In Post WALKING TOWARDS THE CONCEPT OF FREEDOM OF 20 THINKERS. PART I We proceeded to infer, from the ideas and conceptualizations that 20 thinkers had about freedom, what the practice of walking represented for each of them. Now, we will try to venture into the area of pictorial creation. We will try in an imaginary way to walk inside one of the houses that Van Gogh painted, creating its interiors. We will use Artificial Intelligence to discover several of these rooms, such as the living room, dining room, family room, bedroom, courtyards and gardens, etc.
We chose Van Gogh because he was an outstanding creator and one of those who made a considerable number of houses. Of all of them (Van Goghian houses), we have selected one to recreate these hidden spaces.
To imagine walking inside one of the houses painted by Van Gogh, any of them, means a great effort that we have to make to conceive what the arrangement of the house would be like.
Anyone can carry out this mental exercise to idealize one of the houses he painted, however, it is very attractive to observe 4 or 5 printed rooms that Van Gogh himself could have imagined. It is a very interesting exercise as it allows us to “play” with a wide range of possibilities. We select the house that we like the most, the one that may hide certain plastic characteristics that appeal to us: the place, the countryside or the city from which Van Gogh drew his plastic motifs. However, it can be any painting by any painter.
As a further reference to the cause for which this proposal-invitation to motivate walking arises is Post WALKING: FEELING AND ENJOYING, which has turned out to be quite objective illustration of the 2 outstanding aspects that I explain in it, about “FEELING” and “ENJOYING”, which sometimes we don’t understand clearly, especially the concept of feeling.
Of course, this is an idealized way to promote and encourage walking; however, additionally, I should mention that it is also a consequence of my recent book, entitled “VISITING THE INTERIOR OF THE ARTWORKS OF GREAT PAINTERS” (1).
In this book, I expose the use of Artificial Intelligence to recreate the interiors of any painting by the Great Masters of Plastic Arts, and with this description we can recreate the architecture to build that house or use Holography (Chapter 6 of the aforementioned book), in such a way that we would not necessarily have to build that house, we would only wander around inside it, by means of holographic images.
As we already mentioned in Post WALKING: FEELING AND ENJOYING, autotelicity refers to doing an activity for its own sake, because of the intrinsic satisfaction it brings, rather than for the purpose of achieving an external goal: just walking for the pleasure of doing it.
In this case, using holographic images for walking could be considered autotelic for several reasons:
Immersive Experience: Holographic technology provides an immersive and exciting experience in itself. The sensation of being surrounded by three-dimensional images while walking could be rewarding on its own.
Exploration and Discovery: Walking with holographic images could allow you to explore interesting and exciting virtual environments. The simple act of exploring new worlds and discovering details in the images can be intrinsically rewarding.
Sensory Stimulation: The combination of physical movement with holographic visual perception could provide unique and pleasurable sensory stimulation. This could generate a sense of connection between your actions and the images you see, contributing to autotelicity.
Creativity and Play: If you have the freedom to interact with and manipulate the holographic images during the walk, you could be engaged in creative and playful activities. These activities tend to be intrinsically satisfying because of their autotelic nature
In short, walks using holographic images can be considered an autotelic activity because of the intrinsic satisfaction that comes from the immersive experience, exploration, sensory stimulation and creativity associated with holographic technology. It is not so much about achieving an external goal, but about FEELING and ENJOYING one’s own action and experience, about FEELING and ENJOYING a walk inside the idealized rooms of one of Van Gogh’s painted houses.
For copyright reasons, we will only present images of the interiors that we created with the support of Artificial Intelligence, recreations obtained from one of the artworks executed by Van Gogh.
As I mentioned in a previous paragraph, this is a sublimated way to promote and encourage walking, as perhaps no one is encouraged to walk inside a house, let alone in an idealized way; however, for a considerable number of people who are reluctant to walk, just showing them some ideas of how Van Gogh might have imagined a house to paint its façade is probably enough to get them to take the first steps and get them to walk, if not inside their house, then outside it.
We could also, in order to imagine walking outside that Van Goghian house, recreate the courtyard in front of it and the courtyard behind it.
Let’s waste no time and go for a walk, imagining that we are walking through one of the courtyards that Van Gogh walked through.
(1) Loya Pinera, Rodrigo & Loya Lopategui, Carlos, Visiting Inside the Artworks of Great Painters, EMULISA, Mexico, 2023. Available on Amazon, Kindle Edition: