We have already mentioned in past writings and fundamentally in “READING-WRITING-DRAWING: VIRTUOUS CIRCLE” that these 2 reading and writing activities potentiate and feed each other. We have also mentioned that every persevering, permanent and enthusiastic reader manages to be a writer in the future.

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We must be clear in our minds that the only thing we could achieve, by implementing this WALK-RWD system, is to be a “dynamic reader”, an “authentic writer” or an “expressive drawer”. To pretend more of this would be an excess on our part. Dynamism in the reader means being frequent, lasting, enthusiastic, practical, but not intense; the authentic in the writer represents a confident, positive, serious, certain, practical and firm individual; the expressive in the drawer includes the two previous ones. Drawing involves the two activities of reading and writing, in a graphic way; that is, being a “dynamic reader” leads to being an “authentic writer”, but being an “expressive drawer” implies the two previous personalities, in a graphic way.

It is ideal to write – precisely – all the good ideas that are generated by reading, because to that extent more information is required. This virtuous and continuous circle produces the real driving effect of the information we require in both directions.

Now, there are various means that we can use to facilitate and organize our reading; it can be done in e-books or audiobooks; also through Smartphone or your Tablet. The Lap Top is not recommended because of the difficulty of carrying it while walking.

You can read in the Mobile Apps for iPhone and Android, and listen on WiFi.

The daily reading of the newspaper in any of the forms: printed, Tablet, Smartphone, etc., or listen to the news by Smartphone while we walk.

Writing can also be achieved through a recorder that is recorded as you walk.

Music is an important element in life because it “moves” our body, our cells, our moods. That is why it is also advisable to listen to music when we walk.

Each individual can process that information and data according to their natural rhythm of creative spirit, with their particular and singular literary genre, each human being is unrepeatable in art as Edel C. Piñera expresses us – in his book Method to releasing the artist that we all carry inside– and produce their own work, according to the processing of the selected information -consciously or unconsciously-; let our spirit process the information that is being introjected and let’s do it by storing the information that we should keep in memory, mentally processing it, to generate the literary products that our creative being decides. We do not grieve if we observe that the product obtained is not an aesthetic beauty, if we do not like how it was written, even if it resembles (much or little) something we have read, in terms of content or style.

Edel C. Piñera in his book presents a novel method to meet and release the incognito artist that we all have inside, suggesting concrete steps to achieve it; it reveals the way to discover that creative seed and energy on art and discover that creative nature and the unlimited possibility that each of us have to be able to perform as artists, causing us a true liberation, which can transform -through its reading- the future of who accepts the challenge. Through its pages it gathers part of its concern and its own experience about the artistic potential that every individual possesses and shares his knowledge to manifest them. Invites the reader to reflect on the multiple possibilities of an artistic type that could be developed, without distinction of age or sex, with the conviction that everyone can achieve it, just by proposing it, with the consequent accumulation of discoveries and satisfactions, because to Piñera we all have an artist inside. Through his method, she guides the reader in the problem of his inner freedom and self-knowledge, confronting him with his creative nature, which is the distinctive characteristic of the species, stimulating him to discover and express his aesthetic essence, without external conditioning.

I want to clarify that here I do not intend to advise anything about the quality of the writing or the intensity of the reading, nor about which books and authors are recommended; plain and simple we must do it according to our tastes and needs. It is not a study program or a literary creation workshop. We must read with the speed we want, with the care and interest we have. We must read according to our tastes and take advantage of those moments by acquiring knowledge, and if desired, write as well.

Many books distract and teach; all enrich our knowledge and improve our ideas and thinking. Each book can be transformed into a dialogue with the author, and the synthesis obtained from it can be transmuted into a compendium of ideas that we can always organize as a new work written by us. This dialogue is carried out with oneself and the author serves as an intermediary and pointer. You talk to yourself, considering that the author may be listening to you in your reinterpretation, and you can address him as if he were present with your thoughts. Remember: it is not a study program, nor a literary creation workshop, but you can make it work as you wish.

