Every human being can put into practice this integrated system, since most of us can walk, walking on foot any distance; and a good percentage we can read and have a book in our hands, or at least we can borrow it. On writing, we must clarify that we are not implying that we should be excellent in it, or famous writers to try, although we can achieve it with this system and with a bit of perseverance and enthusiasm. We must be clear in our minds that we do not seek to break any record of walking, write a “best seller” or be an expert on any specific topic; what we do know and are convinced by our own experience is that these activities can be carried out simultaneously, without detriment to any of them. This is the great and effective of this system, in addition to the multiple beneficial effects it has on the physiological but above all psychological functioning of the human being in general.
With our system, we do not intend to indicate better ways to walk, it must be done in the same way as we are used to, as we have always done; we will not say how to improve reading, or what kind of books should be read or studied; nor will we mention any technique to enrich the literary creation. On these three activities, which throughout the book we have repeated that we should try to do together, there are dozens of manuals that can be consulted to progress and improve its realization.