There are numerous books that inform and instruct us about human habit, a practice that is defined as a repetitive conduct, conscious or unconscious, within the behavior of an individual.

Habits are classified into two great universes, good and bad habits, and within these two universes we find diverse classes that differentiate them from each other: physical, mental, affective, emotional, social, ethical or moral, dogmatic, academic or intellectual, etc., and all of them may belong to two or more categories.

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Despite this differentiation between habits, we can point out that all have the same structure in their routine and proceed: they are constituted by a chain of attitudes and needs of the physical, spiritual and mental type, which can be represented in a graphic manner as a conformation of nodes and links.

Each node and link in the chain works in combination with the rest of them. The following graphic is a schematic representation of that dynamic and vigorous structure.

The nodes Ai represent the different attitudes, behaviors and needs that in each performance of a habit, participate for its exercise and release.

What we are particularly interested in dealing with within these 2 universes and in the wide range of the world of habits, is the sector of those in which the human being seeks an evasion of their commitments, obligations and responsibilities, even without existing no authority that imposes them, just by feeling responsible for taking an attitude or performing any action. That is, those where the human being consciously or unconsciously refuses to play certain roles, and does not know, does not understand and does not want to do so, either for the achievement of a satisfaction or rejection of negative behavior. We must also note that within these 2 universes and their types, we find in the behavior of each individual and according to their emotional and mental inclinations, the dominant habit type, which reaches a certain level of oppression and emotional-mental power, which gets become a very dangerous and harmful mania.

Now, with respect to the acquisition of a new habit, the repetition of an action is usually recommended, a certain number of times, and under certain identical conditions, until it becomes inherent to the self. Let’s go to its definition: Habit is the conduct acquired by the frequent repetition of an act or action. It simply suggests what is in its essence of conformation. It is correct, however, in addition to the concrete action must be considered the entire chain of links that lead to its performance and acquisition, becoming aware of the attitudes and activities that are exercised in a controlled environment, and behavioral conduct of the person who I’m putting it into practice.

On the other hand, to eliminate harmful habits, it is recommended to replace the unwanted action with a new one, as well as change the environment where the individual can no longer carry out the habit.  Also here we can say that these suggestions are acceptable.

When talking about drugs it is also recommended that the person should not have access to the stimulant, and in extreme cases the punishment is suggested, a situation that is not advisable. 

On the acquisition of new good habits, I would like to mention some factors that, through the System of walking, reading, writing and drawing (WALK-RWD System), are articulated.

One of the concrete products obtained through the application of this system is the achievement of the habit of walking. The certainty and infallibility of it, as we have explained in several previous writings (OBJECTIVES OF THE SYSTEM; HARMONY OF THE BODY WITH THE MIND; THE SYSTEM IS MOTIVATIONAL BY ITSELF), is that the activities of reading, writing and drawing, serve, each of them, as triggers of the rest. I have mentioned it many times: reading is the activity that motivates me most personally and this drives me to walk, a little or a lot; this practice has never failed me, because reading is invariably the driving force for me of the other 3 activities. As these 4 activities co-operate with each other, the habit of carrying them out in pairs and sometimes in triads is created, which at the end of everything -after a few weeks or months-  we can see that this habit has been incorporated in a way inherent to our being. What is a habit, after all? It is an implanted need repeated -and linked- that our being has to put it into practice, at certain times and under certain circumstances for the achievement of any objective and our being identifies with it in some way, for better or for worse, from that we feel that guide to realize it, likewise during its development and even after having consummated it. This need, thus created, is presented periodically, recurrently and usually under a certain emotional, physical and spiritual state, and under circumstantial conditions, which lead the individual mentally to make it concrete.

All the benefits that are obtained directly in our body, either preventively or corrective, are increased with the advances that are obtained, day by day, in the fields of reading and writing. After a few weeks, you will feel better, both physically and culturally because of the new documents read and the literary creation you have made.

The only thing that you have to decide is to start this method and be tenacious at the beginning, because with the same achievements that you will start to obtain from the initiation, you will have your own motivation to continue for the rest of your life. 

There are studies where it is mentioned that during the adolescent years it is when the bad habits are generated in which the human being -man and woman- project him towards his adult age, with a high percentage, to suffer any of the heart diseases, gastric , pulmonary, etc., and that can be avoided, changing those habits, by incorporating this type of disciplines that guide us towards a healthier physical, cultural and mental development.

For people of early age (14 to 18 years old) it is highly recommended because it is when you start to acquire habits that transform us into sedentary beings; we prefer the car instead of walking. In this period is when we must strengthen the heart, circulation and lungs, and what better than by a habit of walking daily and also reading and even initiating us in a creative writing.

I could almost assure that a young person who works with this system, at 14-15 years old, will reach adulthood being an excellent reader with good discipline in all the activities he develops and also with a taste for writing, which will facilitate his development as a professional, and could become, as an adult, a good writer.

The system counteracts sedentary habits, helps in the elimination of excess calories generated by too much food, mitigates psychological problems, but usually can not help anything in the hereditary genes. The hereditary issue can be explained by the process that some people remove fat more slowly than average, so it could be corrected by a reduction in the amount of food in the three meals a day, or by eliminating a meal, for example, dinner. It could also be corrected, increasing the miles of walk.

