Contemplation is an activity that we can practice when we feel the desire to do it, their imperative need to carry it out or when the other activities have satisfied us. If reading and writing, on any day we have decided to walk, are not very attractive, we think we can make this walk with the sole purpose of contemplating nature, in any of the following options:
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Panoramic scenarios
Wild animals
Wild flowers and plants
Colors of nature
Geological aspects
The sky and the clouds
And dozens of other things more
This activity of contemplation works with our privacy, because it allows us to fully dialogue with ourselves, with our inner being, being accompanied only by nature, in a state of intimacy and recollection, as if we were isolated to accompany us only by the lady nature.
For this type of walks we recommend you take a camera with you, to make some shots that you want.
Let us try to let conscience, reason, reasoning, reflection, and all other functions that are entirely developed by the brain rest. Let us do our part to the unconscious; he never rests, he is always active, he never tires. Let’s be contemplative only.
This publication is about the number of pages we can read from a book while walking .
I have already pointed out the distances we can walk while we read or write, in the Post THE RECOMMENDED DISTANCES; now I will allow myself to specify the parameters that I think could be reached on the reading itself while walking, that is, the number of pages that we can read from a book simultaneously while walking.
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Below are 3 tables showing the distances that can be performed reading, per session of 30, 45 and 60 minutes, and all of them per day, per week and per month; indicating the maximum, minimum and normal distances.
With regard to reading, also in the same span of a week, we will achieve a minimum, depending on the type of literary genre, 63 pages, i.e. 3 pages per walk 1.6 miles (2.6 kilometers). We can also reach levels of 105 pages a week, in sessions of 60 minutes.
In relation to the number of pages that can be read while walking, will depend on the type of reading and the ability to have it every person; i.e. it is not the same, accompanied by a novel, a poem or an essay, or more difficult, technical books as biology, economics or physics. Also depend on the same activity that we have to develop if it is to entertain, to study or to teach, even if we have to memorize, interpret, understand or take notes of some parts of the document.
An acceptable average, however, is 5 pages per hour of walking, equivalent to 15 pages each day. Either way, there will be times when one page is read per mile. The final benefit is: the mile walked and read the page.
In the table below we can see the minimum and maximum read, we would get per session of 60 minutes, per day (3 sessions), per week and per month.
Outside of these real data obtained with the practice of this system, no more efforts to persuade him, dear reader, for the sole purpose of initiating this fantastic adventure full of unerring and obvious results are needed.
All people are different, men and women, both physical and mental, so it can not be a uniform program that demonstrates all exercise. Everyone must design it according to the time available, convenient hours and of course, appropriate and adequate books and literary genres.
I must comment that this exercise system is not only designed for people of adulthood, but also for young people and the elderly, both men and women. To meet the minimum or maximum parameters we have indicated, according to the experience, take into account the age of the person who is actually using the system. It is almost certain that a young person (20 years), you can walk more and better than other elderly (80 years).Each individual must evaluate itself to develop the method according to their own abilities and tastes.
With the system you can feel better physically and psychologically throughout their lives, extending the number of years of life, along with better quality, healthier and comfortable, and with greater pleasure, as improvements are achieved at all levels: in the physical, the mental, cultural, artistic, health and psychologically. And each of them is a source to be motivated to continue experiencing their answers.
Much has been written about various techniques that help us feed the brain, and they all work; however, I believe that one of the most effective and that contains more attributes and excellence, is reading. The surprising thing, and that I have experienced personally, is that those documents that I considered that they would not give me anything – a manifest prejudice – also had important information for what I had been doing at that moment; as if something or someone was directing me towards that document – or text – that I had prejudicedly considered “had” nothing important and interesting to me.
This observation of re-considering readings, by labeling them as “not acceptable” refers Carl Gustav Jung in his studies on the phenomenon of synchronicity, of which I have been a staunch studier. My conscience and my reasoning constantly tell me that I should not waste my time reading that book “anyone”, but from my own experience I know that my unconscious has placed me in that position of “yes read” and I always pay attention to it, and I invariably find one or several answers to what I am looking for, to the themes and topics that I am investigating and analyzing. Such is my belief that I have about the existence of that phenomenon of Jungian Synchronicity that motivated me, years ago, to write a couple of books on that theme: “Synchronicity. A predictable phenomenon”, 2007 (*); and “The synchronicity in the Ancient Maya”, 2009 (**). So, I have no doubt, that reading is a means that allows us to get in touch with synchronicities, and these leads us to find answers, that our unconscious-surely- he is certainly tired of trying to communicate our consciousness in other ways, and he has not noticed them -of the answers- for a long time, either because he is unable to hear it, or he refuses to do so.
