, according to my personal experience, which I do not oppose anything to these comforts, doing these 3 activities while walking generates a stimulus to my brain capacities in many and varied ways. One of them is in the cognitive aspect, which is part of the mental functions that are generated in the brain.

I have no doubt when I need to develop certain physical activities simultaneously, which do not require greater mental or intellectual effort; it is convenient to do it sitting or standing in a stationary manner. The same happens when you need to perform a delicate task such as drawing, where skill and care are very important in its optimal development and quality.

Regarding drawing, let us remember what we have said about it: “About drawing what we wish to transmit is that we can all emit and communicate ideas and thoughts that are differentiated from words and verbal labels. That is, to the extent that we can separate our thoughts, ideas, concepts, knowledge, manifested in our mind as words or oral messages, and only represent them as images or drawings, to that degree we will be fulfilling our objective. Note that in no case we have asked or suggested to draw something that is traditionally requested when teaching the techniques of drawing, to represent objects of reality, the more perfect and precise we achieve it -it is said- the better qualification we will have in this gift of drawing. However, our task with this Integral System is not that”.

Thus, the only thing we need to do is to draw the graphic images that come to our mind, forgetting about perfection, for which we do not need to be seated. We can do it by walking.

So we do not need to sit or stand statically to be able to read, write or draw, we can do it walking.

In short, we can say that movement (walking) and our posture (sitting, lying down or standing) have direct effects on cognition and creativity.

This is how the System in its multiple practice, with the 3 structured activities of reading, writing and drawing, we can potentiate these 5 composite cognitive functions, as well as their cognitive performance. The latter is the result that is obtained when we perform walks conjugated with any of the 3 structured activities within the System, since it generates greater capacities of understanding, comprehension, development, lucidity, discernment, reasoning, sharpness, penetration, harmony, ingenuity, in each and every one of these 3 activities. The senses, both external and internal, are sharpened when we walk and perform simultaneously any of these 3 activities.

By way of resolution regarding the different positions that our body can have and their different cognitive effects -in addition to the creative ones-, we can say:

Reading sitting is not the same as reading walking.

Writing while sitting is not the same as writing while walking.

Drawing while sitting is not the same as drawing while walking.

We could even predict that it increases intelligence, both mental (intellectual) and emotional. We could also venture to say that if we do a walk associated with more than one of the 3 structured activities, it is more beneficial to the performance and development of cognitive function.

Now we can move on to develop the main theme of this post: How to stimulate and increase our cognitive performance.

We have already mentioned that the coordinated movement that is generated in walking causes the brain to produce various substances (ENDOCRINE SYSTEM) such as Endorphins, Catecholamines, Adrenaline, Enzymes, Pheromones, Glycogen, Immunoglobin, Interferons, Lymphocytes, Myoglobin, Neurotrophins, etc., (Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE SELF-PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES), which in turn stimulate the development and full functioning of neurons, considerably increasing the number of connections between them and the functional areas of the brain itself.

I want to emphasize that all the development that will be exposed on the concept of “stimulating cognitive function” can and can be used in the same way to positively impact the other brain functions.

We must also take into account that the practices that we will point out from this moment on, are performed while walking. And furthermore, that the 5 groups of the organic-mental capacities that are performed within the cognitive function, are performed in a shared, concurrent and simultaneous way, usually without a specific differentiation between them, however, our practices are recommended to raise their performance in these functional groups:

1.            Developing and Expanding Reasoning.

2.            Increasing and Improving Memory

3.            Directing and Controlling Attention

4.            Enriching and Perfecting Communication and Listening

5.            Orienting, Regulating and Redirecting Behavior.

Some of these aspects have been dealt with in previous posts and we only have to refer to them (Post UPDATED DYNAMIC INDEX OF POSTS 1-120); however, and unfortunately others are dealt with in future posts and we will have to await their publication.

In the cases we have already dealt with, we will only give some concrete ideas of their application. For the treatment by future posts we will indicate approximately the date when we will publish that practice.

Developing and Expanding Reasoning

This function has also been pointed out and qualified as Creative Cognition (CC), that is, it is the capacity we have to apprehend with effective imagination and creativity, relying on more efficient models to do so.

