This post has the purpose of endorsing the 5 fundamental principles of the WALK-RWD system, which we have described over 170 posts, 6 years of uninterrupted effort.

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I would like to dedicate a few paragraphs to what the essential principles for the functioning of any system represent.

The Fundamental Principles are an essential tool for creating and operating coherent and effective systems. The definition, adoption and practice of Principles guarantees that the system is consistent, efficient, adaptable and capable of achieving its objectives in an efficient and sustainable manner.

The Functional Principles of a system, of any type, is a set of basic rules or guidelines that guide its fundamental functioning and behavior (essential, main, basic, radical). They are established to provide a solid and coherent foundation to support the design, development and operation of the system in question.

In a generic way, the practical and methodological applications of the functional principles are the following:

• Conceptual coherence: Fundamental principles help establish a logical and consistent structure for the system, ensuring that its components and actions relate harmoniously and without contradictions.

• Decision making: The fundamental principles serve as a guide for making decisions in the development and evolution of the system. When dilemmas or conflicts arise, these principles can provide a basis for resolving them efficiently and consistently.

• System design: Fundamental principles influence system architecture and design. They can determine aspects such as modularity, scalability, security and efficiency.

• Quality standards: Establishing fundamental principles helps define the quality standards that the system must meet. This may include reliability, usability, performance, and other aspects relevant to the particular system.

• Requirements Identification: Fundamental principles can also help identify key requirements that the system must meet, allowing for a more focused approach to development.

• Problem solving: When problems arise in the functioning of the system, the fundamental principles act as a guide to identify the root cause and find appropriate solutions.

• Communication and shared understanding: The fundamental principles provide a common framework of reference for all parties involved in the system, facilitating communication, collaboration and understanding in their own relationships and with other systems.

• Continuous evaluation and improvement: The fundamental principles are also useful in evaluating the performance of the system and facilitating its continuous improvement. It allows identifying gaps between the current state of the system and the desired objectives.

We have carried out the creation and definition of the 5 principles of the WALK-RWD system through their synthetic formulation, which in turn has forced us to highlight (highlight, weight) the most important elements that make them up, for which -of each of them- we present below, a diagram of their functions and dynamic aspects, from a mechanical and physiological perspective.

Expressing specifically and clearly the elements that make it up and also those that give it essence and support, allows us to achieve its presentation and declaration in a clearer way, and also better explain its structural functioning, by integrating its 4 essential activities, as well as better support the benefits achieved and their respective measurements.

His statement has allowed us, in this post, to elaborate on its functional plots, as well as allowing a better understanding of the operation of the WALK-RWD system as a harmonious whole.

It allows us to point out aspects that are implicit within its functional practice, such as the requirement for support, motivations, and some experiences that we have mentioned previously, and its effectiveness and efficiency in the results (functional demonstrations) obtained.

We defined (constructed) each of these principles as we incorporated some activities and experiences that have allowed us to acquire knowledge and greater attention towards what we should truly be aware of doing.

It was necessary to incorporate and organize all that information in order to transmit it as best as possible and allow us to condense it into these 5 principles.

Over 6 years we have been able to express them in basic functional units during the transmission of how this system of 4 basic activities operates: walking, reading, writing and drawing.

Of course, implicitly, the 5 principles can be seen in each of the posts that make up the Blog, but specifically (particularly, concretely) I have defined them in the posts indicated below, in case you wish to reread them and compare them in those that gave it shape and sustenance, both in mechanical and physiological aspects.

Thus, below are the 5 fundamental principles that support the WALK-RWD system, and the different Posts in which they were defined.

1st Principle or Principle of Symmetry:

“All the exercises performed must be carried out with respect to the anatomical vertical axis of symmetry of the human body, either simultaneously or alternating the two respective symmetrical limbs, always in a harmonious manner, in both options.”


2nd Principle or Principle of Dynamic Balance:

“Keeping the body in physical movement through walking generates a vibration of the brain, which causes it to enter into an imbalance and normal functions are carried out and dynamic effects are generated on the different systems, organs and glands of the body.


3rd Principle or Energetic Principle of Disturbance (Instability, Active, Energetic, Efficient, Effective, Alive, Energetic, Vigorous):

“The functional efficiency of the brain and other systems, organs and glands of the human being is maximized and optimized through walking and special structural instability exercises performed while walking.


