Let us first of all get to know how both mental functions, the consciousness and the unconscious, are constituted (Nature and Composition) and then try to understand how they function.
Both faculties have been named differently in the field of the science of psychology, implying a difference in their qualities and category: mental or psychic entities; psychic or spiritual functions; mental, psychic or psychic currents. All of them are valid in our exposition.
Of course, the concept of Consciousness to which we will mention does not refer to the different meanings such as social consciousness, emotional consciousness or empathy, group consciousness, ecological or environmental consciousness, moral or ethical consciousness, and a dozen more categories, which try to reinforce socially and academically that the human being must realize certain normative precepts for the adequate achievement of the conjugated discipline.
First of all, we must say that the human psyche comprises the totality of psychic phenomena of both the consciousness and the unconscious (C.G. Jung). And furthermore, according to Jung himself: “The human personality comprises 2 things: first, the consciousness and all that it encompasses, and second, the vast and indeterminately large background that constitutes the unconscious psyche”.
In order to make an incursion into the conformation of the mental functions, we will resort to a classification that Paul Diel makes in his book Psychoanalysis of the Divinity (F.C.E., Mexico, 1974). Diel clearly points out the psychic functions of the conscious, unconscious and superconscious as the natural and healthy states of the psyche that every human being has; making a differentiation of the subconscious as the damaged function of the mind, freeing the unconscious from that attribution that is regularly made to it.
In his essay Diel shows the unconscious as the vital and vigorous function of the psyche where all the desires, appetites and instincts rejected or repressed by the consciousness accumulate; and he defines the subconscious as the pathological and unhealthy state of the human psyche (Jung calls it psychological shadow), which has desires that are irreconcilable with reality, that which our consciousness assures -most of the time- is true and certain (authentic, truthful). We can say that the psychological or subconscious shadow is the result generated by that which society conditions or forces the human being to hide from consciousness.
Some experts in this field call the unconscious the subconscious; however, I prefer this configuration of Diel, adding that to call it subconscious is to place this healthy function below the consciousness. As a mental entity, the unconscious has three attributes that make it up: it is a receptacle, a storehouse and a processor of those things that the consciousness does not wish to perceive, or is not aware of, because they are lacerating or insignificant for it. Regarding this disqualification, Carl G. Jung (Paracelsica, Kairos, Barcelona, 1989, p. 110), tells us: “…since psychological research has understood that the unconscious is not a mere ‘subconscious’ appendix or a mere well of the consciousness, but rather a largely autonomous psychic system, which on the one hand compensates for the errors and unilateralities of the consciousness, and on the other, in some cases, violently corrects them. The consciousness can err, as is known, both in the natural and in the spiritual, and this is a logical consequence of its relative freedom. The unconscious is not limited to instinctive and reflex processes of the subcortical zone, but goes beyond the consciousness and anticipates in its system future conscious processes. That is why it is also a supraconscious”; and the same author expresses: It is inadequate to designate the unconscious as ‘subconscious’. Not only is it not ‘below the consciousness’, but also above it, and far above it” (Simbología del espíritu, F.C.E., México, 1984, p. 42). And so as not to leave any doubt in this respect, he asserts: “Consciousness can only pretend to occupy an intermediate situation, and has to tolerate finding itself surpassed and surrounded, in a certain way, on all sides, by the unconscious psyche. By virtue of the unconscious contents, it is bound backwards with physiological conditions on the one hand and with archetypal premises on the other. But it is also projected forward by intuitions, which, in turn, are conditioned partly by archetypes, partly by subliminal perceptions, which are in connection with the spatio-temporal relativity of the unconscious” (Jung, Carl G., Psicología y alquimia, Grupo Editorial Tomo, México, 2007, p. 165).
The unconscious is the psychic bag where both internal impulses and external stimuli rejected by the consciousness are received (receptacle and store) and analyzed (processor), causing an inhibition to the being.
Let us underline that there are several non-conscious elements that are intrinsic to the unconscious entity: the instincts, the archetypes, desires or impulses repressed by the consciousness, the habits, both positive and negative, the primitive or archaic impulses.
To carry out its functions, the unconscious uses various symbolic languages (dreams, plastic creation, the literary, Synchronicity, etc.) and to make itself present it resorts in an essential way – although it is not the only form – to what has been called the Numinous. The numinous is that “magic” that every human being has and disposes to create in an original way and independently of his will, that is to say, with autonomy of consciousness. It is a “magical flow” that arises from the unconscious and that revolutionizes and modifies the consciousness of the subject.
