This publication is about the number of pages we can read from a book while walking .
I have already pointed out the distances we can walk while we read or write, in the Post THE RECOMMENDED DISTANCES; now I will allow myself to specify the parameters that I think could be reached on the reading itself while walking, that is, the number of pages that we can read from a book simultaneously while walking.
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Below are 3 tables showing the distances that can be performed reading, per session of 30, 45 and 60 minutes, and all of them per day, per week and per month; indicating the maximum, minimum and normal distances.
With regard to reading, also in the same span of a week, we will achieve a minimum, depending on the type of literary genre, 63 pages, i.e. 3 pages per walk 1.6 miles (2.6 kilometers). We can also reach levels of 105 pages a week, in sessions of 60 minutes.
In relation to the number of pages that can be read while walking, will depend on the type of reading and the ability to have it every person; i.e. it is not the same, accompanied by a novel, a poem or an essay, or more difficult, technical books as biology, economics or physics. Also depend on the same activity that we have to develop if it is to entertain, to study or to teach, even if we have to memorize, interpret, understand or take notes of some parts of the document.
An acceptable average, however, is 5 pages per hour of walking, equivalent to 15 pages each day. Either way, there will be times when one page is read per mile. The final benefit is: the mile walked and read the page.
In the table below we can see the minimum and maximum read, we would get per session of 60 minutes, per day (3 sessions), per week and per month.
Outside of these real data obtained with the practice of this system, no more efforts to persuade him, dear reader, for the sole purpose of initiating this fantastic adventure full of unerring and obvious results are needed.
All people are different, men and women, both physical and mental, so it can not be a uniform program that demonstrates all exercise. Everyone must design it according to the time available, convenient hours and of course, appropriate and adequate books and literary genres.
I must comment that this exercise system is not only designed for people of adulthood, but also for young people and the elderly, both men and women. To meet the minimum or maximum parameters we have indicated, according to the experience, take into account the age of the person who is actually using the system. It is almost certain that a young person (20 years), you can walk more and better than other elderly (80 years).Each individual must evaluate itself to develop the method according to their own abilities and tastes.
With the system you can feel better physically and psychologically throughout their lives, extending the number of years of life, along with better quality, healthier and comfortable, and with greater pleasure, as improvements are achieved at all levels: in the physical, the mental, cultural, artistic, health and psychologically. And each of them is a source to be motivated to continue experiencing their answers.
(walking-reading) (walk-read)