It is very common, when we are carrying out the method, that we question ourselves about how long have I been walking? And it always happens that we feel that less time has elapsed than what really happened. The time passes at a faster rate than we think to be immersed in our walk, because it is similar to what happens in the practice of Zen. Generally, the clock distracts us, but abstracted in our activities articulated to the walk, we do not even feel it pass; and if we set the alarm, we hear it with our ears but we do not make it conscious; we remain abstracted in our activities as we walk.
Traducido al Español
On meditation I have heard the recommendation that it is preferable to do it in the morning, as soon as the sun rises; from my own experience, I can affirm that at any time of the day, our method reaches the optimal mental and sensory levels of meditation, in any of its approved forms, because the anxieties and worries that we have, immediately vanish from our minds, giving place to a state of ecstasy such that we feel suspended in time and space.
One more recommendation that meditation experts advise is not to practice it immediately after meals, so that the body can digest food correctly, suggesting a break of 1 to 1½ hours. On the contrary, the method of reading, writing or drawing while walking recommends, for the achievement of diverse objectives, precisely the walking after eating; achievements that are quantified punctually in each of those walks after taking food.
The physical and mental state generated by the system is similar to “diving” inside a book: the noises are extinguished, our body is suspended, time stops, the lights go down in intensity; the total ecstasy.
The system introduces you into that ecstasy, without noticing it.
I invite you to read this other publication: WALKING, MEDITATION AND CEREBRAL WAVES