Now let us move on to describe briefly how Consciousness and Unconscious function.
The “I” is the center of the consciousness. It is in the consciousness that the reasoning of facts and their rational analysis and interpretation takes place. Consciousness is the entity of the mind that embraces rational knowledge in all its forms. Becoming conscious of an object implies its knowledge through the senses, both external and internal, and/or through the intellect or intelligence.
There are several mental faculties that constitute consciousness: will, reasoning, imagination, speculation, fantasy, meditation, thought, reflection, will, judgment, inventiveness, comprehension, perception, attention, memory, abstraction, cavil, etc. All of them function to achieve a great performance of the human mind, according to its tasks, and the balanced functional achievement of the physical body.
We could say that cognition includes most of these mental faculties, in addition to creativity or creative thinking (Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM ENCOURAGES CREATIVE THINKING. PART I). Cognition, for its analysis, we could divide it into several types: mental, sensory, abstractive, comprehensive, intuitive, quiditative.
The function of consciousness develops within the human brain by receiving data and external stimuli through the senses. The consciousness continues analyzing and interacting with all the information that the being receives both from the external environment and from within, using the mental faculties that constitute it. In concrete terms, consciousness allows us to become aware of what is happening within us and in the social and natural environment external to the individual being. However, it is said that this awareness is only apparent.
Taking into consideration Kantian ideas, we can comment that the human being cannot realize reality, but only what is apparent, and in this sense, real objects cannot be cognizable by the senses nor by consciousness, we cannot have knowledge of “noumena”, only of phenomena, these being mere appearances of real things, an appearance of reality. So much for the Kantian.
The consciousness that we are trying to understand here and to know how it works is the one that allows us the knowledge of ourselves and of what is external to ourselves.
We said that the individual unconscious has 3 functions that constitute it: reception, storage and processing. Let us describe its predominant function, which is to channel the things that the consciousness does not perceive, does not understand or does not recognize, and therefore rejects or represses, in order to free it from the unbalancing (disturbing, alienating, unsettling, upsetting) weight of negative emotions.
The individual unconscious is a determined and effective corrector of the conscience.
It is in the referred psychic bag of the unconscious where those rejected and repressed impulses and stimuli are isolated, disintegrated, decomposed, observed, compared and deeply examined; it is a workshop specialized in all these actions of knowledge and analysis, and without it, the consciousness would be acting rudderless and making more mistakes than it does.
In addition, it serves as a cathartic mechanism, as a conductive means to make those rejected stimuli and impulses flow to the consciousness, serving so that the consciousness itself can assimilate them in a suitable (appropriate, adequate, convenient, correct, suitable) or less lacerating way for it.
The unconscious functioning as a mechanism of catharsis, allows the human mind, the reasoning, to assimilate and also to confront and transform the circumstances and events external to the being, into personal events within its interiority, both conscious and superconscious. The unconscious plays such an important role in these aspects that the mind uses it to shape and integrate the individual personality of the being. The constitution and integration of the personality begins with the identification of the being with his own feelings and emotions, with his own self, that is, when the person “perceives and lives” those feelings within his consciousness, achieving experiences that are apprehended by the interiority of the individual being. The unconscious seeks, through this transmission of information to the consciousness, to make the latter “perceive” the events (faults, errors, faults, omissions and sins committed) that have burdened the individual, with the purpose of freeing it – the consciousness – from negative emotions.
The unconscious, manifesting itself by means of any of the symbolic languages it uses (dreams, painting, literary, Synchronicity, etc.), pretending to translate its images into real events or facts, only tries to express and communicate those images that it perceives and perceives in the consciousness, with the ultimate and precise purpose of compensating and correcting the errors committed by the consciousness itself.
A punctual and clear manifestation of its functioning is what has been called the subliminal condition. All subliminal forms are unconscious states, stimuli and impulses that are perceived by the senses without any awareness on the part of the individual who experiences them sensorially. In general, it is expressed that the consciousness does not perceive, rejects or avoids certain stimuli from the exterior and the unconscious receives and stores them in order to observe and analyze them, in order to correct the morbid states of the consciousness, by means of its different symbolic languages, and fundamentally by means of its cathartic function that allows it to make those stimuli and impulses flow towards the consciousness from the exterior and also from the interiority of the being, seeking the identification of the self with its own feelings and emotions, which is nothing more than the integration and strengthening of the personality of the individual himself.