Mobility is a cognitive mechanism, as it drives thinking, reflecting, meditating, as well as comprehension, understanding, lucidity, discernment, acuity, penetration and ingenuity, functions that are enhanced by combining walking with the 3 structured activities within the WALK-RWD System, reading, writing and drawing.

Posts already published and to be published that relate this group of cognitive function:


Future Post: THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM, CREATIVE IMAGINATION AND INSPIRATION (inventive and intuitive) (March 2024)





Increasing and Improving Memory

There is no doubt that walking generates an increase in memory and therefore in cognition and learning.

Posts already published and yet to be published that relate this group of cognitive function:






Directing and Controlling Attention

In this section we look at how to improve the difficulty we have in directing and controlling our attention and our thoughts on any given subject, topic or object.

The mere fact of standing up causes a state of alertness in our brain that awakens other neuro-physiological systems that increase our attention. Mostly we achieve this when we start walking and even more if we start reading, writing or drawing. The movement of our body impels the brain to put itself on “guard”. You will get closer to beneficial things and move away from dangerous things.

Posts already published and to be published that relate this group of cognitive function:



Future Post: WALKING AND THE STOICS (2024)

Future post: THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (2025)




Enriching and Perfecting Communication and Listening

Many of our intellectual-linguistic inabilities come from an inner refusal to listen to our peers, to our own body, even to obvious elements of the animal and plant kingdom. In this field we seek to improve these incapacities to enrich and perfect our communication towards the outside world and improve our wrong way of listening.

Posts already published and to be published that relate this group of cognitive function:








Orienting, Regulating and Redirecting Behavior

In a dynamic way we are permanently apprehending from the external world, and this makes us redesign our behavioral model before the physical and social environment. In fact, just walking after a long period of sitting changes our attitude towards others. Walking at a normal speed and then slowing down our walking speed generates new information that we receive and affects our behavior. It is an incontrovertible fact that a person who has not exercised in the mornings -for example- walking and suddenly begins to walk daily, produces in him molecular changes and leads to a change of behavior and this to changes in his personality.

Posts already published and to be published that relate this group of cognitive function:









As can be observed in the previous program, there are many future posts where we expose certain practices for the attention of these mental functions and human behavior, however, all of them -with specific exercises and recommendations- are always performed by walking in a natural way, with the exception of the routines that are recommended in the cerebral gymnastics that we experience walking out of the normal; so while we wait for your publications throughout the months, let’s start walking in a natural way, and with this we will have attended -practically and effectively- all these mental functions and our attitudes and personal behavior, printing them an excellent quality by walking, of increase, advance, improvement, development and perfection.

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The phrase that defines the title can have several meanings. In this text, we will highlight 4 of those meanings, one of them is the one we exposed in Post READING-WRITING-DRAWING: VIRTUOUS CIRCLE. All individuals can create a force that upon repetition generates a virtuous circle of reading-writing-drawing that propels our unconscious to recover part of what has been stored or repressed by the consciousness and that it exposes it as graphic and mental images. That is to say, an effect is generated according to its material, spiritual or artistic essence, flowing through a “conduit” through which the different elements of knowledge and culture (*) are channeled. Through this “conduit” arrives, with a sense, the information to the human mind, and in the case, that concerns us: through reading, and once processed by the mind, flows out of it, through writing or other means, such as oral, images, pictures, drawings, etc. The information that arrives in our mind, through reading, is forged and remains pending and suspended in order to be used. What reading itself provides is an immense “arsenal” that can be used to generate any product, such as writing or drawing.

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We said in that Post that these two activities, both reading and writing, are flows, and both are constituted by words and images. One of these flows has as its source of origin the mind of the individual, that is to say, it emerges from there, and the other flow has as its destination this same organ, that is to say, it converges to it.

(*)DEFINITION OF CULTURE: In order to clarify the concept of culture we will resort to what Paul Diel expresses: “Civilization is an intellectual formation; culture is a formation of the spirit. Civilization is the organization of the external world (social life); culture is the organization of the internal world (personal life). Civilization tends to satisfy multiple desires; culture tends to satisfy the essential desire. Diel, Paul, Psychoanalysis of divinity, F.C.E., Mexico, 1974, pp. 71-72.