4th Principle or Principle of Verticality

“Every human being must permanently seek a position of verticality to optimally perform the tasks and functions as homo faber and homo sapiens sapiens, to favor them, reinforce them, expand them and increase them (intensify them)”


5th Principle or Principle of Rhythm, Compass and Cadence.

Every individual has their own rhythm, beat and cadence, they just have to discover them, apply them and maintain them while walking.




A functional differentiation (variety, modification, differentiation, inference, alternation, deduction, consequence, connection, derivation) of the 1st principle is that the exercises we perform on the members of the human body, mainly the upper and lower extremities, the arms and the legs, must be practiced simultaneously, that is, moving both arms (or legs) at the same time. In this way, the impact that is made on them is manifested in a better way and the re-stimulation towards other organs, systems and glands of the body is more efficient and healthy, in terms of the preventive and curative aspects of the WALK-RWD system. (Post THE SYMMETRY OF THE BODY, ITS BALANCE AND WALKING)

The exercise of the upper limbs, arms, forearms, hands, elbows, wrists and fingers, can be done simultaneously, while walking; However, for the lower extremities it is practically impossible to do it this way, so we have to do it alternately, which is its natural way.

In Post CEREBRAL GYMNASTICS WHILE WALKING-EXERCISES, we present a couple of exercises where you can simultaneously exercise your legs and another where you exercise your arms at the same time.


The practice of walking is a dynamic balance that rests on the 2nd principle, this being essential for the achievement of what are unbalanced movements and “unbalancing” states in movement, which, as we know, walking generates very important effects on our brain and in the body (stable unbalancing movement).”

In this regard, I must comment that when we walk naturally, the movement we make of the leg-arm extremities is done in a crossed way, that is, when we advance the left leg we move the right arm, and when we advance the right leg we move the left arm. This way of moving our upper and lower extremities in a crossed way is only done while we walk, and this is one of the great benefits that cannot be obtained with any other type of exercise naturally (Post THE SYMMETRY OF THE BODY, ITS BALANCE AND WALKING).


A typical example of this 3rd Principle is the practice of writing, drawing or painting while walking. In some of the Brain Gym exercises that we offer in Post CEREBRAL GYMNASTICS WHILE WALKING-EXERCISES, efforts are made where that harmony is broken in order to cause unbalanced states in the brain, which in turn cause imbalances. which causes it to send signals to the rest of the body and especially to the senses, both internal and external, and to itself, causing the use of brain areas that have been dormant or little used. These Brain Gym exercises during the walk – in general – replace the 3 activities of reading, writing and drawing, structured within the WALK-RWD system, generating very strong impulses towards the brain system, which seeks to re-balance itself by making others work. areas of the same brain, which without these efforts, would remain asleep, almost inactive.

A more effective (radical) way to put this 3rd Principle into practice is to write, draw or paint with the left hand (when you are right or right-handed) to “wake up” the right side of the brain. The positive results obtained are truly impressive: imagination and creativity are immediately present.


When the human being stood up on his lower limbs, he generated a vertical flow of force and energy, from his feet to his head, following a line perpendicular to the ground on which he walked.

According to expert anthropologists, before this position the hominid ancestors of “Homo Sapiens” moved on their four limbs and this flow ran through their body, avoiding (evading) perpendicularity, as they avoided or denied it (vetoed, limited, inhibited, restricted). , hindered, evaded, avoided, impeded) with their transverse, almost horizontal position. At the present moment, this can be verified and validated as an absolute truth.

The vertical position achieved is what allowed Homo Sapiens greater brain capacity, in all mental and functional orders (Post EMPIRICISM OR THINKING WITH ONE’S FEET)


The determination of these 3 parameters in each individual – the rhythm, the beat and the cadence – can be achieved through the practice of walking itself. Only by walking can each person identify which ones are ideal for the body, both physically and mentally. There are two very important stages in which we can enter to understand its identification: the first is related to ideas and the second is identified with health.


The following table shows the different dynamic aspects and organic and mental faculties that are addressed when putting the WALK-RWD System into practice, guided by the 5 functional principles stated.

It is worth mentioning that only what is most relevant is indicated where the principles participate, and in cases where their participation is not indicated, it does not mean that they have no interference, but rather it was decided to only indicate where they participated in a more outstanding way.

The ¤ symbol indicates the most relevant dynamic aspect of the WALK-RWD system principle indicated.

Surely having these dynamic indications of each of the fundamental principles of the WALK-RWD System will allow us to better appreciate the importance of practicing it and, above all, getting ready to walk every day.

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