We must let ourselves be led by what our interiority advises us and not reasoning. If you “decide” to read a book it is perhaps that your unconscious is inviting you to do so. And if you “decide” to read another one that you have already read, you will surely find new answers; these could be more important than those ideas you found in your previous reading.
We must consider the following aspects when we have decided to correspond and attend to the messages of the unconscious, either by the phenomenon of synchronicity or other symbolic languages:
1º. We have to introject into ourselves that truly that kind of actions come from and are generated by our unconscious. We will not be able to hear it if we do not believe in its existence.
2º. Synchronicity is a predictable phenomenon and can also be induced, so that we can cause its generation and its incidence in external manifestations.
3º. Each synchronistic manifestation of the unconscious must identify it, unveil it and rationalize it.
4° To understand these messages of the unconscious, each manifestation of synchronicity, we must analyze and interpret it.
The most important and true –authentic- of our inner being we can know and understand through the different symbolic languages that the individual (and collective) unconscious uses and Synchronicity is one of them. To know its predictability and the different ways in which the unconscious is induced to manifest through the phenomenon of synchronicity, we can resort to my book Synchronicity, predictable phenomenon, or, I will gladly respond directly and personally to those people who request it.
In the immediate future, I will make a synopsis that allows us to act in this regard and I will present it to you in one of the following posts.
The motivational mechanics that I have used to carry out these activities, is to use any of them as encouraging of the others; that is to say, to begin the exercise thinking that at least I will walk 1000 feet and that I will have to take advantage of them to read two pages, and to think that if I can read up to ten of them, the better. This will encourage me to walk a little more. This practice has never failed me, because reading -which personally motivates me the most- invariably is the activity that drives me to walk. But for another person it could be the other way around, or the motivating writing. I become so absorbed in reading that I do not feel the time running and when I become aware, I realize that I have traveled a lot more than 1 mile and read more than the two pages that I proposed. With writing the same thing happens to me, although it is less propulsive (for me). At the end of the day, the four activities interact with each other and can be intra-stimulated.
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I invite you to read this other writing I wrote on the subject: HARMONIC DEVELOPMENT
This can be a kind of commitment for those people who are convinced of the need of any of the four activities and do not have enough enthusiasm or motivation.
It often happens that while walking with pleasure, we say to ourselves: “if I am already walking, I will take advantage of it to read some pages”. This self-motivation to take advantage of the time of the walk and at the same time to read or write, generally works and moments after doing so we find ourselves developing these activities enthusiastically and we did not even realize that a long time had elapsed and with several pages of reading or writing. This also happens the other way around: reading -or writing or drawing- is sometimes the activity that promotes and encourages the walk.
As we have pointed out with respect to writing, neither what we intend is to teach to draw nor that skills are achieved that allow to be famous, not even that it is possible to obtain income by this means. However, as in writing, we can also find in these activities that we are good at it, but above all that we are passionate when we develop it, and that would be enough.
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When I mention writing or drawing, I do not intend to point out that we can be an excellent writer or a great artist. On drawing what we want to convey is that we can all emit and communicate ideas and thoughts that are differentiated from words and verbal labels. That is, to the extent that we can separate our thoughts, ideas, concepts, knowledge, manifested in our mind as words or oral messages, and only represent them as images or drawings, in that degree we will be fulfilling our goal. Note that in no case have we asked or suggested to draw something that is traditionally requested, when they teach the techniques of drawing, represent objects of reality, the more perfect and precise we achieve better qualification we have in this gift of drawing. However, our role with this integral system is not that.
We are specifically interested in the fact that the images that come to mind can be dissociated from the oral elements, in such a way that they do not become contaminated, and can arise in our consciousness in a clear way, without oral contamination; a total blockage of verbal thoughts and ideas. That is why the drawing that we advocate has no comparison with orthodox techniques.Everything must work exclusively graphically (visual), no oral or verbal issues, or want to represent reality in a precise way, we just have to let out the graphic messages sent by our unconscious, during our walks and draw them as we see them in our mind.Our recommendation is: Draw all the images that you have visualized through walking and reading.In general, the drawings thus made are not very comprehensible, since they are symbols, metaphors and graphic analogies, that our mind is hardly accustomed to this type of communication through these images. It takes time to understand them, but let’s not forget that we must draw everything that comes to mind in graphic images and we will have the opportunity to understand them.The images that we create each one of us in our mind are unrepeatable; our ideas or thoughts are represented with pristine figures, with very special characteristics, specific to each individual. Each one of us is unrepeatable; you just have to take out what one has inside the unconscious.