In a future post (COMBATING SOME ENEMIES WITH THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM: OBESITY) I will make the exhibition of how to lose weight using this System of walking, reading, writing and drawing (WALK-RWD System), procedure that is explained in the corresponding manual of my authorship; however, the pattern of habit formation, which I have previously exposed, as a chain of attitudes and needs of the physical, spiritual and mental, graphic types of events and links, allows us to eliminate any type of harmful habit. To eliminate a habit you have to break with the respective chain in any of its activities; for which it is necessary to look for the weakest and most accessible points in order to break the chain of activities, behaviors and needs.

Loya Lopategui, Carlos, Manual for Walking, Reading, Writing and Drawing, EMULISA, Mexico, 2016. Distributed by Amazon, available in Kindle Edition:

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I have always remembered that when I walked to read a document or book, I immediately began to write notes and draw pictures on its pages. It was a circuit composed by these 4 activities, notes and drawings that illustrated what I was reading and learning.

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We must keep in mind that this process of reading-writing-drawings is like a factory-warehouse that we can be permanently filling and emptying.

I have already pointed out that in drawing, as in writing and reading, there is a virtuous circle, which we are now going to explain and which is expressed in my Manual for Walking, Reading, Writing and Drawing.

During reading or writing, images are generated that we must be attentive to capture, comprehension and interpretation.

The process generated during read-write can be appreciated through an analogy (Manual for walking, pp. 51-57), and I recommended it in the case of generating images and capturing them while drawing.

Now, what kind of reading or writing can we develop? You yourself will get to know which are those types and genres that your artistic creation encourages, in all orders.

I have also pointed out that this process is reversible, back and forth. In my practice it has happened to me that writing feeds my paintings and at the time, after months or years, that painting inspires me a poem or some story; in fact, some of my sketches that I have developed during my walks I have used them in some novel, concretely, there are several that I am using in this epoch in the accomplishment of my novel Dialogues in a place of La Mancha.

Nevertheless, what is important is to point out the strength that exists in this virtuous circle of reading-writing-drawing that propels our unconscious to recover part of what has repressed the consciousness and that it exposes as graphic and mental images.

There is a relationship between these three activities, that of reading, writing and drawing, so I will expose some ideas on the subject, hoping that there will be a motivating effect to carry them out.

One can suppose that these activities are flows, and both are constituted by words and images, with the consideration that they have opposite senses; one has as source of origin the mind of the individual, that is to say, it emerges from there, and the other has for destiny this organ, that is to say, it arrives at him.

In no way should they be considered as opposite activities, since they belong to the same circulation, which are developed in the same conduit, within which are transported those fundamental elements that are words and images, as well as the different categories of knowledge, such as ideas, propositions, concepts, etc.

We must place a little emphasis on the conceptualization and functioning of this means of conduction -of two senses-, since knowing it and understanding how it works, allows us to prepare ourselves in a better way to develop these activities.

We can imagine a scheme and consider it as a virtuous circle, that is, that it can produce an effect according to its material, spiritual or artistic essence, and that is flowing through the image of a “pipe” through which the different elements of knowledge are conducted. Through it comes, with a sense, the information to the human mind, in the case that concerns us, by means of reading, and once processed, it must flow, in the opposite sense, out of the mind, through writing or any other means (oral, thought, images, drawings, etc.).

The better we understand the functioning of this virtuous circle, the better we will be able to advance in the joint development of these three activities; which are intimately related, even if we are not aware of it, because the information that reaches our mind, through reading, is processed and remains to be used. What it procures and provides itself is an immense “arsenal” that can be used to process any product, such as writing or drawing. I must clarify that everything we indicate regarding writing can also be considered attributable to drawing, including certain varieties of plastic.

We can idealize this virtuous circle in the following way. The information that accumulates that way in point “A”, by means of reading, is equivalent to a pressure in the conduit, which will have to be released in point “B”, by means of writing; and at the same time, as we dislodge that information in point “B”, it will bring as a consequence a need for greater pressure, which must be generated in point “A”.

That is why many writers say: who reads assiduously becomes a writer.

LoyaLopategui, Carlos, Manual for Walking, Reading, Writing and Drawing, EMULISA, Mexico, 2016. Distributed by Amazon, available in Kindle Edition:

LoyaLopategui, Carlos, Diálogos en un lugar de La Mancha, EMULISA, México, 2019. Distribuido por Amazon, disponible en edición Kindle:

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About the activity of writing, while we walk, it is advisable to take into account the following.

We should start writing light things, like a phrase, a sentence, a paragraph.

As a suggestion, if we do not want to do it on an artistic trend line (poetry, short story, novel, essay, etc.) or technical documents (article, report, research work, etc.) we can try to describe part of our own problems, of any type of them, for example, of the sentimental, labor, economic, loving or emotional field; what first comes to mind, at the beginning of our walk.

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We have already mentioned that writing is an ideal means to allow us to extract from our interiority what we feel and how we feel it. In other words, we could say it is an encounter with ourselves.

