Walking is one of the simplest and most natural activities that humans can do, but it can also be one of the most revealing. At every step, we move not only along visible paths, but also through invisible ecosystems that support life and connect us to a world we often choose to ignore. This post is an invitation to reflect on this hidden reality and the urgent need to protect it.

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The Invisible Ecosystems Beneath Our Steps

When we think about nature, we usually imagine majestic landscapes: mountains, rivers, lush forests or starry skies. However, there is also a more discreet nature, made up of elements that we cannot see with the naked eye. From the mycorrhizal networks beneath the soil that nourish trees, to the microorganisms that clean the air and bodies of water, these invisible ecosystems are fundamental to the planet’s balance.

By walking, we literally leave our footprints on this invisible world. But are we aware of the impact of each step? Recognizing the existence of these ecosystems is the first step towards their protection.

The Connection with the Essay “Invisible Ecosystems: The Life We Ignore in the Era of the Anthropocene”

The essay “Invisible Ecosystems: The Life We Ignore in the Age of the Anthropocene” delves into the impact that our disconnection from the invisible has on the environment and on ourselves as a species. From philosophical reflections to concrete proposals for action, this essay offers a comprehensive guide to rediscovering and protecting those hidden worlds that are essential for our survival.

If you want to explore more about this topic, we invite you to read the full essay on Amazon, Kindle Edition: https://www.amazon.es/dp/B0DTGXNZY2. (The English edition: soon to appear).

The Animated Short Film “The Silence of Invisible Ecosystems”

Coming soon, you will also be able to enjoy an animated short film titled “The Silence of Invisible Ecosystems”, inspired by the ideas in the essay. This creative project combines a captivating narrative and endearing characters to convey a powerful message about the importance of caring for the invisible. Keep an eye on this space, where we will share a link to the short film soon.

Walking as an Act of Reflection

Every time we walk, we can choose to turn that everyday act into a conscious act. Observe the details of your surroundings, feel the ground beneath your feet, breathe deeply and ask yourself: what am I not seeing? Walking is a bridge to reflection and discovery, a reminder that we are part of something bigger.

As the writer and naturalist John Muir said: “In every walk with nature you receive much more than you seek.” Let us open ourselves to the possibility of rediscovering the invisible, of reconnecting with the earth and of acting to protect it. Because in every step, there is the opportunity to change our perspective and, perhaps, the future of the planet.

Let’s go out to walk among the invisible and rediscover the forgotten!

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