There are other conditions of functioning of the unconscious, but which are associated with the consciousness, which are explained below.
The most relevant are:
[With CAPITAL letters the function that participates with greater intensity is defined, and with lower case letters the one that participates with less emphasis. This weighting is made according to their participation in quality and influence, and essence of the effect, not in quantity or time].
a) Repression or inhibition: is the repulsion of impulses, stimuli or desires by the consciousness that it considers intolerable (CONSCIOUSNESS, unconscious);
b) Libido: it is the underlying sexual impulse that the repression or inhibition of this is the fundamental cause of psychic disorders (consciousness, UNCONSCIOUS);
c) Sublimation: is the unconscious defense mechanism by which an impulse or instinct is converted into a higher or superior intellectual, artistic or moral activity. Also: it is the transference of a repressed (or inhibited) desire (or impulse) to a new object (consciousness, UNCONSCIOUS);
d) Complex: it is the emotional mechanism causing the patient’s mental disorders (CONSCIOUSNESS, unconscious).
e) Projection: It is the defense mechanism used by the consciousness to identify in another individual the feelings, desires and impulses that it discovers in its inner self and that it considers unbearable or painful and therefore rejects them (CONSCIOUSNESS, unconscious).
f) Compensation: It is the arrangement that the unconscious makes on the consciousness, regarding the imbalances that this suffers when rejecting stimuli from the exterior and its own impulses and desires generated in the interiority of the self (consciousness, UNCONSCIOUS).
g) Introspection: It is the analysis or internal observation that one makes of oneself or of one’s acts. The reflective apprehension by the mind of its own processes. Observation of the self and its mental states and operations. Synonym reflection, internal sense. There are 2 types of introspection: 1) Direct examination of the states and processes of the consciousness at the moment of their production (generation); 2) Reliving the states and processes by means of a retrospective act (CONSCIOUSNESS, unconscious).
As a conclusion I should mention that the Reality in which we are subsumed, is a parallel world that reason has not allowed itself to know, because part of the reality that we observe and perceive, is the result of our mental projections which are unconscious contents that make the world we live in, that macrocosm, a replica of our unconscious inner world (microcosm) and that is unknown to our consciousness.
Now let us see how these 2 mental functions intervene in the application and practice of the WALK-RWD System.
It is indispensable to take into account the will in this aspect, a crucial faculty that shows the intervention of the consciousness (reasoning) and the unconscious, a contest that in some cases manifests itself as collaboration and in others as a dispute.
The intervention of the consciousness in the functional process of the WALK-RWD System is sometimes complicated to orientate, and essentially in that disposition to start walking it is very difficult to convince it so that our will takes positive action to achieve it, by its own effort -of the will. There are many negative spheres in our sensations, attitudes and ways of being that make it impossible for us to take the first steps on any path, which we have pointed out in previous Posts.
In this Post we will not analyze them, as we have already done so in several Posts published previously. What we will do is to try to understand how the consciousness works, that function that governs us most of our waking hours, and how the will performs, that volitional function that we require to perform in most of the activities we perform and in the actions that take course for their achievement.
We must keep in mind that symbolically walking means to move forward and that is what we are transmitting to our inner self when we do this practice, the one that needs to become aware of reality, both external and our inner reality.
Let us see how we can make our consciousness act voluntarily in the WALK-RWD system.
Participation of the consciousness.
Reading, writing or drawing while we walk, generates a considerable number of physical and mental benefits, which in turn – by physiological processes of the body itself – provoke in our consciousness stimuli of the emotional, spiritual and psychological type that impel us to carry out diverse activities with encouragement, among them walking. Likewise, if we take into consideration the 5 cognitive functions for its effective evaluation (reasoning, memory, attention, speaking and behavior), we will see that walking has direct effects in those 5 functions of cognition; this is how the WALK-RWD System in its multiple practice, with the 3 structured activities of reading, writing and drawing, is able to potentiate those 5 compound cognitive functions, as well as its cognitive performance (Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE). The latter is the result obtained when we perform walks conjugated with any of the 3 activities structured within the System, since it generates greater capacities of understanding, comprehension, development, lucidity, discernment, reasoning, sharpness, penetration, harmony, ingenuity, in the conjugation of each and every one of these 3 activities.