All our thoughts, when writing them, enter a threshold, which amplifies and emphasizes them in our consciousness making clearer and confronting them in a more understandable, affirmative and accepting way.

I have expressed in other moments, the following: “Of course, this process [thresholdism] works not only for the senses but for the rest of the mental and spiritual perceptions of the human being. It works along the extreme limits of sensory uptake, as a continuous process, without sensory interruptions; from the minimum reaction of capture of any sense or mental function (lower border) to the maximum capture (upper border) “. Writing  -as well as drawing-  allows us to introduce ourselves to this process that I have called thresholdism (In my book Tap Tap, Plastic and Poetry, Emulisa, 2017).

Later, in a short period of several weeks, we can write a letter, an acrostic, a palindrome. Afterwards, feeling a little more secure, a poem, and later stories and why not, an essay; to arrive, if you wish, even to write a short or perhaps long novel. For any of these options, you must have an inclination and taste for what is selected and what is to be done.

If we have mentioned writing about the problems that afflict us, it is because I believe that they are closer to our emotional memory, and it is easier for us to describe them in writing, however, we can also write the good things, events and experiences that have happened to us or well they happened to us on the previous day. Those little or big experiences that we have had, in recent days. Also, on the other hand, we can read a page of the book that we carry with us and write a text summarizing what we have understood of its content, with no more than 20 words.

To be writing in a brief, shallow way, as we have pointed out, does not require further organization, since only the hand is “let go”, without any goal or task.

I invite you to read these other writings:



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Loya Lopategui, Carlos, Tap Tap, Plastic and Poetry, EMULISA, México, 2017. 


To be able to concentrate on reading or writing does not require effort, just take the first step by walking and open a page of the selected book or begin to write the first words, the rest will come by itself.

Taking the initial step and reading the first words generates such a powerful force that we continue to do so, in a motivated manner and without stopping.

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Once we begin the process, we forget everything and abstract ourselves in such a way that we do not feel time running.

Perhaps what is difficult is only the moment when we have to make the decision to walk and go to the path to take the first step; because later, being in the process we already feel encouraged to carry out those activities. What should we do so that we do not become lazy at the beginning of each walk?

In order to free myself from idleness and laziness, I have used various forms that I mention below. However, my experience tells me that the most important thing that never fails is to place myself on the path and take the first step.

– Believing in oneself

– Self-confidence

– Changing focus or perspective

– Love for oneself

– High self-esteem

– Changing the focus (or nuclei) of attention (or interest, mood)

– Thinking about what I’m going to read

– Knowing that I’ll be able to write

– Feeling good about myself

– My body will thank me

– I’m going to be able to read that document I’ve put off.

– I’ll be able to write the text I’ve been avoiding

– I will finish writing the conclusions of that essay that I have postponed indefinitely.

– Contemplating nature

– Feeling free to walk

– etc.

There are a lot of awareness and good intentions that we make when we listen to our inner voice. In general, we must accept ourselves as we really are; take care of and protect ourselves in all aspects of living; and love ourselves interiorly. Our thoughts must always be positive and self-confident.

The system itself changes the laziness and apathy of carrying out some of the activities that it involves, for the desire to carry out another; that is, it exchanges the laziness of reading for the pleasure of walking, and vice versa; thus one activity always impels to carry out the others.

Let us keep in mind that passion is a response of intrinsic and profound satisfaction of our intimate self, which we give to a positive attitude of that search for well-being and joy.

With respect to loving ourselves inwardly, we must keep in mind that if we do not love ourselves, we will not be able to love the things we do, nor the things we wish to do: we may wish to carry them out, but we will not truly love them. This also applies to our fellow human beings: only by loving ourselves can we love other people.

I invite you to read these other writings on the subject:





(walking-reading-writing-drawing) (walk-read-write-draw)

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We have already mentioned on other occasions, that the three activities that give foundation to the system: reading, writing and drawing, generate benefits that are common to them, but also accentuates each one of different degrees and also generate other fruits and advantages .

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Regarding why and for what we should WRITE while we walk, the benefits that we obtain are the following:

1.-We get to know and understand ourselves better.

2.-Various parts of the brain are stimulated, which have been slow or diminished by not using them.

3.-Reflection is potentiated.

4.- Allows us to move to faraway places through imagination and constructive fictitious.

5.-Renew the conscience and invigorates the unconscious.

6.-We essentially increase introspection.

7.-Increases logical, psychological and imaginative constructions.

8.-The dialogue with ourselves is increased.

9.-Increase all mental abilities, such as creativity, imagination, inventiveness, memory, conceptual thinking, intuition.

10.-We promote states of consciousness at the time of writing.

11.- We induce awareness processes as retrospective acts.

12.-Increase psychomotor attention.

13.-The symbolic means of the unconscious are promoted; symbolic images of the unconscious.

14.-In relation to the imagination, develops the ability to relive mental images and increases the possibilities of combination of images. It stimulates imagination and constructive fictitious.

And dozens of satisfactions more.


Literary production is correlated with the generation of sawdust from pencils.

I invite you to read this other writing:


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(walking-reading-writing) (walk-read-write)