As I mentioned, these personal experiences through my walks have allowed me to venture into so many different topics through reading, as well as writing about those subjects that I have always had the inclination to do.
It was so pleasant and effective to put it into practice, that I decided in 2009 to publish a small Manual where I could share all my experiences that I had had up to that moment. Yes it is important to point out that since that time I have been reaffirming everything I said in that manual with some news more than the system generates.
It is recommended that the first days begin by walking small distances, on each walk: from 1500 to 2500 feet per day (1/3 to 1/2 Mile), during the first week. From the beginning you should exercise joint activities, walk and read, or, walk and write, in such a way that you get a good training in them. The next week you can increase the distances, according to your physical abilities, but also depending on your attachments and needs for reading and writing. According to my experiences, I can recommend the following parameters that can serve as a guide for reading and writing walks. Keep in mind that each one must determine the distances and the respective speeds.
We have mentioned that when we walk, we must let time flow by making him his ally and after 10-15 minutes, his body and mind will be doing intimately coordinated activities, with a total abstraction of time. This way of harmonizing the body with the mind, through walking and reading, leads us to a full liberation. You will not be able to distinguish if time travels next to you, or if you also went to walk through other paths in the same park or maybe beyond, the truth is that, as if by magic, you slip away and lose contact with him.
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The same thing happens -and sometimes even more deeply- when combining walking with writing. For me it is much more liberating and allows me to abstract to a greater extent this last combination; the proofs of this are overwhelming, because I usually walk, on average, 1.6 miles (2.6 kilometers) of travel, but when, instead of reading, I prefer to write, I always exceed this distance by 30 to 50 percent of that distance. Of course, these differences have to do with the inclinations of each person and with the type of reading selected -more or less interesting or exciting- and with the kind of text that has been decided to write.
The main reason that motivated me to share this method is to be able to convey the importance of reading and writing while human beings walk, because their intellectual capacity is enhanced, mental functions (thinking, imagining, creativity, memory, etc.) increase, and improve their ability to learn and process the information they have. We could assure that this generalized increase in the capacities of the human mind, is sought through the exercise that makes work areas of the brain, which in a state of rest, remain less active.
Difficult is to scientifically demonstrate these possibilities that walking leads us to better levels of our mind. However, the experience has been enough to consider it.
Mental abilities increase when we move, so it is recommended that we carry out reading and writing activities during those trips. We must experience it ourselves and obtain our own conclusions and also evaluate the results through these practices.
This unit could also be titled “The things we learn by reading and writing”.
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We know unfailingly that there are infinite things we can learn by reading; however, there is a basic question that always, at some time in our existence, we ask it: know what we want to be!
How can we achieve it, through reading? Reading the literary works of different authors will come to understand their different ways of seeing reality, thinking and what they have done and tried to do in their respective lives, information that will guide us in our existence to give a committed response to the coveted Who I want to be ?, responding reliably and genuinely what we want to be.
On the other hand, it has also been very difficult to answer the question Who am I?
How will we achieve it? In a decisive and undoubted way we can achieve it through writing. The practice of writing is a creative medium that allows us to discover and express what we think and what we feel (what and how). In this way, it guides us in the knowledge of ourselves: it helps us answer the complex and committed question of: Who am I?
Both activities, reading and writing, linked to our walks, give us the answer, in an integral way, to the questions: Who am I? Who do I want to be?