For both activities – reading and writing – we can facilitate its development in terms of the difficulties that arise for its practical execution. In the case of reading we can acquire the appropriate device to listen through headphones, of course it is necessary to have the work in the audio-book system. This way you will run less risk of tripping or falling by reading or writing during your walking exercise.

For writing we can recommend that you use a recorder during the walk and then transcribe it in any word processor and incorporate it to the objective that is pursued, or use the digital equipment that allows us to write on a screen – while walking – and directly It is recorded to the processor. With regard to audio-books, as well as having the advantage of facilitating reading they also have several drawbacks from my particular experience. However, these disadvantages do not determine their elimination to avoid considering it as a valid option. It will depend on everyone and especially on the difficulty you have to make the reading without the risk of tripping or falling.

In my personal case, I like to review some texts that reinforce my understanding of the ideas presented in the respective book, which can also be done in the audio-books although with more difficulty. I am also inclined to periodically review some parts of the book that I am reading, such as the names of the chapters and countless needs that are presented to me when I am re-reading, which we could also do in the audio books, even with some difficulty. In addition, there is in me the urgent need to underline and cross out words and phrases from the books I read and in addition to writing notes all over the book that falls into my hands, a situation that can hardly be done in audio- books.

However, these are a real option for those who consider it a risk to read when they walk. The annotations (notes, marks, apostilles, references, data, etc.) that we make on the texts, help us to locate the specific places in the text of our observations that we are making, however, if we need more space to develop better our own ideas and comments that we have generated by reading the text, we must use a special block of notes for this, where we can keep a record of all those ideas that occur to us as we read the text. There are also the computer books (e-book or electronic book) that through them we can store a fairly large number of books and read through the digital screen, with the convenience of being able to carry out the same activities – and even more easily – what can we do with traditional books: review texts, underline and cross out words, write notes, etc.

Now, we can ask ourselves Why read and what for? In the generality of human communities that have historically had access to reading, there has always been a percentage of people who like to read and who wish to read, which by the way, has been a low percentage; as well as another percentage that they can’t or don’t like to read; this has been much higher. See writing WHY READ AND WHAT FOR?

The purposes pursued by those individuals who read are varied, however, there is a group that does so to know how they think or what other people think. This activity can be done without the need to generate a discussion or confrontation of ideas and without the obligation to go to an enclosure to be able to listen to them. It is really simple to take the thought of an individual anywhere and be able to hear it at the time we want it; carrying with us the book where that person poured his thoughts; we can open it and close it when we want to hear it; those ideas, speeches, experiences, poems, in short, any thought that the author had exposed, described or referred to in his work.

Now, why does a sector of the population need this type of information? There is a fundamental reason in people and that is that they require these experiences, that information. Either consciously or unconsciously the human being seeks answers to his inner self; that is, the chosen work is part of the answer they are looking for, but they really want their interiority to respond to them. In a group of people who belong to the same culture and with a similar socioeconomic level, we find individuals who are inclined to read and others do not, and the essential reason is that the former have the need to know themselves better (Nosce te ipsum: know yourself) and reluctant to read prefer to live life without questioning anything. Marco Anneo Seneca, the Latin philosopher of the 1st century A.D., in its Morales Treaties, expressed the following regarding reading and writing:

“Come here, turn into your hands those works that are celebrated with much work of your ingenuity; the verses, I say, of the two authors that you translated in such a way, that although they did not have their composition they have left their grace; because in such a way you passed them from one language to another, which (being such a difficult thing) all the virtues followed you in others. You will not find in all those writings any book that ceases to give you many and varied examples of the human variety and of the uncertain events and vain tears that, already for this, and for that cause, are shed. Read what with great spirit in great things you sang, and you will be ashamed that it will soon be over and fall so high in style. Do not do so that those who have little admired your writings ask: how is it possible that such a fragile spirit has conceived such great and solid things? Look over these things that torment you to the many who comfort you, put your eyes on such good brothers, put them on your wife and your son. For the health of all of these, fortune was agreed with you for this portion: many of you have to be still. ”

I strongly recommend that the person be internalized in writing or reading, as much as possible, so that walking develops unconsciously. Walking is one of the motor activities that the human being performs instinctively, that is, it is not necessary to be attentive to perform it.

Finally, I would like to say that we often observe, through the various print media, that new devices are designed for girls and boys, of school age, to study while on the move.

These equipment are provided with platforms and mechanical circuits that invite the infant to walk or exercise by means of pedals, which allow him to set in motion some of its members, alternately, both arms and legs. All these devices are at the top of a table so they can do all their work, homework and learning that include school programs, since they can place all kinds of notebooks, books and other teaching-learning articles.

Educators promote these means and devices – in some schools – because they have already experienced it in previous years with high rates of achievement and are convinced that with greater movement of the body children learn better and faster.

Another stationary equipment could also be designed for the same purposes and to walk, but we can explain this in a future writing “OTHER MEANS AND DEVICES TO MAKE A WALK”.

This specialized type of equipment has been classified under the name of
kinesthetic desks or tables, from gr. kineo: move, kinesis: movement; statos: stationary, stay.

No matter what means we use to implement the WALK-RWD system, let’s read and write while we walk.

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We can always combine walking with the game. Let’s see how.

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First of all I would like to say a few words about the importance of playing for the human being. We should not consider that any type of game implies competing. There will be opinions that say that not all games have to be developed as a competition; others will present cases of primitive groups -and that still exist today- that played games without competing; and others, using some kittens or puppies as an example, arguing that they only seek to “have fun” while playing. Expressing it in this way has the purpose of raising awareness while playing, which can lead to conscious or unconscious competition. In this practice of playing when walking with the other structured activities of reading, writing and drawing, we should avoid competing as much as possible. When I point out that the game is competitive, I do not mean that it officially specifies that there is a challenge between 2 or more individuals (or 2 groups or more), although a high percentage of the games are carried out under this confrontation rule.

One form of competition that we can carry out, without creating harmful effects of the emotional type in our interior, is with ourselves, but it is not very healthy either; however, this could be a way to avoid competing with the rest of the entities and people that make up the physical-social environment in which we are immersed. Thus, the only competition that we can successfully overcome throughout life is with the same competence, in order to overcome it and not follow its steps, its teachings, or its subconscious instructions.

The dance, which for some means to play and for others not -I do not wish to argue in it-, I have selected it and I put it as an example because everyone has experienced it and there is no doubt of its components; can be practiced 1) under a competition; 2) as a show, or 3) just for the fun of it. In cases of the second type, it can be considered that there is no express competition, since there is no official event, however, the performer must make their best effort so that the public appreciates and qualifies properly and gives their approval; otherwise they may not retain their position as dancers in that work; in conclusion, they compete to keep the position of dancer. In the third case, the possibility may arise that each dancer who participates solely for fun, competes with himself.

How could it be shown that the game itself, and in general, possibly means a competition for the player? Think of those games in which no rivalry, dispute or combat is stipulated within its rules, nor is it officially declared as competition, nor is there a jury that will give its opinion or ruling. We could think, for example, of the “solitaire” game, which is played with cards and is done exclusively individually. The player who successfully solves this game is satisfied and in certain cases, this can reach his joy with euphoria; that is to say, that it feels to have won with pride, and this would correspond to an analogy of triumphing in a competition, which in this case rivals (it is a competition) with itself. You may agree with this or not, no matter what; the relevant thing is that we realize that there is always the possibility that in games, including individual, there is a risk of being competing in an unconscious way, which can lead to harmful stress. Performing a game individually involves several phases in human behavior. That some recreational activity is pleasant, acceptable, approved, of course by ourselves, falls into the line of having dominated the game, which in turn means having won in that playful experience. This means that we are superior to ourselves. This initiative to dominate the game responds to a need to be superior and to achieve this I must put myself to the test, to the extent that I demonstrate my abilities to win over others. So far we only want to win, but that is not the most important thing in a game, the important thing is to be number one, the one who triumphs over others and therefore attains power. Finally, any game could be an example of this development of the human being that seeks, not to have fun, but to obtain triumph and fame, in order to dominate and have power over the rest of the people.

The dominate-win-compete play trinomial reflects the fundamental elements of a high percentage of game types. Within our WALK-RWD system, we will propose -in future posts- various special games to have fun while we walk, which will be combined with the development of some of the structured activities within the WALK-RWD system (read, write and draw). They will be simple, but fun games, and they all intrinsically seek to develop any of those 3 activities. Although my philosophy of behavior is that of not competing -and thus I have designed the structure of these games that I will expose-, the mind of the human being is conditioned and exercised to find mechanisms of competition for the achievement of dissimilar objectives, in the vast majority of the “games”, even if they do not manifest it openly. So each practitioner of the system will have to strive to ignore any hint of competition that he perceives in the respective games. I repeat: In the games I have designed, the competition will not be sought, nor will the competition be sustainable; only fun, entertainment, and specific objectives achieved through the WALK-RWD system will be sought.

I would like to comment something about kittens and puppies, or another type of puppy of any kind. They truly play without competing … until a certain age. Could it be that when they begin to grow they begin a conditioning of competence to achieve their food, their survival, the conservation and proliferation of the species? In other words, only the games of children (very small) and those of puppies, in general, do not manifest themselves in competition? So let’s make an abstraction of our conditioning. Can we achieve this? Hardly; but possibly, by becoming aware of it, let’s reduce it.

Let’s play alone. This is possible, and this will ensure, in part, non-competition. However, it does not mean that to get rid of competing, we have to live alone. What we have to achieve is to assimilate (introject) that the competition contains 2 main vectors, true and unfailing; one is that the energy that we store (Vector A) during that daily and unbeatable competition that we sustain and suffer, consciously or unconsciously, with the rest of the people and circumstances that we experience by the limits that we impose ourselves, we projects in a direction of progress, on a personal level and as an integral part of that great mass -collected- of the human race, progress that is mentioned, and not sparingly, that it is an erratic, unhealthy course; and the other vector (Vector B) that contains different magnitude, but above all different direction and meaning, orients us towards a gorge where we inevitably find stress, anxiety, contempt, pride, envy, greed, jealousy, rivalry, resentment, ambition, falsehood, disloyalty, meanness, and a dozen other mood discomforts that avoid tranquility, the pleasure of living, fun and sometimes immolate ourselves same.

The “patent” competition in the game does not mean that there is a contest declared and established by rules and regulations, or that a jury will issue its ruling to designate one of the disputing players as winner. The competition exists without these regulatory elements, without the award procedure, and without the manifest selection of a winner. All these principles and elements, even if they are not declared openly in certain games, exist in the mind of each individual, by conditioning, at the moment that is involved in any game. For these conditions the human being, in most of the times and in most of the people, is forced to develop extraordinary risks, expose his best skills and abilities, perform excellent calculations, undertake any activity with his best value and courage , do your best, give your best, as if you were in an open and manifest competition.

Let us, then, in our unconditioned form, our own effort to walk and carry out those activities -including simple games- that entertain and excite us, and do not get carried away by playful competition.


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We are fully aware that the WALK-RWD system is not an entelechy, that it can solve all our problems and achieve our desires, however, we can state that it can help us, in some way, in all our difficulties and aspirations.

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The system is a complete movement that stimulates creative thinking, the generation of ideas, of great ideas; it is an engine that improves the functioning of our body, and gives us dynamism generating changes in our way of feeling, thinking and acting before life. Not only is walking but it is structured with 3 basic activities that allow evolution and mental and emotional revolution, a permanent exercise that moves us positively and transcendentally into the future, making us live our existence in the here and now.

When we walk we generate certain substances (Future writing THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE SELF-PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES) that favor the development of the body in all its functions; some of them benefit the tasks and the good progress of the brain activities, for that reason they facilitate the fertilization of ideas, which otherwise would not have been procreated originally, even helps us to capture the great ideas (Future Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM ENCOURAGES CREATIVE THINKING. PART I). Walking is potentiated precisely by practicing these 3 structured activities within the WALK-RWD system, reading, writing and drawing.

Most of the people who are dedicated to research on how to promote the good performance of the organs and systems of the human body: improve memory, how to be more creative, promote physical and emotional intelligence, be in good health, improve sexual activity, sleep better, and 2 dozen more benefits, invariably discover that walking is the fundamental activity that must be practiced, to achieve the optimal achievement of that function that they are investigating and that they are trying to improve. The same goes for any medical or illness, whether physical or emotional, that is sought to be resolved: specialists always resort to the recommendation of walking.

Once we manage to create the habit of walking and conjugate it with these 3 activities, the system itself allows us to preserve and affirm our creativity and tranquility, within an acceptable state of physical, mental and emotional health.

Good health is the sustenance of everything.

Tranquility is the prelude of happiness.

To be creative is to have the keys to open any door.

With these aphorisms I only wish to convey that we cannot reach chimeras such as immortality, but we can be and keep healthy; not keeping ourselves in total happiness but achieving mental and spiritual tranquility; not to be a genius but to develop great ideas.

In the following diagram you can see this process of the great benefits that are achieved:





Following the principles of Eastern philosophy, which recommends not retaining anything that affects us mentally, emotionally and physically, we conclude that, in apparent contradiction with our way of thinking, it is positive not to make efforts to retain health, creativity or tranquility, so that they reproduce and affirm themselves in a natural way, and walking helps us decisively in this regard.

Precisely, walking allows us instinctively not to retain ideas and with this we incite and induce them to sprout permanently through our mind.

Certainly, walking gives us mechanically not to partially retain health and let it flow permanently throughout the body and mind.

Just, walking automatically provides us with not partially retaining tranquility and with it we allow her to remain free, which in turn leads you to sprout permanently throughout our being.

This search implies that we should not retain these three beneficial states in being, but that, as some of the Eastern philosophies define that they should be allowed to flow freely, we should not keep them subject. In the future we will talk about each of these stadiums and we will see that with just walking we can reach those levels, which for our western thinking is heard contradictory and paradoxical.

I have no doubt that most of the great thinkers and creators had the habit of walking, and that consciously or unconsciously, they carried out it periodically, practicing it by routine or inescapable necessity (imperative) for their physical environment and social; the same could be said of those who have had a longevity beyond the average of their social environment and who have experienced throughout their lives a healthy existence, almost free of diseases and ailments.

Nietzsche once commented that only good ideas arise when we are walking.

Homer said that one of his mythological characters -he did not mention which one- walked with such punctuality and effort every day, that he had no doubt that it drove him to make his adventures with success and greatness, and he -to Homer- would make him transcend the history.

Herodotus expressed that we must walk history to be able to write and tell it.

Heraclitus claimed that his habit of walking every morning had allowed him to live healthy every day of his life and realize that the landscape changed as he walked.

Aristotle knew that walking, accompanied by other people, could better convey his ideas and his companions understand them better.

Finally, I would like to underline that the mere fact of walking fertilizes us with this generational and directive state of development (creative and corrective impulse) intellectual, emotional and physical health, and also, that it is potentiated by combining it with the other three activities of reading, writing and draw, as we have already mentioned.

Keep in mind that health, creativity and tranquility lead us to other physical, mental and cultural stages.

I invite you to walk, reading, writing and drawing, to observe how we reach these stages, in our being.

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When passion leaves us, life runs away from us hiding behind it.

We have commented in the writing ” PASSION AND TIME WALK TOGETHER” that the WALK-RWD system, by itself, creates a passion for the activities of walking, reading, writing and drawing, so that time passes without realizing. We affirm that the system generates a process of harmonization in our mind and body with these activities, placing us in an excellent stage of enthusiasm and motivation, subtracting hierarchy from all other daily obligations (social, family, work, religious, etc.). Now, in this post I would like to deepen the passion that awakens when we develop any activity.

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Let us take into account that there are two scenarios: the one in which we are far from having some passionate inclination towards what could call our attention by our own rational decision or by external conditioning; and the scenario of intrinsic passions, whose roots lie within us since we were born or we have been paying them over time, during the first years of life.

The first scenario is the most difficult to put into practice, since there is no latent inclination in our nature for what we want to be passionate about. In the second scenario, the work of igniting the passion is less difficult and we should only discover those actions that we are passionate about and proceed according to the method we describe for the first.

Let’s put it in a general way and then we will present the details of each scenario.

We can always find time to develop activities that we are passionate about. But how to achieve passion in the realization of things? Whether we are in the first or second scenario.

A person can become passionate about performing (developing) a certain activity if he manages to have great enthusiasm and pleasure in doing it, or that passion will be achieved if he becomes fond of or getting used to it. Getting fond to something is achieved when a positive personal feeling is associated with its realization (execution). In short, passion is achieved through extraordinary satisfaction in carrying out any action that makes you feel good and satisfied. In this sense, we must be aware of what we ourselves have experienced in relation to the attractiveness or not, with the satisfactory or not, that certain activities turn out. Some we do with reluctance, others with pleasure, but there are others, the least, that we do with passion. We say that an activity is carried out with passion, or passionately, when we feel immersed in a backwater, we abstract ourselves in time and space, we truly enjoy what we do and we isolate ourselves in such a way, that we are not aware of the time that has elapsed or where we are.

This is to feel the passion in the accomplishment of any activity, when we are in the process of its realization.

Now, for those people who believe they have no passion for anything, how is passion for something achieved? Is there any method or procedure?

Let’s get to the point of this major problem for the whole human being and quite unfathomable.

If we are not passionate about something, it does not motivate us.

When we feel rejection towards something, we must raise awareness about why that rejection.

The passion for certain activities is held by our own being (second scenario). However, we can be passionate about other activities that do not wake us up (first scenario).

Getting fond to something is one of the most direct ways to get passionate about any activity. The other is the habit. Similar mechanisms but they are not the same. Habit is a rational routine and discipline. We have already commented in the writing THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND THE HABITS how to achieve a positive habit. We expressed: with respect to the acquisition of a new habit, the repetition of an action is generally recommended, a certain number of times, and under certain identical conditions, until it becomes inherent to the being itself. Let’s go to its definition: Habit is the custom acquired by the frequent repetition of an act or action. It simply suggests what is in its essence of conformation. It is correct, however, in addition to the concrete action, the entire chain of links that lead to its performance and acquisition must be considered, becoming aware of the attitudes and activities that are exercised in a controlled environment, and of the behavioral behavior of the person who I am putting it into practice. On the other hand, getting fond is an inclination that is achieved when we associate an activity with a positive feeling and that is carried out with enthusiasm throughout its development. “Getting fond to” and “positive habit”, we can make them walk hand in hand.

Getting fond is a previous step to passion. In fact, when we know that an activity we are passionate about is because some time ago we became fond of it. Let us take into account that “getting fond” has 3 components: liked or enjoyed, enthusiasm (be keen on) and attachment. Each of them behaves independently but forms a unit; that is, they are co-responsible for the action of getting fond to.

The procedure is simple to understand, but it takes a little while to be fond of. Each of its components must be cultivated to achieve the required “getting fond to” and therefore, passion.

If we don’t like something, then we reject it.

If something does not excite us, it is because it has no interest for us, nor does it excite us.

If we do not feel attached to something, it bothers us or is indifferent to us.

Motivation and passion we must reach them in the same process, together, at an exact moment, so that they can sprout at the same time.

Now, let’s ask the following questions: Why do we reject it? Why do you have no interest for us? Why does it bother us?

If we respond truthfully to these 3 questions and analyze them deeply, we will find the possible “cause” and we can get to know ourselves better, as to what we feel and why we feel it. This will bring us closer to the “cause” for which we cannot become fond of that activity. If we look in the “cause” for positive aspects for each of the negative issues, we can take a firm step to get closer to it and start to relate better. Keep in mind that “getting fond to” is achieved through repetitive acts that, although consciousness rejects them, the neurovegetative system (Sympathetic and Parasympathetic) and the unconscious receives and processes them. Let the unconscious and these other systems that work of making the “cause” inherent to us and in a not very long term (3 or 4 weeks) will have created in us a “be fond of” that will begin to transmit, on an acceptable level, the passion for that activity that didn’t appeal to us before. There is no recipe to get passionate about something, achieve passion for someone or an activity; however, it should be noted that through certain considerations we can approach it. In general, each individual keeps in his interior a passion for some things and begins to realize it, until he manages to have contact with them. No one can say a priori that he has a passion for something, until he has the experience of his personal relationship or contact with that something.

Now, let’s comment on those considerations that we can take into account to ignite a passion for anything (first scenario).

1st Consideration. Let’s define what we want to be passionate about.

2nd Consideration. Let’s analyze that (objectively), according to our experience and inclinations – rational and sentimental – if we like it and if we don’t feel rejection for it. It would be almost impossible to achieve a passion for something that does not appeal to us, if we do not like or feel disgust (physical, emotional or mental).

3rd Consideration. Let’s make 2 written lists. The first list will be formed by the positive, good, pleasant, profitable, utilitarian, fun, valuable, healthy and beneficial aspects presented by what we want to be passionate about. Be it an activity like gardening or a sport, researching a certain topic, or simply contemplating nature. The second list will consist of its negative, bad and unpleasant aspects. What feeling causes us to imagine developing that activity (new or old) in my life?

4th Consideration. Let’s put ourselves in touch with each other or contact us with what we decide to be passionate about and observe our behavior regarding each of the positive aspects that we list in the 1st list: How we feel, the degree of satisfaction, the fatigue we feel, etc., and evaluate the intensity of its impact on our emotions Is its effect on us very positive? How excited are we? Do we feel pleasure? Do we feel passion? ( Future writing WALKING: FEELING AND ENJOYING).

Once we have completed this evaluation with each and every aspect of this list, let’s review the second list and re-analyze whether we were correct in its negative aspects. Let’s write new aspects, in both lists, or delete some. Let’s reconfigure the 2 lists.

5th Consideration. Let us repeat what is described in the 4th Consideration, with the 2 new lists. If there were no modifications, move on to the sixth.

6th Consideration. Let’s select a single positive aspect of what we want to be passionate about, the most positive and valuable. At most 2 aspects, but they should be implemented separately and independently, from this point. Let’s get involved – enjoyed or not – of what we want to be passionate about only through the enjoyment – or not – of that selected aspect. Let us observe our inclination towards what leads us to become passionate. Let us abstract from the rest of the positive aspects and especially the negative aspects. Let’s just enjoy the nice ones.

7th Consideration. (Second scenario) Regarding what we have said that each individual from birth feels an attraction (perhaps passion) for certain activities, and at an early age, unconsciously, he achieves certain habits and “be fond of” that incline him more and more than others, we proceed to discover those hidden passions through an introspection to recognize them and get in touch with them. The method is very simple, just remember what types of games or activities we prefer, or what kind of activities made us feel better, during and after doing them; there we will find our hidden enjoyed, enthusiasm and attachment, and thus we will discover the clues of our sleeping passions. Once identified, we repeat the procedure from the third consideration to the sixth, for each of these passions.

As an additional comment, I would like to say that the vast majority of the activities we carry out have negative aspects -or that are not very pleasant- that transform them into non-exciting situations. If we could only carry out these activities, without those unpleasant aspects, perhaps we could transform them into exciting moments or actions, all of them. For example, a person wishes to walk in the morning, but suffers from 3 unpleasant situations -for her- which are: getting out of bed, dressing and moving to the path. What does that person decide? Do not walk. However, walking for her is an activity that fills her with passion when she walks on the chosen path. For this person, the walk is exciting in itself, but not its collateral activities (ex-ante and ex-post). As a general recipe, we must be aware of what we have just described, because all human activities are like that. No activity takes place pristinely, all of them are collusions of others, and we have to look for ways that the negatives -or not very favorable- do not hinder those we are passionate about. Specifically -and following the example-, we will consider the pleasure of walking on the path, outdoors, without conditioning, without haste, with pure positive thoughts. Let’s not speculate on ex-post actions, such as returning from the path to the house, taking a bath and getting dressed again. Let’s think about what we can give ourselves: avoid the everyday, get rid of the usual obligations, and that we will introduce ourselves, for 30 or 60 minutes, in an “isolated tunnel” or a RECLUED ENVIRONMENT, where we will take to contemplate nature and listen to what our interiority will tell us on this occasion, that perhaps we had no knowledge of it.


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Walking with shoes or barefoot using the WALK-RWD system generates different results. The effects that are generated through the WALK-RWD system vary according to the type of ground or road, and if you walk barefoot or with shoes.

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In this post we will briefly define the different types of ground that we can use to walk barefoot, without suffering discomfort and enjoy our walks. Having direct contact with the ground causes different sensations in the walker and also generates different effects on the body, mind and spirit.


It is not the same to walk barefoot on the sand or on the asphalt, even if they are cold, fresh, temperate or hot.

From the origins of Humanity and surely for several hundreds of millennia, our ancestors from all corners of the world walked barefoot, on any type of ground they were traveling on: valleys, steppes, mountains, plains, forests, savannas, beaches , estuaries, canyons, ravines, summits, plateaus, wastelands, deserts, hills, cliffs, icebergs, steppes, jungles, glaciers, riverbanks, sand, coasts, marinas, dunes. They were always in contact with Mother Earth, through the soles of your feet.

In the same way that we have been abandoning walking -helping us with other means of transport- in the last millennia, so we have also covered our feet avoiding direct contact with the different kinds of ground.

Walking barefoot on different types of ground are experiences that all people, men and women should have. Practices as unexpected and surprising as that of – I miss the opportunity to say it – to walk in the rain.

I will allow myself to recommend that you carry out some practices that I have done over the last few years, when walking barefoot on different types of ground.

We choose, according to our possibilities and our desires, to make walks on the following type of ground, without any footwear and without socks:

• Grass

• Asphalt pavement

• Wood floor

• Carpeted floors

• Granite or marble floors

• Sidewalks and cobbled floors

• Soft sand (hot and cold)

• Coarse sand (hot and cold)

• Clay soils

• Rocky floors

• Pebble floors

• Ground soils, dry and wet.

• Smooth cement floors

• Glass floors

• Ice floors

• Wet floors

Care must be taken, of course, not to hurt the feet, or the soles of the feet, for being the different floors: hot, cold, rough, pointed, sharp, spiny, uneven, angular, difficult, acute, frozen, frosty.

Finally, it is advisable to lie down for a few minutes on your back and also facing the floor; and then roll over it, taking care not to hurt yourself, doing it carefully and slowly; appropriate clothing.

The more direct contact we make, during our walks, with our “earth,” the more energy flows within us.

I invite you to walk barefoot from time to time and give you energy and power, through this absorption of “energy sap” by the contact of the feet with the ground, to our whole body, to the mind and the spirit.

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