Walking under a routine (be it habit, custom or rule), more or less strict, allows us to teach our body and mind that they will permanently receive certain “exercises” almost equal in periods of time, quality, duration and effort .

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Those 2 fundamental parts of our being learn that in the time “T” (minutes) should react, according to the functions of each of its parts, in a certain way and during a lapse “L” of time (1-2 hours, or fractions of an hour) that these “exercises” last; these are composed of instructions, executions, behaviors, practices, marches, movements, walks, breaks and rest (training, procedures, field trips, work).

The level and speed in the physical-neuronal fixation are achieved according to the person who performs the conditioning and the type of body and mental information that is impregnated to the organism, in a period of time “G” (weeks); In general, in our case we apply the WALK-RWD system in a period of 6-10 weeks. After this time “G”, having performed the exercises in an uninterrupted manner, we can say that our organism has fixed them in their physical-neuronal interiority, and will be invited to repeat them, within the parameters learned T, L and G, in such a way that in the usual schedule -in which the walk will begin- just thinking that we have already made the decision to go for a walk, some organs, systems and glands of the body, begin to work before giving the first step of beginning of our walk.

None of the 3 parameters T, L and G, should be considered as immovable in their magnitudes; that is, we can make them vary appreciably, in such a way that they do not become a traumatic or obsessive commitment.

So, that learning achieved by our body begins to bear fruit even before you start to exercise walking. Perhaps a small percentage of the organs that send messages to prepare themselves in their respective functions, as well as those functions, are only carried out at a small level of operation.

On our part, with conscious will, we have to comply with the complete routine, in such a way that the functions of all the organs must be carried out 100% in a satisfactory way.

The only thing that is recommended, when aware of this phenomenal existential process, functional learning by our body, with our own experience, is not to betray that effort you have made to learn physically and mentally, that you are being treated as it deserves . I think it is necessary to say that once a week, that the exercises are omitted, or 2-3 times a month, we will not incur a disappointment with our being.

Regarding the variations that we can make in terms of where, how and when, we can comment that they are normally varied in some of their characteristics by the change of the season, by the climate, by the place of exercise, the spaces chosen, the same degree of exercise that we perform from one week to the other, the stretch of the walk, and the schedule, however, we must be aware that the parameters of the exercise do not vary much.

To achieve the habit (virtuous circle) there must be some commitment and precision in the realization of these parameters, that is, there should not be much variation in periods or intervals of duration, in quality, effort and in the frequency of realization of the exercises. Let us be aware that we are giving ourselves an opportunity to teach our being and learn from him.

The “memory of our organism” should not be lied to, for its response is always painful for itself.

So, if there is no doubt that our body has a great memory, let us put it to the test but without stopping walking every day, and we will observe, in the respective times that it is instructed, it will be adjusted and able to respond, that its manifestations are gifts of our own being, body and mind.

If we examine what we have described in writings “HARMONY OF THE BODY WITH THE MIND” and “WALKING, MEDITATION AND CEREBRAL WAVES“, about the harmony in the physical, mental and mechanical functions, it will illustrate us about all this; and even more, if we review what we have presented in writings “OBJECTIVES OF THE SYSTEM” and “INCREASE OF MENTAL CAPABILITIES“, about the generation (procreation, incubation) of ideas and creativity that are forged (produced) by applying this WALK-RWD system, we will realize all those intellectual and creative functions that are favored by walking. The question would be; could it be that we can also induce, through this conditioning, to provoke, even without walking, an artistic imagination, inspiration and creation?

Let’s prove that we can achieve it.

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As I mentioned in “THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE HABITS“, the habits contain a rather complex structural conformation, constituted by a chain of connections of elements: activities, gestures, judgments, attitudes, sensations, responses, behaviors, actions, ideas, desires, movements, carelessness, postures, intentions, rejections, procedures, tasks, acts, apathy, gestures, discouragement, opinions, speculations, functions, expressions, reflections, etc., which we have schematically represented in a simple manner in the following way and all of them we have designated them with the vector An, being “n” the number of elements that participate in its conformation, and Ai are each one of the different elements that participate in the manifestation of the habit.

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As you can imagine, the Ai elements that participate in its conformation vary from one habit to another, as well as the “n” value of the number of them.

In a similar way, the system of “walking, reading, writing and drawing” can help to correct other discomforts, not only of the physical environment, but also in the mental and cultural sphere, fundamentally we have made direct experimentation in emotions.