As we pointed out in Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE, any mental function that we wish to promote, in a conscious way, will be interrelated with the rest of the others; that is to say, effects of different degrees are provoked in each and every one of the mental faculties (capacities and functions), and specifically in the cognitive ones, when we perform the WALK-RWD system in an integral way, walking, reading, writing and drawing.
In an interrelated way, the human brain carries out the 5 cognitive functions that we have pointed out in that same Post: reasoning (thinking, reflecting, meditating); memorizing (learning, repeating, remembering, forgetting); attention (curiosity, observation, analysis, interest, distraction); speaking (talking, dialoguing, expressing, communicating, explaining, articulating, listening, responding, keeping quiet); and behavior (regulation and control of behavior, attitudes), in such an effective way that allows the being to react as well as possible to stimuli and external agents, and in the case of the application of the WALK-RWD System, it promotes the activities of reading, writing and drawing, while walking. For its potentiation of the cognitive function we can resort to the procedure indicated in the same Post THE WALK-RWD SYSTEM AND COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE.
In a precise way we can say that the consciousness participates together with the will and manifest intention, in the practice of the WALK-RWD system, when we perceive, think, understand, judge, desire, reason, choose, reject all kinds of stimuli and agents to communicate with the external environment that surrounds us and with our own physical body.
Participation of the unconscious.
As I expressed, the individual unconscious makes itself present through its symbolic languages and next I will describe outstanding aspects in the language of dreams.
Some specialists comment that during the dream (sleep) at night, the mind (the unconscious) cleans, in some way, of those things that worry and bother us.
I mentioned in Post AUTOLIBERATION OF NEGATIVE EMOTIONS THROUGH SELF-SUGGESTIBILITY: “There is no doubt that through dreams the unconscious transmits knowledge of ourselves, and surely a part of that communication works as an effective catharsis. However, for both benefits, additional work is required to really obtain an effective result.” Furthermore, we must ask ourselves: how effective is the unconscious, through dreams, in its cathartic function?
We must be clear that the participation of the conscious also takes place during sleep, to a different degree, so we could divide dreams into 1) those that are a major communication of the unconscious, and 2) those where it is not so much, that is, where dreams are a prolongation of the communication of the conscious as it is effected during wakefulness.
We regularly hear dreamers say that they dreamt of the same thing they were doing or thinking during the day, either as a repetition or as a continuation of the waking state. This type of dreams are perfectly understandable because they are made with the participation of the consciousness, and very little participation of the unconscious. Could it be that the more indescribable dreams are – an encrypted language – the more the unconscious participates? A question that I would hardly dare to answer, affirmatively or negatively.
Specifically we can say that the unconscious does not participate through conscious will, however, in some of its forms of communication that it manages to develop to make itself heard, we can induce it, in the practice of the WALK-RWD system, in an intentional way.
I have experienced, and it is irrefutable, that reading, writing or drawing while we walk, we notice and feel a considerable number of physical, emotional, mental, psychological, and spiritual benefits, concretely we decant and purge the unconscious, we perform a catharsis, in that brief period of experience when we walk and perform any of the other 3 structured activities (reading, writing or drawing). And the thesis is that we will no longer dream so much because the unconscious will no longer have to communicate anything -or very little- because it already did catharsis during the walks and the other 3 structured activities. We will feel so good with the WALK-RWD System that during the nights we will no longer dream.
Let us now analyze the phenomenon of Synchronicity as one more of its symbolic languages, as an illustrative and demonstrative example of the participation of the unconscious.
Specifically, I have developed some mechanisms to achieve that the unconscious acts in a voluntary manner in terms of its manifestations within the phenomenon of Synchronicity. In my book “Synchronicity, Predictable Phenomenon” (*), I expressed:
“Likewise, in various parts of the work, we analyze the various forms through which the human being manifests itself outwardly and that in a conscious or unconscious way, represent a message that we must imagine and interpret. Through exploration, we intend to discover in each of these manifestations of the personality and the spirit, the great diversity that the human being has to channel his own creative energy.
