Walking could be said to be the only way to carry it on foot. However, there are modalities in walking through some characteristics that have been added, so that their designations are several; those characteristics are due to the form, the place, the team, and other additions in their development. Thus, at present, walking is publicly practiced in several ways, such as those mentioned below, but not all of them can be developed within the WALK-RWD system.

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We said that not all of these varieties of walking can be developed with the integral system of reading, writing and drawing. The reasons are obvious, some need to rely on equipment that prevents doing so, others the physical environment where it is practiced also makes it difficult, however, it is convenient to know all these varieties so that at a given moment they can be done independently, which will allow the individual continue with the exercise (practice) of walking and can return to the activities inherent to it, reading, writing and drawing, to fully develop the system.

On the contrary, some forms and types that are mentioned in the following list, are inherent in the system of walking: reading, writing and drawing; in fact, we have already indicated, commented and described in previous posts; and we have repeated them within this list to have a complete indication, concrete case is Indoor Walking. Finally, I would like to point out that for some individuals, certain variants of the walk that are indicated, could be used to read or write or draw, but this only corresponds to each person to find out with personal practice.

  1. Body Walking
  2. Climb Walking
  3. Dance Walking
  4. Hiking
  5. Hill Walking
  6. Indoor Walking
  7. Jogging
  8. Mountaineering
  9. Nordic Walking
  10. Olympic March
  11. Pace Walking
  12. Power Walking
  13. Roaming
  14. Sprint Walking
  15. Strolling
  16. Trekking
  17. Walking on Water
  18. Walk-Talk
  19. Wandern
  20. Weight Walking
  21. Long Distance Walking
  22. Treadmill Walking

Maybe there are doubts in some of them, for that reason I briefly define them:

HIKING: Hiking, walking to programmed places. STROLLING: Wandering around. JOGGING: Walking and Trotting. HILL WALKING: Walk up and down light slopes. WANDERN: Hiking on foot, to learn the history and culture of the places you visit. TREKKING: Hiking, long walks. SPRINT WALKING: Walk exchanging long steps and short steps, and with speed changes. OLYMPIC MARCH: Walk without your feet ever losing contact with the floor. PACE WALKING: Walk slowly doing exercises with other limbs and body parts. ROAMING: To wander, without fixed course, average distances. POWER WALKING: Walk at higher speeds. CLIMB WALKING: walking climbing. DANCE WALKING: walk doing some dance steps. NORDIC WALKING: walk outdoors with equipment. BODY WALKING: Walking observing body messages. WALKING ON WATER: Walk inside low water braces. WALK-TALK: Walk talking. WEIGHT WALKING: Walking to lose weight. INDOOR WALKING: Walk inside enclosed spaces, such as houses, shopping centers, shopping malls, etc.

All of them allow us to develop a favorable exercise for our health, of the aerobic type. That is to say, when performing and applying aerobic dynamism we generate the oxygenation of the whole body, including the brain, we improve blood circulation and collateral circulation, as well as the function of memory and decisively benefiting cardiac activity. The important thing is to walk, always walk, and perform some of the activities inherent to the WALK-RWD system, be it reading, writing or drawing.

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I think that talking about the concept of freedom is very complex. I once said: Freedom: Existential longing, mental mirage or metaphysical reality? However, here I do not intend to define what it consists of, I only try to make it feel in some of its most elementary forms, by just walking.

Freedom gains strength in terms of its absence; the more we feel that we do not have it, the more we long for it.

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Walking makes us feel and live sensorially that full strength of our interiority, regardless of what are the types of our emotional chains. It allows us to get away from that massive fervor of purchases, that envelope of mass advertising, because they constantly tell us that freedom is “a plus” that is obtained by acquiring things. When we walk along a path in the countryside, we say: We breathe pure air; and that is nothing more than a metaphor of feeling free, free of the things that imprison us, our commitments, obligations, physical things; we feel tied to all of this.

Just to get a little closer to its definition, we can mention a classification of this concept in 2 aspects, which are not the only ones: psychological, spiritual, mental and metaphysical freedom; and external freedom: physical, civil, political, economic, with all its rights, of worship, association, expression and others.

Now, the system of reading, writing and drawing, while we walk, is a possibility that we have at hand to get away from those chains a little. Those 3 fundamental activities that make up the system are linked to freedom, while we walk, it is a way of feeling free from our bonds.

In my book Evanescent stories (*) I present a dialogue between the conscience and the unconscious entitled “THE TREE OF EXISTENCE; AND FREEDOM?”. (All the stories consist of that dialogue between these two mental entities), which describes the struggle we engage with ourselves for not understanding what happens to us and for not being able to feel free. I quote textually:

“Freedom is random space where none of the mental functions find accommodation. Disharmonies that must turn back, seeking the intuition of that reasoned instant that imprisoned generates our own reaction to exist.