The second meaning of the title was exposed in the same Post READING-WRITING-DRAWING: VIRTUOUS CIRCLE and we also ratified it in Post OTHER DEVICES TO READ AND WRITE, WHILE WE WALK; in both Posts, we explained that every good reader can become, sooner or later, a writer. For this point, it is enough to comment that the majority of great and staunch readers and recognized writers confirm it.

The 3rd meaning is the one that Borges has recurrently exposed in several of his essay-stories, arguing that writing is actually a re-writing of what we have read. This case is similar to the first; however, Borges stresses the tautological or repetitive character of books, warning that everything is already written in the literary world. It is a tautology because we write the same ideas of what we have read, changing formats, modes and styles, according to our own different perspective, although that is not our conscious intention.

And finally, the 4th meaning is related to the spoken word. We often find people who are eloquent; that is, they can express themselves in a persuasive and understandable way, and their audience is fully moved and interested. I believe that this eloquence comes, in addition to the speaker’s abilities, from his or her lively (lilting) manner and the emphasis he or she puts on his or her speech. As if each sonorous word he was reading aloud was being felt and tasted in his mouth. The “saying” of the eloquent speaker is a reading analogous to the rhythm of writing; it is as if he were writing it at the moment of reading-saying, carrying a cadence and a rhythm transmitted by the pen with which he writes.

I repeat: The emphasis that we transmit to our saying, is as if we were reading it at the rhythm that we write, giving precisely the emphasis to the words, as if we were writing them or giving life to that writing.

I don’t know if you, dear reader, have experienced the following: When we find a sentence or phrase that endorses and supports the writing we are doing, we want to quote it in it. When we start typing it, we enter a different dimension of understanding. As if the author of that locution was explaining it to us more clearly, and as far as I am concerned, I believe that this happens because when we write it we do it at a rhythm-cadence with which it has been thought and transmitted, and that is why it makes it more understandable. When we write it down, we are in exact harmony with the cadence and emphasis of the author, which gives us an understanding of what the writer wanted to transmit. Perhaps something like this happens with the eloquent speaker.

The better we assimilate the articulation and functioning of this reading-writing binomial, the better we will be able to advance in the joint development of these activities; which are intimately related, although we are not aware of it, since any of the 4 meanings we have outlined may be part of our personal inclinations.

No matter in which meaning we are immersed, we know that one leads to the other, but… let’s not forget to do it always walking.

Now then: why walk? From my own experience, when I walk and read, I enter in a deep dimension that places me in a space of absorption and in a lapse of time that stops. I compose myself in a state of abstraction that the reading begins to be in rhythm with my walk, with the cadence of my steps (Future posts EXPLORING OUR PERCUSSIVE MUSICAL WALKING; THE COMPÁS AND RHYTHM IN OUR WALKING). I just have to let myself be carried away by that compass that I achieve when I walk and read.

The same thing happens to me when I walk and write. The cadence of my steps brings me deep into my world of writing, and the theme I am developing in rhythmic consonance with my walking and my mind. This rhythmic beat absorbs me completely, creating a creative harmony and I lose track of space and time.

Surely there is a correlation between the number of steps and the words I read or write. I have not yet tried to quantify it, but I will do so in the future.

Let’s take a walk and enter that dimension by pacing our reading and writing -while walking- with our natural, very personal, special and unique rhythm and beat. Our steps are writing traces characteristic of our personality (Future Post PERSONALITY DEFINED BY THE WALKING RHYTHM). Let’s be walkers who read, ergo: writers who walk.

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A peripatetic individual is one who wanders around an atrium, park, courtyard or promenade.

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Aristotle founded in 334 B.C. his philosophical school in the Lyceum, an ancient promenade in Athens, which was referred to as the peripatetic school.

Peripatetism was constituted as a doctrinal system within the Aristotelian school -the Lyceum-, because the philosophers -teachers- with their students -and among themselves-, dialogued and discussed ideas while walking. Always walking around a space.