Many times, with a silent procedure, we bring to our conscience messages of emotions, feelings or physical movements of our body, which we must analyze with a little more detail, since by this means we will be able to balance and reconcile our inner nature, with our behavior in society; thus we will be able to know what our unconscious thinks and feels about ourselves.
It is therefore through this essay that we try to guide the reader in a field little studied at present as is the Synchronicity, transmit our experiences in this regard, but above all to show that this phenomenon is marking a milestone in the history of each of us and that we must attend to it as if it were our own conscience. In fact, I personally believe that its manifestations are our navigation chart that shows us the way to the future. Not understanding it and not paying attention to it is to renounce in advance to our human essence; we are sure that it is a new attitude to face our inner self. Every human being has this function that allows him to communicate to his unconscious in different ways and that in most cases we assign to it situations of coincidences, and even miracles, what to say about diseases and our immune system.
The transmission of information from the unconscious through the synchronistic function allows us to explain countless phenomena that we have always catalogued as coincidences and that here we will discover that they are actions of the unconscious. In this way we can move forward to obtain a better knowledge of ourselves and to know a tool to transform, in a creative way, the personal conditions of behavior and attitudes towards the environment that surrounds us.
The main part of our thesis that we try to demonstrate in the present essay is that the synchronistic phenomenon can be predictable, that is to say, we can have valuable information that this manifestation of the unconscious is about to occur in our person, and also, as a complementary part to the thesis is that this phenomenon can be provoked voluntarily by stimulating certain elements that participate in it.”
In order to know and understand the predictability of the phenomenon and the different ways by which the unconscious is induced to manifest through the phenomenon of Synchronicity, I expressed in Post READING AND SYNCHRONICITY-PART I, the following:
“I have not the slightest doubt, that reading is a means that allows us to get in touch with synchronicities, and these lead us to find answers, which our unconscious -surely- is certainly tired of trying to communicate to our consciousness in various other ways, and this one has not been aware of them -of the answers- for a long time, either because it is unable to listen to it, or, it refuses to do so.
We must let ourselves be carried away by what our interiority advises us and not by reasoning. If you ‘decide’ to read a book, perhaps your unconscious is inviting you to do so. And if you ‘decide’ to re-read another book you have already read, you will surely find new answers; these could be more important than those ideas you found in the previous reading.
We must consider the following aspects when we have decided to attend to the messages of our unconscious, either by the phenomenon of Synchronicity or other symbolic languages:
1. We have to introject in ourselves that truly these types of actions come from and are generated by our unconscious. We will not be able to listen to it if we do not believe in its existence.
2º. Synchronicity is a predictable phenomenon and it can also be induced, so we can provoke its generation and its incidence in external manifestations.
3º. Each synchronistic manifestation of the unconscious we must identify it, unveil it and rationalize it.
4º. To understand these messages from the unconscious, each manifestation of Synchronicity, we must analyze and interpret it.
What is most important and authentic of our inner being we can know and understand through the different symbolic languages used by the individual (and collective) unconscious and Synchronicity is one of them”.
The WALK-RWD system leads us to an integration of walking with the other 3 fundamental activities of reading, writing and drawing with which we voluntarily induce our unconscious to participate in order to communicate with ourselves and to have a better knowledge of our interiority, besides other valuable information of the external reality (Book Dintornism. A plastic-philosophical theory of reality **). In addition, we can resort to some of the Posts where we present the procedures -through the application of the WALK-RWD system-, to involve the individual unconscious:
We can also remember what I expressed in Post THE CONCEPT OF EXPERIENCE AND WALKING, that we must be very aware of:
“Each individual is the creator of his own experiences, and the process of biunivocity that develops between the conscious and the unconscious, during the whole life, is the one that places the being in the path of all of them.
Therefore, all our experiences arise from the conjunction of these 2 functions, so they are all part of our personal and individual essence.
From now on we must take more seriously each of our experiences, no matter how simple we consider them, because they are dialogues between the conscious and the unconscious, which enrich us by knowing -or we try to know- what they communicate between them.
Many times it is not understandable (we do not understand) why certain things happen to us; however, every experience, good or bad, is a product of those dialogues that develop in our deep interiority, between the conscious and the unconscious. (Book “Evanescent Stories”(***) I present dialogues between the consciousness and the unconscious of a writer). And I could assure that they are more easily understood during our walks than if we make an effort sitting on a divan or on a bed. There are several posts where I refer to this type of benefits that the WALK-RWD system has to know our interiority.
