For the first walk, reading and / or writing, you only need to select a place, dress, shoes, a book, some blank pages and a pencil, and you will be ready to start it. To carry out these activities that integrate the system, jointly, it does not matter how old you are.
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Any area can be used as long as it meets the appropriate technical characteristics. It is convenient to look for a place that is flat. If it has some elevations it will not be a reason to discard it, as long as they are not very pronounced, that is, the slope is not greater than six percent (going up or down by six meters for every 100 that is walked). It is very important to comply with this in order to feel comfortable doing what we do, and feel safe so that our mind can be free from any insecurity and concentrate completely on reading and writing, with the certainty that nothing and nobody will bother us or it will distract. It is essential that the areas where you walk are free of all kinds of obstacles and the surface does not present any risk of tripping or falling.
We just have to dress comfortably and select a book that we want to read and a few blank pages and a pen or pencil, for what we want to write or draw. We do not need special clothes to make our walks; It should only be the one of your choice and according to the weather, because there is no restriction in this regard. However, I recommend some flexible and comfortable shoes, those that are used for the gym.
The most sensitive parts of the body to this type of walking exercise are the feet; for that reason it is necessary to protect them well with good shoes and suitable socks.
Natural or artificial light should also be considered to organize walks; if they are too early in the morning, there may not be good lighting for reading or writing; and if it is in the afternoon, it should be taken into account that the light will diminish, so it should also be considered the place where we usually walk; if it has artificial light suitable for our purposes.
It is recommended that you take the walk along the circuit several times before you start reading, in order to practice only walking. Once set and with confidence, open your book and enjoy reading.
During each walk let the time flow because now is your ally and you will see how after 10-15 minutes, after having started, your body and your mind will be doing intimately coordinated activities, with a total abstraction of time.