Paradoxical is blaming each other. Healing is the very longing for freedom, that self-presence in the balance of the source of feeling and reason, of suffocation and subjection; with the sole purpose of knowing and feeling that we are alone; condemned to hide in the memory of our own being, consuming that strangulation of deep loneliness, product of despair, of being authentically us, and only us. That is not being. The vital horizon is observed when freedom is oneself. And what comes next? My unconscious conditions are confused. The nothing. Absolutely nothing. Only hell. Blood flows at 103 degrees when freedom is taken away. Let’s not resist all movement is creator of itself; even if we are in those limits, we should not aspire to recreate only if the other dies”.

So far that section of the dialogue between those two entities seeking harmony. The title of this series of dialogues between the conscience and the unconscious summarizes our perennial struggle to be free: FREEDOM 103 (The result was the book: Freedom 103 **). When our being is cut off in its possibilities of acting freely or is observed blocked, in that point of intransigence and despair, our blood begins to overheat and comes to a boil if we can not emancipate ourselves from our chains, whatever they may be, personal or external.

 356 “Lady Liberty”

The walk is not the total solution to eliminate those chains, but it does help us to mitigate those emotional ailments. Let’s do it by choosing a place outside of urban areas and accompanying ourselves with a book and a notebook. Let’s read that book that transmits liberation and we rescue that suffering part of our being. Let’s observe the open space and vent our hardships by writing them so that they also fly with freedom outside of our being.

Grant us the permission to walk and make it a privilege that has no economic cost. Let’s perform these activities as a fundamental act of freedom.

The painting “Lady Liberty” is inspired by the poem “Liberéstula”, which I present below.

Poem “Liberéstula”

  • They broke the silence
  • lined up as they were
  • seemed to nestle
  • the semblance of a walk.
  • &
  • Defeated by time
  • emancipated by pain itself
  • accompanied by the shaft,
  • you are the objectified expression
  • with narrowed eyes
  • -looking without seeing-
  • &
  • Nymph in elevation
  • you are the Greek ode
  • the smiling proclamation
  • you inebriate in solitude;
  • the architrave gives you continuity
  • epistile of sustenance that draws
  • those versifications of the sunset,
  • even with your diluted silhouette
  • there is no confusion in you.
  • &
  • The spirit of the plinth
  • where you rest in an irony
  • occupying the backwater
  • you unsettle the pedestal,
  • and the effort transmitted
  • with similar somber anguish
  • looking ever skyward.
  • &
  • Stulos,
  • of inert stone
  • with archetypal mask
  • you ignite all my words
  • that do not reach you
  • &
  • Movement in the static
  • refulgence you express in your crown
  • the living torrent of your command
  • the contact
  • reinforced
  • you are chained
  • the Roman enlarges your landscape
  • the tonal
  • your stylized silhouette
  • you carry with you the whole work
  • you are the praise of the heights.
  • &
  • Substantial of the figurative
  • in the modification you are anchored
  • you survive in death
  • and faint in experience
  • ex – expertise centered on the ledge
  • the environment suffocates you,
  • you still want to grow
  • and you resurge in the future work.
  • &
  • Upright
  • there, on the base,
  • thrown in the path of incomprehension
  • always illuminated
  • are you definitive?
  • transcendence in your being
  • you make an appointment with the empyrean.
  • &
  • In darkness you shine
  • you initiate in the ortho of life
  • you are the refulgent expression
  • and you nestle
  • in revived history
  • everything is afterlife
  • you always reach the divine
  • and only you
  • because your opposite, the rest, is slavery.
  • &
  • You probe the floor with pleasure
  • are your footprints
  • there the boarding
  • serious character
  • that flashes your silhouette
  • penumbras there is not in you
  • transient exaltation
  • always overcoming your own height.
  • &
  • The shadows lengthen
  • you spread
  • the impartial frieze
  • transmission of your emptiness
  • always hoisting your lineage
  • in the veins transmitting your efforts
  • wandering through the desert anguish
  • your reign is an example
  • the mystery of impartiality.
  • &
  • You exacerbate the cravings of hell
  • series that ignites and raises the spire
  • you are spirit in search
  • unloaded and sad
  • as a delicate figure
  • surrendered in obeisance
  • before the infinity
  • &
  • Eternal truth is simplicity?
  • will not change your temperament
  • tormented fruit in chained death
  • you are the envy of others;
  • the kingdom is yours, but not the peace
  • life-long of the cares
  • the environment now caresses you,
  • you move without walking.
  • &
  • Complexity of the ardent look
  • chimera of intellectuality
  • you dream to see yourself exalted
  • you emerge permanent in the deforming altar
  • you are mutism sunk in your elevation
  • and you smile together with firmness
  • enveloping the glances
  • deeply
  • without existing in a single face
  • inaccessible to visual withdrawal
  • you conform fatally and inexorably
  • without undermining your essentiality.
  • &
  • Decadence tries not to flatter
  • the precedence that dwelt
  • you are the edification of the symbol
  • you are the faithful deviation the ideal unreality.
(*) Loya Lopategui, Carlos & Pinera, Edel C. , Evanescent Stories, EMULISA, Mexico, 2021. Distributed by Amazon, available in Kindle Edition:

(**) Loya Lopategui, Carlos, Freedom 103, EMULISA, México, 2009.

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The motivation that is achieved with this system is so great that it has prompted me to share it so that it is examined and verified carefully.

I will try to answer some of the questions they ask me about what are the mechanisms we must use to achieve that spark of having the desire to take the first step all those days that we can take a walk.

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Perhaps everything is reduced to generating that desire to take that initial step, since after the system itself will encourage one to continue with the process.

Of course, the motivation is not a simple action of our spirit, but is related to a number of other physical, intellectual and mental states of our being, such as: resolution, decision, impetus, confidence, enthusiasm, euphoria, optimism , pessimism, physical energy, mental energy, will, positive thoughts, negative thoughts, intention, discouragement, tranquility, indifference, anguish, sadness, joy, depression, animosity. It seems incredible, but yes, all this participates, to a lesser or greater degree, in our motivation. Therefore, sometimes it is not easy to take the first step every time we decide to go for a walk to read or write. But once we do it, we will continue to be enthusiastic about the process. A very important element to have the spirit is to know that the system immediately generates us that state of confidence that after initiation we manage to keep walking, with pleasure of reading or writing; but for this we must discover for ourselves the degree of effectiveness of the method.

We must keep in mind that to perform a certain activity in a specific place and time, the motivation, in each one of us, is different. It could indicate different levels of enthusiasm, because the motivation varies in ourselves from one moment to another and according to the activity performed.

There are several elements that we must put into practice to achieve daily motivation and break that physical apathy and mental laziness. The most relevant are:

a) the patience we must have with ourselves and empathy with others;

b) the love we feel for our body and our mind, that is, to love ourselves;

c) the time we have;

d) the attraction we feel for the activities we are obliged to develop;

e) the inclination we have towards walking, reading, writing and drawing;

f) improving emotionally;

g) the degree of enjoyment towards our daily activities;

h) our ability to concentrate;

i) the pleasure of seeking our health;

j) enjoy the here and now;

and others.

Keep in mind also what we noted in writings: HOW TO WALK WITH ENTHUSIASM? and THE SYSTEM IS MOTIVATIONAL BY ITSELF; fundamentally they refer to the 4 activities indicated in e) and that are correlated in the system.

Of course, the first step is to give it, because then the same system is responsible for stimulating you to continue.

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There are many reasons for the professional and commercial type by which we learn to draw and we put it into practice, not only to earn money but also to seek recognition and fame. Desiring to be an artist and achieve it is a commendable goal, and the resulting achievements are quite attractive because personal development in this field is broad enough and is most of the time highly productive and remunerative. The traditional purposes associated with this activity, depending on the level and the specialty acquired (painting, design, advertising, etc.), can be grouped into the following categories:

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1. Communicate and Inform

2. Announce and make known

3. Illustrate and Disclose

4. Teach and Instruct

5. Convince and Persuade

6. Express and Reveal

7. Orient and Guide

8. Explore and rehearse with symbologies

9. Entertain and have fun, combining the 8 previous points

Already before, we mentioned that the three activities that give support to the system: reading, writing and drawing, generate benefits that are common to them, but also accentuates each of different degrees and also generate additional advantages.

However, the traditional purposes that we have mentioned, about regarding the WHY AND FOR WHAT TO DRAW while we walk, the benefits that we obtain, are the following:

1.-Increase mental abstraction and relaxation.

2.-We get to know and understand ourselves better.

3.-Allows us to abstract ourselves in our unconscious interiority through fantasy and realistic imagination.

4.-Invigorates the unconscious.

5.-We essentially increase introspection, voluntary and conscious knowledge of ourselves.

6.-Increase imaginary constructions.

7.-Various sensory capacities are increased, such as creativity, imagination, inventiveness, etc.