The character most interested in walking is our unconscious, which is the one that is most favored. Let us not have the slightest doubt.”
We can only be in harmony with ourselves when our sensations (senses) and feelings express and respond adequately to the messages of our unconscious, and the more punctual we perform this work, the healthy correspondence between our actions (attitudes) and the senses (the 5 external and the spiritual), the better we will feel about ourselves.
The unconscious also has another function (collateral effect derived), besides those of communication to tell us how we are and what we should do, as well as to achieve the functioning of parts of our body -without our will participating- such as blood circulation, heartbeat, breathing, digestion, elimination of substances that must be eliminated, glandular secretions; in short: apart from putting our body into operation and repairing it, telling us what we should do, what and how we feel, it is an infallible engine to achieve what we should achieve in our lives. This other function is that of “positive realization“. We said in Post AUTOLIBERATION OF NEGATIVE EMOTIONS THROUGH SELF-SUGGESTIONABILITY:
“Every positive thought that the unconscious makes it its own, is an inescapable and unpostponable sentence, which becomes a real fact in the future.
The desire to improve in future scenarios – near or far – embraces innumerable aspects of the existence of the human being (health, work, happiness, family, and a very long etcetera) and all of them can always be transformed into real facts, into positive achievements: Only two activities are required: walking and repeating out loud a phrase [a positive thought]. The time devoted to these two is variable, but in my experience, only ½ hour a day is required, for a peremptory period of days. […] Finally, and again, I would caution that we should avoid negative thoughts, because the unconscious can make them its own and turn them into reality. I am a staunch believer in the strength and power of both the individual and the collective unconscious, so I recommend that we should be very careful with self-critical, malignant and destructive ideas. The individual unconscious is the genie of Aladdin’s lamp.

In other words: Let us ask the genie of our lamp, our unconscious, in a positive and trustworthy way, what we want to achieve, and it will grant it to us.
We must look for that authenticity with ourselves, with our way of feeling, and we will achieve it by listening and understanding our unconscious, listening to it and obeying what it tells us, in such a way that we allow all our feelings (inner reality) to come to the surface in exactly the way we observe that we want them to manifest”.
The human being has re-created himself, through two types of activities: those that require conscious will and those that do not demand a thought to perform them or that do not need the will.
Walking is an activity that we have developed since always; someone could say: since the moment the human being stood on his two lower limbs, but in both cases it has been done for millions of years, which makes it a pristine and natural activity in its practice.
When our consciousness forces our body to develop activities that are not primal, then it generates a negative imbalance in our nervous system, and in turn this generates other negative imbalances in the various organ systems of our body.
When we perform any of our capacities within these two mental fields, we do not necessarily have to be positive to external stimuli; we must react precisely according to our own sensations in order to act in an authentic way, to carry out those “non-voluntary” actions in a healthy way and not “disrupted” (altered, disturbed, perturbed) by the conscious part of our brain. In short: let us not be negative towards anyone, towards anything, but least of all against ourselves. The repression of our feelings -in all cases- generates a morbid state in the consciousness and transforms us into negative individuals.
Let us keep in mind that we have a healthy unconscious and walking is one of the actions that we must carry out to re-discover that it does exist; to continue walking daily, and in an integral way, is to be able to re-evaluate our own unconscious, and to walk permanently is to allow us to identify ourselves with it.
The only thing we know that is real is what we feel in our interiority, defined by our “unconscious thoughts” (inner reality), and we can make it conscious by doing our integral walks, combining them with reading, writing and drawing.
In this way we can reach a functional harmony between these two mental faculties, the unconscious and the consciousness.
(*) Loya Lopategui, Carlos, Sincronicidad. Fenómeno predecible, EMULISA, México, 2007.. Dispoinible en Amazon, Edición Kindle: https://www.amazon.es/dp/B0CXZDPSSY
(**) Loya Lopategui, Carlos, Dintornismo. Una teoría plástico-filosófica de la realidad, EMULISA, México, 2012. Disponible en Amazon, Edición Kindle: https://www.amazon.es/dp/B0D6C18SS9
(***)Loya Lopategui, Carlos & Edel C. Pinera, Evanescent Stories, EMULISA, México, 20016. Distributed by Amazon, available in Kindle Edition: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B86GMS8W.