Each book that is chosen is a good motivation to walk. The exciting thing about this system is that, apart from providing physical health, there is also motivation for the topics chosen to read or, the texts that spring from their imagination and individual creative power. So, the distance and time you spend there is no limit, more than the one you impose. There are no restrictions for it, other than your own physical and mental endurance.
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Everyday, when I go for a walk, I see people who also exercise with the walk, raising their hands, forming circles with their arms, practicing deep breaths, turning their heads, taking longer strides, raising their thighs, and many other forms that from then they generate the exercise of other muscles of the body; obviously, our system does not oppose this incorporation of exercises, which we can do -after consulting a specialized manual- when we have stopped reading and writing; but what I want to point out is that invariably these people dedicate less time than me to their walks, which allows me to assure you that these people walk around 30-40 percent of the time that I destine them, and for that reason I wonder will it be Why do they get tired? They are bored? Someone would answer that is because they do not have the time that I have. I do not know, but what I can assure you is that I never get annoyed in these practices. The very combination of being able to read, write, draw and walk, generates a state of enthusiasm that keeps me with a high interest going around the park, and of course, producing.
When I get tired of reading, I start writing; when I get tired of writing or my inspiration runs out, I start reading; and when I get tired of reading and writing, I draw or continue walking and I start to contemplate the landscape, watch the birds fly or hear them sing; I start meditating or going over the ideas I just read or write, I think about what I will write later, or I just put my mind in blank. But I never get bored.
The generality of the times I have to suspend the three activities to continue with other more ordinary, because I realize that I already exceeded the time.