Many benefits can be obtained using minimum times and at no cost. It seems that the will and discipline that the individual requires to carry out this type of practice are very difficult to have; not everyone has that capacity and it is surely more difficult than we can imagine, dedicating an hour a day to our health.

We all know the endless circle -infinity- of 1) Depression, anxiety (D), 2) Need for food (A), and 3) Weight gain (G); it is a chain of three links “D-A-G” that always leads to fatness and this, to a greater depression; however, we can modify it if we introduce in it the link of “walking, reading, writing and drawing”.

This is a typical case of the Vicious Circle in eating habits, in general.

The Vicious Circles are broken by an external stimulus, creating a new action or activity within the usual chain of events of the analyzed habit. In this manner we can remove, in a healthy way, the person out of that Vicious Circle of habit.

However, we can also solve the problem of negative emotions, which we have described in “EMOTIONS AND THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM“, which we can reduce through the WALK-RWD system.

Be the chain “D-A-G” of Depression-Food-Weight gain, which we can all understand:


However, any problem generated by bad habits can be represented by this Vicious Circle of 3 links, which is represented by the Depression as: worry, discomfort, depression, sadness, illness, despair, etc. with the letter P; the need for food such as: insecurity, scarcity, deprivation, anxiety, dependence, etc., with the letter I, and 3) weight gain as: neurosis, emotional imbalance, greater anxiety, hesitation in decision making, irresponsibility, doubt of itself, etc., with the letter N; it is an endless psycho-dependent sequel that always leads to a worsening of the original condition.


Let’s return to our scheme of the vector An, with its “n” elements or activities that make it up, and each of the nodes Ai participate in the manifestation of the habit.

As we said, these actions that make up the habit, vary from one habit to another, as well as the value “n” of the number of them.


However, in order to break the habit we must replace one or several nodes, as necessary, with the inclusion of the WALK-RWD system, with the aim of modifying the chain of actions of the habit, and forming a new one.

Each of the activities developed within the sequel should be specifically analyzed, in order to determine at which point we must insert the WALK-RWD system to destroy and eradicate the “psycho-dependent” circle.

Without a doubt, any circle of mental dependency of “n” links theoretically has a point where we can include the integral system between the two nodes or in only one of them, and be able to modify the sequence pattern and of course, eliminating – as a consequence of the corrective process- to one or more of the nodes of the original chain, obtaining a new sequence and creating in this way a new and positive circuit of activities.

Supposedly, we have determined, through relationship analysis, that the integral system should be included between those two activities.


The time it will take us to carry out the “interruption” and modification of the “psycho-dependent” circle will depend on each particular case. In general, certain symptoms of improvement may begin to manifest themselves after a few weeks of having put into practice the insertion of the system, depending on the combat habit.

Needless to say, the analysis of each case and its evaluation will depend on the location of the point where we will have to influence the “switch” to obtain the most immediate and positive results. With the security that if it is not the appropriate point, it will not cause any additional problem in the behavior of the person who is carrying it out and we will be able to remodel it more conveniently, looking for another node for the application of the WALK-RWD system.

Finally we will have to overcome the habit, leaving the Vicious Circle broken and dejected.

Let’s select some of our bad habits and put the reading, writing and drawing system to the test, while we walk, and observe that it does not fail.

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Emotions are reactions of the body, physical and mental, to stimuli coming from the external environment that disturb their balance, being able to be pleasant or unpleasant. Without exception, when they manifest, they affect all parts of the being, to a greater or lesser extent; but something very significant (important) of them is that they can become the cause of various diseases.

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Emotions are generated by a flow of force of the nervous type, outside the normal. The soul’s stability of being is exceeded by that overflowed flow.

Both the physical and mental parts of the organism are disturbed (altered) and he begins to try to restore his lost nervous balance. So far, the aforementioned applies to emotions in general, to those of any kind; but, as we said before, emotions can be pleasant, with the qualification of positive, and unpleasant or negative.

In general terms, pleasant or positive emotions are: love, joy, happiness, euphoria, ecstasy, optimism, hope, joy, exaltation, satisfaction, enthusiasm, etc. and some of them can be activated through the activities carried out with the WALK-RWD system (See Post READING-WRITING-DRAWING: VIRTUOUS CIRCLE) and contact with nature, when there is the possibility of going for a walk to the countryside or to similar places. On the other hand, unpleasant or negative emotions (VICIOUS CIRCLE) are: sadness, boredom, pessimism, nostalgia, jealousy, hatred, anger, fear, terror, guilt, boredom, disappointment, despair, disappointment, despair, melancholy grief, grief, depression, discouragement, discouragement, apathy, longing, loneliness, annoyance, disgust, anger, tedium, irritation, disgust, aversion, disgust, disgust, disinterest, indifference, indolence, abhorrence, harassment, anger, anger, anger , impatience, exasperation, indignation, discomfort, offense, displeasure, frustration, anguish, etc. Not all people agree with these two classifications, however, they are all real manifestations of the human being, without being forced to be included in categories.