Probably this practice was derived from the word “peripatos” which was used to designate a “covered walk or path”. It may come from “peripatoi” which is how the covered portals of the Lyceum were designated; but this word was also used to designate Aristotle’s habit of walking under the fronds of trees while reading [Future Post WALKING WITH THE TREES]. It seems that in any of these cases it has to do with a path or road that is covered with something and also that one is walking a certain distance around a point, defined or not, that is to say, one is walking in a certain circular way (Future Post WALKING AND CIRCUMAMBULATION).

Etymologically, the word peripatetism comes from the Greek: from the prefix “peri“, around; the verb “patein“: to wander (to walk, to wander aimlessly, without a definite end); and the suffix “ism“: system, doctrine.

Although in most translations of Aristotle’s works not much attention is paid to the teaching method he used in the Lyceum, it is obvious that it was intimately related to his thought and the way he dealt with the special way of transmitting his ideas and specifically with the teaching of the lessons in his school, to all his students. Manual for Walking, Reading, Writing and Drawing (*).

Similarly it is called ACROAMATIC (or ACROMISM or ACROMATISM) to the method or teaching that uses speeches, explanations or narratives, communicating them orally; and it was also applied to the more private teachings that Aristotle gave to his special and favorite disciples.

It is interesting to investigate the purposes that led Aristotle to use this system of teaching. What little or much we elucidate in this regard, in the future, will be very important.

Undoubtedly (first elucidation) that in those times it was known what walking meant from the point of view of promoting the physical health of the body, but they were also certain (second elucidation) that the practice of walking provoked the incontrovertible gestation and flowering of ideas, the stimulation, and development of the memory, fundamental aspects in the development of the field of creativity (ideas, memory, inspiration, imagination, etc.) and learning, always looking for the superior thought.

We have already mentioned that the coordinated movement generated by walking causes the brain to “promote and transmit” the self-production of various substances through the endocrine system, which in turn stimulates the development and full functioning of neurons, greatly increasing the number of connections between them and the functional areas of the brain itself. There are several fields where we can appreciate the effect exerted by provoking the gestation of substances and neuronal processes, and where we can obtain positive and effective results in human behavior (Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE SELF-PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES). The field of creativity (ideas, memory, inspiration, imagination, etc.) is one of them. Let us keep in mind that ideas are vectors with their own energy and that they are in movement and therefore provoke stimuli to all areas of the organism and fundamentally to the brain (Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM ENCOURAGES CREATIVE THINKING). So much has been experimented that walking promotes the harmonious functioning of the cerebral hemispheres, that there is no doubt about it. Walking is an exercise that causes effects on the 2 symmetrical parts of the human body, so any exercise that does so, will have similar effects. (Post THE SYMMETRY OF THE BODY, ITS BALANCE AND WALKING).

On the other hand, in Ancient Rome we have Seneca, in the first century of our era, who commented that because of the love he had for letters he had become lazy and this made him neglect his health and his physique, which indicated that he should also take care of his body through exercise. He therefore decided to take a walk while reading, so as not to neglect his devotion, since in this way, in addition to taking away his laziness, it was good for his health.

He considered reading as the most important of his needs to be satisfied, since it nourished his spirit, but he should not only limit himself to reading, but should complement it with writing; he recommended that they should be combined alternately: what is gathered from reading should be used in a composition. And he recommended that man should ingest all kinds of knowledge and concepts to process them and make them tend to new ideas.

It seems that in both times and places (Greece and Rome) it was known (third and last elucidation) that the best and most effective teaching and instruction should be done while walking, communicating ideas and knowledge in an oral way, in a loud voice, narrating, explaining knowledge and experience, in order to transmit them with effectiveness and erudition (Post WALK AND READ IN LOUD VOICE; Future Post WALKING READING POETRY IN LOUD VOICE).

Let us imitate Aristotle and Seneca, by setting ourselves to read and write, while walking, and if possible, orally, aloud; and also, let us draw those images that come to mind, while enjoying a walk in the open air.

(*) Loya Lopategui, Carlos, Manual for Walking, Reading, Writing and Drawing, EMULISA, Mexico, 2016. Distributed by Amazon, available in Kindle Edition:

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