8.-We induce the processes of consciousness as retrospective acts

9.-The symbolic means of the unconscious are promoted; symbolic images of the unconscious

10.-In relation to the imagination, develops the ability to relive mental images and increases the possibilities of combination of images. It stimulates fantasy imagination and constructive imaginings.

11.-Various parts of the brain are stimulated, which have been slow or diminished by not using them.

12.-Revitalizes some mental mechanisms, conscious and unconscious, that lead to an improvement of health and various physical systems of the body and mind.

13.-Increases psychomotor attention.

And dozens of satisfactions more.

For the achievement of these 13 benefits that we obtain, while we walk, and others, it is recommended to avoid oral images, that is, not to think with words, but to try to achieve pure visual images, for this we could resort to some special practices within the subject of creativity or the zen and yoga type (for example, using the technique of “A-U-M” repeating it orally so many times until the verbal thoughts are completely eliminated), in such a way that we avoid thinking as much as possible orally.

A good warm-up practice to invite our unconscious directly to generate visual images and we can release the hand better by drawing, is to make quick sketches of what we see and observe, while we are walking; with a frequency of 3 or 4 of them in a lapse of 10-20 minutes.

The resulting symbolic visual ideas, after some time (15-30 minutes or less), can be expressed a) orally, b) through drawings or c) in writing. You must write what you have visualized (draw the symbols that have appeared in your mind).

Related to



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The WALK-RWD system provides us with a state of meditation that projects us towards two of its main fields that make it up: relaxation and concentration.

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By applying it we can achieve that the brain waves reach very adequate levels so that the mind is placed in a position of relaxation and relaxation, freed of worries and emotional tensions (Post WALKING, MEDITATION AND CEREBRAL WAVES). Relaxation is a fundamental part of meditation; a state where the mind relaxes and its functions go down from the level of operation, remaining in a semiconscious state, and where the consciousness and the unconscious continue to take care of capturing the external stimuli. As we know, consciousness and the unconscious are not antagonistic, but interdependent functions.

In this state, some of the functions go down in level such as will, conceptual thinking, reasoning, logic; but others increase in their degree of operation such as creativity, imagination, intuition, inspiration, fantasy, all of them consciously but not necessarily voluntarily. Relaxation is the carelessness of the greatest number of events and situations, leaving the unconscious to seek its harmony with the conscience.

Invariably, we can observe, at 4-5 minutes after starting a walk, that the thoughts of worry, affliction and anguish that were absorbing us, begin to fade and we are generally not aware of the moment when they disappear from our mind. We enter, automatically -without noticing how it is generated- in a process of mental relaxation, of calm and puts us in a state free of tensions and disturbing obsessions.

In the same sense, the concentration is achieved in such a way that each walk is a “golden vein” for the results obtained in terms of health, knowledge, creativity and fundamentally feeling good about oneself.

Concentration is the ideal state to be absorbed in the questions that our mental as well as spiritual interiority is immersed in order to address and resolve in some way.

Yoga is representative, in part, of the concentrative application, while Buddhism is more identified with the type of introspection, although none of these 2 systems, in their characterizations, are absolute of these categories.


It seems that introspection, the examination towards our interiority, is a psychic function that is achieved when we reach an important degree in mental and spiritual relaxation and concentration. In this prosecution, the binomial relaxation-concentration, is when we can get the answers about ourselves.
Thus, meditation may tend towards an abstraction of reasoning and thinking, but it is also a concentric attention to an object or subject. Therefore, the WALK-RWD system allows us to direct ourselves towards both stages of meditation, according to our needs, when we read, write or draw, while we walk. Of course, what we intend with the system is not to reach those degrees of abstraction and loss of the senses, but an intermediate level that leads to creation in any of its forms, related to writing and drawing.

If by being too distracted, worried or scattered, you can not concentrate on reading or writing, we can try, at the beginning of the walk, to focus on a specific aspect or object. Of these there is a great variety of situations and forms that can allow us to begin to eliminate those emotions and concerns that distract our attention. Depending on the place we have chosen to carry out our activities, such as a path, a park or a garden, we can accompany our steps with the beating of our heart, in such a way to achieve a synchrony between step and beat, which will cause us a nice abstraction and it will take us away from our worries and afflictions. The same result would throw us counting the number of tiles we are traveling during our walk. With a little imagination -that the walk will generate it by itself- we can select a practice that allows us to abstract and eliminate what prevents us from concentrating on reading or writing.
Once we have reached a certain tranquility and relaxation we can again try to open the book or write some lines.
Let us put this system into practice and observe how it operates on the paths of relaxation and concentration.

I invite you to read these other writings on the subject:


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