I must be very emphatic in the following: The practice of walking and the WALK-RWD system allows us to recover the feeling of certain pleasant emotions that for various reasons we have stopped feeling; that is, we will rediscover some of them as if it were the first time. Keep this in mind, because it is an incontrovertible truth.

Now, when can emotions generate diseases? Or also: How can we avoid the diseases generated by uncontrolled emotions?

The good functioning of the brain allows a better control and regulation of emotions, provides a better obstruction to bad, disturbing and destructive.

An individual who maintains a healthy sympathetic system, which is the core of the neurovegetative, will have fewer emotions that will disturb him; In the same way, you will be able to deal more effectively with negative emotions (VICIOUS CIRCLE), since you will be able to regulate them better and keep them under control, and therefore you will be able to avoid diseases, because your controlled emotions will no longer be able to generate them.

In other words, people who do not have a healthy sympathetic system or a healthy brain, fatigued by stress, increases their predisposition to suffer strong emotions of anger, frustration, jealousy, hatred, or any other disturbing, for a slight irritation or because of a slight stimulus of external discomfort.

I would like to comment on stress, to continue explaining about the maintenance of a healthy state.

Stress is a response of the organism to an emotional situation; but not any emotional response can cause stress. It is a mechanism of defense of the body (physical-mental) to an external stimulus, which impels the body to generate hormones that in turn causes a variety of symptoms, depending on the level of stress, such as moodiness, anxiety, depressions, irritability, impulsive reactions, discouragement, fatigue, impotence, fainting, weakness, poor concentration, self-criticism, loss of memory and forgetfulness, increased consumption of coffee, tobacco and alcohol, digestive problems, decreased or increased appetite, discouragement, sweaty or cold hands, dizziness, nausea, sadness, discomfort in various parts of the body, especially in the back and neck, insomnia, headaches, pessimism, fatigue, etc. Each one of these symptoms is the type of psychic, nervous-physiognomic and cognitive interpretation of our organism (physical and mental) to the stimuli of the natural and social environment that affect our emotional balance.

We know that a healthy state of the brain, freed from exhaustion, allows, even in very unpleasant situations of emotional imbalance, that the person can recover quickly, because he can self-control better and restore his balance immediately. Your nervous system will work better, giving you total control over your disturbing emotions.

Now, keep in mind that the human body works as a functional unit. All the harmful effects of negative emotions are generated within a functional imbalance of the brain, and its greater or lesser degree of manifestation is directly related to disability or brain fatigue.

Brain weakness or fatigue may be generated by the same brain failure (tiredness) or by a physiological problem (VICIOUS CIRCLE) .

For any of these two causes, the affected sympathetic system can not respond adequately and optimally, through its natural generation of discharges, to defend against destructive emotions and it is very difficult to regulate them to reach emotional balance again.

Many of the physiological problems that we suffer and that we have mentioned in previous posts, related to the fundamental systems, such as the digestive, cardiovascular or circulatory, the respiratory, the osseous (the bone system) and neuro-vegetative, can be prevented and corrected with the walk and the execution of the WALK-RWD system; in the same way, the functions and tasks of the neuro-cerebral system are kept healthy, as we have already mentioned, the WALK-RWD increases the blood supply and the oxygenation of the brain, which causes a better work and healthier functioning, freeing it from fatigue and weakening, giving it strength to face (generation of discharges) better destructive emotions.

We said that both the physical and the mental part of the human body, work in a unitary way, that is, that both parties have a biunivocal relationship, so that the strengthening -as well as its deterioration- is transmitted from one to the other and vice versa.

Walking in particular and the WALK-RWD system in general, increases our state of physical and mental health, and also prevents us against numerous diseases and ailments (VIRTUOUS CIRCLE, See Post: READING-WRITING-DRAWING: VIRTUOUS CIRCLE) .

The implementation of the WALK-RWD system allows the organs to be strengthened and helps them to defend themselves, and in the same way it happens with the brain.

Each system and physical organ of the body is strengthened and become more resistant, and its optimal operations generate, in turn, positive effects on other organs, including the brain, which makes them more resistant to diseases and can combat them with greater efficiency. Also the immune system of each person who practices the walk will be favored, because it increases the generation of substances that favor this defense system, improving its capacity of reaction and tending to protect us towards certain infections and make us immune to some diseases.

This unitary functional relationship between the physical and the mental, besides strengthening biunivocally, brings with it a mechanism of emotional psychological effect, which combines several emotions: first, love, joy and happiness; and secondly, enthusiasm , hope and satisfaction, which in most cases will reach euphoria. This last level is recognized because of the awareness that starts from the second emotional level towards the first, it reaches the direct (expressive) transmission released to the individual unconscious as a lively and imperturbable expressive desire or impulse, that in a certain way has been kept hampered and inactive, and from all this emanates its importance and its level of effectiveness in our mental and physical health, because it is directed exclusively towards ourselves. Awareness is achieved as we move through the emotions evidenced by their positive effects on the state of mind when we execute the WALK-RWD system and that we walk through that mood-emotional state directly towards the individual unconscious. The challenge is to achieve that feeling, that “help”, that love and care for ourselves, but if we succeed, we can face any disturbing emotion.

Let’s get ready to walk, attract the pleasant emotions and end the negative ones.

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I have already indicated the reading parameters while walking in “THE RECOMMENDED DISTANCES” and “READING INDICATORS WHILE WALKING“; now I would like to endorse the benefits that are achieved through this activity. The three activities that give structure to the system: reading, writing and drawing, generate benefits that are common to them, but also accentuates them in different degrees and also generate other additional advantages.

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Regarding Why read and what for?, while walking, the benefits we obtain are diverse, including:

1.-The thinking of other individuals is known, whether from past times, very remote or contemporary to the reader.

2.-There are known patterns of circumstantial events different from those experienced by the reader himself, which allows him to live different lives from his own.

3.-Various parts of the brain are stimulated, which have been slow or diminished by not using them.

4.-Facilitate and increase the logical, psychological and imaginative constructions.

5.-Reflection and understanding are increased.

6.-We know the evolution that an idea or concept has had over time.

7.-Increase all mental abilities, such as creativity, meditation, imagination, intelligence, inventiveness, memory, conceptual thinking, intuition.

8.-It allows us to move to distant places visited and described by the author of the book.

9.-Renew by reviving the conscience and invigorates the unconscious.

10.-In relation to the imagination, develops the ability to relive mental images and increases the possibilities of combination of images. It impels fantasy imagination and constructive imagination.

11.-Increases psychomotor attention.

12.-Increased mental concentration and meditation.

And dozens of satisfactions more.

Let’s boost all these benefits. Let’s walk reading.

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I only know that I know how to walk (To paraphrase Socrates).

It would be very interesting to know what great thinkers and other creators have said about walking. From a few we have been able, in the course of time, to scrutinize in their works some references that have had about it, but it is too complicated and time consuming to carry out an investigation about it, for that reason I have decided better to leave it posed what I would ask them -according to what I have understood of each one in his specialties and in his inclinations- in 2 or 3 key words, on his onceptualization in relation to walking. I have chosen some authors that I once related to them in a poem, and now I direct them the question in concomitance with walking.

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I would like to comment, for those who are very strict in the structural conformation of thought, that the configuration of the questions do not have a rigid or consistent form, so that some are affirming the thinking, ideas or ideology of the person to whom they direct, others in clear contradiction, others contrary to their feelings, others are ironic, but all of them pursue a single objective: WALKING.

Aristotle, Can we reduce rationalism by walking? What is walking in rationalism?

Baudelaire, When to walk to have the acceptance and my commitment?

Beckett, Is walking a renewed need?

Benedetti, How can I avoid despair, by not deciding to walk?

Bergson, How to solve my truths when walking?

Beethoven, Is it true that your hearing improved walking?

Borges, Walking can I clarify my mental labyrinths and their multiple mirrors? Is it comforting to walk in a labyrinth?

Braque, Tell me how you walk in an expressionist way?

Brecht, Walking with the 5 senses, will I contact reality?

Breton, Is it better to walk in irrationality? Can you tell me how to walk surrealistically?

Cassirer, Is walking a symbolic form?

Cervantes, Is it better to know where you are walking? Is walking an adventure?

Chesterton, Will my passion discover it with walking? Will I meet diversity with my walk?

Cicero, Should I thank my pet for allowing me to walk with her? Can I ask my pet to accompany me to walk? Can I walk with my pet to consider myself a human being?

Dante, Where do you walk better, in hell, in purgatory or in heaven?

De la Cruz, Are dark nights also conducive to walking?

Descartes, Is it better to walk than doubt and exist?

Dostoievaski, How do I get rid of my existential disturbances when walking?

Durkheim, Can I exchange my social anxieties for my walks?

Eliade, Could it be that walking prevents me from the eternal return? Could it be that the walk will assure me the eternal return?

Epictetus, Will walking lead me to participate in the Government?

Aesop, Will a fantastic reality ensure me to walk?

Aeschylus, Can Prometheus accompany me on my next walk?

Exupery, Will I be able to walk when I am an adult?

Fichte, Can I walk alone or accompanied? Is it a lie, an appearance, a phenomenon or a simulation to walk?

Frankl, Can the meaning of life simply be walking?

Freud, Will walking help me (encourage) my sexuality? Could the unconscious go for a walk, after sitting on the couch?

Fromm, Will I be able to free myself from my socio-psychoanalytic anxieties?

Heraclitus, Will walking lead me to the past? Is walking a constant becoming?

Hippocrates, If I walk, will I always be healthy?

Huarte, Can I increase my ingenuity, by walking daily?

Illich, Should I attend a course to walk, or enroll in a school?

Jesus, Can walking help us to love our neighbor more? Can you accompany us to walk through the desert, in case the devil comes out? Will I be able to accompany you to walk in the desert?

Joyce, When I walk, can I better understand what you write?

Jung, Could walking be considered as an archetype?

Kafka, Could it be that walking is also absurd?

Kant, Is it anguishing to philosophize while we walk? Can we make a philosophical critique of practical walking and pure walking?

Kelly, Is it true that when you danced, the previous warm-up you did walking a few minutes earlier?

Keynes, Will I have to walk by my private economic thresholds?

Lenon, Can we also sing while we walk? Should I sing while I walk?

Lessing, What is more important, painting, poetry or walking?

Lincoln, Walking, will I stop lying to everyone, all the time?

Machado, In addition to the road, what else can you do when walking?

Machiavelli, And then why my distrust when I walk?

Maritain, Should I accompany my sensibilities when I walk?

Marx, Could walking be focused as a struggle with myself and not as a class?

Montesquieu, Can I still walk accompanied by my nonsense?

Mozart, Did you conceive or write any melody, walking?

Nietzsche, Walking, is Apollonian or Dionysian?

Ortega y Gasset, Am I just myself and my circumstantial walk?

Paz, Should I let my ambition rest when I walk or wait for pears from the elm tree?

Plato, Can a walker be an idealist?

Popper, Are freedoms good companions when walking? Should I walk in open or closed spaces?

Proust, Is time an inseparable companion of walking?

Reyes, Should the conscience of the word be abandoned when walking, or should it continue with us?

Rousseau, When we walk, should we be oriented towards equality?

Russell, Are the concerns a placebo during the walk?

Santa Teresa, To what Dwelling will the walk lead us?

Sartre, Is walking an existentialism?

Schiller, What should I do with my authoritarian insensitivity when I walk?

Schopenhauer, Should I give up the pessimistic reaction, when I walk?

Seneca, The power to walk is a great fortune can not be transformed into a great slavery? Could we resemble walking to the practice of good and to the passion for virtues?

Shakespeare, Walking or not walking, what is the matter?

Siddharta, To meditate, is it good to walk?

Socrates, Can I come to know and eliminate my ignorance, walking? Can you walk without knowing anything?

Sor Juana, How can I break my in-serenity when I walk?

Spengler, Can walking attenuate the unavoidable decadence?

Tolstoy, When I walk I must read and write or only contemplate nature?

Unamuno, Will the walking liberate me from the tragic feeling of life?

Upanishads, Is it normal for me to feel an absolute emptiness when I walk?

Vargas Llosa, Is it possible for me to abstract from politics when I walk?

Vico, How can I free myself from this social incomprehension, if all I want is to walk?

Voltaire, Can walking walk away from this subjection and make me rebellious?

Anonymous, Can I be free when I walk?

There were too many questions, and many of them, of the philosophical type -if you can say that-; however, in a subsequent post, which have passed a couple of months to give me the opportunity to investigate, I will be able to present quotes from some of these thinkers and creators about walking, that they have done in their time.

Could you reflect or speculate what answer these people would have regarding the previous questions? We await your comments.

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